1,902 research outputs found

    Financial Saving for Retirement: Ownership Behaviour Patterns and Amounts Invested

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    Saving for retirement increased slightly in France in the past decade. The 2004 Household Assets Survey gives a picture of the situation before the August 2003 pension reform: it covers instruments held by households in anticipation of retirement and the share of such assets in their total financial portfolios. This paper studies four long-term saving vehicles for which retirement planning is indicated as motivation in the questionnaire: the Plan d'Épargne Populaire (PEP), annuity plans, securities, and retirement saving instruments proper. The household's financial resources is chiefly a determinant of long-term saving products ownership. By contrast, the retirement saving decision and the ratio of sums invested to total financial assets tend to be positively influenced by the age of the household reference person. Occupational status is also a significant determinant of the ownership of long-term assets for retirement.Retirement, Saving, Discrete Choice Models

    Heterosis, direct and maternal additive effects on rabbit growth and carcass traits from a Canadian experiment

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    A total of 479 male and female rabbits from the Californian (CA), American Chinchilla (CH) and New-Zealand White (NZ) breeds and nine crosses between them were used in this experiment. This study aimed to estimate heterosis and direct and maternal additive effects as well as some non genetic effects on rabbit growth and carcass traits in order to identify the most appropriate crossbreeding plan to use for rabbit meat production under Quebec conditions. Each rabbit was identified and weighed individually at weaning (35 d) and at slaughter (63 d). Rabbits were slaughtered after an 18 h fasting period from feed only. Statistical analyses were performed solving fixed models that allow different variances between genetic types. Significant statistical differences were obtained between genetic types for rabbit growth performance. Rabbits from purebred NZ females mated to CA and NZ males or from CAxNZ and NZxCH crossbred females mated to NZ males ranked first for live weight at 35 and 63 d body weight and for average daily gain (ADG). ADG of NZxNZ, NZx(NZxCH) and NZx(CAxNZ) rabbits reached around 50 g/d and their feed conversion ratio was about 3.4. Significant differences between genetic types were observed for all carcass traits except for meat/bone ratio. Rabbits from CH, NZ, CAxNZ and NZxCH does mated to NZ males, and from NZ does mated to CA males had the highest commercial carcass weight and the lowest commercial carcass yield (CCY), whereas CHxCA rabbits ranked first with a CCY higher by 4 to 8% than rabbits from other genetic types. The highest hind part yields were obtained with CHxCH, CHxNZ and NZxCH rabbits. Concerning the intermediate part percentages, the highest values corresponded to the highest CCY. The CH breed had unfavourable direct effects but favourable maternal effects on growth traits. The CA breed had negative maternal effects on weight traits from weaning to slaughtering. The CA and CH breeds had positive direct and negative maternal effects on intermediate part yield of the carcass compared to NZ. Direct heterosis effects were found for body weight traits, particularly in the crosses involving the NZ breed, with a magnitude ranging from 5 to 10% of the parental mean.Ouyed, A.; Rivest, J.; Brun, JM. (2011). Heterosis, direct and maternal additive effects on rabbit growth and carcass traits from a Canadian experiment. World Rabbit Science. 19(1). doi:10.4995/wrs.2011.783.SWORD19

    Classical and MgII-selected Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers: impact on Omega_HI at z<1.7

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    The Damped Lyman-alpha systems (DLAs), seen in absorption in the spectrum of quasars, are believed to contain a large fraction of the neutral gas in the Universe. Paradoxically, these systems are more difficult to observe at z_abs<1.7, since they are rare and their HI feature then falls in UV spectra. Rao & Turnshek (2000) pioneered a method based on MgII-selected DLAs, that is absorbers discovered thanks to our knowledge of their MgII feature in optical spectra. We use new observations undertaken at the TNG as well as a careful literature & archival search to build samples of low redshift absorbers classified according to the technique used for their discovery. We successfully recover N(HI) and equivalent widths of FeII 2600, MgII 2796, MgII 2803 and MgII 2852 for a sample of 36 absorbers, 21 of which are MgII-selected. We find that the MgII-selected sample contains a marginally larger fraction of absorbers with log N(HI)>21.0 than seen otherwise at low redshift. If confirmed, this property will in turn affect estimates of Omega_HI which is dominated by the highest HI column densities. We find that log N(HI) does not correlate significantly with metal equivalent widths. Similarly, we find no evidence that gravitational lensing, the fraction of associated systems or redshift evolution affect the absorber samples in a different way. We conclude that the hint of discrepancies in N(HI) distributions most likely arises from small number statistics. Therefore, further observations are required to better clarify the impact of this discrepancy on estimates of Omega_HI at low redshift.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Physiology of organic nitrogen acquisition by ectomycorrhizal fungi and ectomycorrhizas

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    Abstract Ectomycorrhizal fungi are symbiotically associated microorganisms which ecological importance has been repeatedly demonstrated. There has been a considerable amount of research aimed at assessing the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi and ectomycorrhizas to utilize organic nitrogen sources. The fate of soil proteins, peptides and amino acids has been studied from a number of perspectives. Exocellular hydrolytic enzymes have been detected and characterized in a number of ectomycorrhizal and ericoid fungi. Studies on amino acid transport through the plasma membrane have demonstrated the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi to take up the products of proteolytic activities. Investigations on intracellular metabolism of amino acids have allowed the identification of the metabolic pathways involved. Possible intracellular compartmentation of amino acids will be examined by immunocytochemistry. Further translocation of amino acids in symbiotic tissues has been established by experiments using isotopic tracers, although the exact nature of the nitrogenous compounds transferred at the symbiotic interface remained unclear. One of the main future challenges in the physiology of organic nitrogen acquisition is to determine the nature, the regulation and the location of N-compound transporters at the soil-fungus and fungus-plant interfaces. The molecular approach which is just emerging in this particular research area will greatly improve our knowledge. Future research should also address the extent of competition between different ectomycorrhizal species and between different microbial populations for organic nitrogen. z 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V

    Rendements et pratiques des cultures maraßchÚres en agriculture biologique au Sénégal

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    Les rendements en agriculture biologique font l'objet de controverses et sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme plus faibles qu'en agriculture conventionnelle. En Afrique, l'agriculture biologique recouvre une grande diversitĂ© de pratiques et les rendements prĂ©sentent de fortes incertitudes. Les analyses des rendements et des itinĂ©raires techniques en agriculture biologique sont prĂ©sentĂ©es pour trois cultures maraĂźchĂšres au SĂ©nĂ©gal. Les rĂ©sultats sont ensuite comparĂ©s aux rendements usuels de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Deux types de donnĂ©es sont utilisĂ©s, provenant de parcelles d'agriculteurs : i) suivi de champs conduits selon des itinĂ©raires techniques d'agriculture biologique vs. itinĂ©raires techniques conventionnels ; ii) rĂ©sultats issus des actions de l'organisation non gouvernementale ENDA-PRONAT, suivant un cahier des charges copiĂ© sur celui de l'agriculture biologique. Les suivis comparatifs de parcelles de chou pommĂ© et de tomate en saison des pluies mettent en Ă©vidence des ratios de rendement agriculture biologique/conventionnelle de 74 et 40 % respectivement. Ces valeurs confirment la tendance gĂ©nĂ©rale des rĂ©sultats de la littĂ©rature. Elles sont expliquĂ©es par une fertilisation azotĂ©e plus faible et l'absence de mesures de protection efficace contre les maladies et ravageurs des cultures. Les rendements en oignon des parcelles d'agriculture biologique chez les producteurs sont trĂšs variables : en moyenne de 19,4 t/ha Ă  11,0 t/ha suivant les annĂ©es dans la zone des Niayes, 21,0 t/ha dans le Bassin arachidier et seulement 8,6 t/ha dans la vallĂ©e du fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal. Les rendements de la culture d'oignon au SĂ©nĂ©gal observĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature varient aussi dans de grandes proportions, de 10,7 Ă  32 t/ha. Dans certains cas, les rendements en agriculture biologique sont supĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux des itinĂ©raires techniques de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Ce constat, dĂ©jĂ  observĂ© dans la littĂ©rature scientifique, montre que l'agriculture biologique est une voie de dĂ©veloppement de l'agriculture Ă  ne pas Ă©carter en Afrique

    Molecular assessment of dietary variation in neighbouring primate groups

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    Facing rapid environmental changes and anthropogenic habitat destruction, animal behavioural plasticity becomes an adaptive potential that needs to be considered in conservation strategies along with, for example, genetic diversity. Here, we evaluate to what extent non-invasive environmental DNA (eDNA) methods may contribute to the assessment of intraspecies behavioural plasticity in terms of foraging behaviour. We analysed DNA metabarcoding data for plant components in the diet of four neighbouring groups of wild vervet monkeys Chlorocebus pygerythrus to identify intergroup variation (IGV). The faecal samples considered for the analyses were limited to the summer season to minimise the impact of seasonality. Each sample was attributed by observation to individuals with known life history data. A plant survey was conducted in each group home range during the study period to account for environmental variation. We observed mixed results when testing whether IGV in plant consumption was greater than intragroup variation, indicating that the influence of social dynamics must be considered. Intragroup variation was positively correlated with group size. We observed IGV in diet composition among all groups as well as in some pairwise comparisons. We found significant dietary differences between two group pairs when considering only adult females. Lastly, we observed IGV in foraging of specific plants that were not explained by their distribution, suggesting behavioural differences in selectivity between groups. Our study system and organism, being a highly social and non-threatened primate species, with constant gene flow and overlapping territories between groups, provides an ideal model to evaluate the usage of eDNA-based methods to better understand the impact of social factors on IGV. Our results highlight the need to consider social and demographic factors, the impact of which remains complicated to disentangle from environmental factors. However, we emphasise the great potential for studying social groups using eDNA and that such studies are needed to better understand intraspecific behavioural plasticity in wild populations. </ol

    Field evaluation of commercial vaccines against Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (Ibr) Virus using different immunization protocols

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    Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 is ubiquitous in cattle populations and is associated with several clinical syndromes, including respiratory disease, genital disease, infertility and abortions. Control of the virus in many parts of the world is achieved primarily through vaccination with either inactivated or live modified viral vaccines. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of four commercially available BoHV-1 vaccines commonly used in Central and South America. Animals were divided into eight groups and vaccinated on days 0 and 30. Groups 1 to 4 received two doses of four different BoHV-1 commercial vaccines (named A to D). Groups 5 and 6 received vaccine D plus a vaccine for either Clostridial or Food-and-Mouth-Disease (FMD), respectively. Group 7 received one dose of two different brands of reproductive vaccines. Serum samples were collected from all animals on days 0, 30 and 60 to evaluate neutralizing and isotype-specific (IgG1 and IgG2) antibodies. Of the four commercial vaccines evaluated, only vaccine A induced neutralizing antibodies to titers ≄ 1:8 in 13/15 (86%) of the animals 60 days post-vaccination. Levels of IgG2 antibody increased in all groups, except for group 2 after the first dose of vaccine B. These results show that only vaccine A induced significant and detectable levels of BoHV-1-neutralizing antibodies. The combination of vaccine D with Clostridial or FMD vaccines did not affect neutralizing antibody responses to BoHV-1. The antibody responses of three of the four commercial vaccines analyzed here were lower than admissible by vaccine A. These results may be from vaccination failure, but means to identify the immune signatures predictive of clinical protection against BoHV-1 in cattle should also be considered

    The influence of hydration of uranium trioxide on its following reduction by hydrogen into uranium dioxide UO2

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    International audienceThe reduction of UO3 by hydrogen has been studied by thermogravimetry in the range 510-600°C and 1-40 kPa. The kinetic curves have been interpreted by a new model involving the steps of nucleation and growth. This allowed to determine the variations of the frequency of nucleation and of the specific rate of growth as a function of hydrogen pressure and temperature. The influence on the kinetics of the hydration of UO3 prior to its reduction by hydrogen could also be explained due to the same model
