13 research outputs found

    Dampak Variabel Makro Ekonomi dan Imbal Hasil Deposito Bank Syariah Terhadap Harga Saham Bank Syariah di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Berdasarkan teori Eficiency Market Hypothesis (EMH) terbentuknya harga saham merupakan refleksi dari keseluruhan informasi baik dari dalam perusahaan maupun informasi dari luar. Besarnya dampak faktor eksternal seperti ekonomi makro dan imbal hasil dalam mempengaruhi harga saham merupakan perhatian serius para investor dalam melakukan investasi. Perkembangan progresif perbankan syariah di Indonesia mampu menarik minat investor sehingga menjadikan saham perbankan syariah menjadi salah satu saham yang cukup diminati di pasar saham. Penelitian ini mencoba menggali secara empiris hubungan antara faktor ekonomi makro dan imbal hasil deposito bank syariah terhadap harga saham sektor perbankan khususnya bank syariah yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indoensia. Setelah dilakukan pengujian dengan fixed effect model (FEM), hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa suku bunga berpengaruh negatif sedangkan tingkat imbal hasil deposito bank syariah berpengaruh positif terhadap harga saham bank syariah, sedangkan nilai tukar dan inflasi tidak memiliki pengaruh secara statistik terhadap harga saham bank syaria

    Evaluation and Demonstration of Hubbard JV Broiler Breed at Axum and Axum Zeria, Tigray Region, Northen Ethiopia

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    This study was implemented at Axum and its surrounding to evaluate the performance and demonstrate the breed at small holder management level in 2012. From the total of 7 participants included in the study 3 were women. Total of 756 day old Hubbard JV broiler chicks were brought from Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center and according to the house size 100-135 chicks were supplied per participate. Participant farmers were trained on poultry house and housing, health, feeding and data recording. The houses were disinfected, bedded with Tef straw and a 250 watt infrared bulb was used to heat the birds. Proper drinking and feeding materials were used to feed the chicks at adlib basis. Vaccines were given against Newcastle and gumbro diseases. Records like daily feed intake, weekly body weight gain and mortality was taken throughout the experiments. At the end carcass characteristics was measured. Mean daily feed intake (g) and weekly weight gain (g) per bird were 79.69±4.54 and 283.51±18.18 respectively. The mean final weight was 1776.67g±109.07 at 45 days consuming 3586.05 grams of feed per bird. Average mortality of birds was 6.6% and farmers profited 26.78 birr per bird. The breed adapted well to the area as well as to the small holder production system, besides farmers showed greater interest on the breed. Eventually we strongly recommend that due attention must be given for the sustainable supply of the breed. Keywords: Body weight gain, Day old chicks, Feed intake, Mortality, Smallholde


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    In 2010, the supply of exclusive breast milk in Medan is very low. It is only 3,04% of infants who get exclusive breast milk. Low supply of this exclusive breast milk is caused by the private practice midwives’ behavior in giving formula milk for newborns. This study is aimed to analyze the influence of personal selling performed by private practice midwives who give formula milk feeding for newborns. Methods : This type of research is explanatory research which is aimed to analyze the effect of the personal selling performed by private practice midwives who give formula milk feeding for newborns. The writer used survey method with cross sectional approach. Results : Three variables that were significantly associated to formula breastfeeding to neonatal infants  are personal selling (p<0,05), knowledge and attitude. Conclusion : The results show that the personal selling has dominant influence toward formula milk feeding for newborns. The writer suggests the private practice midwives to provide correct and clear information about exclusive breast milk.  Keywords : Formula Milk , Personal Selling , Private Practice Midwif

    Detection of Greenhouse Gas Precursors from Diesel Engines Using Electrochemical and Photoacoustic Sensors

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    Atmospheric pollution is one of the worst threats to modern society. The consequences derived from different forms of atmospheric pollution vary from the local to the global scale, with deep impacts on climate, environment and human health. Several gaseous pollutants, even when present in trace concentrations, play a fundamental role in important processes that occur in atmosphere. Phenomena such as global warming, photochemical smog formation, acid rain and the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer are strongly related to the increased concentration of certain gaseous species in the atmosphere. The transport sector significantly produces atmospheric pollution, mainly when diesel oil is used as fuel. Therefore, new methodologies based on selective and sensitive gas detection schemes must be developed in order to detect and monitor pollutant gases from this source. In this work, CO2 Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy was used to evaluate ethylene emissions and electrochemical analyzers were used to evaluate the emissions of CO, NOx and SO2 from the exhaust of diesel powered vehicles (rural diesel with 5% of biodiesel, in this paper called only diesel) at different engine rotation speeds. Concentrations in the range 6 to 45 ppmV for ethylene, 109 to 1,231 ppmV for carbon monoxide, 75 to 868 ppmV for nitrogen oxides and 3 to 354 ppmV for sulfur dioxide were obtained. The results indicate that the detection techniques used were sufficiently selective and sensitive to detect the gaseous species mentioned above in the ppmV range

    Invisible Cities: COTTONOPOLIS: A critical reflection on the image of sustainability and the promise of production

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    The project uses architecture to speculate how we might make the invisible metropolis of the cotton industry hidden within the region on Xinjiang, China, visible alongside its negative production externalities and its practice sustainable. This project understands cotton in its current global state of production, consumption and price point can never be sustainable and ethical at the same time. It resigns to reality and instead attempts to imagine another. Cottonopolis gives form to the insidious and pervasive nature of China’s monopoly within the context of the global cotton industry and conceptualises the process in a single narrative told through architecture. It is a story of the image of sustainability, and the promise of future production. 1 in 5 of the cotton products available in the world are produced or pertain cotton which was grown in Xinjiang, China making it the most productive region in the world. Taking into account the vast scale of infrastructure currently dedicated to the cotton industry in the region of Xinjiang, China, it seeks to visualise the elements (farm to factory) together as a total system; a city. Within this context, the architecture gives form to a new alternative: a sustainable factory at a city scale, revealing the Cottonopolis. A city which metabolises all the waste of its key products: water, cotton, humans. However in this alternative reality, the factory presents a completely unethical system made to be completely sustainable. It is a satire an imagined reality and by no means a real argumentation for architecture that should exist. However, all the elements of the narrative presented in the project to some degree exist in the context of Xinjiang. The ridiculousness and darkness of the project exists simply because it is an exaggerated reflection of reality. In short, it illustrates the duality of discourse which currently surrounds the cotton industry in Xinjiang. The bizarre story of infrastructural gymnastics to grow the global supply of cotton in a desert and play on the edges of what could be a reality of how the cotton goods used in our every day might be grown and produced tomorrow. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Science


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    Our research project focuses on encouraging HSU students to become more physically active, while immersing themselves in the Arcata community. Our Wayfinder project includes a map of trails that will be highlighted by semi-permanent signage, to increase walkability and integrate HSU students into the community. With the results from a previous survey, the trails in this project preview a variety of popular places in the Arcata community to promote Arcata-HSU relations and influence students to explore their new home. In our video, we will share the trails, how we created the trails, and our plans for future engagement

    Perceptions of health service providers on the sexual health of older adults in Colombia

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    Introducción: la sexualidad y la salud sexual de las personas adultas mayores es una dimensión invisible en la prestación de los servicios de salud. Debido a esto, es importante conocer las percepciones y dificultades del personal de salud para brindar esta atención. Objetivo: identificar diferencias y similitudes en la percepción que tienen los proveedores de servicios de salud en Colombia sobre la sexualidad y la salud sexual en el adulto mayor. Metodología: se realizaron 5 grupos focales en Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cali y Medellín donde participaron 19 profesionales de la salud de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva. Resultados: los profesionales de la salud reconocen la sexualidad como un aspecto importante en la prestación de los servicios de salud en las personas mayores, a pesar de la invisibilidad actual del tema en la atención médica. Reconocen la complejidad de hablar sobre sexualidad en la interacción médico-paciente, en parte por la falta de entrenamiento de los profesionales de la salud y por las propias inhibiciones de los pacientes. Discusión: persisten obstáculos sociales y teóricos para abordar los temas de sexualidad en consulta, al igual que diferencias de género para el tratamiento de temas de sexualidad y salud sexual. Conclusiones: los prestadores de servicios de salud son claves para remover barreras a la atención, acompañamiento y comprensión de la salud sexual y la sexualidad de las personas mayores

    Wayfinding Pilot project

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    Our research project focuses on encouraging HSU students to become more physically active, while immersing themselves in the Arcata community. Our Wayfinder project includes a map of trails that will be highlighted by semi-permanent signage, to increase walkability and integrate HSU students into the community. With the results from a previous survey, the trails in this project preview a variety of popular places in the Arcata community to promote Arcata-HSU relations and influence students to explore their new home. In our video, we will share the trails, how we created the trails, and our plans for future engagement