293 research outputs found

    Trends in Overweight and Obesity in Portuguese primary school children: COSI study 2008 -2013

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    Aims: To investigate trends in childhood obesity in the context of the WHO/Europe Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI study), in Portugal, between 2008 and 2013. Key Methods: Nutritional Status of children aged 6-8 years old, from a national representative sample in Portugal, was evaluated according to the WHO/Europe COSI study protocol in rounds 1 (2008; n=3765); round 2 (2010; n= 4064) and round 3 (2013; n= 5935). Height and weight were directly measured by trained fieldworkers. Overweight (including obesity) and obesity prevalence were calculated using the international body mass index cut-offs according to WHO criteria. Results: In 2008, 37,9% of the portuguese were overweight and 15,3% were obese with higher prevalence shown in boys than in girls (p>0,05). During the 5 year period the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity significantly decreased by 4,3% and by 1,4%(p< 0,05), respectively. Obesity peaked in 8 year olds (boys and girls) but it was only significantly higher for girls aged 7 years old (p<0,05), in 2013. Conclusion: Trends in overweight and obesity in national representative samples of Portuguese children of the COSI study, have declined during the period 2008-2013. However, among countries of the WHO European region, Portugal continues to show one of the highest prevalence of overweight and obesity in primary school aged children suggesting that programs addressing childhood obesity have to continuously be a priority in the public health Portuguese agenda.N/

    Beautiful geometry: a STEAM experience in a professional development course for mathematics teachers

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    Mathematics and art have a connection that goes far beyond proximity. In fact, they are two symbiotic areas shaping a beautiful, logical, systematic, and breathtaking world. One of the works that exposes their intrinsic connection, in a clear, rigorous and simple way, is the book Beautiful Geometry by Eli Maor and Eugen Jost. To a greater or lesser degree, we all feel the power that art exerts on our minds, both at a sensory and at a cognitive level. In fact, art is one of the privileged areas for the emergence of creativity. Combining beauty with rigor and reason, and based on the book mentioned above, we designed a professional development course for mathematics teachers, following a STEAM approach. The description of this course, illustrated with part of the graphic/artistic material produced by the participants, is the main object of this paper.publishe

    Deterioration of the black Drenov Grič limestone on historical monuments (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

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    The black limestone from Drenov Grič quarry (Central Slovenia) is considered one of the most beautiful Slovenian natural stones due to its typical color. The limestone was characterized from mineralogical, chemical, and petrophysical points of view. Furthermore, deterioration phenomena of the limestone from two monuments exposed to indoor and outdoor environments were studied. In situ investigation of two monuments by means of monument mapping has identified several types of deterioration phenomena, such as granular disintegration, flaking, crumbling, efflorescences, crusts, and the presence of microorganisms. Samples were characterized using Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis (XRD), porosity accessible to water under vacuum, capillary absorption, Mercury porosimetry (MIP), and Ar-sorption. Although very low values of porosity of the fresh stone as well as slow capillary kinetics were determined, both monuments showed severe deterioration as a consequence of the transport and precipitation of soluble salts within the stone

    Packing of R3 by crosses

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    The existence of tilings of R^n by crosses, a cluster of unit cubes comprising a central one and 2n arms, has been studied by several authors. We have completely solved the problem for R^2, characterizing the crosses which lattice tile R^2, as well as determining the maximum packing density for the crosses which do not lattice tile the plane. In this paper we motivate a similar approach to study lattice packings of R^3 by crosses.The existence of tilings of Rn by crosses, a cluster of unit cubes comprising a central one and 2n arms, has been studied by several authors. We have completely solved the problem for R2 characterizing the crosses which lattice tile R2 as well as determining the maximum packing density for the crosses which do not lattice tile the plane. In this paper we motivate a similar approach to study lattice packings of R3 by crosses.publishe

    Resorting to non euclidean plane geometries to develop deductive reasoning an onto-semiotic approach

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    The main idea behind this work is the study of the potential of resorting to other models of Plane Geometry (e.g. Hyperbolic Geometry, Taxicab Geometry) to help students to progress towards a proper/better understanding of what a mathematical proof is about. A teaching experiment carried out with students of 15 to 17 years-old attending the 10th and11thgrade (the two first years of secondary school) of a Portuguese school. The experience started in the10th grade and lasted in the 11thgrade. Our main focus is the analysis of primary and secondary relationships of geometric objects involved in argumentation and proof (in the sense of Godino et al. and Gutiérrez et al.) activated by the students during production of arguments

    Simetrias nas Cercaduras das Fachadas de Azulejos de Aveiro, usando o GeoGebra

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    Com este trabalho pretende-se classificar os motivos existentes nas cercaduras3 dos azulejos que revestem fachadas de Aveiro, estabelecendo uma ligação entre este Património e a Matemática. As atividades a desenvolver com os alunos requerem um trabalho prévio de recolha fotográfica, que se pode estender a qualquer parte do país, e que pode envolver uma visita de estudo, saída de campo ou trabalho de casa, sendo solicitado que cada aluno fotografe uma cercadura. Neste trabalho seguimos duas vertentes: criar com o GeoGebra, exemplares dos 7 frisos a partir de um elemento recolhido num motivo dos azulejos ou procurar as simetrias existentes nas cercaduras fotagrafadas utilizando o GeoGebra e proceder à sua classificação

    Geometria e medida no ensino básico

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    Este livro fundamenta o tema Geometria e Medida do PMEB, incluindo também algumas tarefas

    Tradições, costumes e história local: educação para o património cultural imaterial no pré-escolar e no 1º CEB

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    O presente estudo apresenta um projeto de intervenção educativa direcionado a crianças que se encontram a frequentam o pré-escolar e o 2.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O foco principal é colocado no Património Imaterial partindo da exploração das Tradições. Este projeto desenrolou-se ao longo de dois semestres e foi aplicado em duas instituições situadas na freguesia de São Bernardo pertencente ao Concelho de Aveiro. Neste projeto foi trabalhado o Património Imaterial do país e local, sendo também abordada a história local e as suas tradições, tendo como objetivo desenvolver a consciência patrimonial, a identidade pessoal e do meio, a valorização e proteção do nosso Património. A metodologia utilizada foi de carácter qualitativa, com algumas características de investigação-ação, sendo que os instrumentos utilizados para recolha de dados foram a observação direta e participativa, transcrição de sessões e inquéritos iniciais e finais, inquérito oral ao grupo do pré-escolar, e inquérito escrito ao grupo de 2.º ano do 1.º CEB. A análise dos dados recolhidos revelou que efetivamente as crianças e alunos adquiriram conhecimentos sobre o Património Imaterial, sua preservação e compreensão da sua importância.This study presents an educational intervention project aimed at children who are attending pre-school and the 2nd year of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. The main focus is placed on Intangible Heritage, starting from the exploration of Traditions. This project took place over two semesters and was applied in two institutions located in the parish of São Bernardo, belonging to the Municipality of Aveiro. In this project, the Intangible Heritage of the country and place was worked on, and the local history and traditions were also addressed, with the aim of developing heritage awareness, personal identity and the environment, and the enhancement and protection of our Heritage. The methodology used was qualitative, and the instruments used for data collection were direct and participatory observation, transcription of sessions and initial and final inquiries, oral inquiry to the preschool group, and written inquiry to the 2nd year group of the 1st CEB. Analysis of the collected data revealed that children and students effectively acquired knowledge about Intangible Heritage, its preservation and an understanding of its importanceMestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básic

    A Edição jurídica : relatório de estágio na Edições Almedina

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    O presente relatório descreve as atividades realizadas em estágio curricular realizado de outubro de 2017 a fevereiro de 2018 no departamento editorial da Edições Almedina. A primeira parte centra-se na edição jurídica, correspondendo a uma contextualização sobre esta tipologia a que se seguirá uma análise do Grupo Almedina, incluindo as suas chancelas, com destaque evidente para a Edições Almedina. A segunda parte apresenta um estudo rigoroso sobre o papel do revisor e a atividade de revisão, que introduz as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio.This report describes the activities carried out in a curricular internship at Edições Almedina between October 2017 and February 2018. The first part focuses on law publishing with a summarized reflection on this type of publishing, followed by a brief analysis of the Grupo Almedina’s history, including its publishing houses, with Edições Almedina at its core. The second part presents a rigorous study of the role of the editor and of the activity of editing and proofreading, activities undertaken during the intership.Mestrado em Estudos Editoriai