34 research outputs found

    Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Integration eines Wirkstofffreisetzungssystems in ein textiles Knochenimplantat am Beispiel des Antibiotikums Gentamicin

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    Das bei der Sanierung von großen segmentalen Knochendefekten bestehende Risiko einer fremdkörperassoziierten Infektion soll durch die Integration eines Wirkstofffreisetzungssystems in ein bestehendes textiles Knochenimplantat gemindert werden. Durch Immobilisierung des Wirkstoffs in eine degradierbare Polymermatrix wird eine zeitlich verzögerte Freisetzung bewirkt. Als Wirkstofffreisetzungssystem wird die Kombination von Polylactid (PLA) bzw. Poly(Lactid-co-Glycolid) (PLGA) als Matrixpolymer mit dem Antibiotikum Gentamicin als Wirkstoff untersucht, welches durch Beschichtung der textilen Scaffolds mittels Dip-Coating eingebracht werden soll. Es stehen die drei Beschichtungsmethoden „Suspension“, „Emulsion“ und „Schichtaufbau“ zur Auswahl, die jeweils über eigene Parameter zur Beeinflussung des Freisetzungsprofils verfügen. Die Methode „Suspension“ und die damit verbundenen Einflussfaktoren Korngröße, Korngrößenverteilung sowie Masseanteil des Antibiotikums und Schichtdicke der aufgetragenen Polymerschicht wurde als die günstigste herausgearbeitet. Im Teil II dieser Arbeit wird diese soweit optimiert, dass nahezu über den gesamten geforderten Zeitraum die festgelegte notwendige Dosierung aufrechterhalten werden kann. Erste in vitro Versuche weisen auf eine gute Zellverträglichkeit sowie eine ausreichende mikrobielle Wirksamkeit hin.To reduce the risk of infection in the treatment of long bone defects, a novel embroidered bone implant is to be provided with an antibiotic drug delivery system. Prolonged and controlled drug release can be achieved by coating the thread material with antibiotics incorporated in a degradable polymer matrix. The chosen drug delivery system is composed of polylactide acid (PLA) or poly(lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) as matrix polymer and the antibiotic gentamicin. It is integrated into the textile structure by dip-coating providing the three different methods suspension, emulsion and layered. Each method bears its appropriate parameters to influence the releasing profile. The suspension-method and its parameters grain size and grain size distribution as well as mass fraction of the antibiotic and the coating thickness could be proved as the most feasible. In part II of this essay the chosen coating set-up gets optimized so that a drug release nearly along the whole required term can be achieved. Preliminary in vitro studies show a good cell tolerance besides a sufficient microbial efficacy

    Cruciate Ligament Cell Sheets Can Be Rapidly Produced on Thermoresponsive poly(glycidyl ether) Coating and Successfully Used for Colonization of Embroidered Scaffolds

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    Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) cell sheets combined with biomechanically competent scaffolds might facilitate ACL tissue engineering. Since thermoresponsive polymers allow a rapid enzyme-free detachment of cell sheets, we evaluated the applicability of a thermoresponsive poly(glycidyl ether) (PGE) coating for cruciate ligamentocyte sheet formation and its influence on ligamentocyte phenotype during sheet-mediated colonization of embroidered scaffolds. Ligamentocytes were seeded on surfaces either coated with PGE or without coating. Detached ligamentocyte sheets were cultured separately or wrapped around an embroidered scaffold made of polylactide acid (PLA) and poly(lactic-co-ε-caprolactone) (P(LA-CL)) threads functionalized by gas-phase fluorination and with collagen foam. Ligamentocyte viability, protein and gene expression were determined in sheets detached from surfaces with or without PGE coating, scaffolds seeded with sheets from PGE-coated plates and the respective monolayers. Stable and vital ligamentocyte sheets could be produced within 24 h with both surfaces, but more rapidly with PGE coating. PGE did not affect ligamentocyte phenotype. Scaffolds could be colonized with sheets associated with high cell survival, stable gene expression of ligament-related type I collagen, decorin, tenascin C and Mohawk after 14 d and extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition. PGE coating facilitates ligamentocyte sheet formation, and sheets colonizing the scaffolds displayed a ligament-related phenotype

    Mesobot : An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Tracking and Sampling Midwater Targets

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    Mesobot, a new class of autonomous underwater vehicle, will address specific unmet needs for observing slow-moving targets in the midwater ocean. Mesobot will track targets such as zooplankton, fish, and descending particle aggregates using a control system based on stereo cameras and a combination of thrusters and a variable buoyancy system. The vehicle will also be able to collect biogeochemical and environmental DNA (eDNA) samples using a pumped filter sampler

    Metabolite profiling reveals new insights into the regulation of serum urate in humans

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    Albrecht E, Waldenberger M, Krumsiek J, et al. Metabolite profiling reveals new insights into the regulation of serum urate in humans. Metabolomics. 2013;10(1):141-151.Serum urate, the final breakdown product of purine metabolism, is causally involved in the pathogenesis of gout, and implicated in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Serum urate levels highly differ between men and women; however the underlying biological processes in its regulation are still not completely understood and are assumed to result from a complex interplay between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. In order to describe the metabolic vicinity of serum urate, we analyzed 355 metabolites in 1,764 individuals of the population-based KORA F4 study and constructed a metabolite network around serum urate using Gaussian Graphical Modeling in a hypothesis-free approach. We subsequently investigated the effect of sex and urate lowering medication on all 38 metabolites assigned to the network. Within the resulting network three main clusters could be detected around urate, including the well-known pathway of purine metabolism, as well as several dipeptides, a group of essential amino acids, and a group of steroids. Of the 38 assigned metabolites, 25 showed strong differences between sexes. Association with uricostatic medication intake was not only confined to purine metabolism but seen for seven metabolites within the network. Our findings highlight pathways that are important in the regulation of serum urate and suggest that dipeptides, amino acids, and steroid hormones are playing a role in its regulation. The findings might have an impact on the development of specific targets in the treatment and prevention of hyperuricemia

    Metabolite ratios as potential biomarkers for type 2 diabetes:a DIRECT study

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    Aims/hypothesis Circulating metabolites have been shown to reflect metabolic changes during the development of type 2 diabetes. In this study we examined the association of metabolite levels and pairwise metabolite ratios with insulin responses after glucose, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and arginine stimulation. We then investigated if the identified metabolite ratios were associated with measures of OGTT-derived beta cell function and with prevalent and incident type 2 diabetes. Methods We measured the levels of 188 metabolites in plasma samples from 130 healthy members of twin families (from the Netherlands Twin Register) at five time points during a modified 3 h hyperglycaemic clamp with glucose, GLP-1 and arginine stimulation. We validated our results in cohorts with OGTT data (n = 340) and epidemiological case–control studies of prevalent (n = 4925) and incident (n = 4277) diabetes. The data were analysed using regression models with adjustment for potential confounders. Results There were dynamic changes in metabolite levels in response to the different secretagogues. Furthermore, several fasting pairwise metabolite ratios were associated with one or multiple clamp-derived measures of insulin secretion (all p Conclusion/interpretation In this study we have shown that the Val_PC ae C32:2 metabolite ratio is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and measures of insulin secretion and resistance. The observed effects were stronger than that of the individual metabolites and independent of known risk factors.</p