14 research outputs found

    Effect of the instruments of the marketing mixon image of higher education institutionsand student satisfaction

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    Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije jeste primena instrumenata marketing miksa u oblasti visokog obrazovanja, kao i implikacije koje oni imaju na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakciju korisnika usluga visokoškolske ustanove. Cilj koji se želi ostvariti ovim istraživanjem jeste dolaženje do kvalitetnih i pouzdanih informacija o tome koliko je značajan uticaj svakog pojedinačnog instrumenata marketing miksa, kao i njihove kombinacije, na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i na satisfakciju studenata u visokoškolskim ustanovama. Metodologija istraživanja korišćena u radu je u skladu sa postavljenim hipotezama, kao i u saglasnosti sa osnovnom svrhom, predmetom i ciljevima istraživanja. Istraživanje je izvedeno metodom teorijske analize i empirijskim metodom tzv. istraživačkom metodom. Empirijska metoda istraživanja imala je osnovni cilj, a to je prikupljanje ĉinjenica o stvarnosti kao i njihova kasnija analiza. Empirijsko istraživanje realizovano je u tri faze: prikupljane podataka, sreñivanje podataka i obrada statističkim analizama. Metodom anketiranja prikupljeni su konkretni podaci i činjenice od strane ispitanika pismenim putem. Kao instrument istraživanja za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je nestandardizovan upitnik (u prilogu), specijalno konstruisan za dato istraživanje, sa pitanjima zatvorenog tipa. Potom je statističkim metodama izvršena analiza dobijenih podataka. Podaci su analizirani korišćenjem programa Excel, SPSS for Windows 17.0 i Statistika za obradu podataka. U analizi su korišćene sledeće metode: deskriptivna statistika (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija), jednosmerna analiza varijanse - ANOVA, korelaciona analiza (Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije) i regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja izraženi su brojčano i prikazani tabelarno i grafički. Statističkim metodama došli smo do tačnog preseka stanja kao i preciznih rezultata uz pomoć kojih smo stekli jasnu sliku o nivou povezanosti instrumenata marketing miksa sa imidžom visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakcijom studenata i nivou uticaja instrumenata marketing miksa na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakciju studenata. Rezultati do kojih se došlo primenom ovih metoda komparirani su sa saznanjima dobijenih metodom teorijske analize i to je omogućilo izvoñenje potpunijih zaključaka i preporuka. Rezultatima dobijenim u istraživanju potvrñene su opšte hipoteze i utvrñena je, povezanost instrumenata marketing miksa sa imidžom visokoškolskih ustanova i povezanost instrumenata marketing miksa i satisfakcije studenata. Potvrñivanjem opštih hipoteza, u velikoj meri, je potvrñen i uticaj instrumenata marketing miksa na imidž visokoškolske ustanove (svi instrumenti marketing miksa osim cene i distribucije utiču na imidž visokoškolske ustanove) i uticaj instrumenata marketing miksa na satisfakciju studenta (svi instrumenti marketing miksa osim cene i promocije utiču na satisfakciju studenata). Istovremeno se ukazuje i na to koje instrumente i elemente je potrebno unapreñivati uopšte kako bi se visokoškolska ustanova bolje pozicionirala na tržištu obrazovanja. Sprovedenim istraživanjem se ukazuje na to da najveći uticaj na imidž visokoškolske ustanove ostvaruju: uslužni proces, promocija, uslužni proizvod, uslužni ambijent i ljudski faktor, dok na satisfakciju studenata najveći uticaj ostvaruju: uslužni proces, uslužni ambijent, uslužni proizvod, ljudski faktor i distribucija. Doktorskom disertacijom se ukazuje i na to šta je potrebno poboljšati na svakom od fakulteta koji se nalaze u sastavu Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu. Dolazi se do zaključka da je unapreñivanje imidža neophodno na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu i na Fakultetu za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu. Na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu, prema dobijenim rezultatima, poboljšanje imidža se može postići unapreñivanjem promocije, ljudskog faktora i uslužnog ambijenta, a na Fakultetu za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu je potrebno poboljšati promociju kako bi se poboljšao imidž fakulteta. Ocenjenost imidža na Pravnom fakultetu za privredu i pravosuñe u Novom Sadu i Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment u Novom Sadu je viša i ne postoji potreba za njegovim unapreñivanjem. Sledstveno dobijenim rezultatima u istraživanju, dolazi se do zaključka da je potrebno povećanje satisfakcije studenata Stomatološkog fakulteta u Pančevu i da će se ono postići poboljšanjem promocije, ljudskog faktora, uslužnog ambijenta i uslužnog procesa, dok je ocenjenost satisfakcije studenata viša na svim ostalim fakultetima koji se nalaze u sastavu Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu (Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuñe u Novom Sadu, Fakultet za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment u Novom Sadu i Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu) i ne postoji potreba za njenim unapreñivanjem. Istovremeno se dolazi do zaključaka da je za postizanje adekvatnog imidža ustanove neophodno poboljšati: mogućnost dobijanja stipendija i popusta, dostupnost adekvatnih informacija putem sajta, društvenih mreža i učenja na daljinu (DLS-a), izvoñenje konsultacije po rasporedu, bez odstupanja, mogućnost odlaska studenata na univerzitete u inostranstvu i kvalitet studenata koji upisuju fakultet. Takoñe, satisfakcija studenata će se povećati ukoliko se poboljša: dostupnost informacija putem sajta, društvenih mreža i učenja na daljinu (DLS-a), izvoñenje konsultacija po rasporedu, bez odstupanja, kvalitet studenata koji upisuju fakultet i motivacija studenata na učenje od strane nastavnika i saradnika. Naučni cilj istraživanja je postignut potvrñivanjem validnosti postavljenih hipoteze, te se na osnovu naučno utemeljenog istraživačkog procesa došlo do pouzdanih podataka u oblasti koja je nedovoljno istražena od strane drugih autora. Samim tim je naučna svrsishodnost i opravdanost ovog istraživanja nesumnjiva jer su se kroz jedno objedinjeno istraživanje obezbedila naučna saznanja, koja će biti relevantna za naredna naučna izučavanja ove oblasti. Društveni cilj disertacije postignut je dolaskom do pouzdanih podataka kojim se menadžmentu Univerziteta jasno ukazuje na to šta je neophodno poboljšati u poslovanju visokoškolske ustanove kako bi se ona bolje pozicionirala na tržištu obrazovanja.The scope of the research of the doctoral dissertation is the application of the instruments of the marketing mix in the higher education sector, as well as their implications on image of a higher education institution and student satisfaction. The aim of the research is to obtain quality reliable information to which extent each instrument of the marketing mix and their combinations affect higher education institutions and student satisfaction. The used research methodology was in accordance with the set hypotheses, as well as the basic purpose, scope and aims of the research. The research was conducted by using the method of theoretical analysis and the empirical method, i.e. the research method. The main goal of the empirical research method was to collect facts on reality as well as their further analysis. The empiricial research was realised in three stages: collecting the data, sorting out the data and processing the data by analysis. Concrete data and facts were obtained by a questionnaire in a written form. A nonstandardised questionnaire with closed-ended items (in the attachment) was used as a research instrument for collecting data, designed particularly for the given research. The data was analysed by using the statistical methods. The programmes used were Excel, SPSS for Windows 17.0 and Statistics for processing data. The following methods were used in the analysis: descriptive statistics (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation), one-way analysis of variance – ANOVA, correlation analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) and regression analysis. The research results were presented numerically as well as in tables and graphically. The statistics methods provided an accurate overview as well as precise results which helped in acquiring a clear picture to which extent the instruments of the marketing mix are related to student satisfaction. The acquired results were compared to what was obtained by using the theoretical analysis method which enabled more complete conclusions and suggestions. The obtained results confirmed the general hypothesis and the relation between the instruments of the marketing mix and image of the higher education institutions and the relation of the instruments of the marketing mix and student satisfaction were determined. Confirmation of the general hypothesis also confirmed the effect of the instruments of the marketing mix on image of the higher education institutions (all instruments of the marketing mix with the except of tuition and distribution affect image of the higher education institution) and the effect of the marketing mix on student satisfaction (all instruments of the marketing mix with the except of tuition and promotion affect student satisfaction). Simultaneously, it was pointed out which instruments and which elements need improvement in order for the higher education institution to have better positioning on the education market. The research indicates that process, promotion, product, physical evidence and people mostly affect image of the higher education institution, while process, physical evidence, product, people and distribution mostly affect student satisfaction . The doctoral dissertation points out to what needs improvement at each of the faculties within the University Business Academy in Novi Sad. The conclusion is that the School of Dentistry in Pančevo and the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade need to improve their image. According to results, the School of Dentistry in Pančevo may improve its image by improving its promotion, people and physical evidence, while the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade needs to improve its promotion in order to improve its image. The images of the Faculty of Law for Economy and Judiciary in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad were graded higher and there is no need for their improvement. The consequently obtained research results indicate that student satisfaction needs increase at the School of Dentistry in Pančevo and that it may be realised by improving its promotion, people, physical evidence and process, while student satisfaction was graded higher at all other faculties within the University Business Academy in Novi Sad (the Faculty of Law for Economy and Judiciary in Novi Sad, the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade) and that it needs no improvement. It can be concluded that in order to realise a proper image, it is necessary to improve: the possibility of getting scholarships and discounts, the availability of adequate information on the website, social networks and distance learning systems (DLS), having consultations on, with no deviations, the possibility for students to go to foreign universities abroad and the quality of students who enroll the faculty. Furthermore, student satisfaction will increase if the following items are improved: availability of information on the website, social networks and distance learning systems (DLS) having consultations on schedule, with no deviations, the quality of students who enroll the faculty and teachers and associates motivating the students . The scientific aim of the research was achieved by confirming the validity of the set hypothesis, thus reliable data in this area which was unexplored by other authors was obtained based on the scientific research process. Therefore, the scientific purposefulness and justification of the research is unquestionable as this one conjoined research provides scientific knowledge which will be relevant for further scientific research in this field. The social aim of the dissertation was achieved by obtaining reliable data which clearly indicate to the University what needs to be improved in business management of this higher education institution in order for it to be better positioned on the education market

    Effect of the instruments of the marketing mixon image of higher education institutionsand student satisfaction

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    Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije jeste primena instrumenata marketing miksa u oblasti visokog obrazovanja, kao i implikacije koje oni imaju na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakciju korisnika usluga visokoškolske ustanove. Cilj koji se želi ostvariti ovim istraživanjem jeste dolaženje do kvalitetnih i pouzdanih informacija o tome koliko je značajan uticaj svakog pojedinačnog instrumenata marketing miksa, kao i njihove kombinacije, na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i na satisfakciju studenata u visokoškolskim ustanovama. Metodologija istraživanja korišćena u radu je u skladu sa postavljenim hipotezama, kao i u saglasnosti sa osnovnom svrhom, predmetom i ciljevima istraživanja. Istraživanje je izvedeno metodom teorijske analize i empirijskim metodom tzv. istraživačkom metodom. Empirijska metoda istraživanja imala je osnovni cilj, a to je prikupljanje ĉinjenica o stvarnosti kao i njihova kasnija analiza. Empirijsko istraživanje realizovano je u tri faze: prikupljane podataka, sreñivanje podataka i obrada statističkim analizama. Metodom anketiranja prikupljeni su konkretni podaci i činjenice od strane ispitanika pismenim putem. Kao instrument istraživanja za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je nestandardizovan upitnik (u prilogu), specijalno konstruisan za dato istraživanje, sa pitanjima zatvorenog tipa. Potom je statističkim metodama izvršena analiza dobijenih podataka. Podaci su analizirani korišćenjem programa Excel, SPSS for Windows 17.0 i Statistika za obradu podataka. U analizi su korišćene sledeće metode: deskriptivna statistika (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija), jednosmerna analiza varijanse - ANOVA, korelaciona analiza (Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije) i regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja izraženi su brojčano i prikazani tabelarno i grafički. Statističkim metodama došli smo do tačnog preseka stanja kao i preciznih rezultata uz pomoć kojih smo stekli jasnu sliku o nivou povezanosti instrumenata marketing miksa sa imidžom visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakcijom studenata i nivou uticaja instrumenata marketing miksa na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakciju studenata. Rezultati do kojih se došlo primenom ovih metoda komparirani su sa saznanjima dobijenih metodom teorijske analize i to je omogućilo izvoñenje potpunijih zaključaka i preporuka. Rezultatima dobijenim u istraživanju potvrñene su opšte hipoteze i utvrñena je, povezanost instrumenata marketing miksa sa imidžom visokoškolskih ustanova i povezanost instrumenata marketing miksa i satisfakcije studenata. Potvrñivanjem opštih hipoteza, u velikoj meri, je potvrñen i uticaj instrumenata marketing miksa na imidž visokoškolske ustanove (svi instrumenti marketing miksa osim cene i distribucije utiču na imidž visokoškolske ustanove) i uticaj instrumenata marketing miksa na satisfakciju studenta (svi instrumenti marketing miksa osim cene i promocije utiču na satisfakciju studenata). Istovremeno se ukazuje i na to koje instrumente i elemente je potrebno unapreñivati uopšte kako bi se visokoškolska ustanova bolje pozicionirala na tržištu obrazovanja. Sprovedenim istraživanjem se ukazuje na to da najveći uticaj na imidž visokoškolske ustanove ostvaruju: uslužni proces, promocija, uslužni proizvod, uslužni ambijent i ljudski faktor, dok na satisfakciju studenata najveći uticaj ostvaruju: uslužni proces, uslužni ambijent, uslužni proizvod, ljudski faktor i distribucija. Doktorskom disertacijom se ukazuje i na to šta je potrebno poboljšati na svakom od fakulteta koji se nalaze u sastavu Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu. Dolazi se do zaključka da je unapreñivanje imidža neophodno na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu i na Fakultetu za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu. Na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu, prema dobijenim rezultatima, poboljšanje imidža se može postići unapreñivanjem promocije, ljudskog faktora i uslužnog ambijenta, a na Fakultetu za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu je potrebno poboljšati promociju kako bi se poboljšao imidž fakulteta. Ocenjenost imidža na Pravnom fakultetu za privredu i pravosuñe u Novom Sadu i Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment u Novom Sadu je viša i ne postoji potreba za njegovim unapreñivanjem. Sledstveno dobijenim rezultatima u istraživanju, dolazi se do zaključka da je potrebno povećanje satisfakcije studenata Stomatološkog fakulteta u Pančevu i da će se ono postići poboljšanjem promocije, ljudskog faktora, uslužnog ambijenta i uslužnog procesa, dok je ocenjenost satisfakcije studenata viša na svim ostalim fakultetima koji se nalaze u sastavu Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu (Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuñe u Novom Sadu, Fakultet za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment u Novom Sadu i Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu) i ne postoji potreba za njenim unapreñivanjem. Istovremeno se dolazi do zaključaka da je za postizanje adekvatnog imidža ustanove neophodno poboljšati: mogućnost dobijanja stipendija i popusta, dostupnost adekvatnih informacija putem sajta, društvenih mreža i učenja na daljinu (DLS-a), izvoñenje konsultacije po rasporedu, bez odstupanja, mogućnost odlaska studenata na univerzitete u inostranstvu i kvalitet studenata koji upisuju fakultet. Takoñe, satisfakcija studenata će se povećati ukoliko se poboljša: dostupnost informacija putem sajta, društvenih mreža i učenja na daljinu (DLS-a), izvoñenje konsultacija po rasporedu, bez odstupanja, kvalitet studenata koji upisuju fakultet i motivacija studenata na učenje od strane nastavnika i saradnika. Naučni cilj istraživanja je postignut potvrñivanjem validnosti postavljenih hipoteze, te se na osnovu naučno utemeljenog istraživačkog procesa došlo do pouzdanih podataka u oblasti koja je nedovoljno istražena od strane drugih autora. Samim tim je naučna svrsishodnost i opravdanost ovog istraživanja nesumnjiva jer su se kroz jedno objedinjeno istraživanje obezbedila naučna saznanja, koja će biti relevantna za naredna naučna izučavanja ove oblasti. Društveni cilj disertacije postignut je dolaskom do pouzdanih podataka kojim se menadžmentu Univerziteta jasno ukazuje na to šta je neophodno poboljšati u poslovanju visokoškolske ustanove kako bi se ona bolje pozicionirala na tržištu obrazovanja.The scope of the research of the doctoral dissertation is the application of the instruments of the marketing mix in the higher education sector, as well as their implications on image of a higher education institution and student satisfaction. The aim of the research is to obtain quality reliable information to which extent each instrument of the marketing mix and their combinations affect higher education institutions and student satisfaction. The used research methodology was in accordance with the set hypotheses, as well as the basic purpose, scope and aims of the research. The research was conducted by using the method of theoretical analysis and the empirical method, i.e. the research method. The main goal of the empirical research method was to collect facts on reality as well as their further analysis. The empiricial research was realised in three stages: collecting the data, sorting out the data and processing the data by analysis. Concrete data and facts were obtained by a questionnaire in a written form. A nonstandardised questionnaire with closed-ended items (in the attachment) was used as a research instrument for collecting data, designed particularly for the given research. The data was analysed by using the statistical methods. The programmes used were Excel, SPSS for Windows 17.0 and Statistics for processing data. The following methods were used in the analysis: descriptive statistics (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation), one-way analysis of variance – ANOVA, correlation analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) and regression analysis. The research results were presented numerically as well as in tables and graphically. The statistics methods provided an accurate overview as well as precise results which helped in acquiring a clear picture to which extent the instruments of the marketing mix are related to student satisfaction. The acquired results were compared to what was obtained by using the theoretical analysis method which enabled more complete conclusions and suggestions. The obtained results confirmed the general hypothesis and the relation between the instruments of the marketing mix and image of the higher education institutions and the relation of the instruments of the marketing mix and student satisfaction were determined. Confirmation of the general hypothesis also confirmed the effect of the instruments of the marketing mix on image of the higher education institutions (all instruments of the marketing mix with the except of tuition and distribution affect image of the higher education institution) and the effect of the marketing mix on student satisfaction (all instruments of the marketing mix with the except of tuition and promotion affect student satisfaction). Simultaneously, it was pointed out which instruments and which elements need improvement in order for the higher education institution to have better positioning on the education market. The research indicates that process, promotion, product, physical evidence and people mostly affect image of the higher education institution, while process, physical evidence, product, people and distribution mostly affect student satisfaction . The doctoral dissertation points out to what needs improvement at each of the faculties within the University Business Academy in Novi Sad. The conclusion is that the School of Dentistry in Pančevo and the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade need to improve their image. According to results, the School of Dentistry in Pančevo may improve its image by improving its promotion, people and physical evidence, while the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade needs to improve its promotion in order to improve its image. The images of the Faculty of Law for Economy and Judiciary in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad were graded higher and there is no need for their improvement. The consequently obtained research results indicate that student satisfaction needs increase at the School of Dentistry in Pančevo and that it may be realised by improving its promotion, people, physical evidence and process, while student satisfaction was graded higher at all other faculties within the University Business Academy in Novi Sad (the Faculty of Law for Economy and Judiciary in Novi Sad, the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade) and that it needs no improvement. It can be concluded that in order to realise a proper image, it is necessary to improve: the possibility of getting scholarships and discounts, the availability of adequate information on the website, social networks and distance learning systems (DLS), having consultations on, with no deviations, the possibility for students to go to foreign universities abroad and the quality of students who enroll the faculty. Furthermore, student satisfaction will increase if the following items are improved: availability of information on the website, social networks and distance learning systems (DLS) having consultations on schedule, with no deviations, the quality of students who enroll the faculty and teachers and associates motivating the students . The scientific aim of the research was achieved by confirming the validity of the set hypothesis, thus reliable data in this area which was unexplored by other authors was obtained based on the scientific research process. Therefore, the scientific purposefulness and justification of the research is unquestionable as this one conjoined research provides scientific knowledge which will be relevant for further scientific research in this field. The social aim of the dissertation was achieved by obtaining reliable data which clearly indicate to the University what needs to be improved in business management of this higher education institution in order for it to be better positioned on the education market

    The importance of the Facebook Usage in the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship

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    [EN] The subject of the paper is to examine the importance of the use of the social network Facebook in women's entrepreneurship with the aim of encouraging the development or improvement of existing business of women entrepreneurs engaged in SMEs, through the use of this modern interactive and marketing tool. The paper is of a general and overview character and aims to inform all interested parties about the importance and manner of using the social network Facebook in the development of entrepreneurial business, by undertaking marketing and promotional activities and by the possibility of establishing cooperation, participation, collaborations and interactions with different partners in their everyday business environment. In the era of digital technologies, social media marketing has a wide development, offering entrepreneurs cooperation and connection with customers. Social media platform is a vital channel for reaching customers for businesses. Facebook is a kind of public space where all initiatives are welcome. Its technology relaxes all the entry barriers for all entrepreneurs, because starting a small business on Facebook does not require digital or legal expertise, entry costs or even a high level of digital literacy. Women's entrepreneurship refers to women or groups of women who discover new economic opportunities and activities, by actively running and managing a business. Using Facebook as a marketing tool to achieve goals, allows women entrepreneurs to gain greater visibility and popularization in the market, while also avoiding facing business inequality. Through the content analysis, the paper points out the attractiveness of the social network Facebook, as a modern digital communication space, which provides fast and viral dissemination of information for various purposes, and thus women entrepreneurs can find their way to their customers or other partners, to promote and sell their products or services, with the ultimate goal of surviving and improving their business.Gardašević, J.; Carić, M.; Brkanlić, S. (2022). The importance of the Facebook Usage in the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 9-18. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1329691

    Metode aktivnog učenja u sistemu visokog obrazovanja

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    Entrepreneurship is a synergistic effect of the following characteristics: creativity, innovation, self-confidence and assertiveness. Accordingly, didactic-methodical instrument of realization of content develop entrepreneurial competence must be interactive, stimulating and meaningful to the system of higher education acquired and develop entrepreneurial skills. The paper put emphasis on education and training of teaching assistants and professors of higher education in order to implement this form of teaching process successfully. Through analysis of case studies of successful companies, and by organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs to apply in practice. Aim: To determine what are the important methods of active teaching that enable students to gain entrepreneurialkompetencije. Za Unlike traditional methods for teaching staff only transfers knowledge and students passive listeners, modern teaching methods provide active involvement of students in classes, which comes into play their creativity, which is a prerequisite for the continued success of entrepreneurship. The modern approach to teaching will be presented through active methods of teaching such as: dialogical methods, research methods, learning through problem solving, simulation, game, etc..Preduzetništvo predstavlja sinergijsko delovanje sledećih karakteristika: kreativnosti, inovativnosti, samouverenosti i upornosti. Shodno tome didaktičko-metodički instrument realizacije nastavnih sadržaja koji razvija preduzetničke kompetencije mora biti interaktivan, podsticajan i svrsishodan kako bi se u sistemu visokog obrazovanju sticale i razvijale preduzetničke sposobnosti. U radu je stavljen akcenat i na obrazovanje i osposobljavanje asistenata i profesora u sistemu visokog obrazovanja kako bi se sprovođenje takvog oblika nastavnog procesa uspešno realizovalo. Kroz analizu studija slučaja uspešnih kompanija, kao i organizovanjem predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju više zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Cilj rada jeste da se ustanovi koje su to značajne metode aktivnog podučavanja koje omogućavaju studentima da steknu preduzetničke kompetencije. Za razliku od tradicionalnih metoda kojima nastavno osoblje isključivo prenosi znanje, dok su studenti samo pasivni slušaoci, savremene nastavne metode omogućuju aktivno uključivanje studenata u nastavu, čime dolazi do izražaja njihova kreativnost, a što je preduslov za dalje uspešno bavljenje preduzetništvom. Savremeni pristup nastavi će biti predstavljen kroz metode aktivnog podučavanja kao što su: dijaloška metoda, istraživačka metoda, učenje putem rešavanja problema, simuliranje,igra i sl

    Energy potential of Republic of Serbia as an Investment Opportunity UDK 338.48

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    Serbia has a big potential to accomplish the goal of making the environment green and comfortable for living. It started with reforms in comprehensive Energy Sector and set up a new Energy Policy in accordance with the EU practice and standards. With new national policy, Serbia became aware of middle-term and long-term strategies for developing of adequate Power Sectors. There were investments into the Network and there are plans for building new and expanding existing transforming stations, building new interconnecting line and making some other investments. Having in mind the cooperation with EU, Service for Electrical Energy Market Development has already prepared wide range of available services related to market and deregulation of network, from requirements for connecting to transmission line to securing balance mechanism, and that makes possible for international Electrical Power market to exist. Since the production system is unable to respond to the demand in certain moments of time and Serbia has to import Electrical Energy, that makes Renewable Energy Sources very attractive for use in Power system. Deficit of electrical power must be covered either by import or by more intensive investments in new production capacities, making Serbian energy sector economically interesting

    The Pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 as a Worldwide Health Safety Risk

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    The novel SARS virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes, are acknowledged as a worldwide pandemic, thus breaking confusion on natural life and economies over the globe. The magnitude of the outbreak of COVID-19, which has been discovered relatively recently, and its massive impact on lives, societies, and the affected countries' economies is unparalleled. Cases of COVID-19 infection have been reported in 212 countries, with more than 71.2 million people have been affected till December 2020, resulting in more than 1.6 million deaths. All around the world, COVID-19 was transmitted through human-to-human, which has resulted in a worldwide outbreak. To decrease new infections and transmissions, measures such as lockdown has been applied in affected countries. However, all the daily activities were moved to a virtual reality, which adds more impact to investigate the virtual reality's future and its significant impact during this challenging time. This paper presents a short insight on the outbreak of coronavirus, COVID-19, by providing an analysis of the confirmed cases and discussing the disease's impact on social lives, gender influences, gyms as a safe and healthy places, economies, and health safety risks worldwide between humans and pet animal

    Marketing Mix Instruments as Factors of Improvement of Students’ Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions in Republic of Serbia and Spain

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    This paper explores the impact of marketing mix instruments on the students’ satisfaction in faculties in the Republic of Serbia and Spain, with the aim of determining how significant the effects of each marketing mix tool and their combinations are in relation to satisfaction of students in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The detailed literature review is provided in the theoretical part, which contributes to a better understanding of terms like marketing in higher education, marketing mix instruments in higher education and students’ satisfaction. Data were collected from 896 respondents, who are all students at the faculties in Serbia and Spain, and were obtained using the questionnaire purposefully composed for this research. The methods used to highlight any gaps in this marketing mix practice and the relative customer–student satisfaction in HEIs are statistical analyses (descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and t-independent samples tests), leading to the general conclusions regarding the following: by improving marketing mix instruments (service, distribution, human factor, physical evidence, service process) we can, and by improving (price, promotion) we cannot, improve students’ satisfaction in higher education institutions. The general conclusions clearly highlight what needs to be improved in practice in higher education institutions to improve students’ satisfaction, especially students’ loyalty, students’ choices, students’ satisfaction with the quality of the marketing mix instruments at the faculty, students’ satisfaction with expectation which they had upon enrolment and student satisfaction with the public image of the faculty, which is the main goal of these institutions

    Effect of the instruments of the marketing mixon image of higher education institutionsand student satisfaction

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    Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije jeste primena instrumenata marketing miksa u oblasti visokog obrazovanja, kao i implikacije koje oni imaju na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakciju korisnika usluga visokoškolske ustanove. Cilj koji se želi ostvariti ovim istraživanjem jeste dolaženje do kvalitetnih i pouzdanih informacija o tome koliko je značajan uticaj svakog pojedinačnog instrumenata marketing miksa, kao i njihove kombinacije, na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i na satisfakciju studenata u visokoškolskim ustanovama. Metodologija istraživanja korišćena u radu je u skladu sa postavljenim hipotezama, kao i u saglasnosti sa osnovnom svrhom, predmetom i ciljevima istraživanja. Istraživanje je izvedeno metodom teorijske analize i empirijskim metodom tzv. istraživačkom metodom. Empirijska metoda istraživanja imala je osnovni cilj, a to je prikupljanje ĉinjenica o stvarnosti kao i njihova kasnija analiza. Empirijsko istraživanje realizovano je u tri faze: prikupljane podataka, sreñivanje podataka i obrada statističkim analizama. Metodom anketiranja prikupljeni su konkretni podaci i činjenice od strane ispitanika pismenim putem. Kao instrument istraživanja za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je nestandardizovan upitnik (u prilogu), specijalno konstruisan za dato istraživanje, sa pitanjima zatvorenog tipa. Potom je statističkim metodama izvršena analiza dobijenih podataka. Podaci su analizirani korišćenjem programa Excel, SPSS for Windows 17.0 i Statistika za obradu podataka. U analizi su korišćene sledeće metode: deskriptivna statistika (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija), jednosmerna analiza varijanse - ANOVA, korelaciona analiza (Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije) i regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja izraženi su brojčano i prikazani tabelarno i grafički. Statističkim metodama došli smo do tačnog preseka stanja kao i preciznih rezultata uz pomoć kojih smo stekli jasnu sliku o nivou povezanosti instrumenata marketing miksa sa imidžom visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakcijom studenata i nivou uticaja instrumenata marketing miksa na imidž visokoškolske ustanove i satisfakciju studenata. Rezultati do kojih se došlo primenom ovih metoda komparirani su sa saznanjima dobijenih metodom teorijske analize i to je omogućilo izvoñenje potpunijih zaključaka i preporuka. Rezultatima dobijenim u istraživanju potvrñene su opšte hipoteze i utvrñena je, povezanost instrumenata marketing miksa sa imidžom visokoškolskih ustanova i povezanost instrumenata marketing miksa i satisfakcije studenata. Potvrñivanjem opštih hipoteza, u velikoj meri, je potvrñen i uticaj instrumenata marketing miksa na imidž visokoškolske ustanove (svi instrumenti marketing miksa osim cene i distribucije utiču na imidž visokoškolske ustanove) i uticaj instrumenata marketing miksa na satisfakciju studenta (svi instrumenti marketing miksa osim cene i promocije utiču na satisfakciju studenata). Istovremeno se ukazuje i na to koje instrumente i elemente je potrebno unapreñivati uopšte kako bi se visokoškolska ustanova bolje pozicionirala na tržištu obrazovanja. Sprovedenim istraživanjem se ukazuje na to da najveći uticaj na imidž visokoškolske ustanove ostvaruju: uslužni proces, promocija, uslužni proizvod, uslužni ambijent i ljudski faktor, dok na satisfakciju studenata najveći uticaj ostvaruju: uslužni proces, uslužni ambijent, uslužni proizvod, ljudski faktor i distribucija. Doktorskom disertacijom se ukazuje i na to šta je potrebno poboljšati na svakom od fakulteta koji se nalaze u sastavu Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu. Dolazi se do zaključka da je unapreñivanje imidža neophodno na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu i na Fakultetu za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu. Na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Pančevu, prema dobijenim rezultatima, poboljšanje imidža se može postići unapreñivanjem promocije, ljudskog faktora i uslužnog ambijenta, a na Fakultetu za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu je potrebno poboljšati promociju kako bi se poboljšao imidž fakulteta. Ocenjenost imidža na Pravnom fakultetu za privredu i pravosuñe u Novom Sadu i Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment u Novom Sadu je viša i ne postoji potreba za njegovim unapreñivanjem. Sledstveno dobijenim rezultatima u istraživanju, dolazi se do zaključka da je potrebno povećanje satisfakcije studenata Stomatološkog fakulteta u Pančevu i da će se ono postići poboljšanjem promocije, ljudskog faktora, uslužnog ambijenta i uslužnog procesa, dok je ocenjenost satisfakcije studenata viša na svim ostalim fakultetima koji se nalaze u sastavu Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu (Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuñe u Novom Sadu, Fakultet za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment u Novom Sadu i Fakultet za primenjeni menadžment u Beogradu) i ne postoji potreba za njenim unapreñivanjem. Istovremeno se dolazi do zaključaka da je za postizanje adekvatnog imidža ustanove neophodno poboljšati: mogućnost dobijanja stipendija i popusta, dostupnost adekvatnih informacija putem sajta, društvenih mreža i učenja na daljinu (DLS-a), izvoñenje konsultacije po rasporedu, bez odstupanja, mogućnost odlaska studenata na univerzitete u inostranstvu i kvalitet studenata koji upisuju fakultet. Takoñe, satisfakcija studenata će se povećati ukoliko se poboljša: dostupnost informacija putem sajta, društvenih mreža i učenja na daljinu (DLS-a), izvoñenje konsultacija po rasporedu, bez odstupanja, kvalitet studenata koji upisuju fakultet i motivacija studenata na učenje od strane nastavnika i saradnika. Naučni cilj istraživanja je postignut potvrñivanjem validnosti postavljenih hipoteze, te se na osnovu naučno utemeljenog istraživačkog procesa došlo do pouzdanih podataka u oblasti koja je nedovoljno istražena od strane drugih autora. Samim tim je naučna svrsishodnost i opravdanost ovog istraživanja nesumnjiva jer su se kroz jedno objedinjeno istraživanje obezbedila naučna saznanja, koja će biti relevantna za naredna naučna izučavanja ove oblasti. Društveni cilj disertacije postignut je dolaskom do pouzdanih podataka kojim se menadžmentu Univerziteta jasno ukazuje na to šta je neophodno poboljšati u poslovanju visokoškolske ustanove kako bi se ona bolje pozicionirala na tržištu obrazovanja.The scope of the research of the doctoral dissertation is the application of the instruments of the marketing mix in the higher education sector, as well as their implications on image of a higher education institution and student satisfaction. The aim of the research is to obtain quality reliable information to which extent each instrument of the marketing mix and their combinations affect higher education institutions and student satisfaction. The used research methodology was in accordance with the set hypotheses, as well as the basic purpose, scope and aims of the research. The research was conducted by using the method of theoretical analysis and the empirical method, i.e. the research method. The main goal of the empirical research method was to collect facts on reality as well as their further analysis. The empiricial research was realised in three stages: collecting the data, sorting out the data and processing the data by analysis. Concrete data and facts were obtained by a questionnaire in a written form. A nonstandardised questionnaire with closed-ended items (in the attachment) was used as a research instrument for collecting data, designed particularly for the given research. The data was analysed by using the statistical methods. The programmes used were Excel, SPSS for Windows 17.0 and Statistics for processing data. The following methods were used in the analysis: descriptive statistics (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation), one-way analysis of variance – ANOVA, correlation analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) and regression analysis. The research results were presented numerically as well as in tables and graphically. The statistics methods provided an accurate overview as well as precise results which helped in acquiring a clear picture to which extent the instruments of the marketing mix are related to student satisfaction. The acquired results were compared to what was obtained by using the theoretical analysis method which enabled more complete conclusions and suggestions. The obtained results confirmed the general hypothesis and the relation between the instruments of the marketing mix and image of the higher education institutions and the relation of the instruments of the marketing mix and student satisfaction were determined. Confirmation of the general hypothesis also confirmed the effect of the instruments of the marketing mix on image of the higher education institutions (all instruments of the marketing mix with the except of tuition and distribution affect image of the higher education institution) and the effect of the marketing mix on student satisfaction (all instruments of the marketing mix with the except of tuition and promotion affect student satisfaction). Simultaneously, it was pointed out which instruments and which elements need improvement in order for the higher education institution to have better positioning on the education market. The research indicates that process, promotion, product, physical evidence and people mostly affect image of the higher education institution, while process, physical evidence, product, people and distribution mostly affect student satisfaction . The doctoral dissertation points out to what needs improvement at each of the faculties within the University Business Academy in Novi Sad. The conclusion is that the School of Dentistry in Pančevo and the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade need to improve their image. According to results, the School of Dentistry in Pančevo may improve its image by improving its promotion, people and physical evidence, while the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade needs to improve its promotion in order to improve its image. The images of the Faculty of Law for Economy and Judiciary in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad were graded higher and there is no need for their improvement. The consequently obtained research results indicate that student satisfaction needs increase at the School of Dentistry in Pančevo and that it may be realised by improving its promotion, people, physical evidence and process, while student satisfaction was graded higher at all other faculties within the University Business Academy in Novi Sad (the Faculty of Law for Economy and Judiciary in Novi Sad, the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Applied Management in Belgrade) and that it needs no improvement. It can be concluded that in order to realise a proper image, it is necessary to improve: the possibility of getting scholarships and discounts, the availability of adequate information on the website, social networks and distance learning systems (DLS), having consultations on, with no deviations, the possibility for students to go to foreign universities abroad and the quality of students who enroll the faculty. Furthermore, student satisfaction will increase if the following items are improved: availability of information on the website, social networks and distance learning systems (DLS) having consultations on schedule, with no deviations, the quality of students who enroll the faculty and teachers and associates motivating the students . The scientific aim of the research was achieved by confirming the validity of the set hypothesis, thus reliable data in this area which was unexplored by other authors was obtained based on the scientific research process. Therefore, the scientific purposefulness and justification of the research is unquestionable as this one conjoined research provides scientific knowledge which will be relevant for further scientific research in this field. The social aim of the dissertation was achieved by obtaining reliable data which clearly indicate to the University what needs to be improved in business management of this higher education institution in order for it to be better positioned on the education market

    Marketing Mix Instruments as factors of improvement of image of Higher Education institutions and student satisfaction

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    The main focus of the study is the analysis of the effects of marketing mix instruments in higher education institutions in building the image of higher education institutions and the satisfaction of students, all from the perspective of service users, which in turn, leads to a more successful positioning of a higher education institution in the higher education market. Therefore, the goal was to reach insight regarding marketing mix instruments which need to be improved in order to improve the image of higher education institutions and student satisfaction. The research conducted on a complete sample from higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia and Spain, as well as on research subsample from higher education institutions in each country, led to the results which, matched to theoretical perspectives in this area, produced very useful and widely applicable conclusions, which serve as a contribution to the scientific and practical perspective.El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es el análisis de los efectos que las estrategias de Mlarketing tienen en la construcción de la imagen de las instituciones de educación superior, así como la satisfacción de sus estudiantes, todo desde la perspectiva de los usuarios del servicio, lo que, a su vez, las conduce a un posicionamiento más exitoso en el mercado de la educación superior. En definitiva, el objetivo es llegar a averiguar cuáles son las estrategias de marketing que deben optimizarse para mejorar la imagen de las instituciones de educación superior y la satisfacción de los estudiantes.La investigación realizada eu una muestra completa en dos instituciones de educación superior en cada uno de los dos países analizados (Serbia y España), así como en una submuestra de las instituciones de educación superior en cada país, ha dado resultados que, combinados con las perspectivas teóricas previas de esta área de investigación.Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empres


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    Approaching the Republic of Serbia the EU, an increasing number of operations of Management Company must comply with the laws and regulations of the EU. One of the most important task is to manage companies and do the job of auditing of financial reporting companies. There are two established types of audits. Internal audit work, done throughout the year and external, done by the end of the financial year. Both have an obligation to express opinions, which must have a background in the competence and independence. The scope of the audit, generally speaking depends on the legislation of national economies, then the law governing accounting, and at the end of the law that frames the audit functions. The auditor's opinion is necessary in order to ensure the credibility of financial statements. Considering the focus, audit can be seen as activity of audits essentially activities related to the financial statements that are subject to services performed by certified auditors. An opinion on the financial statements of companies are included in the audit reports. They are prepared and certified by independent auditors. The revision in the economic terminology means testing of accounting statements of business enterprises. Internal audit work is done throughout the year, but external to the end of the financial year. Both have an obligation to express opinions, which must have a background in competence. Auditing activities are performed independently, objectively and with a great deal of independence in the work, by internal and external authorized auditors, so that they can provide the necessary information to the users of audit reports. Internal auditing can be seen in the two main ranges. The first is within the company in which some processes are functioning the same. Another scope is wide level, including observation of the wider society and the state, and includes observation of the entire public sector of a country. This mode of operation of the internal audit, internal audit includes the individual reporting company, means the consideration of internal audit and it has to be lowered to the level of individual companies. In companies, external auditors, who are by definition independent in their work, for their work primarily correspond to shareholders. In contrast to the external auditors, internal auditors work as primary managers of enterprises. This is the essential difference in the observation of external and internal audit. Observation of internal audit as a tool, and internal auditors, can be seen as an extension and a logical continuation of the development of the internal control, which has existed for decades in companies. Therefore, it is quality work of internal control, all the more relevant to the external auditors, as they can be on it more fully and to a greater extent rely on the exercise of the function of external audit and control. Internal audit work in the enterprise can be seen through the answers to the three most common target internal audit in enterprises. Objectives and internal audits provide answers to three key questions that the internal participant auditors should submit to management: • explain the role of internal audit in a single company, • explain how to improve and maintain the quality of the work of internal auditors and • to compare the role of internal and external auditors, primarily through defining how each gathering evidence within their assigned his scope of work. The authors wanted to draw the attention of the professional public on the importance of the organization of internal audit in enterprises, as the same is performed continuously throughout the year and is the basis for all subsequent of audit and control. The authors point out that the auditing activities have to be done and carried out independently, objectively and with a great deal of independence in the work, by internal and external authorized auditors, so that they can provide the necessary information to all users of audit reports