157 research outputs found

    Do hippocampal pyramidal cells respond to nonspatial stimuli?

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    There are currently a number of theories of rodent hippocampal function. They fall into two major groups that differ in the role they impute to space in hippocampal information processing. On one hand, the cognitive map theory sees space as crucial and central, with other types of nonspatial information embedded in a primary spatial framework. On the other hand, most other theories see the function of the hippocampal formation as broader, treating all types of information as equivalent and concentrating on the processes carried out irrespective of the specific material being represented, stored, and manipulated. One crucial difference, therefore, is the extent to which theories see hippocampal pyramidal cells as representing nonspatial information independently of a spatial framework. Studies have reported the existence of single hippocampal unit responses to nonspatial stimuli, both to simple sensory inputs as well as to more complex stimuli such as objects, conspecifics, rewards, and time, and these findings been interpreted as evidence in favor of a broader hippocampal function. Alternatively, these nonspatial responses might actually be feature-in-place signals where the spatial nature of the response has been masked by the fact that the objects or features were only presented in one location or one spatial context. In this article, we argue that when tested in multiple locations, the hippocampal response to nonspatial stimuli is almost invariably dependent on the animal’s location. Looked at collectively, the data provide strong support for the cognitive map theory

    Unsupervised, frequent and remote: A novel platform for personalised digital phenotyping of long-term memory in humans

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    Long-term memory tests are commonly used to facilitate the diagnosis of hippocampal-related neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease due to their relatively high specificity and sensitivity to damage to the medial temporal lobes compared to standard commonly used clinical tests. Pathological changes in Alzheimer's disease start years before the formal diagnosis is made, partially due to testing too late. This proof-of-concept exploratory study aimed to assess the feasibility of introducing an unsupervised digital platform for continuous testing of long-term memory over long periods outside the laboratory environment. To address this challenge, we developed a novel digital platform, hAge ('healthy Age'), which integrates double spatial alternation, image recognition and visuospatial tasks for frequent remote unsupervised assessment of spatial and non-spatial long-term memory carried out continuously over eight week period. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we tested whether we could achieve sufficient levels of adherence and whether the performance on hAge tasks is comparable to the performance observed in the analogous standard tests measured in the controlled laboratory environments.191 healthy adults (67% females, 18-81 years old) participated in the study. We report an estimated 42.4% adherence level with minimal inclusion criteria. In line with findings using standard laboratory tests, we showed that performance on the spatial alternation task negatively correlated with inter-trial periods and the performance levels on image recognition and visuospatial tasks could be controlled by varying image similarity. Importantly, we demonstrated that frequent engagement with the double spatial alternation task leads to a strong practice effect, previously identified as a potential measure of cognitive decline in MCI patients. Finally, we discuss how lifestyle and motivation confounds may present a serious challenge for cognitive assessment in real-world uncontrolled environments

    FÄmansföretag- En studie av rekvisitet "verksam i betydande omfattning" i 57 kap 4 § IL

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    Genom 1990 Ärs skattereform separerades kapitalinkomster och arbetsinkomster. Det infördes sÀrskilda regler som hindrar delÀgare i fÄmansföretag att ta ut arbetsinkomster som lÀgre beskattad utdelning eller avyttring av aktier. Att inneha företagsformen fÄmansbolag ska vara neutral gentemot andra företagsformer. Endast delÀgare som varit aktiva i bolaget berörs av 3:12 reglerna och den centrala avgrÀnsningen kring verksamhetsrekvisitet Àr huruvida delÀgaren varit verksam i betydande omfattning i företaget. Bedömning görs frÄn fall till fall och tyngdpunkten sÀtts pÄ den ekonomiska genereringen av delÀgarens arbetsinsatser. Uppsatsen beskriver hur verksamhetsrekvisitet har definierats genom förarbeten och praxis. I uppsatsen görs Àven en analys om rekvisitet Àr anpassat till att uppfylla kraven som tillhör legalitetsprincipen och den tillhörande förutsebarhetsaspekten

    Neural representations of location composed of spatially periodic bands.

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    The mammalian hippocampal formation provides neuronal representations of environmental location, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we report a class of cells whose spatially periodic firing patterns are composed of plane waves (or bands) drawn from a discrete set of orientations and wavelengths. The majority of cells recorded in parasubicular and medial entorhinal cortices of freely moving rats belonged to this class and included grid cells, an important subset that corresponds to three bands at 60° orientations and has the most stable firing pattern. Occasional changes between hexagonal and nonhexagonal patterns imply a common underlying mechanism. Our results indicate a Fourier-like spatial analysis underlying neuronal representations of location, and suggest that path integration is performed by integrating displacement along a restricted set of directions

    Variational log-Gaussian point-process methods for grid cells

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    We present practical solutions to applying Gaussian‐process (GP) methods to calculate spatial statistics for grid cells in large environments. GPs are a data efficient approach to inferring neural tuning as a function of time, space, and other variables. We discuss how to design appropriate kernels for grid cells, and show that a variational Bayesian approach to log‐Gaussian Poisson models can be calculated quickly. This class of models has closed‐form expressions for the evidence lower‐bound, and can be estimated rapidly for certain parameterizations of the posterior covariance. We provide an implementation that operates in a low‐rank spatial frequency subspace for further acceleration, and demonstrate these methods on experimental data

    Local transformations of the hippocampal cognitive map.

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    Grid cells are neurons active in multiple fields arranged in a hexagonal lattice and are thought to represent the "universal metric for space." However, they become nonhomogeneously distorted in polarized enclosures, which challenges this view. We found that local changes to the configuration of the enclosure induce individual grid fields to shift in a manner inversely related to their distance from the reconfigured boundary. The grid remained primarily anchored to the unchanged stable walls and showed a nonuniform rescaling. Shifts in simultaneously recorded colocalized grid fields were strongly correlated, which suggests that the readout of the animal's position might still be intact. Similar field shifts were also observed in place and boundary cells-albeit of greater magnitude and more pronounced closer to the reconfigured boundary-which suggests that there is no simple one-to-one relationship between these three different cell types

    Local transformations of the hippocampal cognitive map

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    Grid cells are neurons active in multiple fields arranged in a hexagonal lattice and are thought to represent the “universal metric for space.” However, they become nonhomogeneously distorted in polarized enclosures, which challenges this view. We found that local changes to the configuration of the enclosure induce individual grid fields to shift in a manner inversely related to their distance from the reconfigured boundary. The grid remained primarily anchored to the unchanged stable walls and showed a nonuniform rescaling. Shifts in simultaneously recorded colocalized grid fields were strongly correlated, which suggests that the readout of the animal’s position might still be intact. Similar field shifts were also observed in place and boundary cells—albeit of greater magnitude and more pronounced closer to the reconfigured boundary—which suggests that there is no simple one-to-one relationship between these three different cell types

    A fully automated home cage for long-term continuous phenotyping of mouse cognition and behavior

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    Automated home-cage monitoring systems present a valuable tool for comprehensive phenotyping of natural behaviors. However, current systems often involve complex training routines, water or food restriction, and probe a limited range of behaviors. Here, we present a fully automated home-cage monitoring system for cognitive and behavioral phenotyping in mice. The system incorporates T-maze alternation, novel object recognition, and object-in-place recognition tests combined with monitoring of locomotion, drinking, and quiescence patterns, all carried out over long periods. Mice learn the tasks rapidly without any need for water or food restrictions. Behavioral characterization employs a deep convolutional neural network image analysis. We show that combined statistical properties of multiple behaviors can be used to discriminate between mice with hippocampal, medial entorhinal, and sham lesions and predict the genotype of an Alzheimer's disease mouse model with high accuracy. This technology may enable large-scale behavioral screening for genes and neural circuits underlying spatial memory and other cognitive processes
