249 research outputs found

    Root ZX Electronic Foramen Locator: An Ex Vivo Study of Its Three Models’ Precision and Reproducibility

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    Although Root ZX is considered the gold standard electronic foramen locator (EFL), two variations of this device were launched, however without different operating mechanisms. This investigation aims to evaluate the precision of Root ZX (RZX), Root ZX II (RII), and Root ZX Mini (RM) EFLs. After access cavity preparation, 32 mandibular single rooted human premolars had their real length measured with the aid of a #15 K-type manual file under magnification (25x). Electronic measurements were performed by the devices in an alternate order until the apical foramen was reached (0.0). Each measurement was performed with adjusted file to the real length of the teeth and verified with a digital caliper. The accuracy of the EFLs was 68.8% (RZX), 65.8% (RII), and 68.8% (RM), considering ±0.5 mm as a margin of tolerance. The mean errors of the devices were 0.37±0.25 mm (RZX), 0.41±0.34 mm (RII), and 0.32±0.28 mm (RM). ANOVA and Tukey test were applied to analyze the obtained data, which showed that there were no statistically significant differences among the locators (P>.05). It can be concluded that the three tested devices demonstrated precise measurements of the real length of the canal without performance differences among them


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    Political connections might be characterized as relations between companies and politicians, in which companies try to obtain advantages and politicians generally seek campaign funding. In this context, the present study aims at analyzing the relation between political connections from the largest companies listed on BM&FBovespa and their respective performances. Data from 132 companies have been assessed by means of descriptive statistics, average test and correspondence analysis. The political connection from each company was represented by the value of their donation to campaigns for the 2014 elections, and their performance was assessed by means of the Return on Equity (ROE). Results show that most of the funds donated to the campaign of 2014 was destined to the dispute for the presidency of the republic and the Partido dos Trabalhadores was the political party that received the most campaign donations from companies. JBS has donated over 65% of the total amount of funds provided by the companies in the sample. The state of Ceará was the state that received the most resources for candidatures in the 2014 elections. Amapá, Amazonas and Roraima were the only states where candidates did not receive funds for financing election campaigns from the investigated companies. The tests verified that there is no difference in performance when comparing companies with political connections to companies that do not have any political connections. It was found an association between high political connections and expressive company size.Las conexiones políticas pueden ser caracterizadas como relaciones entre empresas y políticos, en las cuales las empresas procuran obtener ventajas y los políticos generalmente buscan financiación de campañas. En este contexto, el estudio tiene como objetivo general analizar la relación entre las conexiones políticas de las mayores empresas listadas en la BM&FBovespa y sus respectivos desempeños. Para este fin, fueron analizados los datos de 132 compañías, utilizando estadística descriptiva, test de diferencia entre medias, Análisis de Correspondencia (Anacor) y Análisis de Correspondencia Múltiple (ACM). La conexión política de cada empresa fue representada por el valor de su donación a campañas electorales de 2014, siendo el desempeño, medido por el Retorno sobre el Patrimonio Líquido (ROE). Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de los recursos donados para la campaña electoral de 2014 fue destinada a la disputa por la Presidencia de la República, y el Partido de los Trabajadores fue la agremiación política que más recibió donaciones de campaña de las empresas. La empresa JBS donó más de 65% del total de las contribuciones efectuadas por las empresas de la muestra. El Ceará fue el estado que más recibió donaciones de empresas para las elecciones de 2014. Amapá, Amazonas y Roraima fueron los únicos estados en los que los candidatos no recibieron recursos para financiación de campañas electorales de las empresas investigadas. A partir de los estudios realizados, se verificó que no hay diferencia de desempeño en la comparación de las empresas con conexiones políticas con aquellas sin ninguna conexión política. Se constató una asociación entre altas conexiones políticas y un expresivo tamaño de las empresas.As conexões políticas podem ser caracterizadas como relações entre empresas e políticos, em que as empresas procuram obter vantagens e os políticos geralmente buscam financiamento de campanha. Nesse contexto, o estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar a relação entre as conexões políticas das maiores empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa e seus respectivos desempenhos. Para tanto, foram analisados os dados de 132 companhias, utilizando-se estatística descritiva, teste de diferença entre médias, Análise de Correspondência (Anacor) e Análise de Correspondência Múltipla (ACM). A conexão política de cada empresa foi representada pelo valor de sua doação para campanhas eleitorais de 2014, sendo o desempenho medido pelo Retorno sobre o Patrimônio Líquido (ROE). Os resultados indicam que a maior parte dos recursos doados para a campanha eleitoral de 2014 foi destinada à disputa pela Presidência da República e o Partido dos Trabalhadores foi a agremiação política que mais recebeu doações de campanha das empresas. A empresa JBS doou mais de 65% do total das contribuições efetuadas pelas empresas da amostra. O Ceará foi o estado que mais recebeu doações de empresas para as eleições de 2014. Amapá, Amazonas e Roraima foram os únicos estados em que os candidatos não receberam recursos para financiamento de campanhas eleitorais das empresas investigadas. A partir dos testes realizados, verificou-se não haver diferença de desempenho na comparação das empresas com conexões políticas com aquelas sem qualquer conexão política. Constatou-se uma associação entre altas conexões políticas e expressivo tamanho das empresas

    Cleaning ability of chlorhexidine gel and sodium hypochlorite associated or not with EDTA as root canal irrigants: a scanning electron microscopy study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the cleaning efficacy of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel (CHX) compared to 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) associated or not with 17% EDTA used as irrigants during the biomechanical preparation. Fifty freshly extracted single-rooted human teeth with complete apex formation were randomly divided into five groups: G1 - sterile saline, G2 - 2.5% NaOCl, G3 - 2% CHX, G4 - 2.5% NaOCl + EDTA and G5 - 2% CHX + EDTA. The specimens of G1 were subdivided into two control groups. The teeth were decoronated and the coronal and middle root thirds were prepared with Gates-Glidden burs, and the apical third was reserved to manual instrumentation. All procedures were performed by a single operator. In all groups, 2 mL of irrigant was delivered between each file change. The teeth were sectioned and prepared for analyses under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM micrographs were graded according to a score scale by two examiners. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests at 1% significance level. The best results were obtained in the groups in which the irrigant was used followed by the chelating agent. No statistically significant difference was observed among G4, G5 and the positive control group (

    Estrutura de Capital e Governança Corporativa nas Empresas Listadas na BM&FBovespa

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    Objective: To analyze the relation between capital structure and corporate governance. Method: The sample consists of the companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA between 2010 and 2014. The data were collected on the BNDES website and in the Economática® database and quantitative analysis was applied by the test of difference of means, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression. Results: The companies that did not participate in the differentiated corporate governance levels present a higher mean indebtedness. In 2012, the companies received a higher volume of resources funded by BNDES, particularly Petrobras. The results appoint that corporate governance exerted negative influence on the subsidized indebtedness, and that the profitability was negatively related with all four types of indebtedness analyzed, confirming what is provisioned in the Pecking Order Theory. Contributions: The research contributes to enrich the bibliography on capital structure by incorporating the subsidized debt as one of the explanatory variables of the model. Due to its great importance in the corporate context and the fact that academic research results are generally heterogeneous, the discussions on capital structure contribute somehow to the advance in this research area.Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre estrutura de capital e governança corporativa. Método: A amostra reúne as empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA no período de 2010 a 2014. Os dados foram coletados no website do BNDES e na base Economática® e a análise quantitativa foi realizada por meio de teste de diferenças entre médias, análise de correlação e regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: As empresas não participantes dos níveis diferenciados de governança corporativa apresentam maior endividamento médio. No ano de 2012, as empresas receberam maior volume de recursos financiados pelo BNDES, destacando-se a empresa Petrobras. Os resultados apontam que a governança corporativa influenciou negativamente o endividamento subsidiado, e que a rentabilidade apresentou uma relação negativa com todos os quatro tipos de endividamento analisados, confirmando-se no mercado brasileiro o que preceitua a Teoria Pecking Order. Contribuições: A pesquisa contribui para enriquecer a bibliografia sobre estrutura de capital, ao incorporar a dívida subsidiada como uma das variáveis explicativas do modelo. Devido à sua grande importância para o meio empresarial, e ao fato de os resultados dos estudos acadêmicos serem, em linhas gerais, heterogêneos, as discussões sobre estrutura de capital contribuem de alguma forma para o avanço nesse campo de pesquisa

    Resíduo de brachiaria fertilizada com nitrogênio na adubação do cafeeiro

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    The use of crop residues in the cultivation of the coffee can minimize nitrogen losses and promote its efficiently use. This study aimed to evaluate how the mode of application of nitrogen in the forage, in coffee or both affects of the seedlings growth. Seedlings of Coffea arabica were planted in 25 L pots and grown in a greenhouse. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium sulfate, either directly on the coffee tree under the canopy, or sometimes on forage crop (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu). This forage crop was grown in plots of 10 m2, without N, and with 150 and 300 kg ha-1 N, which this fertilization was performed approximately 45 days prior to cutting the grass. After cutting 500 g of fresh plant, the material was placed in nylon containers and placed on the vessels. Samples were harvested to determine the concentration of total-N and C/N ratio, as well as the concentration of total-N in leaf tissue of the coffee plant. In each plot after the cutting of the plants, growth rate in diameter and plant height was recorded. In a final experiment the dry matter production, leaf number and leaf area of the coffee were evaluated, as well as the rest of Brachiaria in biomass degradation. The coffee nutritional status was not impaired when the nutrient was supplied via cycling biomass of forage fertilized with nitrogen. The addition of the forage residue without nitrogen fertilization favored the immobilization of soil N and reduced the concentration of N-coffee leaf.O uso de resíduos vegetais no cultivo do cafeeiro pode minimizar as perdas e favorecer o uso eficiente do nitrogênio. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar como o modo de aplicação do nitrogênio, se na forrageira, no cafeeiro ou em ambos, afeta o crescimento do cafeeiro. Mudas de Coffea arabica foram plantadas em vasos de 25 L e cultivadas em casa de vegetação. O nitrogênio foi aplicado na forma de sulfato de amônio, ora diretamente no cafeeiro, ora na planta forrageira (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), a qual foi cultivada em parcelas de 10 m2, sem N; e com 150 e 300 kg ha-1 de N, realizada aproximadamente 45 dias antes do corte da forrageira. Após o corte, 500 g de material vegetal fresco foram acondicionados em recipientes de nylon e colocados sobre os vasos. Amostras da braquiária foram colhidas para determinação da concentração de N-total e da relação C/N; bem como da concentração de N-total, no tecido foliar do cafeeiro. Em cada parcelamento de N e corte, avaliou-se a taxa de crescimento em diâmetro do caule e altura da planta. No final do experimente, avaliou-se a produção de massa seca, número de folhas e área foliar do cafeeiro; e, a biomassa restante da braquiária em degradação. O estado nutricional do cafeeiro não foi prejudicado, quando o nutriente foi fornecido via massa seca da forrageira, fertilizada com nitrogênio. A adição de resíduo da forrageira, sem adubação nitrogenada, favoreceu a imobilização do N do solo e reduziu a concentração de N-foliar do cafeeiro

    In-Depth Genomic Characterization of a Meropenem-nonsusceptible Pseudomonas otitidis Strain Contaminating Chicken Carcass

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    Background: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics in food-animal production has a major impact on public health, particularly in terms of contributing to the emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the food-animal production chain. Although Pseudomonas species are recognized as important spoilage organisms in foodstuff, they are also known as opportunistic pathogens associated with hospital-acquired infections. Furthermore, Pseudomonas can play a role as potential reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes, which may be horizontally transferred to other bacteria. Considering that cephalosporins (3rd and higher generations) and carbapenems are critically important beta-lactam antimicrobials in human medicine, this study reports the occurrence and genomic characterization of a meropenem-nonsusceptible Pseudomonas otitidis strain recovered from a chicken carcass in Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: During the years 2018-2019, 72 frozen chicken carcasses were purchased on the retail market from different regions in Brazil. Aliquots from individual carcass rinses were screened for Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria in MacConkey agar supplemented with 1mg.L-1 cefotaxime. Phenotypically resistant isolates were further tested for resistance to other antimicrobials and confirmed as ESBL-producers by means of disk-diffusion method using Müller-Hinton agar. Only one meropenen-nonsusceptible isolate was detected and submitted to whole genome sequencing (WGS) in Illumina Miseq. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas otitidis by local alignment of the 16S rRNA sequence using BLASTn and confirmed by Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) analysis using JspeciesWS database. Genes encoding for antimicrobial resistance were detected by means of Resfinder and Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) databases. The phenotypic non-susceptibility to meropenen was attributed to the gene blaPOM-1. A total of 192 different genes encoding for quorum sensing system, antiphagocytosis, iron uptake, efflux pump, endotoxin and toxin, adherence, and secretion systems were detected by means of Virulence Factor Database (VFDB). Pseudomonas otitidis-pan genome was built using Roary-rapid large-scale prokaryote pan genome analysis using the present strain (K_25) and other two P. otitidis genomes (PAM-1, DSM 17224) publicly available at the NCBI. The core genome analysis of the two human strains resulted in similar percentages.Discussion: Carbapenems are critically important drugs for human health and bacterial strains resistant to these antimicrobials pose a public health problem. The blaPOM-1 gene harbored by the Pseudomonas otitidis K_25 strain encodes a metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) conferring resistance to carbapenems. Pseudomonas otitidis was the first confirmed pathogenic Pseudomonas species expressing MBL constitutively in the absence of inducible beta-lactamase genes. Furthermore, the several virulence genes associated with the capacity of the P. otitidis K_25 to colonize, evade the immune system and cause lesions in the human host confirm this strain as a potential opportunistic pathogen contaminating foodstuff. These reinforce the need to address antimicrobial resistance in a One Health perspective, in which resistant bacteria and resistance determinants circulate among environment, animals and humans

    In-depth genomic characterization of a meropenem-nonsusceptible Pseudomonas otitidis strain contaminating chicken carcass

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    Background: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics in food-animal production has a major impact on public health, particularly in terms of contributing to the emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the food-animal production chain. Although Pseudomonas species are recognized as important spoilage organisms in foodstuff, they are also known as opportunistic pathogens associated with hospital-acquired infections. Furthermore, Pseudomonas can play a role as potential reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes, which may be horizontally transferred to other bacteria. Considering that cephalosporins (3rd and higher generations) and carbapenems are critically important beta-lactam antimicrobials in human medicine, this study reports the occurrence and genomic characterization of a meropenem-nonsusceptible Pseudomonas otitidis strain recovered from a chicken carcass in Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: During the years 2018-2019, 72 frozen chicken carcasses were purchased on the retail market from different regions in Brazil. Aliquots from individual carcass rinses were screened for Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria in MacConkey agar supplemented with 1mg.L-1 cefotaxime. Phenotypically resistant isolates were further tested for resistance to other antimicrobials and confirmed as ESBL-producers by means of disk-diffusion method using Müller-Hinton agar. Only one meropenen-nonsusceptible isolate was detected and submitted to whole genome sequencing (WGS) in Illumina Miseq. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas otitidis by local alignment of the 16S rRNA sequence using BLASTn and confirmed by Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) analysis using JspeciesWS database. Genes encoding for antimicrobial resistance were detected by means of Resfinder and Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) databases. The phenotypic non-susceptibility to meropenen was attributed to the gene blaPOM-1. A total of 192 different genes encoding for quorum sensing system, antiphagocytosis, iron uptake, efflux pump, endotoxin and toxin, adherence, and secretion systems were detected by means of Virulence Factor Database (VFDB). Pseudomonas otitidis-pan genome was built using Roary-rapid large-scale prokaryote pan genome analysis using the present strain (K_25) and other two P. otitidis genomes (PAM-1, DSM 17224) publicly available at the NCBI. The core genome analysis of the two human strains resulted in similar percentages. Discussion: Carbapenems are critically important drugs for human health and bacterial strains resistant to these antimicrobials pose a public health problem. The blaPOM-1 gene harbored by the Pseudomonas otitidis K_25 strain encodes a metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) conferring resistance to carbapenems. Pseudomonas otitidis was the first confirmed pathogenic Pseudomonas species expressing MBL constitutively in the absence of inducible beta-lactamase genes. Furthermore, the several virulence genes associated with the capacity of the P. otitidis K_25 to colonize, evade the immune system and cause lesions in the human host confirm this strain as a potential opportunistic pathogen contaminating foodstuff. These reinforce the need to address antimicrobial resistance in a One Health perspective, in which resistant bacteria and resistance determinants circulate among environment, animals and humans