117 research outputs found

    Körperbild bei Frauen mit Binge-Eating-Störung.

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    Experience Versus Report: Where Are Changes Seen After Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? A Randomized Controlled Group Treatment of Childhood Social Anxiety Disorder

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    A considerable number of children and adolescents with social anxiety disorder (SAD) do not benefit from treatment as much as expected. However, treatment success should not be measured with social anxiety reports alone; the cognitive, behavioral, and physiological components of social stress should also be assessed. The authors examined an exposure-based SAD-specific group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in a randomized controlled trial (N = 67, age 9-13 years, blind randomized allocation to treatment [CBT; n = 31] and waitlist control [WLC; n = 36] groups). Success was operationalized as a clinically significant reduction of symptoms measured with SAD-specific questionnaires, structured interviews, and changes in response to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). In the CBT group, there was a trend toward a significant increase in positive cognitions in the TSST after treatment (d = 0.37), whereas these positive cognitions decreased in the WLC group (d = 0.40). No significant results involving group appeared for negative cognitions, behavior and physiology. Children in the CBT group, but not parents, further reported less social anxiety in one questionnaire from pre- to post-treatment (d = 0.89). A structured interview confirmed a decrease in severity of SAD in the CBT group. While the gold standard of a blind interview showed efficacy of treatment, not all trait and state measures demonstrated similar success patterns.Trial registration Eligibility criteria and some of the dependent variables (cognitions, physiology) for treatment success were registered with the German Research Foundation (TU 78/5-2, HE 3342/4-2) prior to recruitment. Clinical assessment of diagnosis and behavioral data were not a priori planned as outcome measures for this trial and therefore analyzed in a post-hoc approach

    Early Change Trajectories in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Binge-Eating Disorder

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    Rapid response is considered the most well-established outcome predictor across treatments of binge-eating disorder (BED), including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This study sought to identify latent trajectories of early change in CBT and compare them to common rapid response classifications. In a multicenter randomized trial, 86 adults with BED (DSM-IV) or subsyndromal BED provided weekly self-reports of binge eating over the first 4 weeks of CBT, which were analyzed to predict binge eating, depression, and body mass index at posttreatment, 6-, and 18-month follow-up. Using latent growth mixture modeling, three patterns of early change—including moderate and low decreasing—as well as low stable binge eating were identified, which significantly predicted binge-eating remission at 6-month follow-up. Other classifications of rapid response based on Receiver Operating Characteristics curve analyses or on the literature (≥ 10% reduction in binge eating at week 1, ≥ 70% reduction in binge eating at week 4) only predicted posttreatment remission or overall depression, respectively. Latent change trajectories, but not other rapid response classifications, predicted binge-eating frequency over time. A fine-grained analysis of change over the first 4 weeks of CBT for BED revealed different trajectories of early change in binge eating that led to an improved prediction of binge-eating outcome, compared to that of common rapid response classifications. Thorough monitoring of early change trajectories during treatment may have clinical utility

    Time to make a change:A call for more experimental research on key mechanisms in anorexia nervosa

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a life‐threatening eating disorder, characterised by persistent pathological weight loss behaviours and an intense fear of weight gain and food consumption. Although there is an abundance of scientific theories on the neurobiological, psychological and sociocultural factors thought to be involved in the maintenance of AN, there is little experimental research testing these ideas. The need for theory firmly grounded in empirical evidence becomes strikingly clear when we consider that current treatments for patients with AN are limited in their effectiveness, and relapse after treatment is common

    Essstörungen bleiben ein relevantes Thema für Praxis und Forschung : ein Interview mit Brunna Tuschen-Caffier

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    Essstörungen wie die Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa und Binge-Eating-Störung sind psychische Störungen, die bereits frühzeitig beginnen, gravierende körperliche und psychische Folgeprobleme nach sich ziehen können und häufig einen chronischen Verlauf haben. Daher stellen diese Störungen ein wichtiges Behandlungsfeld für Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten dar. Die häufig zu beobachtende Persistenz der Symptomatik verlangt jedoch nicht nur von den Betroffenen, sondern auch von den Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten eine hohe Frustrationstoleranz. Das Interview mit Frau Prof. Dr. Brunna Tuschen-Caffier, einer in der Forschung exzellent ausgewiesenen «Essstörungsspezialistin» und in der praktischen Umsetzung der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie erfahrenen Expertin, gibt wichtige Hinweise auf aktuelle Forschungstrends und neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der verschiedenen Essstörungen. Das Gespräch führte Prof. rer. nat. Ulrike Ehlert, Zürich

    Catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and external events in panic disorder, other anxiety disorders, and healthy subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    The catastrophic misinterpretation model of panic disorder (PD) predicts that the catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations is a distinctive characteristic of PD. Existing research on this prediction has produced mixed findings. This paper presents a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing the strength of catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and external events in patients with PD, patients with other anxiety disorders, and healthy controls. Following a systematic screening, seven studies were included in the meta-analysis. For the catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations, analyses showed medium to large effects between patients with PD and healthy controls and between patients with PD and patients with other anxiety disorders. For the catastrophic misinterpretation of external events, analyses showed medium to large effects between patients with PD and healthy controls and a small negative effect between patients with PD and patients with other anxiety disorders. The findings support the assumption that the catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations is a distinctive characteristic of panic disorder and thus lend support to the catastrophic misinterpretation model of PD

    Are Catastrophic Misinterpretations of Bodily Sensations Typical for Patients with Panic Disorder? An Experimental Study of Patients with Panic Disorder or Other Anxiety Disorders and Healthy Controls

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    Background: Research on catastrophic misinterpretations of bodily sensations in patients with a diagnosis of panic disorder has yielded inconsistent findings concerning the question of how typical these misinterpretations are and how this compares with other anxiety disorders. Limitations of assessment strategies concerning catastrophic misinterpretations have been discussed. We assessed catastrophic misinterpretations by activating participants' fear memory, as has been suggested. Methods: Participants in the experimental group (EG) were shown a suspenseful film clip to induce physiological arousal before completing a measure of catastrophic misinterpretation (BSIQ-FR). Skin conductance level (SCL) was used as marker for physiological arousal. Results: As expected, the film manipulation led to a significant increase in physiological arousal in the EG compared to the control group (CG) across all disorder groups. ANOVAs did not show significant interactions between factors Group (Panic Disorder, Other Anxiety Disorder, and Healthy Controls) and Condition (EG, CG). However, comparison of means indicated that participants with panic disorder showed more catastrophic misinterpretations of bodily sensations than patients with other anxiety disorders in the EG, but not in the CG. Conclusions: The findings indicate that the activation of fear memory via induction of physiological arousal facilitated the measurement of catastrophic misinterpretations, and provide further evidence that catastrophic misinterpretations of bodily sensations are typical for panic disorder

    Psychological and physiological reactivity to stress: an experimental study on bulimic patients, restrained eaters and controls

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    BACKGROUND: Binge eating behavior in bulimic patients is thought to play a crucial role in the regulation of psychophysiological arousal in stressful situations. Previous results suggest that interpersonal stress and achievement challenge are perceived as particularly stressful by bulimic individuals. It is not clear, however, whether bulimic individuals respond to stress with an increased desire to binge, and whether this increase is accompanied by higher psychophysiological reactivity compared to healthy controls. METHODS: Twenty-seven patients with bulimia nervosa (DSM-IV), 27 restrained eaters, and 27 controls participated in two experimental sessions in which continuous measures of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rat e, and ecectrodermal activity were monitored under conditions of achievement challenge (mental arithmetic, Stroop test) and interpersonal stress provoking feelings of loneliness and social rejection (film, imagery task). Ratings of desire to binge, negative mood, and hunger were obtained between experimental trials. Groups were matched for age and body mass index. RESULTS: There was a marked difference in subjective ratings during interpersonal stress. Bulimic patients responded to the imagery task with increases in both desire to binge and hunger, whereas restrained eaters and controls showed no change. There were no substantial group differences in psychophysiological reactivity. CONCLUSIONS: The dissociation between emotional responses and physiological activation may have important therapeutic implications

    Taking a Closer Look at Social Performance in Childhood Social Anxiety Disorder: Biopsychosocial Context Considerations and Effects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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    Models of social anxiety disorder (SAD) describe shortfalls in child social performance, whereas empirically, children often show a deficit only in subjective and not objective performance. We examined social performance in relation to possible changes (before and after cognitive behavior therapy [CBT] including social skills training) and to an objective parameter (vocal arousal). Children with SAD were expected to subjectively judge their behavior as less competent than healthy control (HC) children despite a lack of objective differences. Children receiving CBT were expected to show a change in subjective and objective social performance in comparison to children waiting for treatment. Exploratory correlation analyses were used to disentangle the relation between social performance and vocal arousal. One hundred and nineteen children (64 with and 55 without SAD; aged 9–13 years) completed a Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Children with SAD participated in a second TSST after CBT or waiting. Performance was assessed by self-report and by blinded observers. Vocal arousal was analyzed by audio recording. Children with SAD were objectively assessed as more socially competent than HC children; subjectively, children with SAD showed lower social performance. CBT showed no effect on subjective or objective performance ratings. Vocal arousal did not correlate with social performance. Results need to be considered carefully, as psychometric problems appeared that had not been considered in previous studies. The surprising lack of CBT effects suggests a need to focus on cognitions surrounding social performance. Further, social skills training should not be a standard SAD treatment component but used only if necessary