2,066 research outputs found

    What is absolutely continuous spectrum?

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    This note is an expanded version of the author's contribution to the Proceedings of the ICMP Santiago, 2015, and is based on a talk given by the second author at the same Congress. It concerns a research program devoted to the characterization of the absolutely continuous spectrum of a self-adjoint operator H in terms of the transport properties of a suitable class of open quantum systems canonically associated to H

    Forecasting Inflation using Economic Indicators: the Case of France

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    In order to provide short run forecasts of headline and core HICP inflation for France, we assess the forecasting performance of a large set of economic indicators, individually and jointly, as well as using dynamic factor models. We run out-of-sample forecasts implementing the Stock and Watson (1999) methodology. It turns out that, according to usual statistical criteria, the combination of several indicators -in particular those derived from surveys- provides better results than dynamic factor models, even after pre-selection of the variables included in the panel. However, factors included in VAR models exhibit more stable forecasting performance over time. Results for HICP excluding unprocessed food and energy are very encouraging. Moreover, we show that it is possible to use forecasts on this indicator to project overall inflation.Inflation ; Out-of-sample forecast ; Indicator models ; Dynamic factor models ; Phillips curve.

    Integrated support structure

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    This Major Qualifying Project is part of the Advanced Space Design Program at WPI. The goal is to design a support structure for a NASA GetAway Special experimental canister. The payload integration, weight, volume, and structural integrity of the canister as specified by NASA guidelines were studied. The end result is a complete set of design drawings with interface drawings and data to specify the design and leave a base on which the next group can concentrate

    Non-equilibrium states of a photon cavity pumped by an atomic beam

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    We consider a beam of two-level randomly excited atoms that pass one-by-one through a one-mode cavity. We show that in the case of an ideal cavity, i.e. no leaking of photons from the cavity, the pumping by the beam leads to an unlimited increase in the photon number in the cavity. We derive an expression for the mean photon number for all times. Taking into account leaking of the cavity, we prove that the mean photon number in the cavity stabilizes in time. The limiting state of the cavity in this case exists and it is independent of the initial state. We calculate the characteristic functional of this non-quasi-free non-equilibrium state. We also calculate the energy flux in both the ideal and open cavity and the entropy production for the ideal cavity.Comment: Corrected energy production calculations and made some changes to ease the readin

    Floral ontogeny in Dialiinae (Caesalpinioideae: Cassieae), a study in organ loss and instability

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    AbstractThe Caesalpinioideae are widely variable in their floral ontogeny, and among caesalpinioids, members of the polyphyletic tribe Cassieae are particularly diverse. Within the Cassieae, the monophyletic Dialiinae clade is also marked by a high degree of organ loss, particularly in the largest genus, Dialium. The purpose of this work is to explore the ontogeny of several previously undocumented species of the diverse Dialiinae clade, with the goal of building a more complete picture of floral development and evolution in this group and especially within Dialium. We have documented the floral ontogeny of six species of the Dialiinae; four from Dialium, as well as Poeppigia procera and Mendoravia dumaziana. Mode and timing of organ initiation were mostly consistent across the Dialium species studied. With the exception of Dialium dinklagei, which undergoes helical calyx initiation, all flowers initiated sepals bidirectionally. In the instances of both gains and losses of floral organs in Dialium, one trend is apparent — an absence of abaxial organs. Gains in both sepals and stamens occur in the adaxial median position, while stamens and petals which are lost are always the ventral-most organs. Organ initiation in Poeppigia and Mendoravia is unlike that seen in Dialium. Poeppigia shows a ventral to dorsal unidirectional sepal initiation, while both Poeppigia and Mendoravia display near-synchronous initiation of the corolla and staminal whorls. The taxa examined here exemplify the apparent lack of developmental canalisation seen in caesalpinioid legumes. This ontogenetic plasticity is reflective of the morphological diversity shown by flowers across the subfamily, representing what has been described as an “experimental” phase in legume floral evolution

    Experimental Study of Longitudinally Stiffened Web Channels Subjected Predominantly to Shear

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    The Direct Strength Method (DSM) of design of cold-formed sections has recently been extended in the North American Specification for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members-NAS S100:2012 to include shear. The two new features of the DSM rules for shear researched are the effect of full-section shear buckling as opposed to web-only shear buckling and Tension Field Action (TFA). The prequalified sections in the rules include sections with flat webs and webs with small intermediate longitudinal stiffeners. In order to extend the range to larger intermediate stiffeners as occurs in practice, a series of fourteen shear tests have been performed at the University of Sydney for C-sections with rectangular stiffeners of varying sizes. Six different types of stiffeners were tested with an additional preferred plain section. Each type of sections was tested twice to ensure accuracy. As the web stiffener sizes increase, the shear buckling and strength of the sections are expected to improve accordingly. However, the tests show that the shear ultimate strengths only increase slightly in association with the respective increase of stiffener sizes. The test results are compared with the DSM design rules for shear and found to be lower than those predicted by the DSM curve for shear with TFA. The test failures were observed mainly due to the combined bending and shear modes. The effect of the bending is therefore significant and starts to govern when the shear capacity is significantly strengthened by adding the large longitudinal web stiffener. The test results are subsequently plotted against the DSM interaction curves between bending and shear where the interaction is found to be significant. Modifications and recommendations for prequalified sections with longitudinally stiffened web channels in shear are proposed in the paper

    Phylogenetic Implications of a Unique 5.8S nrDNA Insertion in Cyperaceae

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the phylogenetic utility of a large insertion (3 bp) in the 5.8S gene of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) in Cyperaceae and selected Juncaceae. This was done by reconstructing the character evolution of the insertion on a phylogeny derived from rbcL sequences. Results suggest that the insertion was gained once at the base of Cyperaceae followed by multiple losses in its most-derived taxa. Despite several homoplastic losses (CI = 0.20), the pattern of insertion loss (RI = 0.88), and base pair variation within the insertion were useful for deïŹning sedge clades at various taxonomic levels. For example, whereas a loss of the insertion appeared to characterize a major terminal clade within Cyperaceae, both an insertion loss and sequence variation were consistent with infrageneric clades previously discovered in an ITS phylogeny of Eleocharis. The presence/absence of the insertion also supported previous conclusions based on morphological and molecular data that tribe Scirpeae and Scirpus s.l. are polyphyletic. In the context of our current understanding of Cyperaceae relationships, evolutionary patterns related to this insertion provide additional support for groups deïŹned in prior phylogenetic analyses. The present analysis also suggests that the controversial position of Oxychloe andina (Juncaceae) in previous rbcL analyses, as sister to Cyperaceae (Y12978) or as nested within Cyperaceae (U49222), is due to the fact that Y12978 is a Juncaceae/Cyperaceae chimera, whereas U49222 is the sequence of a Cyperaceae contaminant. When U49222 is excluded from analyses and the Cyperaceae portion of Y12978 is removed, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae are monophyletic with Oxychloe positioned within a Juncaceae clade of single-ïŹ‚owered genera

    Nouveau concept de sĂ©chage et de fumage artisanal des aliments : application en milieu de pĂȘche artisanale au Gabon

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    L’objet de cette Ă©tude est de prĂ©senter la conception dĂ©taillĂ©e et la fabrication d’un fumoir Ă  poissons dont les spĂ©cificitĂ©s permettent de rĂ©pondre aux besoins de PED (pays en dĂ©veloppement) cĂŽtiers tropicaux liĂ©s au traitement de poissons fraĂźchement pĂ©chĂ©s. Cette technique de sĂ©chage et fumage correspond Ă  un mode de conservation traditionnel en Afrique subsaharienne et permet l’exportation des produits finis. Le dispositif de fumage proposĂ© ici est autonome en ce sens qu’il fonctionne sans Ă©lectricitĂ© et ne nĂ©cessite que l’utilisation de bois de combustion et de bois de pyrolyse ; il est de plus modulaire et rĂ©alisable avec les matĂ©riaux et les outils standards de la maçonnerie et de la chaudronnerie. Il permet de sĂ©parer en deux phases distinctes, les opĂ©rations de sĂ©chage et de fumage. Le sĂ©chage des poissons se fait par convection, conduction et rayonnement Ă  partir des conduites de fumĂ©es. De ce fait, nous avons une chaleur uniforme au sein de l'enceinte. Le systĂšme de fumage permet d'obtenir une teneur des benzo (a) pyrĂšne recommandé par les organismes internationaux.Mots-clĂ©s : bois, conception, fumage, PED, poissons, sĂ©chage.New concept of drying and smoking of artisanal foods : application in middle of artisanal fishing in GabonThe purpose of this study is to present the detailed design and construction of a fish smokehouse whose characteristics can meet the needs of tropical coastal developing countries related to the treatment of freshly caught fish. This technique of drying and smoking is a traditional way of conservation in subSaharan Africa and allows the export of finished products. The smoking device proposed here is autonomous in the sense that it works without electricity and requires only the wooden use of combustion and wood of pyrolysis; it is of more modular and built with materials and standard tools of the masonry and the boilermaking. He allows to separate in two different phases, the operations of drying and smoking. The drying of fishes is made by convection, conduction and radiation with smoke ducts. Therefore, we have a uniform heat within the smokehouse. The system of smoking allows to obtain a content of benzo ( a ) pyrĂšne recommended by the international bodies.Keywords : wood, design, smoking, PED, fish, drying

    Ruthenium(II) and Iridium(III) complexes featuring NHC-Sulfonate chelate

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    Objective determination of the predefined duration of a constant-load diagnostic tests in arterial claudication

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    OBJECTIVE: The predefined duration to arbitrarily stop the tests during constant-load treadmill exercise is a subject of debate and widely variable in the literature. We hypothesized that the upper and lower limits for predefined durations of constant-load 3.2 km/hour 10% grade tests could be derived from the distribution of walking distances observed on a treadmill in a population of subjects referred for claudication or from the optimal cutoff point distance on a treadmill to confirm a limitation self-reported by history.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis using a referral center, institutional practice, and ambulatory patients. We studied 1290 patients (86% male), 62.1 +/- 11.2 years of age, 169 +/- 8 cm height, 75.7 +/- 14.2 kg weight. Patients performed a standard constant-load treadmill test: 3.2 km hour(-1), 10% slope, maximized to 1000 meters (approximately 20 minutes). We analyzed the maximal walking distance self-reported (MWD(SR)) by history and the maximal walking distance measured on the treadmill (MWD(TT)). Patients reporting MWD(SR) >or=1000 meters were considered unlimited by history. RESULTS: Only 197 patients (15.3%) completed the 20-minute treadmill test. Among the 504 patients who did not stop before 250 meters, 47.8% stopped within the next 250 meters (were unable to walk 500 meters). This proportion falls to 7.5% among the 213 patients who did not stop before 750 meters. When the final goal was to estimate whether the treadmill test can discriminate patients with or without limitation by history, area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.809 +/- 0.016 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.778-0.841; P < .0001), the best diagnostic performance was attained for an MWD(TT) of 299 meters (approximately 6.15 minutes). CONCLUSION: In patients undergoing constant-load treadmill exercise with a protocol of 3.2 km hour(-1) and 10% slope: a predefined duration of 7 minutes could be proposed as a lower limit for the predefined duration of the tests specifically if one aims at confirming the limitation by history with treadmill testing. Owing to the low risk that patients that could walk 750 meters (approximately 15 minutes) will have to stop in the next 250 meters, 15 minutes seems a reasonable upper limit for the predefined test duration in clinical routine
