238 research outputs found

    Cash transfers in Latin America: Effects on poverty and redistribution

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    In this paper, we present comparative evidence for eight Latin American countries regarding design and effects of cash transfers (CTs). On the basis of household survey data, we analyse their coverage, importance in household income, and effects on poverty reduction and income redistribution. We also present a static microsimulation to analyse the potential impacts of alternative programme designs including perfect targeting and higher budgets. Our results illustrate the wide variation of these interventions in terms of their design, coverage, and importance in household income. CTs account for a significant portion of household income in lower deciles. In spite of this, their effects in terms of reductions in the incidence, intensity, and severity of poverty are, in the best of cases, moderate and, although their progressivity is high, their redistributive impact is limited. These results are mainly explained by the meager resources involved. Even under perfect targeting, the budgets allocated to transfer programs in these countries would be insufficient to achieve full coverage in the lowest part of the income distribution

    Cash transfers in Latin America: effects on poverty and redistribution

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    We present comparative evidence for eight Latin American countries regarding the design and effects of cash transfers (CTs). On the basis of household survey data, we analyze their coverage, importance in household income, and effects on poverty reduction and income redistribution. We present a static microsimulation to analyze the potential impacts of alternative program designs, including perfect targeting and higher budgets. Our results illustrate wide variation in terms of design, coverage, and importance in household income. CTs account for a significant portion of household income in lower deciles. Nonetheless, their effects in terms of reducing the incidence, intensity, and severity of poverty are moderate at best, and although their progressivity is high, their redistributive impact is limited. These results are mainly explained by the meager resources involved. Even under perfect targeting, the budgets allocated would be insufficient to achieve full coverage among households in the lowest part of the income distribution

    Luminal calcium concentration controls intestinal calcium absorption by modification of intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity

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    Intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) is a brush-border phosphomonoesterase. Its location suggests an involvement in the uptake of nutrients, but its role has not yet been defined. IAP expression parallels that of other proteins involved in Ca absorption under vitamin D stimulation. Experiments carried out in vitro with purified IAP have demonstrated an interaction between Ca and IAP. The gut is prepared to face different levels of Ca intake over time, but high Ca intake in a situation of a low-Ca diet over time would cause excessive entry of Ca into the enterocytes. The presence of a mechanism to block Ca entry and to avoid possible adverse effects is thus predictable. Thus, in the present study, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with different amounts of Ca in the diet (0•2, 1 and 2 g%), and the percentage of Ca absorption (%Ca) in the presence and absence of l-phenylalanine (Phe) was calculated. The presence of Phe caused a significant increase in %Ca (52•3 (SEM 6•5)% in the presence of Phe v. 31•1 (SEM 8•9)% in the absence of Phe, regardless of the amount of Ca intake; paired t test, P = 0•02). When data were analysed with respect to Ca intake, a significant difference was found only in the group with low Ca intake (paired t test, P = 0•03). Additionally, IAP activity increased significantly (ANOVA, P < 0•05) as Ca concentrations increased in the duodenal lumen. The present study provides in vivo evidence that luminal Ca concentration increases the activity of IAP and simultaneously decreases %Ca, acting as a minute-to-minute regulatory mechanism of Ca entry.Fil: Brun, Lucas Ricardo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Brance, María Lorena. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rigalli, Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Función preventiva y sancionatoria de la responsabilidad civil

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    ¿Qué debe hacer el Ordenamiento Jurídico para evitar que el daño se produzca, o para evitar el rédito económico obtenido por el dañador, como consecuencia del daño causado y a la vez disuadirlo para que en el futuro no mantenga dicha actitud dolosa o por lo menos negligente? El Derecho no solo debe posibilitar a la víctima a que obtenga un resarcimiento adecuado al daño injustamente sufrido, sino que debe proveer los mecanismos para contrarrestar, neutralizar los efectos dañosos y de tal manera, también disuadir ulteriores comportamientos similares.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Función preventiva y sancionatoria de la responsabilidad civil

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    ¿Qué debe hacer el Ordenamiento Jurídico para evitar que el daño se produzca, o para evitar el rédito económico obtenido por el dañador, como consecuencia del daño causado y a la vez disuadirlo para que en el futuro no mantenga dicha actitud dolosa o por lo menos negligente? El Derecho no solo debe posibilitar a la víctima a que obtenga un resarcimiento adecuado al daño injustamente sufrido, sino que debe proveer los mecanismos para contrarrestar, neutralizar los efectos dañosos y de tal manera, también disuadir ulteriores comportamientos similares.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Función preventiva y sancionatoria de la responsabilidad civil

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    ¿Qué debe hacer el Ordenamiento Jurídico para evitar que el daño se produzca, o para evitar el rédito económico obtenido por el dañador, como consecuencia del daño causado y a la vez disuadirlo para que en el futuro no mantenga dicha actitud dolosa o por lo menos negligente? El Derecho no solo debe posibilitar a la víctima a que obtenga un resarcimiento adecuado al daño injustamente sufrido, sino que debe proveer los mecanismos para contrarrestar, neutralizar los efectos dañosos y de tal manera, también disuadir ulteriores comportamientos similares.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Comparación de la eficacia de distintos productos químicos aplicados mediante tratamiento aéreo en el control del muérdago (Viscum album) sobre Pinus halepensis

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la eficacia de diversos productos químicos en el control del muérdago (Viscum album var austriacum) sobre Pinus halepensis. La experiencia consistió en la aplicación mediante tratamiento aéreo de diversas concentraciones de etefon, ácido giberélico y glifosato. Las combinaciones de ácido giberélico y glifosato obtuvieron las mayores eficacias, especialmente la que aplicó 7,8 g/ha de ácido giberélico y 540 g/ha de glifosato.The aim of this work was to compare the effectiveness of several products (such as ethephon, giberelic acid and glyphosate) in the chemical control of mistletoe {Viscum album var austriacum) on Pinus halepensis. The experiment consisted in applying various concentrations of these products by aerial treatment. The combinations of giberelic acid and glyphosate appeared to be the most effective treatments, especially the treatment that applied giberelic acid - 7,8 g/ha and glyphosate - 540 g/ha

    Performance of the MIND detector at a Neutrino Factory using realistic muon reconstruction

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    A Neutrino Factory producing an intense beam composed of nu_e(nubar_e) and nubar_mu(nu_mu) from muon decays has been shown to have the greatest sensitivity to the two currently unmeasured neutrino mixing parameters, theta_13 and delta_CP . Using the `wrong-sign muon' signal to measure nu_e to nu_mu(nubar_e to nubar_mu) oscillations in a 50 ktonne Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) sensitivity to delta_CP could be maintained down to small values of theta_13. However, the detector efficiencies used in previous studies were calculated assuming perfect pattern recognition. In this paper, MIND is re-assessed taking into account, for the first time, a realistic pattern recognition for the muon candidate. Reoptimisation of the analysis utilises a combination of methods, including a multivariate analysis similar to the one used in MINOS, to maintain high efficiency while suppressing backgrounds, ensuring that the signal selection efficiency and the background levels are comparable or better than the ones in previous analyses

    Strontium ranelate effect on bone mineral density is modified by previous bisphosphonate treatment

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of strontium ranelate (SrR) on bone mineral density (BMD) and boneturnover markers after 1 year of treatment. Additionally, theeffect of SrR in bisphosphonate-naïve patients (BP-naïve)compared to patients previously treated with bisphosphonates (BP-prior) was analyzed. This retrospective study included482 postmenopausal women treated with SrR (2 g/day) for 1year in ten Argentine centers; 41 patients were excludeddue to insufficient data, while 441 were included. Participants were divided according to previous bisphosphonatetreatment in two groups: BP-naïve (n = 87) and BP-prior (n = 350). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. After 1 year oftreatment with SrR the bone formation markers total alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin were increased (p < 0.0001),while the bone resorption marker s-CTX was decreased (p =0.0579). Also increases in BMD at the lumbar spine (LS,3.73%), femoral neck (FN, 2.00%) and total hip (TH, 1.54%) [p < 0.0001] were observed. These increments were significant(p < 0.0001) both among BP-naïve and BP-prior patients. Interestingly, the change in BMD after 1 year of SrR treatmentwas higher in BP-naïve patients: LS: BP-naïve = 4.58 ± 0.62%; BP-prior = 3.45 ± 0.28% (p = 0.078). FN: BP-naïve = 2.79 ±0.56%; BP-prior = 2.13 ± 0.29% (p = 0.161). TH: BP-naïve = 3.01± 0.55%; BP-prior = 1.22 ± 0.27% (p = 0.0006). SrR treatmentincreased BMD and bone formation markers and decreaseda bone resorption marker in the whole group, with betterresponse in BP-naïve patients.Fil: Brun, Lucas Ricardo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Galich, Ana M.. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Vega, Eduardo. Instituto de la Mujer. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Salerni, Helena. Consultorios de Investigación Clínica Endocrinológica y del Metabolismo Óseo ; ArgentinaFil: Maffei, Laura. Consultorios Asociados de Endocrinología Dra. Laura Maffei; ArgentinaFil: Premrou, Valeria. Consultorios Asociados de Endocrinología Dra. Laura Maffei; ArgentinaFil: Costanzo, Paulo R. Consultorios de Investigación Clínica Endocrinológica y del Metabolismo Óseo ; ArgentinaFil: Sarli, Marcelo A. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas Dr. Zanchetta; ArgentinaFil: Rey, Paula. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas Dr. Zanchetta; ArgentinaFil: Larroudé, Maria S.. Hospital César Milstein; ArgentinaFil: Moggia, Maria S.. Centro Tiempo; ArgentinaFil: Brance, María Lorena. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Ariel. Centro de Endocrinología; ArgentinaFil: Grupo Argentino de Estudio del Ranelato de Estroncio. No especifica

    Molecular basis or arginine and lysine DNA sequence-dependent thermo-stability modulation

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    We have used a variety of theoretical and experimental techniques to study the role of four basic amino acids-Arginine, Lysine, Ornithine and L-2,4-Diaminobutyric acid-on the structure, flexibility and sequence-dependent stability of DNA. We found that the presence of organic ions stabilizes the duplexes and significantly reduces the difference in stability between AT- and GC-rich duplexes with respect to the control conditions. This suggests that these amino acids, ingredients of the primordial soup during abiogenesis, could have helped to equalize the stability of AT- and GC-rich DNA oligomers, facilitating a general noncatalysed self-replication of DNA. Experiments and simulations demonstrate that organic ions have an effect that goes beyond the general electrostatic screening, involving specific interactions along the grooves of the double helix. We conclude that organic ions, largely ignored in the DNA world, should be reconsidered as crucial structural elements far from mimics of small inorganic cations
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