55 research outputs found

    Foreign language teachers’ feedback practices: A comparative study

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the current foreign language (FL) assessment and feedback practices as reported by 213 experienced primary teachers in Slovenia and Spain. An ad hoc questionnaire was designed, validated and administered to 113 Slovenian and 100 Spanish teachers. The data were collected and analysed with the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Among the most relevant findings, it is noteworthy that Spanish teachers focus on providing feedback on receptive skills while their Slovenian colleagues pay more attention to productive skills. Also, results from both groups reveal a lack of FL pronunciation feedback and scarce attention to interactive aspects of communication

    Domaće poticanje mladih učenika stranog jezika u Sloveniji

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    The main aim of the present research was to determine the kinds of encouragement that young learners receive at home from their parents for foreign language (FL) learning, and highlight any differences between the domestic environment and foreign language learning in terms of the socio-economic status of the family. Furthermore, the study offers some general recommendations to parents and primary school authorities to encourage FL learning in the domestic environment, thereby avoiding socio-economic differences. The study was conducted on a sample of ninth-grade pupils (14 years of age) attending Slovene primary schools (N = 600). A questionnaire with the closed-type questions was designed in accordance with the measurement characteristics (validity, reliability, objectivity). The data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that in general, parents almost never or rarely encourage their children in foreign language learning. A detailed analysis of the results, however, shows that there are statistically significant differences in the support given to foreign language learning in terms of the socio-economic status of the family (e.g., through books, literature, DVDs, songs in foreign languages, homework, language courses abroad, travelling). Parents with a higher level of education support their children in learning foreign languages more than parents with a lower level of education.Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi vrste poticaja koje mladi učenici koji uče strani jezik (SJ) primaju kod kuće, a koje im pružaju njihovi roditelji, te naglasiti razlike između domaćeg okruženja i učenja stranog jezika u smislu socijalno-ekonomskog statusa obitelji. Nadalje, istraživanje nudi neke opće preporuke roditeljima i autoritetima u osnovnoj školi da potaknu učenje stranog jezika u domaćem okruženju te izbjegnu socijalno-ekonomske razlike. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku učenika devetih razreda (starost 14 godina) koji pohađaju slovenske osnovne škole (N=600). Upitnik s pitanjima zatvorenog tipa osmišljen je u skladu s mjernim karakteristikama (valjanost, pouzdanost, objektivnost). Podaci su analizirani upotrebom deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati pokazuju kako roditelji gotovo nikad ne potiču ili vrlo rijetko potiču svoju djecu na učenje stranog jezika. Međutim, detaljna analiza rezultata pokazala je kako postoje statistički značajne razlike u potpori učenja stranog jezika povezane sa socijalno-ekonomskim statusom obitelji (npr. knjige, literatura, DVD, pjesme na stranim jezicima, domaća zadaća, tečajevi stranih jezika u inozemstvu, putovanje). Visokoobrazovni roditelji potiču svoju djecu na učenje stranih jezika više od roditelja nižeg stupnja obrazovanja

    Comparative assessment of young learners' foreign language competence in three Eastern European countries

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    This paper concerns teacher practices in, and beliefs about, the assessment of young learners' progress in English in three Eastern European countries (Slovenia, Croatia, and the Czech Republic). The central part of the paper focuses on an international project involving empirical research into assessment of young learners' foreign language competence in Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic. With the help of an adapted questionnaire, we collected data from a non-random sample of primary and foreign language teachers who teach foreign languages at the primary level in these countries. The research shows that English as a foreign language is taught mostly by young teachers either primary specialists or foreign language teachers. These teachers most frequently use oral assessment/interviews or self-developed tests. Other more authentic types of assessment, such as language portfolios, are rarely used. The teachers most frequently assess speaking and listening skills, and they use assessment involving vocabulary the most frequently of all. However, there are significant differences in practice among the three countries

    Izobrazevanje uciteljev za poucevanje tujih jezikov vosnovni soli v Sloveniji

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    The introduction of foreign languages into the first three-year cycle of primary school has spurred the need for qualified teachers, and is one of the main discussion points among experts in foreign language teaching. Most of the contemporary studies report that there is a global gap between the supply of qualified teachers of foreign languages to young learners and the demand for them as programmes expand. These studies emphasize the paramount importance in assuring the quality of early foreign language instruction. Therefore, the authors of this paper first present some of the models of initial and in-service training of teachers of foreign languages to young learners across the world and then focus on a more in-depth presentation and analysis of the training of teachers of foreign languages at the primary level in Slovenia. All the existing national programmes for teacher development are compared and discussed. Finally, some guidelines and recommendations are given regarding training teachers to teach foreign languages to young learners. (DIPF/Orig.

    Analysis of the development of language skills and of morphological and syntactic errors in younger and older beginners learners of German

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    Analiza razvoja govornih spretnosti mlajših (9 do 11 let) in starejših začetnikov (11 do 13 let) učenja nemškega jezika in analiza pojavljajočih se oblikoslovno-skladenjskih nepravilnosti primerja smiselno fleksibilnost in metakognitivne sposobnosti mlajših in starejših začetnikov pri pridobivanju tujega jezika.Mental operations underlying the acquisition of the first and all the subsequent languages are similar. On the other hand, ways of getting familiar with individual languages and their specific properties, emotional responses and personal experiences in the process vary. The paper outlines the development of language skills and of morphological and syntactic errors in younger (ages 9-11 years) and older (ages 11-13 years) beginner learnes of German in two Slovene primary schools. Language competence of pupils in the two experimental groups (early beginners vs. older beginners) is compare

    Izvajanje preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja mlajših učencev pri pouku tujega jezika v slovenski osnovni šoli

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    Assessment should regularly and systematically be integrated into the process of learning and teaching. That is, it should reflect the kinds of activity that regularly occur in class and with which pupils are famillar. It should have a strong diagnostic function that will provide useful information to teachers and learners in enabling them to take stock of where they are and if necessary to adapt their particular strategies. The research reported in this article focuses on an investigation of Slovenian foreign language teachers\u27 experiences and attitudes toward the assessment of primary learners of a foreign language. By means of a survey questionnaire we present the characteristics of teachers\u27 assessment in practice, and teachers\u27 attitudes toward assessment at the primary level. The survey shows that all teachers assess their young learners of foreign languages, more often numerically than with comments. They also believe that they are responsible for assessment, just as they believe that teachers and young learners alike have the right to these the results.Preverjanje in ocenjevanje naj bi bila redno in sistematično vključena v proces učenja in poučevanja. Izražala naj bi dejavnosti v razredu, učenci bi morali biti z njimi seznanjeni. Preverjanje in ocenjevanje naj imata diagnostično funkcijo, ki zagotavlja uporabne informacije tako učitelju kot učencu, prav tako pa ju opozarja na uspešnost izbranega načina dela in če je potrebno tudi prilagajanje na določene učne strategije. Članek predstavlja empirično raziskavo o značilnostih in stališčih do preverjanja in ocenjevanja in sicer slovenskih učiteljev razrednega pouka in tujega jezika, ki poučujejo tuji jezik na razredni stopnji osnovne šole. S pomočjo prevzetega anketnega vprašalnika smo pridobili podatke o značilnostih preverjanja in ocenjevanja učencev tujega jezika na razredni stopnji osnovne šole, ki jih učitelji izvajajo v praksi ter stališča učiteljev do preverjanja in ocenjevanja. Raziskava kaže, da vsi učitelji preverjajo in ocenjujejo učence tujega jezika na razredni stopnji, številčno bolj pogosto kot opisno. Učitelji menijo, da sosami odgovorni za preverjanje in ocenjevanje, prav tako so mnenja, da imajo tako učenci kot njihovi starši pravico videti rezultate

    European guidelines for teaching foreign languages in preschool and elementary school

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    Članek na kratko povzema sodobne evropske smernice na področju (tuje)jezikovne politike. Jezikovna politika današnje Evrope predvideva večjezičnega govorca, ki se bo znašel v svetu jezikovno raznolikega kontinenta, obenem pa bo sposoben samozavestno ohranjati tisto njemu lastno, kar ga dela drugačnega. Uvajanje učenja tujih (dodatnih) jezikov na predšolsko in razredno stopnjo je znanstveno in v praksi dokazano eno izmed dejstev sodobne družbe v Evropi in v svetu, saj globalizacija, mobilnost ljudi in skupni trg zahtevajo večjezičnega govorca. V članku so predstavljena bistvena izhodišča Akcijskega načrta 2004-2006, ki spodbujajo k večjezičnosti v Evropi in učenju dveh tujih (dodatnih) jezikov od zgodnjega otroštva naprej. Prav tako so predstavljene glavne predpostavke Skupnega evropskega jezikovnega okvira, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri snovanju jezikovnega učnega načrta. Članek vključuje tudi Evropski kazalnik jezikovnih kompetenc, in sicer predstavi razloge za spodbujanje večjezičnosti in učenje jezikov od zgodnjega otroštva dalje. V zaključku je prikazan kratek prerez tujejezikovne politike v Sloveniji.The article presents some common European references that are used for language learning and teaching. Common European language policy demands that multilingual individuals be self-confident in preserving their identity that makes them different in a multilingual world. Teaching foreign languages at the primary level is a necessity for contemporary society, not only in Europe but also worldwide. It is a fact that has been scientifically proven through practice. Globalisation, mobility and the common market require multilingual speakers. The article introduces some of the essential issues of the Action Plan 2004-2006, which supports multilingual competency in Europe and suggests adding two additional foreign languages to the primary level curriculum. Some main issues of The Common European Framework of Reference, which is increasingly used in making reforms to the national curricula, are also presented. The European Index of Language Competences is also provided in the article. It includes some of the main issues concerning additional foreign language stimulation at the primary level. The conclusion deals with some issues of the Slovenian foreign language policy

    Evropske smernice za učenje tujih jezikov na predšolski in razredni stopnji osnovne šole

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    Članek na kratko povzema sodobne evropske smernice na področju (tuje)jezikovne politike. Jezikovna politika današnje Evrope predvideva večjezičnega govorca, ki se bo znašel v svetu jezikovno raznolikega kontinenta, obenem pa bo sposoben samozavestno ohranjati tisto njemu lastno, kar ga dela drugačnega. Uvajanje učenja tujih (dodatnih) jezikov na predšolsko in razredno stopnjo je znanstveno in v praksi dokazano eno izmed dejstev sodobne družbe v Evropi in v svetu, saj globalizacija, mobilnost ljudi in skupni trg zahtevajo večjezičnega govorca. V članku so predstavljena bistvena izhodišča Akcijskega načrta 2004-2006, ki spodbujajo k večjezičnosti v Evropi in učenju dveh tujih (dodatnih) jezikov od zgodnjega otroštva naprej. Prav tako so predstavljene glavne predpostavke Skupnega evropskega jezikovnega okvira, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri snovanju jezikovnega učnega načrta. Članek vključuje tudi Evropski kazalnik jezikovnih kompetenc, in sicer predstavi razloge za spodbujanje večjezičnosti in učenje jezikov od zgodnjega otroštva dalje. V zaključku je prikazan kratek prerez tujejezikovne politike v Sloveniji.The article presents some common European references that are used for language learning and teaching. Common European language policy demands that multilingual individuals be self-confident in preserving their identity that makes them different in a multilingual world. Teaching foreign languages at the primary level is a necessity for contemporary society, not only in Europe but also worldwide. It is a fact that has been scientifically proven through practice. Globalisation, mobility and the common market require multilingual speakers. The article introduces some of the essential issues of the Action Plan 2004-2006, which supports multilingual competency in Europe and suggests adding two additional foreign languages to the primary level curriculum. Some main issues of The Common European Framework of Reference, which is increasingly used in making reforms to the national curricula, are also presented. The European Index of Language Competences is also provided in the article. It includes some of the main issues concerning additional foreign language stimulation at the primary level. The conclusion deals with some issues of the Slovenian foreign language policy

    Raising language awareness and intercultural competence in primary school

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    Članek predstavlja jezikovno ozaveščanje in medkulturno razgledanost na nižji stopnji osnovne šole, ki v zadnjem času spadata, še zlasti v strokovnih krogih, med zelo aktualni temi. V prvem delu članka je opredeljeno jezikovno in medkulturno izobraževanje na nižji stopnji osnovne šole. V drugem delu so prikazani rezultati raziskave, katere osnovni namen je bil proučiti jezikovno in medkulturno ozaveščenost pri učencih razredne stopnje in ugotoviti morebitne razlike med starostnimi skupinami. Rezultati pričujoče raziskave so pokazali, da se otroci na razredni stopnji zanimajo za učenje tujih jezikov, so tudi pozitivno naravnani do tujih kultur in njihovih pripadnikov, a jih pri komunikaciji in druženju z njimi ovira predvsem neznanje jezika in nepoznavanje njihovih kultur. To dejstvo bi se z učinkovito jezikovno politiko in uvajanjem različnih medkulturnih vsebin v nižje razrede osnovne šole dalo spremeniti. S tem bi prihodnjim generacijam omogočili mirno sobivanje v večkulturni družbi.The paper presents language awareness and intercultural competence at the primary level. They are both highly important topics, especially in professional circles. The first part introduces theoretical issues of foreign language learning and inter- cultural understanding at the primary level. The second part presents the results of the studyits purpose was to determine language awareness and intercultural competence of primary level learners and to determine the differences between age groups. The results of this study show that young learners at the primary level are interested in foreign languages and they show positive feelings about other cultures and their members, however, insufficient knowledge in foreign languages and culture are the main obstacles for their lack of communication and socializing with other cultures. This could be avoided by introducing an effective language policy and intercultural contents in the lower classes of primary schools. This would allow future generations to peacefully coexist in a multicultural society

    Teacher development in Slovenia for teaching foreign languages at the primary level

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    The introduction of foreign languages into the first three-year cycle of primary school has spurred the need for qualified teachers, and is one of the main discussion points among experts in foreign language teaching. Most of the contemporary studies report that there is a global gap between the supply of qualified teachers of foreign languages to young learners and the demand for them as programmes expand. These studies emphasize the paramount importance in assuring the quality of early foreign language instruction. Therefore, the authors of this paper first present some of the models of initial and in-service training of teachers of foreign languages to young learners across the world and then focus on a more in-depth presentation and analysis of the training of teachers of foreign languages at the primary level in Slovenia. All the existing national programmes for teacher development are compared and discussed. Finally, some guidelines and recommendations are given regarding training teachers to teach foreign languages to young learners