735 research outputs found

    Ficciones de ideas: las columnas de opinión de Empar Moliner.

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    El objetivo de este artículo es investigar qué papel ejerce la ficción en las columnas, concretamente la práctica que, en el campo de los estudios literarios, se conoce como autoficción y que consiste en crear una personalidad ficticia con los mismos nombres y apellidos del autor. Por otro lado, analizaré el intercambio que se suele producir entre columnas y cuentos. Este estudio se basará en las columnas que la escritora Empar Moliner publica en el diario Avui. Ello permitirá comprobar el carácter experimental de este género y el valor persuasivo de la ficción cuando se usa con una finalidad argumentativa

    Relation between temperature and the beginning of peel color change in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.)

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    The grapefruit varieties Marsh (white-fleshed) and Redblush (pink-fleshed) are the most widely cultivated varieties in the world. In this work we attempt to determine the temperature below which degreening begins in these two varieties of grapefruit, first studying the influence of radiation on the colorimetric coordinates and then the influence of minimum temperatures on the change from green to yellow, based on the data gathered during the 2005/6, 2006/7, 2010/11 and 2011/12 growing seasons. The results show that net radiation alone does not explain when degreening begins, but that the process depends on the mean of the minimum temperatures for the 14 days preceding the sampling being below 14 °C. Finally, we discuss the relationships between coordinate a, and each of the following variables: maturity index (MI), °Brix, and percentage of acidity, concluding that the indices show that grapefruit are mature at the beginning of autumn when the peel is still green. Therefore, these indices are not related with natural degreening, which occurs in autumn. This knowledge will help predict the color that fruit will reach according to the temperatures of a given geographical area and whether or not degreening chambers will have to be used, with the additional costs that this implies

    Derecho y poder en el destino de Crimea

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    Sumario: 1. Obertura Crimea. 2. Ortodoxia y Levedad en Naciones Unidas. 3. Sanciones de la comunidad occidental. 4. Impotencia e irredentismo ucraniano. 5. Haciendo política de bloques con los derechos humanos. 6. También en las Naciones Unidas. 7. El frente judicial. 8. ¿A quién importa los derechos humanos? 9. A modo de reflexión final

    Presence-absence versus presence-only modelling methods for predicting bird habitat suitability

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    Habitat suitability models can be generated using methods requiring information on species presence or species presence and absence. Knowledge of the predictive performance of such methods becomes a critical issue to establish their optimal scope of application for mapping current species distributions under different constraints. Here, we use breeding bird atlas data in Catalonia as a working example and attempt to analyse the relative performance of two methods: the Ecological Niche factor Analysis (ENFA) using presence data only and Generalised Linear Models (GLM) using presence/absence data. Models were run on a set of forest species with similar habitat requirements, but with varying occurrence rates (prevalence) and niche positions (marginality). Our results support the idea that GLM predictions are more accurate than those obtained with ENFA. This was particularly true when species were using available habitats proportionally to their suitability, making absence data reliable and useful to enhance model calibration. Species marginality in niche space was also correlated to predictive accuracy, i.e. species with less restricted ecological requirements were modelled less accurately than species with more restricted requirements. This pattern was irrespective of the method employed. Models for wide-ranging and tolerant species were more sensitive to absence data, suggesting that presence/absence methods may be particularly important for predicting distributions of this type of species. We conclude that modellers should consider that species ecological characteristics are critical in determining the accuracy of models and that it is difficult to predict generalist species distributions accurately and this is independent of the method used. Being based on distinct approaches regarding adjustment to data and data quality, habitat distribution modelling methods cover different application areas, making it difficult to identify one that should be universally applicable. Our results suggest however, that if absence data is available, methods using this information should be preferably used in most situations

    Effect of Photoselective Shading Nets on Productivity and Economic Viability in Pepper Crops

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    In recent years, the use of photoselective shading nets to mitigate the harmful high radiation caused by the increase in temperatures is growing. The objective of this work was to study the positive effects - in terms of yield and profitability of photoselective shade nets in two types of pepper: Lamuyo (cultivars Alcudia and Pompeo) and California (cultivars Bendigo and Cayetano). The weekly yields, classified into different calibre, were analysed over two years, and for the analysis of economic profitability, the Equivalent Annual Value (EAV) was used with an analysis of sensitivity. The yields obtained with the pearl-colored net giving 30% shading were superior to open cultivation (no netting), in all the studied cultivars; in particular, Cayetano and Pompeo had 136 and 86% greater yields, respectively. This same trend was observed for the red-colored net giving 30% shading, with 88 and 74% increase in yield in Cayetano and Pompeo, respectively. In economic terms, the EAV was superior with the use of the pearl net, especially for the cultivars Alcudia and Cayetano - being €14,864 and €13,326 ha-1 yr-1, respectively. The yield and profitability were better for the crops grown under the pearl-colored photoselective net, especially for cultivars Alcudia and Cayetano. The sensitivity analysis showed that the probability of obtaining negative returns was higher in the absence of netting, while under the shade nets it was below 10%

    Le défigement linguistique comme recours stylistique, et les écueils traductologiques induits de l’espagnol vers le français

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    The man\u27s gaze transcends reality to so often cosmetic purposes. Referring to literature, here we will only tackle the part of the narrative creation which are the metaphorical interpretation and its derivatives to linger over this other type of diversion realized by the language de-fossilization in its phraseology and lexical applications, leading to many puns. The translator must accommodate to this sign of discursive freedom of authors, establishing semantic and semiotic relations of collusion between the source language and the target language. This is what we will develop on the basis of about ten illustrations from Hispanic literature. For each case, we will emphasize the intuitive logic of the original find, to propose its transfer in French, pointing that through a translatological "intuitivo-cognitive" posture, the translator can develop his very own creativity, a true wager of literary faithfulness