591 research outputs found

    Metrics for quantifying the circularity of bioplastics: The case of bio-based and biodegradable mulch films

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    The concept of circularity and its quantification through the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) is well established for traditional plastic products. In this paper a methodological approach for calculating the circularity of bio-based and biodegradable (BB) products is proposed and applied to BB mulch films. BB products are different from traditional products in as much as they are sourced and regenerated (recycled) not through technical cycles but the biological loop. The suggested method is an adaptation of the MCI where two major changes were made: (i) the mass of the bio-based component corresponds to the recycled material in input and (ii) the mass of the bio-based component leaving the system through composting or biodegradation in soil is accounted as recycled. The modified MCI supports the eco-design of innovative BB products and allows for the comparison of their circularity taking into account the biological source and the expected end of life process such as biodegradation. To demonstrate the adaptation, the method has been applied to BB mulch films. Results showed that the MCI of a biodegradable mulch film, characterized by an average bio-based feedstock content of 30% is 0.37 ± 0.04 in a 0–1 scale. For BB mulch film, the amount of bio-based feedstock is the most sensitive factor and controls linearly the value of the MCI

    Understanding mass transfer directions via data-driven models with application to mobile phone data

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    The aim of this paper is to solve an inverse problem which regards a mass moving in a bounded domain. We assume that the mass moves following an unknown velocity field and that the evolution of the mass density can be described by a partial differential equation, which is also unknown. The input data of the problems are given by some snapshots of the mass distribution at certain times, while the sought output is the velocity field that drives the mass along its displacement. To this aim, we put in place an algorithm based on the combination of two methods: first, we use the dynamic mode decomposition to create a mathematical model describing the mass transfer; second, we use the notion of Wasserstein distance (also known as earth mover's distance) to reconstruct the underlying velocity field that is responsible for the displacement. Finally, we consider a real-life application: the algorithm is employed to study the travel flows of people in large populated areas using, as input data, density profiles (i.e., the spatial distribution) of people in given areas at different time instants. These kinds of data are provided by the Italian telecommunication company TIM and are derived by mobile phone usage

    Looking for the Original Materials and Evidence of Restoration at the Vault of the San Panfilo Church in Tornimparte (AQ)

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    This paper reports the investigation of six microsamples collected from the vault of the San Panfilo Church in Tornimparte (AQ). The aim was to detect the composition of the pigments and protective/varnishes, and to investigate the executive technique, the conservation state, and the evidence of the restoration works carried out in the past. Six microsamples were analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The investigations were carried out within the framework of the Tornimparte project "Archeometric investigation of the pictorial cycle of Saturnino Gatti in Tornimparte (AQ, Italy)" sponsored in 2021 by the Italian Association of Archeometry (AIAr)

    The Association between serum cytokines and damage to large and small nerve fibers in diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

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    Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a frequent complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and may involve small and large peripheral nerve fibers. Recent evidence suggests a role of cytokines in DPN. The paper is aimed at exploring whether the serum concentration of cytokines is associated with small and large nerve fiber function and with neuropathic pain (NP). We recruited a group of 32 type 2 DM patients who underwent serum cytokines (TNF-α, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10) dosage as well as electrodiagnostic and quantitative sensory testing (QST) assessment to explore damage to large and small nerve fibers. Raised serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 correlated with markers of large nerve fiber sensory and motor axonal damage. Raised IL-10 serum level was associated with signs of motor nerve demyelination. No differences were found in pain characteristics and electrodiagnostic and QST markers of small nerve fiber function in relation to cytokines serum levels. IL-6 and IL-10 serum levels were associated with large nerve fiber damage but not to small fibers function or NP. IL-6 and IL-10 cytokines might play a role in the pathogenesis of nerve fiber damage or represent a compensatory or neuroprotective mechanism

    Degeneration and Plasticity of the Optic Pathway in Alström Syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Alstrom syndrome is a rare inherited ciliopathy in which early progressive cone-rod dystrophy leads to childhood blindness. We investigated functional and structural changes of the optic pathway in Alstrom syndrome by using MR imaging to provide insight into the underlying pathogenic mechanisms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven patients with genetically proved Alstrom syndrome (mean age, 23 years; range, 6–45 years; 5 females) and 19 age- and sex-matched controls underwent brain MR imaging. The study protocol included conventional sequences, resting-state functional MR imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging. RESULTS: In patients with Alstrom syndrome, the evaluation of the occipital regions showed the following: 1) diffuse white matter volume decrease while gray matter volume decrease spared the occipital poles (voxel-based morphometry), 2) diffuse fractional anisotropy decrease and radial diffusivity increase while mean and axial diffusivities were normal (tract-based spatial statistics), and 3) reduced connectivity in the medial visual network strikingly sparing the occipital poles (independent component analysis). After we placed seeds in both occipital poles, the seed-based analysis revealed significantly increased connectivity in patients with Alstrom syndrome toward the left frontal operculum, inferior and middle frontal gyri, and the medial portion of both thalami (left seed) and toward the anterior portion of the left insula (right and left seeds). CONCLUSIONS: The protean occipital brain changes in patients with Alstrom syndrome likely reflect the coexistence of diffuse primary myelin derangement, anterograde trans-synaptic degeneration, and complex cortical reorganization affecting the anterior and posterior visual cortex to different degrees

    The HADES mission concept - astrobiological survey of Jupiter's icy moon Europa

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    The HADES Europa mission concept aims to provide a framework for an astrobiological in-depth investigation of the Jupiter moon Europa, relying on existing technologies and feasibility. This mission study proposes a system consisting of an orbiter, lander and cryobot as a platform for detailed exploration of Europa. While the orbiter will investigate the presence of a liquid ocean and characterize Europa's internal structure, the lander will survey local dynamics of the ice layer and the surface environment. The lander releases a cryobot, that melts into the ice, will sample the pristine subsurface and is expected to provide data on organic and gaseous content and putative bio-signatures. In summary, we present the scientific objectives for an astrobiological investigation of Europa, resulting in a mission concept with a detailed evaluation of scientific instrumentation, mission sequences, basic design of the spacecraft, technology needs and cost estimation

    Two-stage hepatectomy after autologous CD133+ stem cells administration: a case report

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    Extreme liver resection can provide a safer option and a chance of cure to otherwise unresectable patients when liver regeneration is boosted by PVE and stem cell administratio

    Recommendations for pre-symptomatic genetic testing for hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis in the era of effective therapy: a multicenter Italian consensus

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    Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv, v for variant) is a late-onset, autosomal dominant disease caused by progressive extracellular deposition of transthyretin amyloid fibrils, leading to organ damage and death. For other late-onset fatal diseases, as Huntington's disease, protocols for pre-symptomatic genetic testing (PST) are available since decades. For ATTRv, limited experience has been reported to date, mostly gathered before the availability of approved therapies. We aimed at developing recommendations for a safe and feasible PST protocol in ATTRv in the era of emerging treatments, taking also into account Italian patients' characteristics and healthcare system rules. After an initial survey on ongoing approaches to PST for ATTRv in Italy, two roundtable meetings were attended by 24 experts from 16 Italian centers involved in the diagnosis and care of this disease. Minimal requirements for PST offer and potential critical issues were highlighted. By November 2019, 457 families affected by ATTRv with 209 molecularly confirmed pre-symptomatic carriers were counted. The median age at PST was 41.3years of age, regardless of the specific mutation. Half of the Italian centers had a multidisciplinary team, including a neurologist, an internist, a cardiologist, a medical geneticist and a psychologist, although in most cases not all the specialists were available in the same center. A variable number of visits was performed at each site. Experts agreed that PST should be offered only in the context of genetic counselling to at risk individuals aged 18 or older. Advertised commercial options for DNA testing should be avoided. The protocol should consist of several steps, including a preliminary clinical examination, a pre-test information session, an interval time, the genetic test and a post-test session with the disclosure of the test results, in the context of an experienced multidisciplinary team. Recommendations for best timing were also defined. Protocols for PST in the context of ATTRv can be refined to offer at risk individuals the best chance for early diagnosis and timely treatment start, while respecting autonomous decisions and promoting safe psychological adjustment to the genetic result

    The HADES mission concept – Astrobiological survey of Jupiter's icy moon Europa

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    The HADES Europa mission concept aims to provide a framework for an astrobiological in-depth investigation of the Jupiter moon Europa, relying on existing technologies and feasibility. This mission study proposes a system consisting of an orbiter, lander and cryobot as a platform for detailed exploration of Europa. While the orbiter will investigate the presence of a liquid ocean and characterize Europa's internal structure, the lander will survey local dynamics of the ice layer and the surface environment. The lander releases a cryobot, that melts into the ice, will sample the pristine subsurface and is expected to provide data on organic and gaseous content and putative bio-signatures. In summary, we present the scientific objectives for an astrobiological investigation of Europa, resulting in a mission concept with a detailed evaluation of scientific instrumentation, mission sequences, basic design of the spacecraft, technology needs and cost estimations
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