50 research outputs found

    Separated Fringe Packet Observations with the CHARA Array III. The Very High Eccentricity Binary HR 7345

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    After an eleven year observing campaign, we present the combined visual{spectroscopic orbit of the formerly unremarkable bright star HR 7345 (HD 181655, HIP 94981, GJ 754.2). Using the Separated Fringe Packet (SFP) method with the CHARA Array, we were able to determine a difficult to complete orbital period of 331.609 +/- 0.004 days. The 11 month period causes the system to be hidden from interferometric view behind the Sun for 3 years at a time. Due to the high eccentricity orbit of about 90% of a year, after 2018 January the periastron phase will not be observable again until late 2021. Hindered by its extremely high eccentricity of 0.9322 +/- 0.0001, the double-lined spectroscopic phase of HR 7345 is observable for 15 days. Such a high eccentricity for HR 7345 places it among the most eccentric systems in catalogs of both visual and spectroscopic orbits. For this system we determine nearly identical component masses of 0.941 +/- 0.076 Msun and 0.926 +/- 0.075 Msun as well as an orbital parallax of 41.08 +/- 0.77 mas.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Stellar Parameters for HD 69830, a Nearby Star with Three Neptune Mass Planets and an Asteroid Belt

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    We used the CHARA Array to directly measure the angular diameter of HD 69830, home to three Neptune mass planets and an asteroid belt. Our measurement of 0.674+/-0.014 milli-arcseconds for the limb-darkened angular diameter of this star leads to a physical radius of R∗_* = 0.9058±\pm0.0190 R\sun and luminosity of L* = 0.622+/-0.014 Lsun when combined with a fit to the spectral energy distribution of the star. Placing these observed values on an Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) diagram along with stellar evolution isochrones produces an age of 10.6+/-4 Gyr and mass of 0.863±\pm0.043 M\sun. We use archival optical echelle spectra of HD 69830 along with an iterative spectral fitting technique to measure the iron abundance ([Fe/H]=-0.04+/-0.03), effective temperature (5385+/-44 K) and surface gravity (log g = 4.49+/-0.06). We use these new values for the temperature and luminosity to calculate a more precise age of 7.5+/-Gyr. Applying the values of stellar luminosity and radius to recent models on the optimistic location of the habitable zone produces a range of 0.61-1.44 AU; partially outside the orbit of the furthest known planet (d) around HD 69830. Finally, we estimate the snow line at a distance of 1.95+/-0.19 AU, which is outside the orbit of all three planets and its asteroid belt.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted to Ap

    The Search for Stellar Companions to Exoplanet Host Stars Using the CHARA Array

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    Most exoplanets have been discovered via radial velocity studies, which are inherently insensitive to orbital inclination. Interferometric observations will show evidence of a stellar companion if it sufficiently bright, regardless of the inclination. Using the CHARA Array, we observed 22 exoplanet host stars to search for stellar companions in low-inclination orbits that may be masquerading as planetary systems. While no definitive stellar companions were discovered, it was possible to rule out certain secondary spectral types for each exoplanet system observed by studying the errors in the diameter fit to calibrated visibilities and by searching for separated fringe packets.Comment: 26 pages, 5 tables, 8 figure

    Direct Measurement of the Radius and Density of the Transiting Exoplanet HD 189733B with the CHARA Array

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    We have measured the angular diameter of the transiting extrasolar planet host star HD 189733 using the CHARA O/IR interferometric array. Combining our new angular diameter of 0.377+/-0.024 mas with the Hipparcos parallax leads to a linear radius for the host star of 0.779+/-0.052 Rsol and a radius for the planet of 1.19+/-0.08 RJup. Adopting the mass of the planet as derived by its discoverers, we derive a mean density of the planet of 0.91+/-0.18 g cm-3. This is the first determination of the diameter of an extrasolar planet through purely direct means.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Fundamental Parameters of the Exoplanet Host K Giant Star iota Draconis from the CHARA Array

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    We measured the angular diameter of the exoplanet host star iota Dra with Georgia State University's Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array interferometer, and, using the star's parallax and photometry from the literature, calculated its physical radius and effective temperature. We then combined our results with stellar oscillation frequencies from Zechmeister et al. (2008) and orbital elements from Kane et al. (2010) to determine the masses for the star and exoplanet. Our value for the central star's mass is 1.82 +/- 0.23 M_Sun, which means the exoplanet's minimum mass is 12.6 +/- 1.1 M_Jupiter. Using our new effective temperature, we recalculated the habitable zone for the system, though it is well outside the star-planet separation.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1103.274

    The projection factor of delta Cephei A calibration of the Baade-Wesselink method using the CHARA Array

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    6 pages (including an electronic table), accepted for publication in A&A lettersCepheids play a key role in astronomy as standard candles for measuring intergalactic distances. Their distance is usually inferred from the Period-Luminosity relationship, calibrated using the semi-empirical Baade-Wesselink method. Using this method, the distance is known to a multiplicative factor, called the projection factor. Presently, this factor is computed using numerical models - it has hitherto never been measured directly. Based on our new interferometric measurements obtained with the CHARA Array and the already published parallax, we present a geometrical measurement of the projection factor of a Cepheid, delta Cep. The value we determined, p = 1.27±\pm0.06, confirms the generally adopted value of p = 1.36 within 1.5 sigmas. Our value is in line with recent theoretical predictions of Nardetto et al. (2004)

    Ruling Out Possible Secondary Stars to Exoplanet Host Stars Using the CHARA Array

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    Of the over 450 exoplanets known to date, more than 420 of them have been discovered using radial velocity studies, a method that tells nothing about the inclination of the planet's orbit. Because it is more likely that the companion is a planetary-mass object in a moderate- to high-inclination orbit than a low-mass stellar object in a nearly face-on orbit, the secondary bodies are presumed to be planets. Interferometric observations allow us to inspect the angular diameter fit residuals to calibrated visibilities in order to rule out the possibility of a low-mass stellar companion in a very low-inclination orbit. We used the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array interferometer to observe 20 exoplanet host stars and considered five potential secondary spectral types: G5 V, K0 V, K5 V, M0 V, and M5 V. If a secondary star is present and is sufficiently bright, the effects of the added light will appear in interferometric observations where the planet will not. All secondary types could be eliminated from consideration for 7 host stars and no secondary stars of any spectral type could be ruled out for 7 more. The remaining 6 host stars showed a range of possible secondary types.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The CHARA Array Angular Diameter of HR 8799 Favors Planetary Masses for Its Imaged Companions

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    HR 8799 is an hF0 mA5 gamma Doradus, lambda Bootis, Vega-type star best known for hosting four directly imaged candidate planetary companions. Using the CHARA Array interferometer, we measure HR 8799's limb-darkened angular diameter to be 0.342 +/- 0.008 mas; this is the smallest interferometrically measured stellar diameter to date, with an error of only 2%. By combining our measurement with the star's parallax and photometry from the literature, we greatly improve upon previous estimates of its fundamental parameters, including stellar radius (1.44 +/- 0.06 R_Sun), effective temperature (7193 +/- 87 K, consistent with F0), luminosity (5.05 +/- 0.29 L_Sun), and the extent of the habitable zone (1.62 AU to 3.32 AU). These improved stellar properties permit much more precise comparisons with stellar evolutionary models, from which a mass and age can be determined, once the metallicity of the star is known. Considering the observational properties of other lambda Bootis stars and the indirect evidence for youth of HR 8799, we argue that the internal abundance, and what we refer to as the effective abundance, is most likely near-solar. Finally, using the Yonsei-Yale evolutionary models with uniformly scaled solar-like abundances, we estimate HR 8799's mass and age considering two possibilities: 1.516 +0.038/-0.024 M_Sun and 33 +7/-13 Myr if the star is contracting toward the zero age main-sequence or 1.513 +0.023/-0.024 M_Sun and 90 +381/-50 Myr if it is expanding from it. This improved estimate of HR 8799's age with realistic uncertainties provides the best constraints to date on the masses of its orbiting companions, and strongly suggests they are indeed planets. They nevertheless all appear to orbit well outside the habitable zone of this young star.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 37 pages, 6 tables, 13 figure

    Angular Diameters and Effective Temperatures of Twenty-five K Giant Stars from the CHARA Array

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    Using Georgia State University's CHARA Array interferometer, we measured angular diameters for 25 giant stars, six of which host exoplanets. The combination of these measurements and Hipparcos parallaxes produce physical linear radii for the sample. Except for two outliers, our values match angular diameters and physical radii estimated using photometric methods to within the associated errors with the advantage that our uncertainties are significantly lower. We also calculated the effective temperatures for the stars using the newly-measured diameters. Our values do not match those derived from spectroscopic observations as well, perhaps due to the inherent properties of the methods used or because of a missing source of extinction in the stellar models that would affect the spectroscopic temperatures