35 research outputs found

    DUMP: A Database of Useful MCQs for Physics

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    This communication describes the output of a Development Project awarded in 2005 to fund a collaborative project between the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews. The project aimed to take an in-house collection of over 400 multiple choice / multiple response questions on topics in introductory Physics (gathered and developed over many years of teaching) and publish them in an interactive, online, browsable collection, freely available to educators to use as a resource for their teaching. The system that we have created has functionality similar to online shopping or auction sites such as Amazon and eBay (without the cost!). In this communication we will outline some of the rationale that led us to attempt this project, describe the issues and challenges for the project, illustrate ways the system can be used to support teaching and learning and conclude with thoughts for the future progress and sustainability of such systems, including plans for the continuing development of the output from this project

    N2O Temporal Variability from the Middle Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere Based on Airborne and Balloon-Borne Observations during the Period 1987–2018

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the fourth most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and is considered the most important current source gas emission for global stratospheric ozone depletion (O3 ). It has natural and anthropogenic sources, mainly as an unintended by-product of food production activities. This work examines the identification and quantification of trends in the N2O concentration from the middle troposphere to the middle stratosphere (MTMS) by in situ and remote sensing observations. The temporal variability of N2O is addressed using a comprehensive dataset of in situ and remote sensing N2O concentrations based on aircraft and balloon measurements in the MTMS from 1987 to 2018. We determine N2O trends in the MTMS, based on observations. This consistent dataset was also used to study the N2O seasonal cycle to investigate the relationship between abundances and its emission sources through zonal means. The results show a longterm increase in global N2O concentration in the MTMS with an average of 0.89 ± 0.07 ppb/yr in the troposphere and 0.96 ± 0.15 ppb/yr in the stratosphere, consistent with 0.80 ppb/yr derived from ground-based measurements and 0.799 ± 0.024 ppb/yr ACE-FTS (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer) satellite measurements

    N2_2O Temporal Variability from the Middle Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere Based on Airborne and Balloon-Borne Observations during the Period 1987–2018

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    Nitrous oxide (N2_2O) is the fourth most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and is considered the most important current source gas emission for global stratospheric ozone depletion (O3_3). It has natural and anthropogenic sources, mainly as an unintended by-product of food production activities. This work examines the identification and quantification of trends in the N2_2O concentration from the middle troposphere to the middle stratosphere (MTMS) by in situ and remote sensing observations. The temporal variability of N2_2O is addressed using a comprehensive dataset of in situ and remote sensing N2_2O concentrations based on aircraft and balloon measurements in the MTMS from 1987 to 2018. We determine N2_2O trends in the MTMS, based on observations. This consistent dataset was also used to study the N2_2O seasonal cycle to investigate the relationship between abundances and its emission sources through zonal means. The results show a long-term increase in global N2_2O concentration in the MTMS with an average of 0.89 ± 0.07 ppb/yr in the troposphere and 0.96 ± 0.15 ppb/yr in the stratosphere, consistent with 0.80 ppb/yr derived from ground-based measurements and 0.799 ± 0.024 ppb/yr ACE-FTS (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer) satellite measurements

    Impact of stratospheric air and surface emissions on tropospheric nitrous oxide during ATom

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    We measured the global distribution of tropospheric N2O mixing ratios during the NASA airborne Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) mission. ATom measured concentrations of ∼ 300 gas species and aerosol properties in 647 vertical profiles spanning the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and much of the Southern Ocean basins, nearly from pole to pole, over four seasons (2016–2018). We measured N2O concentrations at 1 Hz using a quantum cascade laser spectrometer (QCLS). We introduced a new spectral retrieval method to account for the pressure and temperature sensitivity of the instrument when deployed on aircraft. This retrieval strategy improved the precision of our ATom QCLS N2O measurements by a factor of three (based on the standard deviation of calibration measurements). Our measurements show that most of the variance of N2O mixing ratios in the troposphere is driven by the influence of N2O-depleted stratospheric air, especially at mid- and high latitudes. We observe the downward propagation of lower N2O mixing ratios (compared to surface stations) that tracks the influence of stratosphere–troposphere exchange through the tropospheric column down to the surface. The highest N2O mixing ratios occur close to the Equator, extending through the boundary layer and free troposphere. We observed influences from a complex and diverse mixture of N2O sources, with emission source types identified using the rich suite of chemical species measured on ATom and the geographical origin calculated using an atmospheric transport model. Although ATom flights were mostly over the oceans, the most prominent N2O enhancements were associated with anthropogenic emissions, including from industry (e.g., oil and gas), urban sources, and biomass burning, especially in the tropical Atlantic outflow from Africa. Enhanced N2O mixing ratios are mostly associated with pollution-related tracers arriving from the coastal area of Nigeria. Peaks of N2O are often associated with indicators of photochemical processing, suggesting possible unexpected source processes. In most cases, the results show how difficult it is to separate the mixture of different sources in the atmosphere, which may contribute to uncertainties in the N2O global budget. The extensive data set from ATom will help improve the understanding of N2O emission processes and their representation in global models.This research has been supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (grant nos. NNX15AJ23G, NNX17AF54G, NNX15AG58A, NNX15AH33A, and 80NSSC19K0124) and the National Science Foundation (grant nos. 1852977, AGS-1547626, and AGS-1623745)