390 research outputs found

    ICESat-2 Photon Classification: Finding Signal Photons in the ATL03 Geolocated Photon Data Product

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    ICESat-2 carries NASA's next-generation laser altimeter, ATLAS, (Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System), designed to measure changes in ice sheet height, sea ice freeboard, and vegetation canopy height. ATLAS contains a photon-counting lidar which transmits green (532-nm) pulses at 10kHz. Each pulse is split into 3 pairs of beams (one strong and one weak). Approximately 1014 photons per pulse travel from ATLAS through the atmosphere to reflect off the Earth's surface. Some return back into the ATLAS telescope where they are recorded. Photons from sunlight and instrument noise at the same wavelength are also recorded. The flight software time tags all photons within a 500m to 6 km range window and generates histograms. Using the histograms, it selects a telemetry window which varies from 20m over flat surfaces to hundreds of meters over rougher terrain. ATL03 contains the time, height (relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid), latitude and longitude of every photon within the telemetry window. The basic challenge is to determine which of these photons were reflected off the surface. We have developed an algorithm that identifies these signal photons and assigns a confidence level (low, medium, or high) to each signal photon based on the signal to noise ratio. We present an overview of the signal identification algorithm and show the results on actual ICESat-2 data over ice sheet, sea ice, vegetated, and water surfaces. Higher level ATLAS products work with aggregations of the photons in order to determine the ellipsoidal height of the Earth, canopy height and structure, and other quantities of geophysical interest

    Generating hypotheses about care needs of high utilizers: lessons from patient interviews.

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    Informed by a largely secondary and quantitative literature, efforts to improve care and outcomes for complex patients with high levels of emergency and hospital-based health care utilization have offered mixed results. This qualitative study identifies psychosocial factors and life experiences described by these patients that may be important to their care needs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 patients of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers\u27 Care Management Team. Investigators coded transcripts using a priori and inductively-derived codes, then identified 3 key themes: (1) Early-life instability and traumas, including parental loss, unstable or violent relationships, and transiency, informed many participants\u27 health and health care experiences; (2) Many high utilizers described a history of difficult interactions with health care providers during adulthood; (3) Over half of the participants described the importance to their well-being of positive and caring relationships with primary health care providers and the outreach team. Additionally, the transient and vulnerable nature of this complex population posed challenges to follow-up, both for research and care delivery. These themes illuminate potentially important hypotheses to be explored in more generalizable samples using robust and longitudinal methods. Future work should explore the prevalence and impact of adverse childhood experiences among high utilizers, and the different types of relationships they have with providers. Investigators should test new modes of care delivery that attend to patients\u27 trauma histories. This qualitative study was well suited to provide insight into the life stories of these complex, vulnerable patients, informing research questions for further investigation

    The Solar-System-Scale Disk Around AB Aurigae

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    The young star AB Aurigae is surrounded by a complex combination of gas-rich and dust dominated structures. The inner disk which has not been studied previously at sufficient resolution and imaging dynamic range seems to contain very little gas inside a radius of least 130 astronomical units (AU) from the star. Using adaptive-optics coronagraphy and polarimetry we have imaged the dust in an annulus between 43 and 302 AU from the star, a region never seen before. An azimuthal gap in an annulus of dust at a radius of 102 AU, along with a clearing at closer radii inside this annulus, suggests the formation of at least one small body at an orbital distance of about 100 AU. This structure seems consistent with crude models of mean motion resonances, or accumulation of material at two of the Lagrange points relative to the putative object and the star. We also report a low significance detection of a point source in this outer annulus of dust. This source may be an overdensity in the disk due to dust accreting onto an unseen companion. An alternate interpretation suggests that the object's mass is between 5 and 37 times the mass of Jupiter. The results have implications for circumstellar disk dynamics and planet formation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, V. 680, June 10, 200

    Effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the distribution of adhering Brownian particles

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    Brownian dynamics simulations were used to study the adhesion of hard spheres on a solid surface by taking the hydrodynamic interactions into account. Special attention was paid to analyze the configuration of the assembly of adsorbed particles. These results were compared to configurations generated by the extensively studied random sequential adsorption (RSA) model. In our case the adsorption probability for a particle is almost uniform over the entire available surfae. This surprising result shows that RSA provides a good approximation to generate adsorbed particle configurations

    The Lyot Project Direct Imaging Survey of Substellar Companions: Statistical Analysis and Information from Nondetections

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    The Lyot project used an optimized Lyot coronagraph with Extreme Adaptive Optics at the 3.63m Advanced Electro-Optical System telescope (AEOS) to observe 86 stars from 2004 to 2007. In this paper we give an overview of the survey results and a statistical analysis of the observed nondetections around 58 of our targets to place constraints on the population of substellar companions to nearby stars. The observations did not detect any companion in the substellar regime. Since null results can be as important as detections, we analyzed each observation to determine the characteristics of the companions that can be ruled out. For this purpose we use a Monte Carlo approach to produce artificial companions, and determine their detectability by comparison with the sensitivity curve for each star. All the non-detection results are combined using a Bayesian approach and we provide upper limits on the population of giant exoplanets and brown dwarfs for this sample of stars. Our nondetections confirm the rarity of brown dwarfs around solar-like stars and we constrain the frequency of massive substellar companions (M>40Mjup) at orbital separation between and 10 and 50 AU to be <20%.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Published in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Lyot project: toward exoplanet imaging and spectroscopy

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    Among the adaptive optics systems available to astronomers, the US Air Force Advanced Electro-Optical System (AEOS) is unique because it delivers very high order wave front correction. The Lyot Project includes the construction and installation of the world’s first diffraction-limited, optimized coronagraph that exploits the full astronomical potential of AEOS and represents a critical step toward the long-term goal of directly imaging and studying extrasolar planets (a.k.a. “exoplanets”). We provide an update on the Project, whose coronagraph saw first light in March 2004. The coronagraph is operating at least as well as predicted by simulations, and a survey of nearby stars has begun

    Mesoscopic organization reveals the constraints governing C. elegans nervous system

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    One of the biggest challenges in biology is to understand how activity at the cellular level of neurons, as a result of their mutual interactions, leads to the observed behavior of an organism responding to a variety of environmental stimuli. Investigating the intermediate or mesoscopic level of organization in the nervous system is a vital step towards understanding how the integration of micro-level dynamics results in macro-level functioning. In this paper, we have considered the somatic nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, for which the entire neuronal connectivity diagram is known. We focus on the organization of the system into modules, i.e., neuronal groups having relatively higher connection density compared to that of the overall network. We show that this mesoscopic feature cannot be explained exclusively in terms of considerations, such as optimizing for resource constraints (viz., total wiring cost) and communication efficiency (i.e., network path length). Comparison with other complex networks designed for efficient transport (of signals or resources) implies that neuronal networks form a distinct class. This suggests that the principal function of the network, viz., processing of sensory information resulting in appropriate motor response, may be playing a vital role in determining the connection topology. Using modular spectral analysis, we make explicit the intimate relation between function and structure in the nervous system. This is further brought out by identifying functionally critical neurons purely on the basis of patterns of intra- and inter-modular connections. Our study reveals how the design of the nervous system reflects several constraints, including its key functional role as a processor of information.Comment: Published version, Minor modifications, 16 pages, 9 figure

    Exo-C: a probe-scale space observatory for direct imaging and spectroscopy of extrasolar planetary systems

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    "Exo-C" is NASAs first community study of a modest aperture space telescope mission that is optimized for high contrast observations of exoplanetary systems. The mission will be capable of taking optical spectra of nearby exoplanets in reflected light, discovering previously undetected planets, and imaging structure in a large sample of circumstellar disks. It will obtain unique science results on planets down to super-Earth sizes and serve as a technology pathfinder toward an eventual flagship-class mission to find and characterize habitable Earth-like exoplanets. We present the mission/payload design and highlight steps to reduce mission cost/risk relative to previous mission concepts. Key elements are an unobscured telescope aperture, an internal coronagraph with deformable mirrors for precise wavefront control, and an orbit and observatory design chosen for high thermal stability. Exo-C has a similar telescope aperture, orbit, lifetime, and spacecraft bus requirements to the highly successful Kepler mission (which is our cost reference). Much of the needed technology development is being pursued under the WFIRST coronagraph study and would support a mission start in 2017, should NASA decide to proceed. This paper summarizes the study final report completed in March 2015.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Astrophysics Divisio

    Exo-C: a probe-scale space observatory for direct imaging and spectroscopy of extrasolar planetary systems

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    "Exo-C" is NASAs first community study of a modest aperture space telescope mission that is optimized for high contrast observations of exoplanetary systems. The mission will be capable of taking optical spectra of nearby exoplanets in reflected light, discovering previously undetected planets, and imaging structure in a large sample of circumstellar disks. It will obtain unique science results on planets down to super-Earth sizes and serve as a technology pathfinder toward an eventual flagship-class mission to find and characterize habitable Earth-like exoplanets. We present the mission/payload design and highlight steps to reduce mission cost/risk relative to previous mission concepts. Key elements are an unobscured telescope aperture, an internal coronagraph with deformable mirrors for precise wavefront control, and an orbit and observatory design chosen for high thermal stability. Exo-C has a similar telescope aperture, orbit, lifetime, and spacecraft bus requirements to the highly successful Kepler mission (which is our cost reference). Much of the needed technology development is being pursued under the WFIRST coronagraph study and would support a mission start in 2017, should NASA decide to proceed. This paper summarizes the study final report completed in March 2015
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