158 research outputs found

    Les OlimpĂ­ades canviaran la Xina, o la Xina canviarĂ  les OlimpĂ­ades?

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    "Han passat cent anys des que es va fer la pregunta que avui és famosa a la Xina: 'Quan podrà la Xina convidar el món sencer a Pequín per a una competició internacional olímpica?'. Al 2008, els Jocs Olímpics es duran a terme a la nació menys 'occidentalitzada' on mai s'han celebrat. Serà la tercera vegada que els Jocs Olímpics d'Estiu se celebrin fora d'Occident o d'una de les seves antigues colònies, i serà la trobada més important entre Orient i Occident en temps de pau. Serà un moment crucial quan la Xina comenci a ocupar el seu lloc com a peça fonamental de la política mundial, en l'economia i en la cultura després de gairebé 170 anys de subordinació als poders occidentals i al Japó. Per als xinesos, l'eslògan olímpic 'Un món, un somni' significa que tota la gent del món vol un bon nivell de vida i seguretat, i que totes les nacions desitgen modernitzar-se i arribar a condicions polítiques i econòmiques estables (...)"."Han pasado cien años desde que se formuló la pregunta que ahora es famosa en China: '¿Cuándo podrá China invitar al mundo entero a Pekín para una competición internacional olímpica?'. En 2008, los Juegos Olímpicos se llevarán a cabo en la nación menos 'occidentalizada' en la que se han celebrado hasta ahora. Será la tercera vez que los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano se celebren fuera de Occidente o de sus antiguas colonias, y será el mayor encuentro entre Oriente y Occidente en tiempos de paz. Será un momento fundamental cuando China empiece a ocupar su lugar como pieza fundamental en la política mundial, en economía y en cultura después de casi 170 años de subordinación a los poderes occidentales y a Japón. Para los chinos, el eslogan olímpico 'Un mundo, un sueño' significa que toda la gente del mundo quiere un buen nivel de vida y seguridad, y que todas las naciones desean modernizarse y alcanzar condiciones políticas y económicas estables (...)"."One hundred years have passed since the question now famous in China was asked, 'When will China be able to invite all the world to Peking [Beijing] for an International Olympic contest…?' In 2008 the Olympic Games will be hosted by the least 'Westernized' nation in the world to yet host them. It will be only the third time the Olympic Summer Games have been held outside the West and its former colonies, and it will be the greatest-ever meeting of East and West in peacetime. It will mark a pivotal moment when China begins to take its place as a major force in global politics, economics, and culture after nearly 170 years of subordination to the Western powers and Japan. For Chinese people the Olympic slogan 'One World, One Dream' means that all the world's peoples want a high standard of living and a secure life, and all the world's nations want to modernize and achieve stable economic and political conditions (...)"

    Another side of the Shanghai World Expo: Forum on ICT and Urban Development

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    This posting marks my return to blogging after a break following my participation in the founding of The China Beat in 2008 with my postings from Beijing leading up to the Olympics. Contacts I made during the Olympics led to an invitation to do some informal work for the Forum Department of the Expo Organizing Bureau, and so I am now in Shanghai and blogging about China’s second mega-event

    The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports

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    Yale CEAS Occasional Publication Series - Volume 3https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ceas_publication_series/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Comparative study of the hydraulic, energy and agronomic performances of conventional and low pressure drip irrigation on citrus

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    In countries facing water scarcity, drip irrigation can raise crop productivity and save water compared to flood irrigation. In spite of its benefits, the adoption of drip irrigation is still low mainly due to the high cost of investment and the energy cost of operation. For this latter constraint, new types of drippers operating at low pressure are being tested. The present study aims to compare the performances of two types of drippers, represented by conventional drippers (CD) operating at nominal pressure of one bar and the new drippers (LP) operating at a pressure of 0.15 bars. The study was carried out in a citrus grove in Tadla, Morocco. Results showed that low pressure emitters reduced hydraulic energy per unit volume of water supplied by around 43% compared to conventional emitters, without significant reduction in water distribution uniformity. Low pressure drippers had uniformities of 80 to 92%, compared to 88 to 97% for conventional drippers. Citrus growth parameters, fruit yield and the fruit quality of the Maroc late variety were identical under the two types of drippers. Thus, low pressure emitters can be used as a substitute for conventional drippers which require higher energy. Key words: Drip irrigation, performance indicators, low pressure, citrus, Morocc

    Pretend Play and Social Engagement in Toddlers at High and Low Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Toddlers with an older sibling with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and low risk (LR) toddlers with typically-developing older siblings were observed during free play with a parent and elicited pretend with an examiner at 22-months. Functional and pretend play, children’s social engagement, and parent sensitivity were assessed during free play. Complexity of play was assessed during the elicited pretend task. Toddlers with an ASD diagnosis showed less pretend play across contexts and less social engagement with parents or the examiner than either LR toddlers or high risk toddlers without a diagnosis (HR-noASD). Lower levels of pretend play and social engagement were associated with symptom severity within the high risk group, reflecting emerging ASD in toddlerhood

    Socio-economic status and types of childhood injury in Alberta: a population based study

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood injury is the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and permanent disability in children in the developed world. This research examines relationships between socio-economic status (SES), demographics, and types of childhood injury in the province of Alberta, Canada. METHODS: Secondary analysis was performed using administrative health care data provided by Alberta Health and Wellness on all children, aged 0 to 17 years, who had injuries treated by a physician, either in a physician's office, outpatient department, emergency room and/or as a hospital inpatient, between April 1(st). 1995 to March 31(st). 1996. Thirteen types of childhood injury were assessed with respect to age, gender and urban/rural location using ICD9 codes, and were related to SES as determined by an individual level SES indicator, the payment status of the Alberta provincial health insurance plan. The relationships between gender, SES, rural/urban status and injury type were determined using logistic regression. RESULTS: Twenty-four percent of Alberta children had an injury treated by physician during the one year period. Peak injury rates occurred about ages 2 and 13–17 years. All injury types except poisoning were more common in males. Injuries were more frequent in urban Alberta and in urban children with lower SES (receiving health care premium assistance). Among the four most common types of injury (78.6% of the total), superficial wounds and open wounds were more common among children with lower SES, while fractures and dislocations/sprains/strains were more common among children receiving no premium assistance. CONCLUSION: These results show that childhood injury in Alberta is a major health concern especially among males, children living in urban centres, and those living on welfare or have Treaty status. Most types of injury were more frequent in children of lower SES. Analysis of the three types of the healthcare premium subsidy allowed a more comprehensive picture of childhood injury with children whose families are on welfare and those of Treaty status presenting more frequently for an injury-related physician's consultation than other children. This report also demonstrates that administrative health care data can be usefully employed to describe injury patterns in children

    Neurogenesis in the chronic lesions of multiple sclerosis

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    Subcortical white matter in the adult human brain contains a population of interneurons that helps regulate cerebral blood flow. We investigated the fate of these neurons following subcortical white matter demyelination. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine neurons in normal-appearing subcortical white matter and seven acute and 59 chronic demyelinated lesions in brains from nine patients with multiple sclerosis and four controls. Seven acute and 44 of 59 chronic multiple sclerosis lesions had marked neuronal loss. Compared to surrounding normal-appearing white matter, the remaining 15 chronic multiple sclerosis lesions contained a 72% increase in mature interneuron density, increased synaptic densities and cells with phenotypic characteristics of immature neurons. Lesion areas with increased neuron densities contained a morphologically distinct population of activated microglia. Subventricular zones contiguous with demyelinated lesions also contained an increase in cells with phenotypes of neuronal precursors. These results support neurogenesis in a subpopulation of demyelinated subcortical white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis brains

    Development of measures to evaluate youth advocacy for obesity prevention

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    BACKGROUND: Youth advocacy has been successfully used in substance use prevention but is a novel strategy in obesity prevention. As a precondition for building an evidence base for youth advocacy for obesity prevention, the present study aimed to develop and evaluate measures of youth advocacy mediator, process, and outcome variables. METHODS: The Youth Engagement and Action for Health (YEAH!) program (San Diego County, CA) engaged youth and adult group leaders in advocacy for school and neighborhood improvements to nutrition and physical activity environments. Based on a model of youth advocacy, scales were developed to assess mediators, intervention processes, and proximal outcomes of youth advocacy for obesity prevention. Youth (baseline n = 136) and adult group leaders (baseline n = 47) completed surveys before and after advocacy projects. With baseline data, we created youth advocacy and adult leadership subscales using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and described their psychometric properties. RESULTS: Youth came from 21 groups, were ages 9–22, and most were female. Most youth were non-White, and the largest ethnic group was Hispanic/Latino (35.6 %). The proposed factor structure held for most (14/20 youth and 1/2 adult) subscales. Modifications were necessary for 6 of the originally proposed 20 youth and 1 of the 2 adult multi-item subscales, which involved splitting larger subscales into two components and dropping low-performing items. CONCLUSIONS: Internally consistent scales to assess mediators, intervention processes, and proximal outcomes of youth advocacy for obesity prevention were developed. The resulting scales can be used in future studies to evaluate youth advocacy programs
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