851 research outputs found

    Remnant lipoproteins inhibit malaria sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes

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    Remnants of lipoproteins, intestinal chylomicrons, and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), are rapidly cleared from plasma and enter hepatocytes. It has been suggested that remnant lipoproteins are initially captured in the space of Disse by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), and that their subsequent internalization into hepatocytes is mediated by members of the LDL-receptor gene family. Similarly to lipoprotein remnants, malaria sporozoites are removed from the blood circulation by the liver within minutes after injection by Anopheles mosquitoes. The sporozoite's surface is covered by the circumsporozoite protein (CS), and its region II-plus has been implicated in the binding of the parasites to glycosaminoglycan chains of hepatocyte HSPGs. Lactoferrin, a protein with antibacterial properties found in breast milk and neutrophil granules, is also rapidly cleared from the circulation by hepatocytes, and can inhibit the hepatic uptake of lipoprotein remnants. Here we provide evidence that sporozoites, lactoferrin, and remnant lipoproteins are cleared from the blood by similar mechanisms. CS, lactoferrin, and remnant lipoproteins compete in vitro and in vivo for binding sites on liver cells. The relevance of this binding event for sporozoite infectivity is highlighted by our demonstration that apoliprotein E-enriched beta-VLDI and lactoferrin inhibit sporozoite invasion of HepG2 cells. In addition, malaria sporozoites are less infective in LDL-receptor knockout (LDLR -/-) mice maintained on a high fat diet, as compared with littermates maintained on a normal diet. We conclude that the clearance of lipoprotein remnants and sporozoites from the blood is mediated by the same set of highly sulfated HSPGs on the hepatocyte plasma membrane

    Structural Studies on ι-Carrageenan Derived Oligosaccharides and Its Application

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    ABSTRACT Mild hydrochloric acid hydrolysis of ι-carrageenan from Eucheuma spinosum yielded two oligosaccharides of sulfated tetrasaccharide structure. These were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESIMS). Both oligosaccharides have structure of β-D-galactopyranose(Galp)4S-(1→4)-α-D-AnGalp2S-(1→3)-β-D-galactopyranose Galp)4S-(1→4)-α-D-AnGalp2S-(1→3) . Application of the resulting oligosaccharides on protein delivery system in terms of encapsulation efficiency was performed

    Management Model For University Cooperation At Universidad Técnica De Manabí, Ecuador

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    In researching a management model for university cooperation at the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, with its components, phases, stages, input, and output information as well as the premises of its practical application, thereby achieving qualitative and quantitative changes proposed in the conception of university cooperation for sustainable development. The model for the management of cooperation, the assumptions of the model and the components are exposed, and a map with universities that are currently on the network and the issues raised in the strategy, setting out the results at national and International levels

    Extracellular enolase of Candida albicans is involved in colonization of mammalian intestinal epithelium

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    Enolase is secreted by C. albicans and is present in its biofilms although its extracellular function is unknown. Here we show that extracellular enolase mediates the colonization of small intestine mucosa by C. albicans. Assays using intestinal mucosa disks show that C. albicans adhesion is inhibited, in a dose dependent mode, either by pretreatment of intestinal epithelium mucosa disks with recombinant C. albicans enolase (70% at 0.5 mg/ml enolase) or by pretreatment of C. albicans yeasts with anti-enolase antibodies (48% with 20 µg antiserum). Also using flow cytometry, immunoblots of conditioned media and confocal microscopy we demonstrate that enolase is present in biofilms and that the extracellular enolase is not an artifact due to cell lysis, but must represent functional secretion of a stable form. This is the first direct evidence that C. albicans extracellular enolase mediates colonization on its primary translocation site. Also, because enolase is encoded by a single locus in C. albicans, its dual role peptide, as glycolytic enzyme and extracellular peptide, is a remarkable example of gene sharing in fungi

    Pre-service Teachers’ Readiness on Online Learning and their 21st Century Pedagogical Skills

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    This study looked at the online learning readiness and 21st century pedagogical skills among pre-service teachers of a state university in the Philippines during the school year 2021-2022. The descriptive-correlational method was applied through an adapted survey questionnaire administered to 28 pre-service teachers. The findings revealed that pre-service teachers were ready for online learning in terms of computer/internet self-efficacy, self-directed learning, learner control, motivation for learning, and online communication self-efficacy. They were also equipped with 21st century pedagogical skills such as information and communication technology skills, life-long learning skills, flexibility skills, creative problem-solving skills, and critical thinking skills. The findings also indicated a substantial relationship between the pre-service teachers’ readiness in online learning and their 21st century pedagogical skills. The study suggests that universities may create appropriate provisions to provide their faculty members with the necessary professional development training opportunities to raise awareness and improve e-pedagogical skills

    Intra and Inter-Population Morphological Variation of Shape and Size of the Chilean Magnificent Beetle, Ceroglossus chilensis in the Baker River Basin, Chilean Patagonia

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    The alteration of habitat generates different degrees of stress in insects. It has been suggested that the degrees of phenotypic disturbances reflect the ability of an individual to overcome the effects of stress. The Baker River Basin in the Aysén Region, Chilean Patagonia has a very fragmented landscape, due to the destruction of the native forest and the use of land for agriculture and animal husbandry. This alteration should generate different degrees of disturbances in the insect communities, whose effects may be quantified by geometric morphometric tools. We analyzed morphological differences in 244 males and 133 females of the the Chilean magnificent beetle, Ceroglossus chilensis (Eschscholtz) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) collected in January, 2007, in mixed forests of Nothofagus dombeyi Mirbel (Ørsted) (Fagales: Nothofagaceae) and N. nitida Hofmus and in Second-growth forest of N. pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser. Males were generally wider in the pronotum, while females had wider abdominal sternites. Although there were significant differences in shape and size between mature forests and second-growth forest, these were less significant among the sites within each type of vegetal formation. Individuals had more shape variations in the mature forest. We suggest that differences in shape are due at least in part to the isolation of the habitat. The differences found between sexes raises the question of how morphological variations and sexual dimorphism may be affected spatially by natural selection

    Caracterización del embarazo en adolescentes menores de 15 años asistidas en el área de atención primaria El Milagro, Riochico

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    El embarazo en edades cada vez más tempranas se está convirtiendo en un problema social y de salud pública que afecta a todos los estratos sociales. En este trabajo se caracterizó el embarazo en las adolescentes menores de 15 años asistidas en el área de atención primaria El Milagro, Riochico, mediante un estudio cuali-cuantitativo, retrospectivo y transversal. Los factores maternos individuales predisponentes fueron menarquia entre los 10-12 años, primera relación sexual entre los 12 y 14 años, no uso de anticoncepción ni protección durante las relaciones sexuales. Los controles prenatales insuficientes, familias monoparentales, antecedente familiar de embarazo en la adolescencia y familias disfuncionales, predominaron como factores familiares y culturales, así como el abandono de los estudios dentro de los factores predisponentes de tipo socioeconómicos. Las complicaciones maternas y fetales o neonatales más frecuentes fueron el parto pretérmino, nacimientos por cesárea, sangramientos postparto, neonatos con bajo peso al nacer, con depresión al nacer, taquipnea transitoria y enfermedad de membrana hialina posterior. Se identificaron los principales factores predisponentes durante el embarazo precoz, información que puede constituir una herramienta para la educación sexual y reproductiva en aras de minimizar el impacto de esta problemática de la salud pública en el desarrollo pleno de las adolescentes y sociedad en general

    Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis infection in waterfowl: first confirmation in animals.

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    We report the first description, confirmed by bacteriologic and molecular (polymerase chain reaction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) analysis, of an infection in animals caused by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, affecting waterfowl

    La atención a las necesidades educativas específicas asociadas a la discapacidad: procesos y dificultades. Un estudio desde la vinculación universitaria

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la recuperación del turismo ecuatoriano hacia el contexto post-COVID-19, en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. Para el examen, se conciben los retos que deberán tener la academia y los actores involucrados en el desarrollo de una industria, donde su práctica esté basada en el valor agregado del conocimiento desde la investigación científica. La metodología utilizada para elaborar esta investigación ha sido una revisión documental bibliográfica para el análisis de contenido sobre la relación turismo-COVID-19 en Ecuador, cuyo examen se inserta en el paradigma de la investigación cualitativa, desde un enfoque interpretativo. Las restricciones impuestas por la emergencia COVID-19, han tenido un impacto significativo en la confianza de los turistas, para volver a frecuentar el territorio de Ecuador, por lo que eliminar incertidumbres para turistas y empresas del sector es el denominador común para un reinicio. El pensamiento central que emerge en estas condiciones es la necesidad de concebir la crisis generada por COVID-19 en el sector turístico ecuatoriano, como una oportunidad para modificar el paradigma tradicional en que se ha desenvuelto el turismo. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to analyze the recovery of Ecuadorian tourism towards the post-COVID-19 context, in the short, medium and long term. For the exam, there was a conception of the challenges that the academy and the actors involved in the development of an industry, where its practice is based on the added value of knowledge from scientific research. The methodology used carry out this research has been a bibliographic documentary review for the analysis of content on the relationship between tourism and COVID-19 in Ecuador, whose examination follows the qualitative research paradigm, from an interpretative approach. The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 emergency, have had a significant impact on the confidence of tourists, to return the territory of Ecuador, so eliminating uncertainties for tourists and companies in the sector is the common denominator for a restart. The central thought that emerges in these conditions is the need to conceive the crisis generated by COVID-19 in the Ecuadorian tourism sector, as an opportunity to modify the traditional paradigm in which tourism has developed. RESUMO O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a recuperação do turismo equatoriano para o contexto pós-COVID-19, no curto, médio e longo prazo. Para o exame, são concebidos os desafios que deverão ter a academia e os atores envolvidos no desenvolvimento de uma indústria, onde sua prática esteja baseada no valor agregado do conhecimento desde a investigação científica. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração desta pesquisa foi uma revisão documental bibliográfica para a análise de conteúdo sobre a relação turismo COVID - 19 no Equador, cujo exame se insere no paradigma da pesquisa qualitativa, a partir de uma abordagem interpretativa. As restrições impostas pela emergência COVID-19, tiveram um impacto significativo na confiança dos turistas, para voltar a frequentar o território do Equador, eliminando assim incertezas para turistas e empresas do setor é o denominador comum para uma reinicialização. O pensamento central que emerge nestas condições é a necessidade de conceber a crise gerada pela COVID-19 no setor turístico equatoriano, como uma oportunidade para modificar o paradigma tradicional em que se desenvolveu o turismo

    Dengue reemergence in Argentina.

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    Aedes aegypti, eradicated from Argentina in 1963, has now reinfested the country as far south as Buenos Aires. In 1997, four persons with travel histories to Brazil, Ecuador, or Venezuela had confirmed dengue, and surveillance for indigenous transmission allowed the detection of 19 dengue cases in Salta Province. These cases of dengue are the first in Argentina since 1916 and represent a new southern extension of dengue virus