26 research outputs found

    An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: Multiwavelength counterparts and redshift distribution

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    We carried out targeted ALMA observations of 129 fields in the COSMOS region at 1.25 mm, detecting 152 galaxies at S/N ≥ 5with an average continuum RMS of 150 μJy. These fields represent a S/N-limited sample of AzTEC/ASTE sources with 1.1 mm S/N≥ 4 over an area of 0.72 square degrees. Given ALMA’s fine resolution and the exceptional spectroscopic and multiwavelength photometric data available in COSMOS, this survey allows us unprecedented power in identifying submillimeter galaxy counterparts and determining their redshifts through spectroscopic or photometric means. In addition to 30 sources with prior spectroscopic redshifts, we identified redshifts for 113 galaxies through photometric methods and an additional nine sources with lower limits, which allowed a statistically robust determination of the redshift distribution. We have resolved 33 AzTEC sources into multi-component systems and our redshifts suggest that nine are likely to be physically associated. Our overall redshift distribution peaks at z ~ 2.0 with a high-redshift tail skewing the median redshift to z = 2.48 ± 0.05. We find that brighter millimeter sources are preferentially found at higher redshifts. Our faintestsources, with S_(1.25 mm) 1.8 mJy, have a median redshift of z = 3.08 ± 0.17. After accounting for spectral energy distribution shape and selection effects, these results are consistent with several previous submillimeter galaxy surveys, and moreover, support the conclusion that the submillimeter galaxy redshift distribution is sensitive to survey depth

    An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: Multiwavelength counterparts and redshift distribution

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    We carried out targeted ALMA observations of 129 fields in the COSMOS region at 1.25 mm, detecting 152 galaxies at S/N ≥ 5with an average continuum RMS of 150 μJy. These fields represent a S/N-limited sample of AzTEC/ASTE sources with 1.1 mm S/N≥ 4 over an area of 0.72 square degrees. Given ALMA’s fine resolution and the exceptional spectroscopic and multiwavelength photometric data available in COSMOS, this survey allows us unprecedented power in identifying submillimeter galaxy counterparts and determining their redshifts through spectroscopic or photometric means. In addition to 30 sources with prior spectroscopic redshifts, we identified redshifts for 113 galaxies through photometric methods and an additional nine sources with lower limits, which allowed a statistically robust determination of the redshift distribution. We have resolved 33 AzTEC sources into multi-component systems and our redshifts suggest that nine are likely to be physically associated. Our overall redshift distribution peaks at z ~ 2.0 with a high-redshift tail skewing the median redshift to z = 2.48 ± 0.05. We find that brighter millimeter sources are preferentially found at higher redshifts. Our faintestsources, with S_(1.25 mm) 1.8 mJy, have a median redshift of z = 3.08 ± 0.17. After accounting for spectral energy distribution shape and selection effects, these results are consistent with several previous submillimeter galaxy surveys, and moreover, support the conclusion that the submillimeter galaxy redshift distribution is sensitive to survey depth

    Strong C+ emission in galaxies at z~1-2: Evidence for cold flow accretion powered star formation in the early Universe

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    We have recently detected the [CII] 157.7 micron line in eight star forming galaxies at redshifts 1 to 2 using the redshift(z) Early Universe Spectrometer (ZEUS). Our sample targets star formation dominant sources detected in PAH emission. This represents a significant addition to [CII] observations during the epoch of peak star formation. We have augmented this survey with observations of the [OI] 63 micron line and far infrared photometry from the PACS and SPIRE Herschel instruments as well as Spitzer IRS spectra from the literature showing PAH features. Our sources exhibit above average gas heating efficiency, many with both [OI]/FIR and [CII]/FIR ~1% or more. The relatively strong [CII] emission is consistent with our sources being dominated by star formation powered PDRs, extending to kpc scales. We suggest that the star formation mode in these systems follows a Schmidt-Kennicutt law similar to local systems, but at a much higher rate due to molecular gas surface densities 10 to 100 times that of local star forming systems. The source of the high molecular gas surface densities may be the infall of neutral gas from the cosmic web. In addition to the high [CII]/FIR values, we also find high [CII]/PAH ratios and, in at least one source, a cool dust temperature. This source, SWIRE 4-5, bears a resemblance in these diagnostics to shocked regions of Stephan's Quintet, suggesting that another mode of [CII] excitation in addition to normal photoelectric heating may be contributing to the observed [CII] line.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. To appear in December 20, 2014, V797 - 2 issu

    Band-9 ALMA Observations of the [N II] 122 μm Line and FIR Continuum in Two High-z Galaxies

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of two high-redshift systems (SMMJ02399-0136 at z_1 ~ 2.8 and the Cloverleaf QSO at z_1 ~ 2.5) in their rest-frame 122 μm continuum (νsky ~ 650 GHz, λsky ~ 450 μm) and [N ii] 122 μm line emission. The continuum observations with a synthesized beam of ~0."25 resolve both sources and recover the expected flux. The Cloverleaf is resolved into a partial Einstein ring, while SMMJ02399-0136 is unambiguously separated into two components: a point source associated with an active galactic nucleus and an extended region at the location of a previously identified dusty starburst. We detect the [N ii] line in both systems, though significantly weaker than our previous detections made with the first generation z (Redshift) and Early Universe Spectrometer. We show that this discrepancy is mostly explained if the line flux is resolved out due to significantly more extended emission and longer ALMA baselines than expected. Based on the ALMA observations we determine that ≥75% of the total [N ii] line flux in each source is produced via star formation. We use the [N ii] line flux that is recovered by ALMA to constrain the N/H abundance, ionized gas mass, hydrogen- ionizing photon rate, and star formation rate. In SMMJ02399-0136 we discover it contains a significant amount (~1000 M_⊙ yr^(−1)) of unobscured star formation in addition to its dusty starburst and argue that SMMJ02399-0136 may be similar to the Antennae Galaxies (Arp 244) locally. In total these observations provide a new look at two well-studied systems while demonstrating the power and challenges of Band-9 ALMA observations of high-z systems

    Galaxy Mass, Metallicity, Radius and Star Formation Rates

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    Working with 108,786 Sloan Digital Sky Survey low redshift galaxies we have examined the relation between galaxy mass, metallicity, radius, and star formation rates primarily in the central portions of galaxies. We subdivided the redshift range covered in our sample, 0.07<z<0.3, into three narrower redshift bins, and three sets of radial size. We show that for 72% of the galaxies the observed gas metallicities, Zx, are consistent with (i) a quantitative physical relation for star formation through episodic infall of gas of metallicity Zi = 0.125x10^-3 +/- 1.25x10^-3; (ii) thorough mixing of infalling and native gas before onset of star formation; (iii) a star formation rate (SFR) proportional to the 3/2 power of the infalling mass rate, Mi; and (iv) intermittent quiescent phases devoid of star formation during which the native gas in a galaxy exhibits a characteristic elevated gas metallicity, Z0, dependent on galaxy mass, M*, and a characteristic ratio of stellar mass to native mass of gas, Mg. Most if not all our star-forming galaxies with M* < 2.0x10^10 Msun, and many with M* > 2.0x10^10 Msun and large radii appear fed by infall. Smaller massive galaxies with high Zx and high star formation rates show more complex behavior. A mean-field-theory toy model for the physics of infall accounts for the (SFR) \propto Mi^(3/2) relation and permits us to estimate the mean densities and velocities of clumps of baryonic matter traversing the dark matter halos in which the SDSS galaxies may be embedded.Comment: 34 pages plus bibliography and supplementary figures, 3 main figures, 131 supplementary online figures, ascii data tables availabl

    An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: The extent of the radio-emitting region revealed by 3 GHz imaging with the Very Large Array

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    We determine the radio size distribution of a large sample of 152 SMGs in COSMOS that were detected with ALMA at 1.3 mm. For this purpose, we used the observations taken by the VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project. One hundred and fifteen of the 152 target SMGs were found to have a 3 GHz counterpart. The median value of the major axis FWHM at 3 GHz is derived to be 4.6±0.44.6\pm0.4 kpc. The radio sizes show no evolutionary trend with redshift, or difference between different galaxy morphologies. We also derived the spectral indices between 1.4 and 3 GHz, and 3 GHz brightness temperatures for the sources, and the median values were found to be α=0.67\alpha=-0.67 and TB=12.6±2T_{\rm B}=12.6\pm2 K. Three of the target SMGs, which are also detected with the VLBA, show clearly higher brightness temperatures than the typical values. Although the observed radio emission appears to be predominantly powered by star formation and supernova activity, our results provide a strong indication of the presence of an AGN in the VLBA and X-ray-detected SMG AzTEC/C61. The median radio-emitting size we have derived is 1.5-3 times larger than the typical FIR dust-emitting sizes of SMGs, but similar to that of the SMGs' molecular gas component traced through mid-JJ line emission of CO. The physical conditions of SMGs probably render the diffusion of cosmic-ray electrons inefficient, and hence an unlikely process to lead to the observed extended radio sizes. Instead, our results point towards a scenario where SMGs are driven by galaxy interactions and mergers. Besides triggering vigorous starbursts, galaxy collisions can also pull out the magnetised fluids from the interacting disks, and give rise to a taffy-like synchrotron-emitting bridge. This provides an explanation for the spatially extended radio emission of SMGs, and can also cause a deviation from the well-known IR-radio correlation.Comment: 32 pages (incl. 5 appendices), 17 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in A&A; abstract abridged for arXi