38 research outputs found

    O estudo do potencial de um sistema híbrido composto por célula a combustível microbiana(CCM) associada a um eletrobiorreator a membrana(EBRM) para o tratamento de efluente suíno sintético.

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    A suinocultura brasileira obteve um crescimento bastante expressivo nas últimas décadas, especialmente, devido à elevada qualidade do produto fornecido pelo Estado de Santa Catarina, responsável pela maior produção e exportação de carne suína do país. Em contrapartida, a disposição inadequada dos dejetos suínos não tratados, tem sido considerada um dos maiores problemas relacionados à degradação dos corpos hídricos nas regiões produtoras. Estes efluentes possuem como característica elevada concentração de matéria orgânica, e nutrientes, como fósforo e nitrogênio. Sem o tratamento prévio, ao atingir os corpos d’água devido ao elevado aporte de nutrientes, contribuem para a eutrofização, impactando diretamente o ecossistema aquático. Além dos impactos ambientais deletérios estes efluentes também são nocivos à saúde humana devido a presença de patógenos. Desta forma, a busca por tecnologias promissoras que promovam a eficiente remoção da matéria orgânica e nutrientes se torna fundamental. O biorreator a membrana consiste em um sistema que integra os processos biológicos de degradação com a filtração por membranas. Já um eletrobiorreator a membrana (EBRM) é um BRM com a presença de um sistema de eletrocoagulação visando a remoção química do fósforo e a melhoria das condições de filtrabilidade do licor misto, reduzindo simultaneamente a colmatação das membranas, uma das lacunas dos sistemas de membranas. É neste cenário, que o objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu em encontrar as melhores condições operacionais do sistema de eletrocoagulação em ensaios de bancada, visando aplicação em um eletrobiorreator a membrana (EBRM) em escala piloto. Desta forma, foram realizados ensaios de bancada e avaliação da toxicidade do efluente

    Electrochemical determination and degradation of the natural estrogen estrone using boron-doped diamond anodes

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    Different electrochemical techniques were used to characterize the boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode and to determine estrone. After parameters optimization, the detection limits obtained using differential pulse voltammetry (0.27 μmol L 1) and square-wave voltammetry (0.096 μmol L 1) with a cathodically pretreated BDD electrode were comparable to values reported in the literature. An even smaller value was obtained when amperometric detection was used with a flow injection system FIA-EC (0.050 μmol L 1), because there is a reduction of capacitive current interferences when a fixed potential is applied, as the continuous flow rate (surface cleaning and mass transport effect). In all cases, the BDD electrode presented a stable response (inter- and intra-day repeatabilities) and different matrices did not have significant influence on the detection of estrone. Consequently, the investigated techniques are promising for this purpose, with excellent accuracy and precision. In the electrochemical degradation of estrone studies in a flow reactor a rapid decay of estrone concentration was attained, due to the high oxidation power of the BDD electrode. This decay is dependent on the studied parameters (current density, flow rate, and pH); best results were attained at pH 3. Intermediate products formed during electrolyses of estrone at different pH (3, 7, and 10) were investigated by LC-MS/MS; thus, inedited (partial) degradation pathways were proposed, aiming at understanding the influence of pH on the generation of intermediates. Finally, electrochemical degradation of estrone at pH 7 using the BDD electrode was compared with the one attained with a β‒PbO2 electrode, also with an inedited mechanistic study.Universidade Federal de Sao CarlosDiferentes técnicas eletroquímicas foram usadas para caracterizar o eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro (BDD) e para a determinação de estrona. Após otimização de parâmetros, os valores de limite de detecção obtidos usando a voltametria de pulso diferencial (0,27 μmol L 1) e a voltametria de onda quadrada (0,096 μmol L 1) com o eletrodo de BDD prétratado catodicamente foram comparáveis àqueles na literatura. Um valor ainda menor foi obtido quando se utilizou detecção amperométrica em um sistema de injeção em fluxo FIA-EC (0,050 μmol L 1), dada a redução de interferências da corrente capacitiva pela aplicação de um potencial fixo, fluxo contínuo (transporte de massa e renovação de superfície do eletrodo). Em todos os casos, o eletrodo de BDD apresentou-se bastante estável (repetibilidade intra-dia e entre-dias) e diferentes matrizes não tiveram influências significantes na detecção da estrona. Consequentemente, as técnicas investigadas se mostraram promissoras para esse propósito, com excelentes precisão e exatidão. Na degradação eletroquímica de estrona em um reator em fluxo, devido ao alto poder oxidante do eletrodo de BDD, obteve-se um decaimento rápido da concentração de estrona, dependente das variáveis investigadas (densidade de corrente, vazão volumétrica e pH); melhores resultados foram obtidos a pH 3. Os intermediários formados durante eletrólises de estrona em diferentes pHs (3, 7 e 10) foram investigados por LCMS/ MS, sendo que rotas inéditas de degradação (parcial) foram propostas, no intuito de entender melhor a influência do pH na formação dos intermediários. Além disso, a degradação eletroquímica de estrona utilizando o eletrodo de BDD foi ainda comparada com a obtida com um eletrodo de β‒PbO2, também com estudo mecanístico inédito

    Polypyrrole and Li1.05Mn2O4 composites: preparation by dip coating or casting and electrochemical caracterization

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    Films of polypyrrole/Li1.05Mn2O4 composites were prepared by chemical synthesis over a carbon-fiber substrate, using the dipcoating and casting techniques, aiming at improving the performance of these materials as cathodes in secondary lithium or lithium-ion batteries. For this the following were investigated: i) electrochemical behavior of both materials (polymer and oxide) over the carbon-fiber surface; ii) electrochemical characteristics and stability of the composites obtained by the different methods; iii) best electrolyte to work at high potentials (> 4 V vs. Li/Li+); iv) electronic conduction of the composites; v) morphology of both components of the composites; vi) behavior of the composites as cathodes of lithium-ion batteries. From the obtained results it could be concluded that neither preparation technique led to films with a good electrical contact between the spinel crystals and the carbon fibers, which is necessary for them to show a high performance for charge storage. For the materials prepared by dip coating, the use of factorial design effectively helped in obtaining a higher specific-capacity value for polypyrrole (118 mA h g-1), but that was not the case for the polypyrrole/Li1.05Mn2O4 composite (only 20 mA h g-1). On the other hand, for the films prepared by casting, the electronic conduction of the spinel was increased due to the polypyrrole and carbon black mixture, while the most appropriate electrolyte for the electrochemical characterizations was 1 mol L-1 LiClO4 in EC:DMC 1:1 (V/V). However, only the predominantly capacitive behavior of the carbon fiber was observed in the charge/discharge tests. Finally, the charge/discharge tests of the polypyrrol/Li1.05Mn2O4 composite compacted over platinum yielded values of ~70 mA h g-1 for the first cycle and a better stability than that presented by the pure spinel.Universidade Federal de Sao CarlosFilmes de compósitos de polipirrol/Li1,05Mn2O4 foram preparados por síntese química sobre substratos de fibra de carbono, utilizando as técnicas dip coating e casting, visando melhorias no desempenho desses materiais como catodos de baterias secundárias de lítio ou de íons lítio. Para isso, foi necessário investigar: i) o comportamento eletroquímico de ambos os materiais (polímero e óxido) sobre a superfície da fibra de carbono; ii) a estabilidade e características eletroquímicas dos compósitos obtidos pelos diferentes métodos; iii) o melhor eletrólito para operar em altos potenciais (> 4 V vs. Li/Li+); iv) a condutividade eletrônica dos compósitos; v) a morfologia de ambos os constituintes do compósito; vi) o desempenho dos compósitos como catodos numa bateria de íons lítio. Os resultados permitiram concluir que ambas as técnicas de dip coating e casting não resultam em filmes com um bom contato elétrico entre os cristais do espinélio e as fibras de carbono, o qual é necessário para que os eletrodos apresentem alto desempenho para armazenamento de carga. Para os materiais preparados por dip coating, o uso de planejamento fatorial efetivamente ajudou na obtenção de um valor mais alto de capacidade específica para o polipirrol (118 mA h g-1), mas isto não ocorreu para o compósito polipirrol/Li1,05Mn2O4 (20 mA h g-1). Por outro lado, para os filmes preparados por casting, a condutividade eletrônica do espinélio foi aumentada devido à mistura de polipirrol e carbon black, enquanto que o eletrólito mais adequado para as caracterizações eletroquímicas foi LiClO4 1 mol L-1 em EC:DMC 1:1 (v/v). Entretanto, nos testes de carga/descarga observou-se somente o comportamento predominantemente capacitivo da fibra de carbono. Finalmente, testes de carga e descarga do compósito polipirrol/Li1,05Mn2O4 compactado sobre platina resultaram em valores de ~70 mA h g-1 para os primeiros ciclos e melhor estabilidade que a do espinélio puro

    Assessments of the Effect of Increasingly Severe Cathodic Pretreatments on the Electrochemical Activity of Polycrystalline Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes.

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    International audienceThe electrochemical response of many redox species on boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes can be strongly dependent on the type of chemical termination on their surface, hydrogen (HT-BDD) or oxygen (OT-BDD). For instance, on an HT-BDD electrode the [Fe(CN)6](3-/4-) redox system presents a reversible voltammetric behavior, whereas the oxidation overpotential of ascorbic acid (AA) is significantly decreased. Moreover, the electrochemical activity of BDD electrodes can be significantly affected by electrochemical pretreatments, with cathodic pretreatments (CPTs) leading to redox behaviors associated with HT-BDD. Here we report on the effect of increasingly severe CPTs on the electrochemical activity of a highly doped BDD electrode, assessed with the [Fe(CN)6](3-/4-) and AA redox probes, and on the atomic bonding structure on the BDD surface, assessed by XPS. The hydrogenation level of the BDD surface was increased by CPTs, leading to decreases of the total relative level of oxidation of the BDD surface of up to 36%. Contrary to what is commonly assumed, we show that BDD surfaces do not need to be highly hydrogenated to ensure that a reversible voltammetric behavior is obtained for Fe(CN)6](3-/4-); after a CPT, this was attained even when the total relative level of oxidation on the BDD surface was about 15%. At the same time, the overpotential for AA oxidation was confirmed as being very sensitive to the level of oxidation of the BDD surface, a behavior that might allow the use of AA as a secondary indicator of the relative atomic bonding structure on the BDD surface

    Dissolution of Pt during Oxygen Reduction Reaction Produces Pt Nanoparticles

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    The loss of Pt during the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) affects the performance and economic viability of fuel cells and sensors. Our group previously observed the dissolution of Pt nanoelectrodes at moderately negative potentials during the ORR. Here we report a more detailed study of this process and identify its product. The nanoporous Pt surface formed during the ORR was visualized by AFM and high-resolution SEM, which also showed ∼5 nm sized Pt particles on the glass surface surrounding the electrode. The release of these nanoparticles into the solution was confirmed by monitoring their catalytically amplified collisions with a Hg-coated microelectrode used as the tip in the scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)

    Electrochemical determination of natural drug colchicine in pharmaceuticals and human serum sample and its Interaction with DNA

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    Colchicine (COLC) is a natural toxic product and secondary metabolite most commonly used to treat gout. In this study, its electrochemical behavior and determination was investigated by employing modification-free boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE). Besides, its interaction with DNA was monitored using electrochemical methods. It was found that oxidation of this compound proceeds in two steps, where first sharp and well defined oxidation peak occurs at potential of around 1.19V, and second one at around 1.37V, in Britton-Robinson buffer solution at pH7.5. Wide dynamic range from 1 to 100 mu M was obtained with a detection limit (3 sigma(intercept)/slope) of a 0.26 mu M, based on the evaluation of first oxidation peak using differential pulse voltammetry. The proposed method was also found to be suitable for monitoring interaction of this drug with DNA as important segment for medical use. Concerning the validation, the analytical procedure shows excellent selectivity and sensitivity toward COLC detection and after method development it was successfully used for its quantification in pharmaceutical preparation and human serum sample, with satisfactory recovery. Obviously, this approach can be promising replacement for time-consuming and expensive separation methods.Magbiovin project [621375]Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Republic of Serbia [OI 172030]Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic [1/0489/16]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio