230 research outputs found

    Protected quantum computation with multiple resonators in ultrastrong coupling circuit QED

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    We investigate theoretically the dynamical behavior of a qubit obtained with the two ground eigenstates of an ultrastrong coupling circuit-QED system consisting of a finite number of Josephson fluxonium atoms inductively coupled to a transmission line resonator. We show an universal set of quantum gates by using multiple transmission line resonators (each resonator represents a single qubit). We discuss the intrinsic 'anisotropic' nature of noise sources for fluxonium artificial atoms. Through a master equation treatment with colored noise and manylevel dynamics, we prove that, for a general class of anisotropic noise sources, the coherence time of the qubit and the fidelity of the quantum operations can be dramatically improved in an optimal regime of ultrastrong coupling, where the ground state is an entangled photonic 'cat' state.Comment: Added results with N = 3,4,5 Josephson atoms and different anisotropy ratios for the decoherence channels in the new figures 2 and

    Decoherence due to contacts in ballistic nanostructures

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    The active region of a ballistic nanostructure is an open quantum-mechanical system, whose nonunitary evolution (decoherence) towards a nonequilibrium steady state is determined by carrier injection from the contacts. The purpose of this paper is to provide a simple theoretical description of the contact-induced decoherence in ballistic nanostructures, which is established within the framework of the open systems theory. The active region's evolution in the presence of contacts is generally non-Markovian. However, if the contacts' energy relaxation due to electron-electron scattering is sufficiently fast, then the contacts can be considered memoryless on timescales coarsened over their energy relaxation time, and the evolution of the current-limiting active region can be considered Markovian. Therefore, we first derive a general Markovian map in the presence of a memoryless environment, by coarse-graining the exact short-time non-Markovian dynamics of an abstract open system over the environment memory-loss time, and we give the requirements for the validity of this map. We then introduce a model contact-active region interaction that describes carrier injection from the contacts for a generic two-terminal ballistic nanostructure. Starting from this model interaction and using the Markovian dynamics derived by coarse-graining over the effective memory-loss time of the contacts, we derive the formulas for the nonequilibrium steady-state distribution functions of the forward and backward propagating states in the nanostructure's active region. On the example of a double-barrier tunneling structure, the present approach yields an I-V curve with all the prominent resonant features. The relationship to the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker formalism is also discussed, as well as the inclusion of scattering.Comment: Published versio

    Provincial Devonian spores from South China, Saudi Arabia and Australia

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    A spore assemblage from Maoshan, Luquan County, Yunnan Province, South China includes well known Mid Devonian spores including Archaeozonotriletes variabilis, Cirratriradites monogrammos, Grandispora libyensis, Geminospora lemurata, Cymbosporites magnificus and Ancyrospora spp. which constrain the age to Givetian (late Mid Devonian). There are also elements that occur in the Givetian of South China and Australia such as Archaeoperisaccus indistinctus (senior synonym of A. rhacodes) that also occur very rarely in Saudi Arabia. The Maoshan assemblage moreover contains species of Rotaspora. In the Adavale Basin of Australia and Saudi Arabia there is a similar plexus of provincial species of Rotaspora but of Emsian age. In addition, there is the morphologically distinct spore Tribojasporites, a genus that was only known previously from the Emsian of Australia. The converse also occurs with spores such as Dictyotriletes biornatus, only previously known from the late Pragian to mid Emsian of Saudi Arabia, found as rare specimens in Maoshan. This demonstrates that the Maoshan spore assemblage contains spores that are restricted to the northern margin of Gondwana but with younger ranges and represent relict populations that survived in isolation on the South China terrane. Blooms of the hydrodictyacean chlorococcalean alga Musivum gradzinskii previously known only from Poland and Saudi Arabia are also present at Maoshan

    Diffusive spin transport

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    Information to be stored and transported requires physical carriers. The quantum bit of information (qubit) can for instance be realised as the spin 1/2 degree of freedom of a massive particle like an electron or as the spin 1 polarisation of a massless photon. In this lecture, I first use irreducible representations of the rotation group to characterise the spin dynamics in a least redundant manner. Specifically, I describe the decoherence dynamics of an arbitrary spin S coupled to a randomly fluctuating magnetic field in the Liouville space formalism. Secondly, I discuss the diffusive dynamics of the particle's position in space due to the presence of randomly placed impurities. Combining these two dynamics yields a coherent, unified picture of diffusive spin transport, as applicable to mesoscopic electronic devices or photons propagating in cold atomic clouds.Comment: Lecture notes, published in A. Buchleitner, C. Viviescas, and M. Tiersch (Eds.), "Entanglement and Decoherence. Foundations and Modern Trends", Lecture Notes in Physics 768, Springer, Berlin (2009

    Presentation, Clinical Pathology Abnormalities, and Identification of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Camels (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius) Presenting to Two North American Veterinary Teaching Hospitals. A Retrospective Study: 1980–2020

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    Old World Camelids (OWC) represent two species (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius) with increasing numbers in North America. Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism is a major cause of clinical disease in camelids and leads to significant economic impacts. Literature reporting on clinical parasitism of camels is localized to India, Africa, and the Middle East, with limited information available on OWCs in North America. Objectives of this study were to report on clinical presentation and diagnostic findings in Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius with GI parasitism and provide a comparative analysis between geographic regions. Medical records of OWCs presenting to two veterinary teaching hospitals (of the University of Tennessee and University of Wisconsin) were evaluated. Thirty-one camels including 11 Bactrians and six dromedaries (14 species not recorded) were included for the clinical component of this study, reporting on signalment, presenting complaint, and clinical pathology. Anorexia, weight loss, and diarrhea were the most common presenting complaint. Clinical pathology findings included eosinophilia, hypoproteinemia, and hyponatremia. For the second component of this study, a total of 77 fecal parasite examination results were evaluated for parasite identification and regional variation. Trichuris, Capillaria, Strongyloides, Nematodirus, Dictyocaulus, Moniezia, and protozoan parasites (Eimeria, Cryptosporidium, Giardia) were recorded. Strongyle-type eggs predominated, followed by Trichuris and Eimeria spp. There was a statistically significant variation in prevalence of coccidia between the two regions, with fecal examinations from Tennessee more likely to contain Eimeria (P = 0.0193). Clinicians treating camels in North America should recognize anorexia, weight loss, and diarrhea combined with clinical pathologic changes of hypoproteinemia, eosinophilia and hyponatremia as possible indications of GI parasitism. Clinicians should also consider the potential for regional variation to exist for GI parasites of camels in different areas of North America

    EBook proceedings of the ESERA 2011 conference : science learning and citizenship

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    This ebook contains fourteen parts according to the strands of the ESERA 2011 conference. Each part is co-edited by one or two persons, most of them were strand chairs. All papers in this ebook correspond to accepted communications during the ESERA conference that were reviewed by two referees. Moreover the co-editors carried out a global reviewing of the papers.ESERA - European Science Education Research Associatio

    The effect of an electronic cognitive aid on the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction during caesarean section: a prospective randomised simulation study

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    Background Cognitive aids have come to be viewed as promising tools in the management of perioperative critical events. The majority of published simulation studies have focussed on perioperative crises that are characterised by time pressure, rare occurrence, or complex management steps (e.g., cardiac arrest emergencies, management of the difficult airway). At present, there is limited information on the usefulness of cognitive aids in critical situations with moderate time pressure and complexity. Intraoperative myocardial infarction may be an emergency to which these limitations apply. Methods Anaesthetic teams were allocated to control (no cognitive aid; n = 10) or intervention (cognitive aid provided; n = 10) groups. The primary aim of this study was to compare cognitive aid versus memory for intraoperative ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) management in a simulation of caesarean delivery under spinal anaesthesia. We identified nine evidence-based metrics of essential care from current guidelines and subdivided them into mandatory (high level of evidence; no interference with surgery) and optional (lower class of recommendation; possible impact on surgery) tasks. Six clinically relevant tasks were added by consensus. Implementation of these steps was measured by scoring task items in a binary fashion (yes/no). The interval between the diagnosis of STEMI and the first contact with the cardiac catheterisation lab was measured. To determine whether or not the cognitive aid had prompted an action, participants from the cognitive aid group were interviewed during debriefing on every single treatment step. At the end of the simulation, session participants were asked to complete a survey. Results The presence of the cognitive aid did not shorten the time interval until the cardiac catheterisation lab was contacted. The availability of the cognitive aid improved task performance in the tasks identified from the guidelines (93% vs. 69%; p < 0.001) as well as overall task performance (87.5% vs. 59%; p < 0.001). The observed difference in performance can be attributed to the use of the cognitive aid, as performance from memory alone would have been comparable across both groups. Trainees appeared to derive greater benefit from the cognitive aid than did consultants and nurses. Conclusions The management of intraoperative ST-elevation myocardial infarction can be improved if teams use a cognitive aid. Trainees appeared to derive greater benefit from the cognitive aid than did consultants and nurses
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