652 research outputs found

    Dynamic stability control in younger and older adults during stair descent.

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    The purpose of this study was to examine dynamic stability control in older and younger adults while descending stairs. Thirteen older (aged 64-77years) and 13 younger (aged 22-29years) adults descended a staircase at their preferred speed. A motion capture system and three force plates were used to determine locomotion mechanics. Dynamic stability was investigated by using the margin of stability, calculated as the instantaneous difference between anterior boundary of the base of support and extrapolated centre of mass. At the initiation of the single support phase, older adults demonstrated a more negative (p<.05) margin of stability value. The component responsible for the lower margin of stability in the elderly was the higher velocity of the centre of mass (p<.05). Before the initiation of the single support phase, the older adults showed a lower (p<.05) ankle and knee joint angular impulse compared to the younger ones. We found a significant correlation (r=.729, p<.05) between centre of mass velocity and joint angular impulse. These results indicate that older adults are at greater risk of falls while descending stairs potentially due to a reduced ability to generate adequate leg-extensor muscular output to safely control the motion of the body's centre of mass while stepping down

    Study of electron-irradiated silicon thin films using transient photocurrent spectroscopy

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    Electron irradiation of silicon thin films creates localised states, which degrade theiropto-electronic properties. We present a series of transient photocurrent spectroscopy (TPC)measurements on electron-irradiated amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films, annealed atprogressively increasing temperatures. This has enabled localised states associated with bothdangling bonds and conduction band tails to be examined over a wide energy range.Trends inthe evolution of the DOS following electron irradiation followed by isochronal annealing stepsindicate reductions in the deep defect density,which correlate with spin density. We also find asteepening of the conduction band tail slope in amorphous silicon on annealing. Both defectdensity and tail slope may be restored close to as-prepared material values. Earlier CPM dataare re-examined, and a similar trend in the valence band tail slope is indicated. Computersimulations predict that following e-irradiation changes in deep defect density primarily controlsolar cell performance, and will tend to obscure effects related to band tails

    Phasevarion Mediated Epigenetic Gene Regulation in Helicobacter pylori

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    Many host-adapted bacterial pathogens contain DNA methyltransferases (mod genes) that are subject to phase-variable expression (high-frequency reversible ON/OFF switching of gene expression). In Haemophilus influenzae and pathogenic Neisseria, the random switching of the modA gene, associated with a phase-variable type III restriction modification (R-M) system, controls expression of a phase-variable regulon of genes (a “phasevarion”), via differential methylation of the genome in the modA ON and OFF states. Phase-variable type III R-M systems are also found in Helicobacter pylori, suggesting that phasevarions may also exist in this key human pathogen. Phylogenetic studies on the phase-variable type III modH gene revealed that there are 17 distinct alleles in H. pylori, which differ only in their DNA recognition domain. One of the most commonly found alleles was modH5 (16% of isolates). Microarray analysis comparing the wild-type P12modH5 ON strain to a P12ΔmodH5 mutant revealed that six genes were either up- or down-regulated, and some were virulence-associated. These included flaA, which encodes a flagella protein important in motility and hopG, an outer membrane protein essential for colonization and associated with gastric cancer. This study provides the first evidence of this epigenetic mechanism of gene expression in H. pylori. Characterisation of H. pylori modH phasevarions to define stable immunological targets will be essential for vaccine development and may also contribute to understanding H. pylori pathogenesis

    Foraging by the stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride. 11.:Intake and assimilation of food, protein and energy

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    Daily food intake by the herbivorous parrotfish Sparisoma viride, as well as assimilation efficiencies of algal food, protein and energy, were quantified through a combination of laboratory feeding trials and field observations. The intake of algal ash-free dry wt (AFDW) per bite increases linearly with fish wet wt (FWW, g) and algal biomass (mg AFDW CM-2), and is further determined by the skeletal density of the limestone substrate. Low-density substrates yield higher amounts of AFDW per bite than do high-density substrates. The percentage of the total food intake that is derived from endolithic and crustose coralline algae increases with the size of the fish, and can be &gt; 70 % depending on the biomass of epilithic algae. The daily pattern of foraging activity is positively correlated with diurnal changes in food quality, while seasonal daylength variations result in 13 % variation in total daily bites taken. Daily number of bites of S. viride in the field decreases with fish size, and is further dependent on life phase and foraging depth. In experiments, fish attained an assimilation efficiency of ca 20 % from a natural diet of low algal biomass and high-density dead coral substrates that predominates in the shallow reef. Assimilation efficiency was ca 70 % from a diet of high algal biomass and low-density substrates that predominates on the deeper reef parts. In spite of lower daily foraging effort, territorial fish, living in deeper parts of the reef, ingest and assimilate higher amounts of AFDW, protein and energy per day than non-territorial fish foraging on the shallow reef. The difference is caused by increased availability of high-yield food and substrate types inside territories compared to the situation on the shallow reef. Daily assimilated energy (kJ d-1) is 0.85 x FWW 0.773 for fish foraging in the shallow reef zone, and 1.22 x FWW0.854 for S. viride foraging inside territories on the deeper reef.</p

    Sprinting with an amputation: Some race-based lower-limb step observations.

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    BACKGROUND: T44 sprinting with an amputation is still in a state of relative infancy. Future scope for athletic training and prosthetic limb development may be assisted with a better understanding of information derived from T44 athletes when under race-based conditions. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the behaviour of step count and step frequency when under competitive conditions. STUDY DESIGN: The study comprises two elements: (1) a video-based analysis of race-based limb-to-limb symmetry and (2) a video-based analysis of race-based step count. METHODS: Video analysis of several major events from 1996-2012 are assessed for step count and step limb-to-limb symmetry characteristics. RESULTS: The video analysis highlights limb-to-limb imbalances greater than those indicated in the previous literature. A low step count is determined to be desirable for success in the 100-m event. CONCLUSION: Future analysis of athletes with a lower-limb amputation would be worthwhile when placed under race-based conditions as the limb-to-limb behaviour is more exaggerated than those seen in typical studies held within a laboratory setting. The within-event behaviour of step counts requires further investigation to establish where these take place or whether it is a cumulative step length issue. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This article increases the understanding of the race-based behaviour of amputee athletes and provides more information to contribute to any discussions on the performance of lower-limb prostheses

    A New and Simple TRG Multiplex PCR Assay for Assessment of T-cell Clonality: A Comparative Study from the EuroClonality Consortium

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    T-cell Receptor Gamma (TRG) rearrangements are commonly used to detect clonal lymphoproliferations in hematopathology, since they are rearranged in virtually all T lymphocytes and have a relatively limited recombinatorial repertoire, which reduces the risk of false negative results, at the cost of potential false positivity. We developed an initial one-tube, 2-fluorochrome EuroClonality TRG PCR multiplex (TRG-1T-2F) which was compared to the original 2-tube, 2-fluorochrome EuroClonality/BIOMED-2 TRG PCR (TRG-2T-2F) and a commercial Invivoscribe one-tube, one-fluorochrome kit (IVS-1T-1F) on a series of 239 samples, including both T-cell malignancies and reactive cases. This initial assay yielded discrepant results between the 10 participating EuroClonality laboratories when using 2 fluorochromes, leading to adoption of a final single color EuroClonality strategy (TRG-1T-1F). Compared to TRG-2T-2F, both TRG-1T-1F and IVS-1T-1F demonstrated easier interpretation and a lower risk of false positive from minor peaks in dispersed repertoires. Both generate smaller fragments and as such are likely to be better adapted to analysis of formalin-fixed paraffinembedded (FFPE) tissue samples. Their differential performance was mainly explained by (i)

    Challenges in measuring nitrogen isotope signatures in inorganic nitrogen forms: An interlaboratory comparison of three common measurement approaches

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    Rationale Stable isotope approaches are increasingly applied to better understand the cycling of inorganic nitrogen (Ni) forms, key limiting nutrients in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. A systematic comparison of the accuracy and precision of the most commonly used methods to analyze δ15N in NO3− and NH4+ and interlaboratory comparison tests to evaluate the comparability of isotope results between laboratories are, however, still lacking. Methods Here, we conducted an interlaboratory comparison involving 10 European laboratories to compare different methods and laboratory performance to measure δ15N in NO3− and NH4+. The approaches tested were (a) microdiffusion (MD), (b) chemical conversion (CM), which transforms Ni to either N2O (CM-N2O) or N2 (CM-N2), and (c) the denitrifier (DN) methods. Results The study showed that standards in their single forms were reasonably replicated by the different methods and laboratories, with laboratories applying CM-N2O performing superior for both NO3− and NH4+, followed by DN. Laboratories using MD significantly underestimated the “true” values due to incomplete recovery and also those using CM-N2 showed issues with isotope fractionation. Most methods and laboratories underestimated the at%15N of Ni of labeled standards in their single forms, but relative errors were within maximal 6% deviation from the real value and therefore acceptable. The results showed further that MD is strongly biased by nonspecificity. The results of the environmental samples were generally highly variable, with standard deviations (SD) of up to ± 8.4‰ for NO3− and ± 32.9‰ for NH4+; SDs within laboratories were found to be considerably lower (on average 3.1‰). The variability could not be connected to any single factor but next to errors due to blank contamination, isotope normalization, and fractionation, and also matrix effects and analytical errors have to be considered

    Vaccination Targeting a Surface Sialidase of P. acnes: Implication for New Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

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    BACKGROUND: Acne vulgaris afflicts more than fifty million people in the United State and the severity of this disorder is associated with the immune response to Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). Systemic therapies for acne target P. acnes using antibiotics, or target the follicle with retinoids such as isotretinoin. The latter systemic treatment is highly effective but also carries a risk of side effects including immune imbalance, hyperlipidemia, and teratogenicity. Despite substantial research into potential new therapies for this common disease, vaccines against acne vulgaris are not yet available. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Here we create an acne vaccine targeting a cell wall-anchored sialidase of P. acnes. The importance of sialidase to disease pathogenesis is shown by treatment of a human sebocyte cell line with recombinant sialidase that increased susceptibility to P. acnes cytotoxicity and adhesion. Mice immunized with sialidase elicit a detectable antibody; the anti-sialidase serum effectively neutralized the cytotoxicity of P. acnes in vitro and P. acnes-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) production in human sebocytes. Furthermore, the sialidase-immunized mice provided protective immunity against P. acnes in vivo as this treatment blocked an increase in ear thickness and release of pro-inflammatory macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-2) cytokine. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicated that acne vaccines open novel therapeutic avenues for acne vulgaris and other P. acnes-associated diseases

    Energy Spectra of Elemental Groups of Cosmic Rays: Update on the KASCADE Unfolding Analysis

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    The KASCADE experiment measures extensive air showers induced by cosmic rays in the energy range around the so-called knee. The data of KASCADE have been used in a composition analysis showing the knee at 3-5 PeV to be caused by a steepening in the light-element spectra. Since the applied unfolding analysis depends crucially on simulations of air showers, different high energy hadronic interaction models (QGSJet and SIBYLL) were used. The results have shown a strong dependence of the relative abundance of the individual mass groups on the underlying model. In this update of the analysis we apply the unfolding method with a different low energy interaction model (FLUKA instead of GHEISHA) in the simulations. While the resulting individual mass group spectra do not change significantly, the overall description of the measured data improves by using the FLUKA model. In addition data in a larger range of zenith angle are analysed. The new results are completely consistent, i.e. there is no hint to any severe problem in applying the unfolding analysis method to KASCADE data.Comment: accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic