671 research outputs found

    Advances in the design and development of oncolytic measles viruses.

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    A successful oncolytic virus is one that selectively propagates and destroys cancerous tissue without causing excessive damage to the normal surrounding tissue. Oncolytic measles virus (MV) is one such virus that exhibits this characteristic and thus has rapidly emerged as a potentially useful anticancer modality. Derivatives of the Edmonston MV vaccine strain possess a remarkable safety record in humans. Promising results in preclinical animal models and evidence of biological activity in early phase trials contribute to the enthusiasm. Genetic modifications have enabled MV to evolve from a vaccine agent to a potential anticancer therapy. Specifically, alterations of the MV genome have led to improved tumor selectivity and delivery, therapeutic potency, and immune system modulation. In this article, we will review the advancements that have been made in the design and development of MV that have led to its use as a cancer therapy. In addition, we will discuss the evidence supporting its use, as well as the challenges associated with MV as a potential cancer therapeutic

    Differences Between VLBI2010 and S/X Hardware

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    While the overall architecture is similar for the station hardware in current S/X systems and in the VLBI2010 systems under development, various functions are implemented differently. Some of these differences, and the reasons behind them, are described here

    COMPLEX-IT: A Case-Based Modelling and Scenario Simulation Platform for Social Inquiry

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    COMPLEX-IT is a case-based, mixed-methods platform for applied social inquiry into complex data/systems, designed to increase non-expert access to the tools of computational social science (i.e., cluster analysis, artificial intelligence, data visualization, data forecasting, and scenario simulation). In particular, COMPLEX-IT aids applied social inquiry though a heavy emphasis on learning about the complex data/system under study, which it does by (a) identifying and forecasting major and minor clusters/trends; (b) visualizing their complex causality; and (c) simulating scenarios for potential interventions. COMPLEX-IT is accessible through the web or can be run locally and is powered by R and the Shiny web framework

    Portfolio Analysis of Hedge Funds

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    Continuity properties of vectors realizing points in the classical field of values

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    For an nn-by-nn matrix AA, let fAf_A be its "field of values generating function" defined as fA ⁣:xxAxf_A\colon x\mapsto x^*Ax. We consider two natural versions of the continuity, which we call strong and weak, of fA1f_A^{-1} (which is of course multi-valued) on the field of values F(A)F(A). The strong continuity holds, in particular, on the interior of F(A)F(A), and at such points zF(A)z \in \partial F(A) which are either corner points, belong to the relative interior of flat portions of F(A)\partial F(A), or whose preimage under fAf_A is contained in a one-dimensional set. Consequently, fA1f_A^{-1} is continuous in this sense on the whole F(A)F(A) for all normal, 2-by-2, and unitarily irreducible 3-by-3 matrices. Nevertheless, we show by example that the strong continuity of fA1f_A^{-1} fails at certain points of F(A)\partial F(A) for some (unitarily reducible) 3-by-3 and (unitarily irreducible) 4-by-4 matrices. The weak continuity, in its turn, fails for some unitarily reducible 4-by-4 and untiarily irreducible 6-by-6 matrices.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Linear and Multilinear Algebra 201

    How to register a VGOS radio telescope at ITU and why it is important

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    VGOS radio telescopes enable observations in the range of 2-14 GHz and are much more receptive for unwanted radio frequency interference. Some space-borne transmitters may cause detrimental radiation to VGOS receivers. The registration of new VGOS sites at ITU is important to obtain administrative protection. This may help to avoid direct illumination by strong radars, as well as provide protection in the dedicated RAS bands from lower-level interference that degrades system sensitivity. This article introduces the risk of damage and explains the registration procedur

    Klipsun Magazine, 2012, Volume 43, Issue 01 - Fall

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    I’m done, checked out. I graduated. Talk about a pivotal moment. While I write this it is time for myself and many others receiving their diplomas to step into roles as accountants, engineers, teachers and such, but when this hits stands another group of students will be entering their first year. It’s a simple cycle of coming and going. Each person will create his or her own path through college and into the professional world. Sort of like a choose-your-own- ending book. This story, while individually exciting, is very common. The stories within these pages are a bit more out of the ordinary. What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word pivot? Instantly, I think of pivotal moments. But when you think of the word as a whole it can be interpreted in many different ways. The group of writers and editors that worked on this issue put together a piece of literature that is a tell-all, gut-wrenching and entertaining read. Can you pray the gay away? Reporter Josh Galassi explores the ex-gay movement in an investigative article about organizations that say they can turn the gays straight. Jessica Pain writes about the goals, no pun intended, of different foosball organizations trying to reach Olympic glory. She talks with world-class players and you may even learn a tip or two for that next game at the pub. Scared of bee stings, are you? Well, you can thank the local bee farmers, and be happy those fuzzy buggers are still around. Marissa Abruzzini takes a peek at how some Whatcom County residents are fighting the possibility of bee extinction. Losing a loved one to suicide, something we at Western experienced on more than one occasion in the previous academic year, is a horrid and unthinkable event. Jeremy Mohn takes us through the lives of people who have dealt, and continue to deal, with the loss of a loved one to such sad circumstances. This just scratches the surface of the stories we tell. It is hard to combine such serious topics with more light-hearted ones, but I am proud of this magazine and what it contributes to our community. Read, think and read some more. Enjoy.https://cedar.wwu.edu/klipsun_magazine/1149/thumbnail.jp

    Klipsun Magazine, 2012, Volume 42, Issue 07 - Spring

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    Dear reader, “Jump!” “Do it! Go!” “Jump!” She jumped. The river was flowing slowly about 50 feet below. In the brief instance of free fall before she splashed into the water she was free from all havoc, just herself and the summer breeze. Then she hit the water, and the rocks just below the surface. In a jump she had made numerous times before she made one little error and landed in an area quite a bit shallower than the usual splash zone. Both of her legs broke on impact. Friends were able to pull her from the river. As she was dragged from the water people starred down from Jordan Bridge in Arlington, Wash., which spans the Stillaguamish River, rethinking their next move. Many people before her took the dive and many people continue to do so today. This is the story of a friend of mine who took a risk with an outcome that was unfavorable, to say the least. She took a risk, as all of us do every day of our lives. That may be a cliché thing to say, but true nonetheless. Risk is often associated with negative actions, but in this edition of Klipsun we explore the idea of risk in a broad spectrum. We learn what having a medical marijuana license really entails, how bull rider’s lives change eight seconds at a time and we get a detailed look into the life of homeless youth who call downtown Bellingham home. As you read through this publication think about the risks you take every day, and the risks you didn’t take that could have changed who you are as a person. I know my life is different because of the risks I have taken; calculated and in the heat of the moment. I’ve placed some bad bets but I have also made some excellent investments. How can we not associate risk with the things we do everyday? Come on, do you always look both ways before you cross the street?https://cedar.wwu.edu/klipsun_magazine/1148/thumbnail.jp

    The Warty Dory, Allocyttus verrucosus, New to the Fish Fauna of Canada

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    In April 2010, a Warty Dory, Allocyttus verrucosus (Gilchrist, 1906), was captured during commercial fishing activities in the Labrador Sea. This is the first record for Canada and the northwest Atlantic Ocean

    Symbolic Providers Help People Regulate Affect Relationally: Implications for Perceived Support

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    Relational regulation theory (Lakey & Orehek, 2011) predicts that the correlation between perceived support and mental health emerges through ordinary conversation and shared activities rather than through conversations about stress and how to cope with it. Observing the conversations and activities of others also helps regulate mental health. Symbolic providers (known only through media) mimic how real providers regulate affect in that recipients observe the conversations and shared activities of symbolic providers. Thus, many perceived support findings obtained for real providers should also be found for symbolic providers. We found the same links between perceived support and affect when recipients rated symbolic providers as when recipients rated real providers. When participants’ affect was worsened, viewing symbolic providers helped restore affect