17 research outputs found

    Geographic variation of Moenkhausia bonita (Characiformes: Characidae) in the rio de la Plata basin, with distributional comments on M. intermedia

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    Moenkhausia bonita es registrada en numerosas localidades adicionales de las cuencas de los ríos Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay, y Uruguay. Dado que estos hallazgos expanden ampliamente el rango distribucional de M. bonita, nosotros llevamos a cabo una comparación intraespecífica, usando métodos multivariados para 18 características morfométricas y 8 merísticas que fueron tomados en una muestra exhaustiva de 536 especímenes. Todas las localidades fueron repartidas en cuatro grupos principales como sigue: Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay y Uruguay. Los resultados de las comparaciones morfométricas mostraron diferencias significativas a través de los grupos bajo estudio, excepto entre los grupos Paraguay y Uruguay. Diferencias estadísticas fueron encontrados en la mayoría de las comparaciones entre los grupos, especialmente en aquellas obtenidas de los análisis discriminantes canónicos (ADC). Los especímenes de la cuenca del Bermejo fueron encontrados como el grupo más divergente en la mayoría de las comparaciones morfológicas. No obstante, estas leves diferencias encontradas en la morfología del cuerpo son consideradas dentro de la variación intraespecífica de M. bonita y parecen estar influidas por características ambientales y espaciales de los drenajes. Dado que M. bonita fue previamente identificada como M. intermedia en la cuenca del río de La Plata, comentarios distribucionales sobre esta última especie en esta cuenca son presentados.Moenkhausia bonita occurs in numerous additional localities from the Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay river basins. Given that this finding greatly expands the distributional range of M. bonita, we carried out an intraspecific comparison, using multivariate methods for 18 morphometric and eight meristic characters taken from a comprehensive sample of 536 specimens. All localities were distributed in four major geographic groups as follows: Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Results of the morphometric comparisons showed significant differences among the studied groups except between the Paraguay and Uruguay groups. Statistical differences in meristic values were found for most between-group comparisons, especially in those resulting from discriminant canonical analyses (DCA). Specimens from the Bermejo basin were the most distinct group in most morphological comparisons. However, the overall subtle differences found in body morphology likely reflect intraspecific variation within M. bonita and seem to be mainly influenced by spatial and environmental features of drainages. As M. bonita was previously identified as M. intermedia in the río de La Plata basin, distributional comments on the latter species in that basin are provided.Fil: Vanegas Rios, James Anyelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Britzke, Ricardo. Universidad Técnica de Machala; Ecuador. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Mirande, Juan Marcos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Crossing the borders: First record of Bleeding Wrasse, Polylepion cruentum Gomon, 1977 (Labriformes, Labridae), in the Northern Peru

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    The Labridae is a species-rich family of colorful fishes distributed globally in different habitats. Polylepion cruentum was described based on type material collected from the Gulf of California, and Quepos, Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It has since been reported from several other localities, including Mexico to Nicaragua and the Cocos Island. Recent collecting efforts in Northern Peru yielded an unusual species of labrid with uncertain taxonomic identity. Measurements, counts, coloration (in life and preserved) and DNA barcoding of the specimen agrees well with Polylepion cruentum. This represents the first record of the species from Northern Peru (Acapulco, Tumbes Department) and South America. The expansion of the distribution range of this species is perhaps due to the input of warm waters to Northern Peru, increasing especially during El Niño events. This new record is important to include in future marine checklists and consequently evaluate the conservation status of this species in Peru

    Geographic variation of Moenkhausia bonita (Characiformes: Characidae) in the rio de la Plata basin, with distributional comments on M. intermedia

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    Moenkhausia bonita occurs in numerous additional localities from the Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay river basins. Given that this finding greatly expands the distributional range of M. bonita, we carried out an intraspecific comparison, using multivariate methods for 18 morphometric and eight meristic characters taken from a comprehensive sample of 536 specimens. All localities were distributed in four major geographic groups as follows: Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Results of the morphometric comparisons showed significant differences among the studied groups except between the Paraguay and Uruguay groups. Statistical differences in meristic values were found for most between-group comparisons, especially in those resulting from discriminant canonical analyses (DCA). Specimens from the Bermejo basin were the most distinct group in most morphological comparisons. However, the overall subtle differences found in body morphology likely reflect intraspecific variation within M. bonita and seem to be mainly influenced by spatial and environmental features of drainages. As M. bonita was previously identified as M. intermedia in the río de La Plata basin, distributional comments on the latter species in that basin are provided.Moenkhausia bonita es registrada en numerosas localidades adicionales de las cuencas de los ríos Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay, y Uruguay. Dado que estos hallazgos expanden ampliamente el rango distribucional de M. bonita, nosotros llevamos a cabo una comparación intraespecífica, usando métodos multivariados para 18 características morfométricas y 8 merísticas que fueron tomados en una muestra exhaustiva de 536 especímenes. Todas las localidades fueron repartidas en cuatro grupos principales como sigue: Bermejo, Paraná, Paraguay y Uruguay. Los resultados de las comparaciones morfométricas mostraron diferencias significativas a través de los grupos bajo estudio, excepto entre los grupos Paraguay y Uruguay. Diferencias estadísticas fueron encontrados en la mayoría de las comparaciones entre los grupos, especialmente en aquellas obtenidas de los análisis discriminantes canónicos (ADC). Los especímenes de la cuenca del Bermejo fueron encontrados como el grupo más divergente en la mayoría de las comparaciones morfológicas. No obstante, estas leves diferencias encontradas en la morfología del cuerpo son consideradas dentro de la variación intraespecífica de M. bonita y parecen estar influidas por características ambientales y espaciales de los drenajes. Dado que M. bonita fue previamente identificada como M. intermedia en la cuenca del río de La Plata, comentarios distribucionales sobre esta última especie en esta cuenca son presentados.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Fishes from the Parque Nacional do Pantanal Matogrossense, upper Paraguai River basin, Brazil

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    The Pantanal Biosphere Reserve contains one of the highest concentration of animal species in the Neotropics, including about 300 fish species living in diverse environments associated with wetlands in the upper Paraguai River basin. This biome spans portions of Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay and includes the Parque Nacional do Pantanal Matogrossense (PNPM), a region of the Pantanal which has been assigned as high conservation priority in Brazil. This study reports the results of an ichthyological survey within the PNPM, where samples were taken at 12 sites during the dry season in 2001, 2010 and 2011. We record 182 species representing three classes, 10 orders and 41 fish families. We report the first occurrence of the genus Anchoviella (order Clupeiformes), in the La Plata basin. This survey will provide information for future studies concerning conservation and management plans for the PNPM as well as for the Pantanal, which is one of the largest permanent wetland areas in the world and among the most unique and important South American biomes

    Revisão taxonômica do grupo Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858) (Characiformes: Characidae)

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    O gênero MoenkhausiaEigenmannfoi proposto para abrigar a espécie Tetragonopterusxinguensis (Steindachner). Esse gênero fez parte, assim como um grande número de gêneros da família Characidae, da subfamília Tetragonopterinae, mas atualmente é alocado como incertaesedis em Characidae. Moenkhausia compreende 71 espécies nominais de peixes de pequeno porte (cerca de 80 mm CP) distribuídas nas bacias hidrográficas cis‐andinas da América do Sul e apresentando maior número de espécies na bacia Amazônica e das Guianas. O grande número de espécies contribui para elevado nível de incompreensão taxonômica do gênero. Moenkhausia intermediaEigenmann e Moenkhausiadichroura (Kner) foram originalmente descritas da bacia do rio Amazonas e do rio Paraguai, respectivamente, porém esses nomes vêm sendo largamente empregados para as formas presentes também na bacia do rio Paraná. Moenkhausiacostae(Steindachner), amplamente distribuída na bacia do rio São Francisco e no rio Itapicuru, um rio costeiro do Estado da Bahia, é considerada provável grupo irmão de M. intermedia e M. dichroura, com base em características de coloração e de morfologia interna. A grande similaridade morfológica e ampla distribuição geográfica dessas espécies fazem com que seu nível de entendimento taxonômico e filogenético ainda seja bastante insatisfatório. Nesse sentido, iniciou‐se um processo de revisão taxonômica para esse subgrupo de Moenkhausia. Foram analisados 21 caracteres morfométricos e 15 caracteres merísticos de 65 lotes e 537 exemplares. Os resultados obtidos apontam que M. dichoura, M. intermedia e M. costae são espécies válidas e restritas as bacias hidrográficas do rio Paraguai, do rio Amazonas e do rio São Francisco, respectivamente. Além disso, novas espécies proveniente do rio Orinoco...The genus MoenkhausiaEigenmann was proposed to house the species Tetragonopterusxinguensis (Steindachner). This genus was a part, as well as a large number of genera of the family Characidae, subfamily Tetragonopterinae, but currently is assigned as incertaesedis in Characidae. Moenkhausia comprises 71 nominal species of small fish (about 80 mm SL) distributed in the cis‐Andean basins of South America and showing a greater number of species in the Amazon basin and the Guianas. The large number of species contribute to high level of misunderstanding of the genus. MoenkhausiaintermediaEigenmann and Moenkhausiadichroura (Kner) were originally described from the Amazon River and Paraguay River, respectively, but these names have been widely employed for the present forms also on the Paraná River basin. Moenkhausia costae (Steindachner), widely distributed in the São Francisco River and Itapicuru, a coastal river of the State of Bahia, is considered likely sister group of M. intermedia and M. dichroura, based on staining characteristics and internal morphology. The great morphological similarity and wide distribution of this species make their level of understanding of the taxonomy and phylogeny is still quite unsatisfactory. In this sense, it started a process of taxonomic revision for this subgroup of Moenkhausia. We analyzed 21 morphometric and 15 meristic and 65 lots of 527 especimens. The results indicate that M. dichoura,M. intermedia and M. costae are valid species and restricted basins of the Paraguay river, the Amazon River and the river San Francisco, respectively. Moreover, new species from the Orinoco River,Parnaíba River, coastal Rivers of the Northeastern and the Parana River were identified. The species of this subgroup can be diagnosed from other species of the genus and... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Relações filogenéticas do gênero Apistogramma (Teleostei, Cichlidae) e filogeografia da espécie Apistogramma agassizi

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    Introduction: Prematurity is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and serious neonatal morbidity worldwide and the risk is inversely proportional to gestational age at birth. Several studies demonstrate the role of innate immune response and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in normal and complicated pregnancies, however most studies have focused on the tissues of the maternal-fetal interface. Research of the expression of TLRs in gestational tissues is of great importance for understanding the involvement of innate immunity in normal pregnancies and adverse pregnancy outcomes, but the analysis of these tissues allows for results only after the complete resolution of gestation. In this scenario, a potential biological sample of interest for analysis of TLRs in the ongoing gestation are maternal peripheral blood cells, since they play a crucial role in the immune system and express high levels of many of the TLRs. Main: Evaluate the profile of gene expression of TLR-1, -2, -4 and -6 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) and compare these expressions between preterm and term pregnancies. Materials and methods: 119 normal pregnant women were included in the study, subdivided into three groups according to the gestational trimester. In addition, 20 pregnant women in preterm labor and 18 pregnant women at term were evaluated. Gene expression analysis was performed by real-time PCR and protein expression evaluation by flow cytometry. Statistical analyses were performed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests by SigmaStat 3.1 software. Results: Regarding PBMCs, there were no significant differences in gene and protein expressions of TLR-1, TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-6 among the trimesters. The same was observed when comparing PBMCs of preterm and term pregnancies. In relation to neutrophils, gene and protein expressions of TLR-1, TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-6 remained unchanged throughout normal ...Introduction: Prematurity is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and serious neonatal morbidity worldwide and the risk is inversely proportional to gestational age at birth. Several studies demonstrate the role of innate immune response and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in normal and complicated pregnancies, however most studies have focused on the tissues of the maternal-fetal interface. Research of the expression of TLRs in gestational tissues is of great importance for understanding the involvement of innate immunity in normal pregnancies and adverse pregnancy outcomes, but the analysis of these tissues allows for results only after the complete resolution of gestation. In this scenario, a potential biological sample of interest for analysis of TLRs in the ongoing gestation are maternal peripheral blood cells, since they play a crucial role in the immune system and express high levels of many of the TLRs. Main: Evaluate the profile of gene expression of TLR-1, -2, -4 and -6 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) and compare these expressions between preterm and term pregnancies. Materials and methods: 119 normal pregnant women were included in the study, subdivided into three groups according to the gestational trimester. In addition, 20 pregnant women in preterm labor and 18 pregnant women at term were evaluated. Gene expression analysis was performed by real-time PCR and protein expression evaluation by flow cytometry. Statistical analyses were performed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests by SigmaStat 3.1 software. Results: Regarding PBMCs, there were no significant differences in gene and protein expressions of TLR-1, TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-6 among the trimesters. The same was observed when comparing PBMCs of preterm and term pregnancies. In relation to neutrophils, gene and protein expressions of TLR-1, TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-6 remained unchanged throughout normal...Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Description of two new species of annual fishes of the Hypsolebias antenori species group (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), from Northeast Brazil

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    Britzke, Ricardo, Nielsen, Dalton T. B., Oliveira, Claudio (2016): Description of two new species of annual fishes of the Hypsolebias antenori species group (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), from Northeast Brazil. Zootaxa 4114 (2): 123-138, DOI: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4114.2.

    An inventory of coastal freshwater fishes from Amapá highlighting the occurrence of eight new records for Brazil

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    The Amazon Basin occupies a vast portion of northern South America and contains some of the highest species richness in the world. The northern Brazilian state of Amapá is delimited by the Amazonas River to the south, the Oyapock River to the northern boundary with French Guyana, and the Atlantic northeastern coast to Amazon estuary. Despite several expeditions to the Amazon in recent decades, little is known about the freshwater ichthyofauna from Amapá, with records limited to local inventories and species descriptions. This paper presents a compilation of the freshwater fish diversity sampled in fifteen sites covering two major Amapá ecoregions during the dry season of 2015. 120 species representing eight orders and 40 families are reported upon in this work. Eight species appear for the first time in the Brazilian territory providing new information for future conservation status evaluations

    Primer registro de la almeja invasora Mulinia lateralis (Say 1822) en el Océano Pacífico oriental

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    Mulinia lateralis is a native bivalve from the Western Atlantic Ocean, distributed from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Canada to Yucatan in Mexico. Based on morphological and genetic data of specimens collected in shrimp farms, in this work, we confirm the presence of M. lateralis in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Presence and its consequences of this invasive bivalve in the region is discussed.Mulinia lateralis es un bivalvo nativo de las aguas del Océano Atlántico Occidental, distribuido desde el Golfo de Saint Lawrence en Canadá hasta Yucatán en México. En este trabajo, la presencia de M. lateralis es confirmada en el Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador, con base en datos morfológicos y genéticos de ejemplares colectados en camaroneras. Se presenta una discusión sobre la presencia y consecuencias de este bivalvo invasor en la región