3,061 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of an incommensurate quantum crystal

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    We present a simple theory of the thermodynamics of an incommensurate quantum solid. The ground state of the solid is assumed to be an incommensurate crystal, with quantum zero-point vacancies and interstitials and thus a non-integer number of atoms per unit cell. We show that the low temperature variation of the net vacancy concentration should be as T4T^4, and that the first correction to the specific heat due to this varies as T7T^7; these are quite consistent with experiments on solid 4^4He. We also make some observations about the recent experimental reports of ``supersolidity'' in solid 4^4He that motivate a renewed interest in quantum crystals.Comment: revised, new title, somewhat expande

    Marine Protected Areas and commercial fisheries: the existing fishery in potential protected areas, and a modelling study of the impact of protected areas on North Sea Plaice

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    Dit rapport presenteert resultaten van onderzoek, dat in 2005/2006 is uitgevoerd. In het kader van de Europese Vogel en Habitat Richtlijnen dienen lidstaten te beschermen gebieden op zee aan te wijzen, wat mogelijk zou leiden tot beperkingen van visserijactiviteiten in deze gebieden. De vraag was, welke invloed dit zou hebben op de vis en visserij. In dit onderzoek is enerzijds een statische beschrijving opgesteld van de visserijinspanning en de vangsten in de voorgestelde gebieden, en is anderzijds een eerste analyse (simulatie-model) opgezet van het lange-termijn effect op migrerende vis (schol). Dit onderzoek werd eind 2006 afgerond met een concept-rapport

    He Who Came by Water and by Blood - A Summary and Critique of the Majo Interpretations of 1 John 5:6

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    It has been said that 1 John 5:6 is the most perplexing passage in the Epistle and one of the most perplexing in the New Testament. It is perplexing, if for no other reason, for the variety of interpretations that have been offered. This variety, in turn, hinges on many factors beyond the text itself

    Parametric analysis of microwave and laser systems for communication and tracking. Volume 2 - System selection

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    System selection criteria of microwave and laser systems for communication and tracking - Vol.

    Nonlocal Cooper pair Splitting in a pSn Junction

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    Perfect Cooper pair splitting is proposed, based on crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) in a p-type semiconductor - superconductor - n-type semiconductor (pSn) junction. The ideal splitting is caused by the energy filtering that is enforced by the bandstructure of the electrodes. The pSn junction is modeled by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations and an extension of the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk theory beyond the Andreev approximation. Despite a large momentum mismatch, the CAR current is predicted to be large. The proposed straightforward experimental design and the 100% degree of pureness of the nonlocal current open the way to pSn structures as high quality sources of entanglement

    Generalization of Gutzwiller Approximation

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    We derive expressions required in generalizing the Gutzwiller approximation to models comprising arbitrarily degenerate localized orbitals.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. vol.6

    The Peoria Police Emergency Car

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    Hubbard physics in the symmetric half-filled periodic Anderson-Hubbard model

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    Two very different methods -- exact diagonalization on finite chains and a variational method -- are used to study the possibility of a metal-insulator transition in the symmetric half-filled periodic Anderson-Hubbard model. With this aim we calculate the density of doubly occupied dd sites as a function of various parameters. In the absence of on-site Coulomb interaction (UfU_f) between ff electrons, the two methods yield similar results. The double occupancy of dd levels remains always finite just as in the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Exact diagonalization on finite chains gives the same result for finite UfU_f, while the Gutzwiller method leads to a Brinkman-Rice transition at a critical value (UdcU_d^c), which depends on UfU_f and VV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Analytical calculation of the Green's function and Drude weight for a correlated fermion-boson system

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    In classical Drude theory the conductivity is determined by the mass of the propagating particles and the mean free path between two scattering events. For a quantum particle this simple picture of diffusive transport loses relevance if strong correlations dominate the particle motion. We study a situation where the propagation of a fermionic particle is possible only through creation and annihilation of local bosonic excitations. This correlated quantum transport process is outside the Drude picture, since one cannot distinguish between free propagation and intermittent scattering. The characterization of transport is possible using the Drude weight obtained from the f-sum rule, although its interpretation in terms of free mass and mean free path breaks down. For the situation studied we calculate the Green's function and Drude weight using a Green's functions expansion technique, and discuss their physical meaning.Comment: final version, minor correction
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