69 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular disease risk in women with a history of preeclampsia

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    Bisexual (un)belonging: Exploring the socio-spatial negotiation of plurisexual individuals in LGBT+ and queer spaces

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    Bisexual and plurisexual individuals are discursively marginalised, stigmatised, and erased due to their identity position within the normative construction of sexuality and gender, leading to poor mental health and feelings of falling outside of the wider LGBT+ community. The thesis addresses the gap in the literature between sociology, sexuality scholarship, and sexual geographies by conceptualising the complex nature of plurisexual (un)belonging, engages with plurisexual socio-spatial identity negotiation, and seeks out queer sites of belonging in order to combat the discursive and epistemic disposition plurisexuals face. Plurisexual lived experiences are prioritised through a queer feminist epistemological framework, innovative artistic and visual methods, semi-structured interviews and (auto)ethnographic accounts. The research unpacks the experiences of marginalisation, gatekeeping, and unbelonging within hierarchal LGBT+ spaces, alongside the experiences of safety and belonging as produced through intersectional inclusive queer spaces. The thesis provides insight into new approaches to plurisexual theorisation and community connection by putting a spotlight onto an otherwise invisible demographic

    Use of A Collagen/Elastin Matrix As Transport Carrier System to Transfer Proliferating Epidermal Cells to Human Dermis in Vitro

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    This in vitro study describes a novel cell culture, transport, and transfer protocol that may be highly suitable for delivering cultured proliferating keratinocytes and melanocytes to large open skin wounds (e.g., burns). We have taken into account previous limitations identified using other keratinocyte transfer techniques, such as regulatory issues, stability of keratinocytes during transport (single cell suspensions undergo terminal differentiation), ease of handling during application, and the degree of epidermal blistering resulting after transplantation (both related to transplanting keratinocyte sheets). Large numbers of proliferating epidermal cells (EC) (keratinocytes and melanocytes) were generated within 10-14 days and seeded onto a three-dimensional matrix composed of elastin and collagen types I, III, and V (Matriderm®), which enabled easy and stable transport of the EC for up to 24 h under ambient conditions. All culture conditions were in accordance with the regulations set by the Dutch Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO). As an in vitro model system for clinical in vivo transfer, the EC were then transferred from Matriderm onto human acellular dermis during a period of 3 days. After transfer the EC maintained the ability to regenerate into a fully differentiated epidermis containing melanocytes on the human dermis. Proliferating keratinocytes were located in the basal layer and keratin-10 expression was located in differentiating suprabasal layers similar to that found in human epidermis. No blistering was observed (separation of the epidermis from the basement membrane). Keratin-6 expression was strongly upregulated in the regenerating epidermis similar to normal wound healing. In summary, we show that EC-Matriderm contains viable, metabolically active keratinocytes and melanocytes cultured in a manner that permits easy transportation and contains epidermal cells with the potential to form a pigmented reconstructed epidermis. This in vitro study has produced a robust protocol that is ready for clinical studies in the future

    Reconstructed human keloid models show heterogeneity within keloid scars

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    Keloid scars are often described as having an actively growing peripheral margin with a regressing centre. The aim of this study was to examine the possible heterogeneity within keloids and the involvement of different regions within and around keloid scars in the pathogenesis, using an in vitro keloid scar model. In vitro skin models were constructed from keratinocytes and fibroblasts from normal skin and different regions within and around keloid scars: periphery, centre, and (adjacent) surrounding-normal-skin regions. Additionally, fibroblasts were isolated from the superficial-central and deep-central regions of the keloid and combined with central keratinocytes. All keloid regions showed increased contraction compared to normal skin models, particularly in central regions. Myofibroblasts were present in all keloid regions but were more abundant in models containing central-deep keloid fibroblasts. Secretion of anti-fibrotic HGF and extracellular matrix collagen IV gene expression was reduced in the central deep keloid compared to normal skin. No significant differences between peripheral and central regions within keloids were observed for inflammatory cytokine CCL20, CCL27, CXCL8, IL-6 and IL-18 secretion. Parameters for surrounding-normal-skin showed similarities to both non-lesional normal skin and keloids. In conclusion, a simple but elegant method of culturing keloid-derived keratinocytes and fibroblasts in an organotypic 3D scar model was developed, for the dual purpose of studying the underlying pathology and ultimately testing new therapeutics. In this study, these tissue engineered scar models show that the central keloid region shows a more aggressive keloid scar phenotype than the periphery and that the surrounding-normal-skin also shares certain abnormalities characteristic for keloids

    Preparation and Application of an Inexpensive α‐Formylglycine Building Block Compatible with Fmoc Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis

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    α-Formylglycine (fGly) is a rare residue located in the active site of sulfatases and serves as a precursor to pharmaceutically relevant motifs. The installation of fGly motifs into peptides is currently challenging due to degradation under the acidic and nucleophile-rich conditions accompanying resin cleavage during solid-phase peptide synthesis. We report the synthesis of acid- and nucleophile-tolerant α-formylglycine building blocks from vitamin C and use them to prepare callyaerin A, a macrocyclic peptide containing an fGly-derived motif