87 research outputs found
Fractura del miembro anterior en el ratonero común (<i>buteo buteo</i>): estudio retrospectivo de 38 casos
La fractura del miembro anterior fue la patología más frecuente en ratonero común (buteo buteo) entre todos los casos documentados en el hospital veterinario de la UTAD desde 2004 a 2008, representando cerca del 41% de los mismos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un estudio retrospectivo de los animales que presentaron esta patología. Los criterios para la inclusión en el estudio comprendieron: animales con signos clínicos de fracturas del miembro anterior y con diagnóstico comprobado mediante rayos X. Fueron incluidos en el estudio 38 animales. Detectamos que en el 92,1 % de los casos, las fechas de ingreso de animales con fracturas del miembro anterior coincidían con el calendario de caza de aves (pForelimb fractures were the most frequent pathology (41%) on the common buzzards (buteo buteo) that were admitted to the UTAD veterinary hospital in the last 5 years (2004-2008). The objective of this work was to do a retrospective clinical study for the animals that presented this pathology. The criteria for the inclusion in this study comprehended animals with: clinical signs of forelimb fracture and X-Rays fracture diagnosis. We selected by this method 38 animals. We have detected that in 92,1 % of the cases, the admission dates were coincident with bird hunting season (
Ingeniería del tejido cartilaginoso: obtención de cartílago "in vitro" para su utilización en ingeniería de tejidos
317 p.Partiendo de la definición de la ingeniería de tejidos como el arte de reconstruir tejidos, ya sea estructural o funcionalmente, el presente trabajo se centra en algunos de los tipos de células que se pueden utilizar para la producción de tejido in vitro. Los tipos de células elegidos para el estudio fueron: cuadrocitos auriculares de conejo, células troncales derivadas de tejido adiposo abdominal (CTDTA) e inguinal de rata y células troncales de tejido adiposo, a partir de grasa infrapatelar, de caball
Efeito da salinidade no sucesso da depuração de Solen marginatus
A produção de bivalves é uma forma de aquacultura ecológica e
economicamente promissora, pois estes animais, sendo filtradores, obtêm o
alimento já presente na coluna de água, não havendo assim a necessidade de
suplementação nutricional adicional. No entanto, este comportamento
alimentar pode ser uma desvantagem, pois acabam por reter no seu
organismo substâncias possivelmente prejudiciais ao Homem, o que os poderá
tornar impróprios para consumo humano. Por isso, existem zonas de captura
com diferentes classificações, onde, dependendo da carga microbiológica e do
conteúdo em outros contaminantes, os animais aí capturados serão ou não
destinados a um processo de depuração de modo a diminuir essas
substâncias. Na última década, a valorização económica do lingueirão
aumentou, sendo atualmente considerada uma espécie de alto valor comercial,
especialmente no nosso país. No entanto, adaptar as condições de depuração
tendo em conta os requerimentos de cada espécie, poderá melhorar a própria
capacidade de depuração e aumentar a qualidade do produto para o
consumidor. Por isso, neste estudo decidimos expor indivíduos da espécie de
lingueirão Solen marginatus a depuração a diferentes salinidades (25, 30, 35 e
40), seguindo-se um tempo de prateleira de 5 dias. Com este estudo,
quisemos verificar se a salinidade influenciava a capacidade de depuração, o
estado de stresse oxidativo e alocação de energia celular dos lingueirões após
24 horas de depuração e após 5 dias de prateleira. Numa tentativa de
melhorar o embalamento e reduzir o consumo de plástico, quisemos verificar
se, quando armazenados em sacos de diferentes materiais e porosidades, os
sacos influenciavam o estado de stresse oxidativo, alocação de energia e
sobrevivência dos lingueirões. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os
lingueirões depuraram em 24 horas em todas as salinidades testadas. Após 24
horas de depuração, observou-se um maior valor de atividade das defesas
antioxidantes às salinidades de 25 e 30, embora sem se observar um aumento
da peroxidação lipídica em nenhum dos tratamentos. Durante o tempo de
prateleira constatou-se que a salinidade por si só não foi suficiente para que
houvesse um verdadeiro caso de stresse oxidativo, mas houve sim uma ligeira
alteração da alocação de energia dos lingueirões, provavelmente mais
relacionada com outros fatores, como p.e. a exposição ao ar e a uma baixa
temperatura durante 5 dias. Em relação à experiência de armazenamento,
constatou-se que não houve mortalidade em nenhum dos tratamentos, e que
foram os sacos de rede que apresentaram melhores resultados. Em
conclusão, segundo os resultados obtidos, é a salinidade de 35 que vai de
encontro aos requisitos fisiológicos da espécie, tanto durante a depuração,
como durante o tempo de prateleira, devendo ser esta a salinidade utilizada
pelas depuradoras de modo a otimizarem a comercialização desta espécie,
desde o processo de depuração até ao próprio consumidor.The production of bivalves is an ecological and economically promising form of
aquaculture, as these animals, being filters, obtain the food already present in
the water column; thus, there is no need for additional nutritional
supplementation. However, this feeding behavior can be a disadvantage, as
they end up retaining substances possibly harmful to man, making them unfit
for human consumption. Therefore, there are capture zones with different
classifications, in which, depending on their microbiological load and other
contaminants, the bivalves will or will not be destined for a depuration process
to decrease these substances. In the last decade, the economic value of razor
clams has increased, and today it is considered a species of high commercial
value, especially in our country. However, adapting the conditions in which they
are depurated by considering the requirements of each species can improve
the depuration capacity itself and increase the quality of the product for the
consumer. For this reason, in this study we decided to expose individuals of the
species of razor clam Solen marginatus to depuration at different salinities (25,
30, 35 and 40), followed by a shelf life of 5 days. With this study, we wanted to
verify whether salinity influenced the depuration capacity, the oxidative stress
state and cellular energy allocation of the razor clams after 24 hours of
depuration and after 5 days of shelf life. As an attempt to improve package
conditions and reduce the consumption of plastic, we wanted to verify whether,
when stored in bags of different materials and porosities, the bags influenced
the state of oxidative stress, energy allocation and survival of the individuals.
Data shows that the razor clams depurated in 24 hours in all tested salinities.
After 24 hours of depuration, a higher activity of antioxidant defenses was
observed at salinities of 25 and 30, although without an increase in lipid
peroxidation in any of the treatments. During the shelf life, it was found that the
salinity alone was not enough to increase oxidative stress status, but there was
a slight change in the energy allocation of the razor clams, probably more
related to other factors, such as the exposure to air and low temperature for 5
days. Regarding the storage experience, no mortality was observed in any of
the treatments and were the mesh bags that showed the best results. In
conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the salinity of 35 meets the
physiological requirements of the species, both during depuration and during
shelf life, and should be the salinity used by the depuration systems to optimize
the commercialization of this species, from the depuration process to the
consumer.Mestrado em Microbiologi
A cidade e a música: projeto de reabilitação e ampliação do conservatório nacional de música
Na arquitetura contemporânea encontra-se uma rutura da realidade sensível no que
respeita à experiência e compreensão do espaço arquitetónico. Esta coincide com uma crença
renovada nos aspetos mais visuais da realidade espacial. Este foco absoluto na imagem nem
sempre é coerente nem tão pouco suficiente para aqueles que possuem limitações no sentido
da visão.
Este trabalho apresenta-se como um manifesto do sentido da visão para uma arquitetura
completa e integrada. Desta forma, os sentidos e o corpo tornam-se o paradigma para o
desenvolvimento do projeto de arquitetura, tendo como ponto de partida o desenho universal.
Na sequência deste fenómeno estudaram-se os modos de perceção do espaço e procurou-se
compreender de que modo a arquitetura podem estimular outros sentidos que não a visão.
Com este pretexto pretende-se indicar princípios que permitam conferir ao espaço
construído uma caraterização a fim de se fornecer informação intuitiva e funcional a todos os
seus utilizadores por igual, sejam crianças, idosos, pessoas com deficiência ou homem modulor.A rupture of sensitive reality regarding architectural space experience and comprehension
is found in contemporary architecture. This rupture is equivalent with a renew belief in visual
aspects of spatial reality. This absolute focus on image is neither coherent nor sufficient for
those who have visual difficulties.
This paper is a manifest of visual sense for an integrative and complete architecture.
Thereby, the senses and the body become the paradigm for architecture project development
and with universal design as starting point. The perception of space was studied in order to
understand how architecture can stimulate other senses besides vision.
The idea is to suggest principles to characterize the constructed space and offer na intuitive and functional information to all – children, eldest, people with disabilities or Modulor
Effect of chaethomellic acid on renal function in rat model of chronic renal failure
To study the effect of chronic treatment with chaethomellic
acid (CA), a highly specific inhibitor of ras farnesyl-protein transferase,
on the renal function of rats with renal failure induced by renal mass
Male Wistar rats were subjected to 5/6 nephrectomy
(RMR) or sham-operated (SO). One week after surgery, rats have
been placed in four experimental groups: RMR: rats without treat-
ment (n=13); RMR+CA: rats treated with CA (n=13); SO: rats
without treatment (n=13); SO+AC: rats treated with CA (n=13).
CA was intraperitoneally administered in a dose of 0.23 g/Kg
three times a week for 6 months. Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) and protein were measured in serum and/or urine by routine
laboratory techniques.
BUN, creatinine, and proteinuria were significantly lower and
creatinine clearance was significantly higher in SO and SO+AC groups
when compared with RMR and RMR+AC groups. There were no differ-
ences in creatinine, proteinuria and creatinine clearance between RMR
and RMR+AC groups. Anyway, RMR+AC group showed significant
lower BUN and lower creatinine and proteinuria, and higher creatinine
clearance than RMR group.
In a model of renal failure induced by RMR, 6 months
of treatment with CA may have some beneficial effect on renal
Effect of chaethomellic acid on renal function in a rat model of chronic renal failure
To study the effect of chronic treatment with chaethomellic
acid (CA), a highly specific inhibitor of ras farnesyl-protein transferase,
on the renal function of rats with renal failure induced by renal mass
Male Wistar rats were subjected to 5/6 nephrectomy
(RMR) or sham-operated (SO). One week after surgery, rats have
been placed in four experimental groups: RMR: rats without treat-
ment (n=13); RMR+CA: rats treated with CA (n=13); SO: rats
without treatment (n=13); SO+AC: rats treated with CA (n=13).
CA was intraperitoneally administered in a dose of 0.23 g/Kg
three times a week for 6 months. Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) and protein were measured in serum and/or urine by routine
laboratory techniques.
BUN, creatinine, and proteinuria were significantly lower and
creatinine clearance was significantly higher in SO and SO+AC groups
when compared with RMR and RMR+AC groups. There were no differ-
ences in creatinine, proteinuria and creatinine clearance between RMR
and RMR+AC groups. Anyway, RMR+AC group showed significant
lower BUN and lower creatinine and proteinuria, and higher creatinine
clearance than RMR group.
In a model of renal failure induced by RMR, 6 months
of treatment with CA may have some beneficial effect on renal
Radiografsko snimanje lakatnog zgloba pasa kolimatizovanim projekcijama
The mediolateral flexed, extended, or neutral elbow radiographic views are commonly used in clinical practice. However, there is currently no standardized methodology to accurately measure the elbow joint angle in mediolateral images that include only the elbow joint and surrounding tissues. The main aim of this work is to compare elbow joint angles obtained from mediolateral radiographs that include the complete arm and forearm of the dog, with angles measured in radiographs including only the elbow. Ninety mediolateral views of elbow joints were obtained from 50 canine thoracic limbs, with 39 joints <90º, 30 ≥90 - ≤120º and 21 >120º. Radiographs were centered on the elbow joint and include the shoulder and carpal joints. For each complete forelimb radiographic image, the elbow angle was measured using the methodology described in previous studies. Then, the digital images were cut to obtain only the joint and surrounding tissues, establishing a new set of anatomical landmarks to measure the joint angles: the lateral humeral epicondyle was used as an angular point, with the linking points being the nutritional orifice of the radius at the antebrachial interosseous space and the intersection point of the lateral supracondylar crest with the cranial humeral endosteum. There wasU kliničkoj praksi se često koriste mediolateralne savijene, ispružene i radiografske projekcije u neutralnom položaju lakta. Međutim, ne postoje standardizovane metode kojima bi se ispravno obavilo merenje ugla lakatnog zgloba u mediolateralnoj projekciji koja obuhvata isključivo lakatni zglob i okolno tkivo. Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se obavi poređenje uglova lakatnog zgloba, dobijenih mediolaterlnom radiografi jom koja je potpuno obuhvatala prednji ekstremitet psa, pri čemu su se merenja uglova dobijenih radiografi jom odnosila samo na lakat. Ukupno je dobijeno 90 mediolateralnih snimaka projekcija lakatnog zgloba, od 50 udova, pri čemu je 39 zglobova imalo vrednosti ugla manje od 90°, 30 zglobova ≤90° i 21 zgloba >120°. Radiografski snimci su centrirani na lakatni zglob pri čemu su bili obuhvaćeni rameni i karpalni zglob. Za svaki od potpunih radiografskih snimaka prednjeg ekstremiteta, ugao lakatnog zgloba je meren uz primenu metodologije koja je opisana u prethodnim studijama. Posle toga, digitalni snimci su isečeni da bi se dobili samo snimci zgloba i okolnog tkiva. Na taj način je uspostavljen novi set anatomskih granica za merenje uglova zgloba: lateralni epikondilus humerusa je korišćen kao teme ugla sa povezanim tačkama radijusa antebrahijalnog interkosnog prostora i tačka preseka lateralnog suprakondilarnog grebena sa kranijalnim endoostom humerusa. Postojala je dobra povezanost između dve metodologije merenja uglova lakatnog zgloba. Koefi cijent korelacije u okviru klase bio je statistički značajan pri čemu su donje granične vrednosti za 95% interval pouzdanosti (CI) bile >0,75 pri čemu je nulta vrednost bila uključena u standardnu grešku srednje vrednosti pri 95% CI, Bland-Altman testa. Metodologija merenja ugla lakatnog zgloba, zasnovana na anatomskim graničnim tačkama neposredno uz lakatni zglob, je tačna metoda koja može da se primenjuje kako za klinička ispitivanja tako i za naučno istraživačke svrhe
Scade 6: A Formal Language for Embedded Critical Software Development
International audienceSCADE is a high-level language and environment for developing safety critical embedded control software. It is used for more than twenty years in various application domains like avionics, nuclear plants, transportation, automotive. SCADE has been founded on the synchronous data-flow language Lustre invented by Caspi and Halbwachs. In the early years, it was mainly seen as a graphical notation for Lustre but with the unique and key addition of a code generator qualified with the highest standards for safety critical applications.In 2008, a major revision based on the new language 'Scade 6' was released. This language originally combines the Lustre data-flow style with control structures borrowed from Esterel and SyncCharts, compilation and static analyses from Lucid Synchrone to ensure safety properties. This expressiveness increase for SCADE together with a qualified code generator have dramatically widened the scope of applications developed with.While previous publications have described some of its language constructs and compiler algorithms, no reference publication on 'Scade 6' existed so far. In this paper, we come back to the decisions made for its design, illustrate the main language features, static analyses, and the compiler organization in the context of a qualification process
Evolution of C, D and S-type cystatins in mammals: An extensive gene duplication in primates
Cystatins are a family of inhibitors of cysteine peptidases that comprises the salivary cystatins (D and S-type cystatins) and cystatin C. These cystatins are encoded by a multigene family (CST3, CST5, CST4, CST1 and CST2) organized in tandem in the human genome. Their presence and functional importance in human saliva has been reported, however the distribution of these proteins in other mammals is still unclear. Here, we performed a proteomic analysis of the saliva of several mammals and studied the evolution of this multigene family. The proteomic analysis detected S-type cystatins (S, SA, and SN) in human saliva and cystatin D in rat saliva. The evolutionary analysis showed that the cystatin C encoding gene is present in species of the most representative mammalian groups, i.e. Artiodactyla, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Carnivora and Primates. On the other hand, D and S-type cystatins are mainly retrieved from Primates, and especially the evolution of S-type cystatins seems to be a dynamic process as seen in Pongo abelii genome where several copies of CST1-like gene (cystatin SN) were found. In Rodents, a group of cystatins previously identified as D and S has also evolved. Despite the high divergence of the amino acid sequence, their position in the phylogenetic tree and their genome organization suggests a common origin with those of the Primates. These results suggest that the D and S type cystatins have emerged before the mammalian radiation and were retained only in Primates and Rodents. Although the mechanisms driving the evolution of cystatins are unknown, it seems to be a dynamic process with several gene duplications evolving according to the birth-and-death model of evolution. The factors that led to the appearance of a group of saliva-specific cystatins in Primates and its rapid evolution remain undetermined, but may be associated with an adaptive advantage.The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) supported the doctoral fellowship of Ana Pinheiro (SFRH/BD/71252/2010). Joana Abrantes is supported by an FCT Investigator grant (IF/01396/2013). This work was partially funded by FEDER (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional) funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE program; FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028286) and Portuguese national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; research project PTDC/BIA-ANM/3963/2012) – Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN) funds from the European Social Fund and Portuguese Ministério da Educação e Ciência. This work was also supported by OE Funds – State budget through the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology under the project FCT-ANR/BIA-BIC/0043/2012 and by “Genomics Applied To Genetic Resources” cofinanced by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013 (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Peer Reviewe
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