28 research outputs found

    Estresores laborales y su relación con el bienestar del personal operativo de la empresa de transportes Romeliza SAC. Arequipa, 2021

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    El proyecto de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre los estresores laborales y el bienestar del personal operativo de la empresa de Transportes Romeliza SAC. Arequipa, 2021, se trata de una investigación no experimental de tipo aplicada, y según el tipo de datos, cuantitativa; en la que se empleó el diseño transversal con un nivel correlacional a una población determinada, la cual estuvo constituida por 50 trabajadores operativos del área de Mantenimiento y operaciones de la empresa antes mencionada. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron 2 cuestionarios: para la variable Estresores laborales se utilizó el Indicador del estrés ocupacional (OSI) creada por Cooper et al. (1988), el cual consta con 61 ítems y mide 6 tipos de subescalas (estresores ocupacionales) y para la variable Bienestar de personal se empleó el cuestionario de Bienestar Laboral General (qBLG) elaborada por Blanch et al. (2010), que se divide en dos dimensiones: Bienestar psicosocial y efectos colaterales. Los datos fueron digitalizados a través de Microsoft Excel, creando una matriz de datos y posteriormente con el software SPSS donde se efectuó el análisis estadístico realizado a través de la prueba Chi cuadrado, obteniendo las tablas y figuras descriptivas para la comprobación de la hipótesis

    Two mathematical approaches to study the phosphorus eutrophication of a wetland in Puerto Rico

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    Introduction: Laguna Cartagena (LC), a wetland in Lajas, Puerto Rico, has been negatively impacted by nutrients, mainly phosphorus run-off from agricultural activities until the end of sugar cane cultivation in the late 1900s.  This led to P concentration remain high at hypereutrophic state that was irremediable even after a 5-fold reduction in source water nutrient concentration. Objective: The main goal of this research paper is to apply two different mathematical approaches to assess the eutrophication level of a wetland in Puerto Rico. Method:   Grey Cluster Method (GCM) was used to classify LC’s eutrophic state by applying the International and Chinese trophic standards and two parameters, total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN).  Mean TP and TN from LC consolidated bottom substrate and flocculence samples were used to classify LC.  To address whether LC can recover, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and TP from LC inlet, outlet and center water samples were used to model (differential equation) the input and loss of phosphorus in LC and determine whether an equilibrium point exists.  GCM analysis classified LC as a eutrophic wetland using the International standard and hypereutrophic using the Chinese standard. Results:  Trophic state classification did not vary with use of consolidated bottom substrate versus flocculence samples. The differential equation model showed that SRP and TP levels within LC were higher than levels of SRP and TP entering LC, which could be caused by a nutrient recycling process within LC that may predict failure of remediation efforts.  An equilibrium point was found at the eutrophic level, which means that even if there is a reduction in phosphorus input, there will not be a change in LC’s eutrophic state. Conclusions: Chinese trophic standard indicated LC was in a hypertrophic state. Similar results were found using the international standard. The differential equation model showed that LC is irreversible

    Determinación del costo de consumo de agua potable para hogares sin medidor, en la ciudad de Guayaquil, mediante técnicas estadísticas multivariantes

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    A través de los años se ha observado que el Servicio de Agua Potable en el Cantón Guayaquil ha sufrido cambios importantes, debido a las diversas empresas que han estado a cargo de su administración. Uno de los problemas más evidentes, y que es el motivo de la presente investigación, es la correcta facturación de este servicio, tomando en cuenta que no todos los sectores del cantón poseen medidor de agua que permita determinar cuanto consumen, y en casos más críticos, otros sectores ni siquiera disponen de este servicio. Para este estudio se tomó como población objetivo a toda la población de la Ciudad de Guayaquil, estratificándola según parámetros y divisiones establecidas por la Empresa de Agua Potable del Cantón de Guayaquil. En la presente investigación se efectuó, primero un análisis univariado de las variables de interés, y después se procedió a establecer un modelo de regresión que nos permita determinar, basado en información de un cliente, cuanto es lo que consume, en dólares, en promedio mensual de agua potable

    Determinación del costo de consumo de agua potable para hogares sin medidor en la ciudad de Guayaquil mediante tecnicas estadísticas multivariantes

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    Two mathematical approaches to study the phosphorus eutrophication of a wetland in Puerto Rico

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    Introduction: Laguna Cartagena (LC), a wetland in Lajas, Puerto Rico, has been negatively impacted by nutrients, mainly phosphorus run-off from agricultural activities until the end of sugar cane cultivation in the late 1900s.  This led to P concentration remain high at hypereutrophic state that was irremediable even after a 5-fold reduction in source water nutrient concentration. Objective: The main goal of this research paper is to apply two different mathematical approaches to assess the eutrophication level of a wetland in Puerto Rico. Method:   Grey Cluster Method (GCM) was used to classify LC’s eutrophic state by applying the International and Chinese trophic standards and two parameters, total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN).  Mean TP and TN from LC consolidated bottom substrate and flocculence samples were used to classify LC.  To address whether LC can recover, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and TP from LC inlet, outlet and center water samples were used to model (differential equation) the input and loss of phosphorus in LC and determine whether an equilibrium point exists.  GCM analysis classified LC as a eutrophic wetland using the International standard and hypereutrophic using the Chinese standard. Results:  Trophic state classification did not vary with use of consolidated bottom substrate versus flocculence samples. The differential equation model showed that SRP and TP levels within LC were higher than levels of SRP and TP entering LC, which could be caused by a nutrient recycling process within LC that may predict failure of remediation efforts.  An equilibrium point was found at the eutrophic level, which means that even if there is a reduction in phosphorus input, there will not be a change in LC’s eutrophic state. Conclusions: Chinese trophic standard indicated LC was in a hypertrophic state. Similar results were found using the international standard. The differential equation model showed that LC is irreversible.Introducción: Laguna Cartagena (LC), es un humedal en Lajas, Puerto Rico, que ha sido afectado negativamente por nutrientes, principalmente escorrentía de fósforo de las actividades agrícolas hasta el final del cultivo de la caña de azúcar a fines del siglo XX. Estas condiciones han propiciado que, la concentración de P permaneciera alta en un estado hipereutrófico, el cual era irremediable incluso después de una reducción de 5 veces en la concentración de nutrientes del agua fuente. Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este artículo de investigación es aplicar dos métodos matemáticos diferentes para evaluar el nivel de eutrofización de un humedal en Puerto Rico. Metodología: El Método de Agrupamiento de Grises (GCM) se usó para clasificar el estado eutrófico de LC aplicando los estándares tróficos internacional y chino y dos parámetros, Fósforo Total (TP) y Nitrógeno Total (TN). La media de TP y TN en el sustrato del fondo consolidado de LC y las muestras de floculencia se utilizaron para clasificar LC. Para analizar si LC puede recuperarse, se utilizó fósforo reactivo soluble (SRP) y TP a partir de muestras de agua a la entrada, salida y centro de LC para modelar (ecuación diferencial) la entrada y pérdida de fósforo en LC y determinar si existe un punto de equilibrio. El análisis GCM clasificó a la LC como un humedal eutrófico utilizando el estándar internacional e hipereutrófico utilizando el estándar chino. Resultados: La clasificación del estado trófico no presentó variaciones con el uso del sustrato de fondo consolidado versus las muestras de floculencia. El modelo de ecuaciones diferenciales mostró que los niveles de SRP y TP dentro de LC fueron más altos que los niveles de SRP y TP que entran en LC, lo que podría ser causado por un proceso de reciclaje de nutrientes dentro de LC que puede predecir el fracaso de los esfuerzos de remediación. Se encontró un punto de equilibrio a nivel eutrófico, lo que significa que incluso si hay una reducción en la entrada de fósforo, no habrá un cambio en el estado eutrófico de LC. Conclusiones: El estándar trófico chino indicó que la LC estaba en un estado hipertrófico. Se encontraron resultados similares usando el estándar internacional. El modelo de ecuaciones diferenciales mostró que LC es irreversible

    The detection of anti-dengue virus IgM in urine in participants enrolled in an acute febrile illness study in Puerto Rico.

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    BACKGROUND:Dengue is an important arboviral disease with about 100 million dengue cases per year, of which, ~5% result in severe disease. Clinical differentiation of dengue from other acute febrile illnesses (AFI) is difficult, and diagnostic blood tests are costly. We evaluated the utility of anti-DENV IgM in urine to identify dengue cases among AFI patients enrolled in a clinical study. METHODS:Between May 2012-March 2013, 1538 study participants with fever for ≤7 days were enrolled, a medical history was obtained, and serum and urine specimens were collected. Serum was tested for DENV RNA and anti-DENV IgM. Urine was tested for anti-DENV IgM, and its sensitivity and specificity to detect sera laboratory-positive dengue cases were calculated. We evaluated if urine anti-DENV IgM positivity early (≤5 days post-illness onset [DPO]) and late (6-14 DPO) in the clinical course was associated with dengue severity. RESULTS:Urine anti-DENV IgM sensitivity and specificity were 47.4% and 98.5%, respectively, when compared with serum anti-DENV IgM ELISA results, and 29.7% and 91.1% when compared with serum rRT-PCR results. There was no correlation between urine anti-DENV IgM positivity and patient sex or pre-existing chronic disease. Early in the clinical course, a significantly higher proportion of those who developed dengue with warning signs had anti-DENV IgM in their urine when compared to those without warning signs (20.4% vs. 4.3%). There was no difference in the proportion with urine anti-DENV IgM positivity between severity groups late in the clinical course. CONCLUSION:While detection of urine anti-DENV IgM lacked adequate diagnostic sensitivity, it is a highly specific marker for laboratory-positive dengue, and its presence early in the clinical course may distinguish those with more severe disease. Further assessment of urine anti-DENV IgM by DPO is warranted to determine its utility as an early diagnostic (and possibly prognostic) marker for dengue

    Reemergence of Dengue in Southern Texas, 2013

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    During a dengue epidemic in northern Mexico, enhanced surveillance identified 53 laboratory-positive cases in southern Texas; 26 (49%) patients acquired the infection locally, and 29 (55%) were hospitalized. Of 83 patient specimens that were initially IgM negative according to ELISA performed at a commercial laboratory, 14 (17%) were dengue virus positive by real-time reverse transcription PCR performed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dengue virus types 1 and 3 were identified, and molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrated close identity with viruses that had recently circulated in Mexico and Central America. Of 51 household members of 22 dengue case-patients who participated in household investigations, 6 (12%) had been recently infected with a dengue virus and reported no recent travel, suggesting intrahousehold transmission. One household member reported having a recent illness consistent with dengue. This outbreak reinforces emergence of dengue in southern Texas, particularly when incidence is high in northern Mexico

    Incidence and Risk Factors for Developing Dengue-Associated Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Puerto Rico, 2008 - 2013

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare, potentially fatal disorder characterized by fever, pancytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, and increased serum ferritin. HLH is being increasingly reported as a complication of dengue, a common tropical acute febrile illness.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings</p><p>After a cluster of pediatric dengue-associated HLH patients was identified during the 2012–2013 dengue epidemic in Puerto Rico, active surveillance and a case-control investigation was conducted at four referral hospitals to determine the incidence of HLH in children and identify risk factors for HLH following dengue. Patients with dengue-associated HLH (cases) were matched by month of illness onset and admission hospital to dengue patients that did not develop HLH (controls). During 2008–2013, a total of 33 HLH patients were identified, of which 22 (67%) were associated with dengue and 1 died (dengue-associated HLH case-fatality rate: 4.5%). Two patients with dengue-associated HLH had illness onset in 2009, none had illness onset during the 2010 dengue epidemic, and 20 had illness onset during the 2012–2013 epidemic. Frequency of infection with either dengue virus (DENV)-1 or DENV-4 did not differ between cases and controls. Cases were younger than controls (median age: 1 vs. 13 years, p < 0.01), were hospitalized longer (18 vs. 5 days, p < 0.01), and were admitted more frequently to pediatric intensive care units (100% vs. 16%, p < 0.01). Cases had co-infection (18.2% vs. 4.5%, p = 0.04), recent influenza-like illness (54.5% vs. 25.0%, p = 0.01), and longer duration of fever (7 vs. 5 days; p < 0.01). Cases were more likely to have lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, anemia, and elevated liver transaminases (p ≤ 0.02).</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>During this cluster of dengue-associated HLH cases that was temporally associated with the 2012–2013 epidemic, most patients with dengue-associated HLH were infants and had higher morbidity than dengue inpatients. Physicians throughout the tropics should be aware of HLH as a potential complication of dengue, particularly in patients with anemia and severe liver injury.</p></div