630 research outputs found

    Molecular hallmarks of gliomas

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    Gliomas are a heterogeneous group of neoplasias that account for the majority of primary tumors of the central nervous system, of which glioblastoma multiforme is by far the most common and malignant subtype. These are particularly dramatic diseases, as they rank first among all human tumor types for the tumor‐related average years of life lost, and for which curative therapies are not yet available. Their etiology remains mostly undetermined: so far, only exposure to high‐dose therapeutic radiation has been firmly established as a risk factor, but other plausible causes include genetic syndromes, familial aggregation, and genetic polymorphisms. Equally mysterious are truly clinically‐relevant prognostic factors of glioma patients; patient age at diagnosis and clinical performance status are classic features associated with patient outcome, but recent evidences suggest that tumor’s molecular traits are also major determinants of prognosis. The outcome of glioblastoma patients is remarkably variable and unpredictable. Regardless, all patients are equally treated with a standardized therapeutic approach. It is widely acknowledged that a set of molecular (genetic and epigenetic) markers predictive of patient outcome, and/or tumor response to specific therapies, will be the basis of a molecular stratification of subgroups of glioblastoma and may prove crucial in rationalizing treatment decisions. However, well-established and clinically relevant biomarkers of prognosis of glioblastoma patients are still lacking. The methylation status of the promoter region of MGMT is currently the most promising, but has not reached clinical applicability. In this context, one of the most important research fields in neuro-oncology today is the identification of molecular determinants of survival and therapy response in glioma patients. This is very relevant because if patients with poor prognosis could be identified at the time of surgery, they would be followed more closely and would be promptly directed to potentially effective experimental therapies, rather than suffering the effects of ineffective and expensive treatments. Identifying new molecular markers and understanding their functional mechanisms in these aggressive therapy-insensitive gliomas may also be the first step in designing novel therapies. The general aim of this chapter is to review some of the most relevant genetic and epigenetic hallmarks of glial tumors, with a particular emphasis on those molecular alterations that have been suggested to affect the prognosis of glioma patients. Naturally, a special focus will be given to glioblastoma, one of the highest devastating human tumors. The chapter is organized in individual subsections, which are more interrelated than autonomous, starting with a brief summary of the classification, epidemiology, and treatment of gliomas. Subsequently, the different types of molecular alterations are defined and discussed in the context of brain gliomas, as well as the interaction between these different features. The molecular alterations are specific to tumor subtype and grade, and may be genetic, including deletion, gain, amplification, mutation, and translocation, or epigenetic, such as DNA CpG island hypermethylation, gene-specific and global genome-wide hypomethylation, and aberrant post-translational histone modifications. Together, these molecular aberrations result in altered gene expression profiles, including oncogene activation, tumor suppressor gene inactivation, loss of imprinting, and chromosomal instability, which ultimately culminate in uncontrolled cell division, deregulation of programmed cell death mechanisms, and limitless replication potential, favoring tumor expansion, angiogenesis, and infiltration into surrounding normal brain tissue. Although epigenetic alterations are usually studied independently of genetic alterations, there is interaction on specific genes, signaling pathways and within chromosomal domains. For example, we recently found that a chromosomal domain of transcriptional aberrant activation encompassing the HOXA genes is present in a subgroup of glioblastoma, and demonstrated that a PI3K‐associated epigenetic mechanism reversibly regulates this domain via histone modifications. In addition, we showed that reactivation of HOXA9 expression, one of the genes within this domain, is a novel, independent, and negative prognostic factor in glioblastoma patients, highlighting the clinical relevance of concurrent genetic and epigenetic events in brain tumors. A particular emphasis will be given to some of the currently most promising biomarkers of glioma prognosis (e.g., MGMT promoter methylation, IDH genes mutations, HOXA genes activation), and some of the challenges for future studies in the field of glioma biomarkers will be discussed

    The role of network science in glioblastoma

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    Network science has long been recognized as a well-established discipline across many biological domains. In the particular case of cancer genomics, network discovery is challenged by the multitude of available high-dimensional heterogeneous views of data. Glioblastoma (GBM) is an example of such a complex and heterogeneous disease that can be tackled by network science. Identifying the architecture of molecular GBM networks is essential to understanding the information flow and better informing drug development and pre-clinical studies. Here, we review network-based strategies that have been used in the study of GBM, along with the available software implementations for reproducibility and further testing on newly coming datasets. Promising results have been obtained from both bulk and single-cell GBM data, placing network discovery at the forefront of developing a molecularly-informed-based personalized medicine.This work was partially supported by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with references CEECINST/00102/2018, CEECIND/00072/2018 and PD/BDE/143154/2019, UIDB/04516/2020, UIDB/00297/2020, UIDB/50021/2020, UIDB/50022/2020, UIDB/50026/2020, UIDP/50026/2020, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000023 and projects PTDC/CCI-BIO/4180/2020 and DSAIPA/DS/0026/2019. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 951970 (OLISSIPO project)

    Uso de halobactérias como alternativa para alimentação de Artemia sp. em cultura

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Hidrobiologia apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port

    A influência da exposição ocupacional a vibrações de corpo inteiro em veículos no desempenho cognitivo e visual dos trabalhadores

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    Tese de doutoramento programa doutoral em Engenharia Industrial e de SistemasOs estudos sobre os efeitos da vibração no desempenho visual iniciaram-se na década de 1960. Quase ao mesmo tempo, alguns parâmetros fisiológicos foram medidos como indicadores secundários de desempenho. Desde a década de 1970, vários estudos sobre os efeitos da vibração na acuidade visual também foram relatados. A partir desses estudos é possível verificar-se que, na maioria dos casos, a exposição a vibrações do tipo senoidal não produziu um aumento significativo no tempo de reação simples, apesar das diversas frequências utilizadas e testadas. No entanto, quase todos eles foram realizados sob condições de laboratório rigorosamente controladas e com uma intensidade de exposição bem definida. O objetivo principal desta tese consistiu em avaliar os efeitos das vibrações no desempenho cognitivo e visual dos operadores/manobradores de máquinas e veículos através de dois ensaios realizados em condições de exposição “real” a vibrações. Com a finalidade de avaliar os efeitos acima mencionados num ambiente de exposição “real” a vibrações, a parte posterior de uma Citroen Jumper de 2,5 toneladas foi modificada com a inclusão de dois assentos e uma plataforma para acomodar os equipamentos dos ensaios considerados, nomeadamente, o “Teste de Julgamento de Ação” e o teste de “Omega”. O procedimento para avaliar o desempenho cognitivo e visual dos sujeitos foi desenvolvido a partir de testes de validação anteriores. A partir destes testes foi possível identificar alguns inconvenientes na sua aplicação e, consequentemente, os procedimentos de teste atual foram melhorados para superar essas dificuldades. De acordo com as necessidades identificadas para a padronização e homogeneidade dos testes aplicados, os indivíduos não receberam estímulos externos para além da informação apresentada por cada um dos testes. O movimento da carrinha foi realizado num circuito fechado e com velocidades até 30 km/h. Este circuito fechado apresentava dois pavimentos diferentes: um de asfalto e outro de cubos graníticos. Esta característica permitiu realizar o “Teste de Julgamento de Ação” e o teste de “Omega” sob três condições diferentes: (i) com a carrinha parada, (ii) com a carrinha em movimento sobre um piso de asfalto, e (iii) com a carrinha em movimento sobre um piso de cubos graníticos. O valor da intensidade da vibração R.M.S. para cada uma das condições de teste foi determinado de acordo com a NP ISO 2631-1:2007. Os valores de aceleração (awk(Z)) obtidos no piso de asfalto variaram entre 0,17 e 0,23 m/s2 e entre 0,43 e 0,68 m/s2 no piso de cubos. A ordem das condições de teste foi gerada aleatoriamente de modo a minimizar o efeito de aprendizagem que pode ocorrer quando os sujeitos se tornam mais familiarizados com os testes. Os resultados obtidos ao longo desta tese parecem indicar um nível de desempenho inferior em ambos os testes, à medida que aumentam os níveis de exposição a vibrações, quando comparados a condição correspondente à carrinha parada. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos ajudem a identificar a diminuição do desempenho cognitivo e visual decorrentes da exposição a vibrações de corpo inteiro em veículos e que estes resultados possam ser usados para melhorar as características dos veículos, reduzindo assim as implicações ao nível da segurança das tarefas a executar

    Flywheel -" A Bateria Electromecânica"..

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    Desde sempre, o homem necessitou de fontes energéticas. Uma vez que essas fontes não estão sempre disponíveis, existe a necessidade de armazenar a energia para utilização posterior. Isso passa-se com os seres vivos que, alimentando-se, conservam a energia dos alimentos sob a forma de compostos químicos no próprio organismo. Com o desenvolvimento da civilização tornou-se óbvio o armazenamento de várias formas de energia. No caso de um painel solar, só se produz energia durante as horas do dia. Mas o homem também vive de noite, necessitando também de energia eléctrica. Torna-se então clara a necessidade de armazenar a energia produzida durante o dia, muitas vezes em excesso, pois nem sequer é utilizada

    Insights into angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer : molecular mechanisms, polymorphic genes, and targeted therapies

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    We would like to thank Dr. Miguel Nunes from Department of Informatic of Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, for his help in technical support, and Prof. Henrique Queiroga, Department of Pneumology of Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, for his critical contribution in this manuscript reviewLung cancer is a highly prevalent disease worldwide. Currently, there are more than 150 million patients with lung cancer in the world, with more than 1 million new cases diagnosed per year. Tumoral angiogenesis is an important hallmark of this disease, but despite being extensively studied, the complete angiogenic mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Recent studies have reported a correlation between pharmacological inhibition of these angiogenic mechanisms and improvement of overall survival in lung cancer patients, mainly for those in advanced stages. The family of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) proteins has critical roles in tumoral angiogenesis. An interaction between VEGF-A and VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) is the main pathway of activation and maintenance of angiogenesis. In tumors, this process is intimately correlative with progression and metastasis. Some studies suggested that serum levels of VEGF are higher in patients with lung cancer, especially in some types of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Other studies revealed that genetic polymorphisms of VEGF correlate with susceptibility, prognosis, and therapeutic response of some patients with NSCLC. This paper aims to review the impact of angiogenesis, especially on VEGF pathways, in NSCLC, and highlights the relevance of known and new patents disclosed of anti-angiogenic therapies in these patients

    Exploiting the complexities of glioblastoma stem cells: insights for cancer initiation and therapeutic targeting

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    The discovery of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) in the 2000s revolutionized the cancer research field, raising new questions regarding the putative cell(s) of origin of this tumor type, and partly explaining the highly heterogeneous nature of glioblastoma (GBM). Increasing evidence has suggested that GSCs play critical roles in tumor initiation, progression, and resistance to conventional therapies. The remarkable oncogenic features of GSCs have generated significant interest in better defining and characterizing these cells and determining novel pathways driving GBM that could constitute attractive key therapeutic targets. While exciting breakthroughs have been achieved in the field, the characterization of GSCs is a challenge and the cell of origin of GBM remains controversial. For example, the use of several cell-surface molecular markers to identify and isolate GSCs has been a challenge. It is now widely accepted that none of these markers is, per se, sufficiently robust to distinguish GSCs from normal stem cells. Finding new strategies that are able to more efficiently and specifically target these niches could also prove invaluable against this devastating and therapy-insensitive tumor. In this review paper, we summarize the most relevant findings and discuss emerging concepts and open questions in the field of GSCs, some of which are, to some extent, pertinent to other cancer stem cells.J.V.C., C.S.G., and B.M.C. were supported by funds from the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013,supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) under the Portugal Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and by National funds,through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—project UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020

    Production of liquid compounds by co-pyrolysis of different pre-treated biomasses mixed with plastic wastes

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    ABSTRACT: As an innovation to conventional biomass pyrolysis to produce liquid biofuels, different types of biomass wastes were pre-treated by autohydrolysis, prior to pyrolysis. Eucalyptus forestry waste, corn cobs agricultural residue, and miscanthus (an energy crop) were autohydrolysed. Autohydrolysis led to valuable sugar-rich stream that may be used in fermentation and to solids rich in lignin that were pyrolysed. Pyrolysis of autohydrolysed eucalyptus led to an increase in liquids yields of 24 % in relation to untreated eucalyptus, as autohydrolysis weakened initial macromolecular structure and thus helped chemical bonds breakdown during pyrolysis. However, similar pyrolysis liquid yields were obtained by autohydrolysed or untreated corn cobs and miscanthus, thus feedstock composition is an important issue. Nevertheless, the production of added value products by autohydrolysis may still justify this pre-treatment. Otherwise, more severe pre-treatments of these biomasses might improve co-pyrolysis as it happened with eucalyptus. As polyethylene (PE) is easier to pyrolyse than biomass and greatly favours the production of liquid hydrocarbons, autohydrolysed and untreated biomass was mixed with PE wastes to be used in co-pyrolysis. The rise of PE content in the blend clearly favoured the production of liquid products of pre-treated and untreated biomass. 75 %wt. of PE in the blend led to liquid yields of 72 %wt. for untreated eucalyptus and of 82 %wt. for autohydrolysed eucalyptus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoção da autonomia nas actividades de vida diária mobilzação, higiene e conforto e vestir e despir na pessoa que sofreu acidente vascular cerebral

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    Mestrado, Enfermagem de Reabilitação, 2012, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de LisboaEm Portugal o envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade que se tem vindo a acentuar, justificado pelo aumento gradativo da esperança de vida, baixa natalidade, diminuição da população jovem e o decréscimo da mortalidade, o que se irá espelhar num aumento de pessoas com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) e com previsão de dilatação nas próximas décadas. Estas confrontam-se com um súbito compromisso da sua autonomia na realização das Actividades de Vida Diária (AVD), o que se repercute em alterações consideráveis na sua dinâmica familiar. O AVC é a primeira causa de morte na população portuguesa, expondo as taxas mais elevadas do mundo, constituindo-se igualmente numa das principais causas de incapacidade funcional, impondo às pessoas grandes limitações psicomotoras. Torna-se cada vez mais premente uma intervenção especializada por parte do enfermeiro de reabilitação, visando a melhoria da qualidade de vida da pessoa e respectiva família, promovendo a sua autonomia e ajudando-os a adaptar-se à nova situação com a máxima satisfação. Por todo o impacto que esta patologia tem na sociedade actual e na minha práxis esta problemática constituiu um foco de interesse e motivação. Sendo a hemiplegia ou hemiparesia a alteração mais manifesta do AVC, traduzindo-se num compromisso na realização das AVD, das quais se destacam a mobilização, higiene e conforto e vestir e despir, defini como objectivo central a desenvolver no estágio “promover a autonomia nas actividades de vida diária mobilização, higiene e conforto e vestir e despir na pessoa que sofreu Acidente Vascular Cerebral” aquando o seu regresso a casa. Constituiu-se como fundamental a compreensão das principais dificuldades enfrentadas no internamento e no domicílio pela pessoa com AVC e família, de entre as quais as que se prendem com a realização das referidas AVD. Esta compreensão, bem como a identificação das principais condicionantes para uma real promoção da autonomia, das quais se destacam a centralidade do utente nas decisões, o envolvimento precoce da família no processo de cuidados visando um planeamento de alta atempado, a individualidade dos mesmos, a sensibilidade do enfermeiro na adequação dos cuidados ao contexto domiciliário da pessoa e o respeito pelo tempo do utente e família no processo educativo, permitirão uma intervenção o mais adequada possível em contexto de internamento, tendo em vista um regresso a casa harmonioso