70 research outputs found

    Recollection-dependent memory for event duration in large-scale spatial navigation

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    Time and space represent two key aspects of episodic memories, forming the spatiotemporal context of events in a sequence. Little is known, however, about how temporal information, such as the duration and the order of particular events, are encoded into memory, and if it matters whether the memory representation is based on recollection or familiarity. To investigate this issue, we used a real world virtual reality navigation paradigm where periods of navigation were interspersed with pauses of different durations. Crucially, participants were able to reliably distinguish the durations of events that were subjectively reexperienced (i.e., recollected), but not of those that were familiar. This effect was not found in temporal order (ordinal) judgments. We also show that the active experience of the passage of time (holding down a key while waiting) moderately enhanced duration memory accuracy. Memory for event duration, therefore, appears to rely on the hippocampally supported ability to recollect or reexperience an event enabling the reinstatement of both its duration and its spatial context, to distinguish it from other events in a sequence. In contrast, ordinal memory appears to rely on familiarity and recollection to a similar extent. © 2017 Brunec et al

    Cognitive mapping style relates to posterior-anterior hippocampal volume ratio

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    As London taxi drivers acquire ‘the knowledge’ and develop a detailed cognitive map of London, their posterior hippocampi (pHPC) gradually increase in volume, reflecting an increasing pHPC/aHPC volume ratio. In the mnemonic domain, greater pHPC/aHPC volume ratios in young adults have been found to relate to better recollection ability, indicating that the balance between pHPC and aHPC volumes might be reflective of cross-domain individual differences. Here, we examined participants’ self-reported use of cognitive map-based navigational strategies in relation to their pHPC/aHPC hippocampal volume ratio. We find that greater reported cognitive map use was related to significantly greater posterior, relative to anterior, hippocampal volume in two separate samples of young adults. Further, greater reported cognitive map usage correlated with better performance on a self-initiated navigation task. Together, these data help to advance our understanding of differences between aHPC and pHPC and the greater role of pHPC in spatial mapping

    Cognitive mapping style relates to posterior-anterior hippocampal volume ratio

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    As London taxi drivers acquire "the knowledge" and develop a detailed cognitive map of London, their posterior hippocampi (pHPC) gradually increase in volume, reflecting an increasing pHPC/aHPC volume ratio. In the mnemonic domain, greater pHPC/aHPC volume ratios in young adults have been found to relate to better recollection ability, indicating that the balance between pHPC and aHPC volumes might be reflective of cross-domain individual differences. Here, we examined participants' self-reported use of cognitive map-based navigational strategies in relation to their pHPC/aHPC hippocampal volume ratio. We find that greater reported cognitive map use was related to significantly greater posterior, relative to anterior, hippocampal volume in two separate samples of young adults. Further, greater reported cognitive map usage correlated with better performance on a self-initiated navigation task. Together, these data help to advance our understanding of differences between aHPC and pHPC and the greater role of pHPC in spatial mapping

    Contracted time and expanded space: The impact of circumnavigation on judgements of space and time

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    The ability to estimate distance and time to spatial goals is fundamental for survival. In cases where a region of space must be navigated around to reach a location (circumnavigation), the distance along the path is greater than the straight-line Euclidean distance. To explore how such circumnavigation impacts on estimates of distance and time, we tested participants on their ability to estimate travel time and Euclidean distance to learned destinations in a virtual town. Estimates for approximately linear routes were compared with estimates for routes requiring circumnavigation. For all routes, travel times were significantly underestimated, and Euclidean distances overestimated. For routes requiring circumnavigation, travel time was further underestimated and the Euclidean distance further overestimated. Thus, circumnavigation appears to enhance existing biases in representations of travel time and distance


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    V diplomskem delu smo se lotili preučevanja ogrodja CakePHP in izdelave praktične spletne stani, tako s pomočjo ogrodja CakePHP kot tudi brez. Pregledali smo poglavite gradnike ogrodja in njihove funkcionalnosti. Izpostavili smo razlike pri procesu razvijanja spletnih aplikacij med ogrodjem CakePHP in osnovnim PHP jezikom. Obdelali smo tudi arhitekturno šablono MVC, na kateri temelji CakePHP. Poudarili smo prednosti in slabosti le-te. Vso znanje, ki smo ga pridobili iz teoretičnega dela diplome smo nato uporabili pri izdelavi spletne trgovine.The purpose of this diploma is to study the php framework called CakePHP and to create a demonstrative website, with the help of the CakePHP framework and without it. We described the main constituents of the framework and their functionalities. We also exposed the differences between CakePHP framework and basic php language without the aid of the framework itself. We described the basics of MVC architecture, upon which CakePHP is built. Knowledge and experience gained from studying this framework, we then applied to a practical solution – an online store made with CakePHP

    Modeling and dynamic simulation of heat exchanger

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    V diplomskem delu predstavljamo modeliranje dvojno-cevnega prenosnika toplote s sotočnim režimom. Razvili smo enostaven model prenosnika toplote in kaskadni model prenosnika toplote ter analizirali njuno dinamično obnašanje. Matematična modela smo implementirali v programu MATLAB/Simulink. Za namen primerjave obeh modelov smo izvedli niz numeričnih simulacij, s katerimi smo ugotavljali, kako se merjeni parametri (iztočne temperature) odzovejo na stopničaste spremembe vhodnih parametrov. Rezultati kažejo, da kaskadni model toplotnega prenosnika realneje opiše odzive merjenih parametrov glede na uvedbo motenj v sistem. Ugotavljamo, da bi z uporabo enostavnih modelov toplotnih prenosnikov lahko obogatili eksperimentalno delo med študijem kemijske tehnike.The thesis deals with the modeling of double-pipe heat exchanger, in parallel flow arrangement, using programme MATLAB/Simulink. We developed an ideal model of a heat exhanger as well as a more realistic cascade model and observed their dynamic behaviour. Several numerical simulations were done to compare how observed parameters (outlet temperatures of cold fluid) are responding to step changes of inlet conditions. Results indicate that cascade model of heat exchanger provides a generalized realistic response to given step changes. We conclude that the usage of general models can greatly enhance experimental work during Chemical Engineering courses

    Introduction of online access to Arcont´s PDM system

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    Količina podatkov v proizvodnih podjetjih zaradi digitalizacije narašča, zaradi česar se veča tudi pomembnost sistemov za upravljanje s temi podatki. Digitalizacija tovrstnih postopkov prispeva k izboljšani učinkovitosti poslovanja, hkrati pa ugodno vpliva na naravo, saj je poraba papirja manjša. Diplomska naloga, narejena v sodelovanju s podjetjem Arcont, se osredotoča na organizacijo in predstavitev proizvodnih informacij in pojasnjuje nekatere temeljne vidike upravljanja z življenjskim ciklom izdelka. V prvem delu so predstavljene teoretične osnove tehnično informacijskih sistemov, njihove funkcionalnosti in koristi, v drugem delu pa je predstavljena uporaba orodja Active Workspace v procesih podjetja.The amount of data in manufacturing companies is growing from year to year, which also increases the importance of systems that enable efficient management of this data. Digitalization of such processes significantly contributes to improved business efficiency, but also has beneficial effect on nature, as paper consumption is lower. The diploma paper, done in collaboration with Arcont, focuses on these new technologies and explains some of its fundamental aspects. The first part presents the theoretical foundations of technical information systems, their functionalities, and benefits, and the second part focuses more on the practical aspect, i.e., the use of Active Workspace in company processes

    Stress of Roma children and youth

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    Stress is a pressing problem of our time, because the pace of life is increasingly faster. The stress we face in all areas of life is difficult to avoid, also because of the continuously changing environment. A lot of stress is also present among children and adolescents. My thesis is based on an analysis of the stress situation of the Roma and non-Roma children and adolescents. Roma have a different culture and a different way of life, therefore their view of life is also easy and carefree. Fundamental social values are acquired already with the proper upbringing of children. There are very significant differences among children in the conception of social justice, so schools are trying with different measures to avoid problems between different cultures. Schools are also trying to ensure the children and adolescents safety and help with education and advocate for children's rights, in order to improve their social well-being, because for a variety of reasons they can not provide their own social security by themselves.The thesis shows the history of the Roma and their life with an impact on decent behaviour. With the help of the scientific literature, I have deepened and explored the area of stress and done empirical research on stressful situations of two different cultures. The purpose of empirical research in the context of the thesis was to investigate the stress field in the Roma and non-Roma children. The sample included 52 children and adolescents, i.e. 27 Roma and 25 non-Roma children and adolescents. The questionnaire was fulfilled mostly by children and adolescents aged 0 to 14 years, only one was aged 15 to 18 years. With the help of a questionnaire I have come to the conclusion that Roma children and adolescents, despite the various negative environmental influences compared with non-Roma, live less stressful life. Depending on the level of stress in the non-Roma children and adolescents, the most common answer was that sometimes they experience stress, while in Roma the most common answer was that they never experience stress. Asked about their concerns, the results were very similar. In the case of non-Roma children the largest range of stress represents fatigue, while in Roma with forgetfulness, fatigue and sweating. The strongest source of stress in non-Roma children represents the death of a loved one and concerns associated with the school, and the main concerns of Roma children is causing school as well. I was also interested in the most common strategies for release. Among the listed options in the non-Roma children and adolescents, the most common strategies were walking, listening to music, hanging out with friends, dancing and reading, 72 % get released in other way, while in Roma the most common response was dancing.Regarding the answers that I have acquired through the questionnaire, I came to the common conclusion that in the non-Roma and Roma children and adolescents most stress is caused by school