208 research outputs found

    Mapping landscape-scale peatland degradation using airborne lidar and multispectral data

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordContext An increased interest in the restoration of peatlands for delivering multiple benefits requires a greater understanding of the extent and location of natural and artificial features that contribute to degradation. Objectives We assessed the utility of multiple, fine-grained remote sensing datasets for mapping peatland features and associated degraded areas at a landscape-scale. Specifically, we developed an integrated approach to identify and quantify multiple types of peatland degradation including: anthropogenic drainage ditches and peat cuttings; erosional gullies and bare peat areas. Methods Airborne LiDAR, CASI and aerial image datasets of the South West UK, were combined to identify features within Dartmoor National Park peatland area that contribute to degradation. These features were digitised and quantified using ArcGIS before appropriate buffers were applied to estimate the wider ecohydrologically affected area. Results Using fine-scale, large-extent remotely sensed data, combined with aerial imagery enabled key features within the wider expanse of peatland to be successfully identified and mapped at a resolution appropriate to future targeted restoration. Combining multiple datasets increased our understanding of spatial distribution and connectivity within the landscape. An area of 29 km2 or 9.2% of the Dartmoor peatland area was identified as significantly and directly ecohydrologically degraded. Conclusions Using a combination of fine-grained remotely sensed datasets has advantages over traditional ground survey methods for identification and mapping of anthropogenic and natural erosion features at a landscape scale. The method is accurate, robust and cost-effective particularly given the remote locations and large extent of these landscapes, facilitating effective and targeted restoration planning, management and monitoring.Dartmoor National Park AuthorityDartmoor Peatland PartnershipDuchy of CornwallEnvironment AgencyForestry CommissionMinistry of DefenceNatural EnglandSouth West partnership for Environmental and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP)South West WaterNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Drain blocking has limited short-term effects on greenhouse gas fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated shallow peatland (article)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe dataset associated with this article is available in ORE at https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.2723Drained peatlands dominated by purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea) are widespread in the UK and Western Europe. Although substantial carbon stores may be present in these peatlands, in this degraded state they are not currently acting as carbon sinks. Therefore, M.caerulea dominated peatlands have been identified as potential sites for ecohydrological restoration to tackle the current climate emergency. However, at present little is known about whether ditch blocking can raise water tables and promote the recovery of bog plant species, and the subsequent effects on carbon sequestration in these peatlands. To investigate the potential for restoration, we measured changes in water table depth, vegetation composition, photosynthesis at 1000 μmol Photons m−2 s−1 (PG1000), ecosystem respiration (REco) and partitioned below-ground respiration in two M.caerulea dominated peatlands in which drainage ditches had been blocked located in Exmoor National Park, southwest England. Measurements were made in two headwater catchments at ⅛, ¼ and ½ of the distance between adjacent drainage ditches at four control-restored paired sites, during the growing seasons pre- (2012) and post- (2014, 2016 & 2018) restoration. Restoration had a small but significant (p = 0.009) effect on water table depths however, this did not result in a significant change in vegetation composition (p > 0.350). Ecosystem respiration increased in both the control and restored locations following restoration however, this increase was significantly smaller (p = 0.010) at the restored locations, possibly due to a similarly reduced increase in photosynthesis, although this change was not significant (p = 0.116). Below-ground respiration showed no significant changes following restoration. This research illustrates how degraded these shallow peatlands are, and raises concerns that ditch blocking alone may not bring about the high and stable water tables required to perturb the existing Molinia caerulea-dominated ecosystem and substantially alter the carbon balance. Additional restoration measures may be required.South West Water (SWW)University of ExeterTechnology Strategy Board CouncilNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Patient acceptability of larval therapy for leg ulcer treatment: a randomised survey to inform the sample size calculation of a randomised trial

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    BACKGROUND: A trial was commissioned to evaluate the effectiveness of larval therapy to debride and heal sloughy and necrotic venous leg ulcers. Larval therapy in the trial was to be delivered in either loose or bagged form. Researchers were concerned that resistance to larval therapy may threaten the feasibility of the trial. Additionally there was concern that the use of larval therapy may require a larger effect size in time to healing than originally proposed by the investigators. METHODS: To formally evaluate patient preferences a survey using two randomly allocated, nurse administered questionnaires was undertaken. Patients were randomised to receive one of the two following questionnaires (i) preferences between loose larvae and standard treatment (hydrogel) or (ii) patient preferences between bagged larvae and standard therapy (hydrogel). The study was undertaken in a Vascular Clinic, in an Outpatients Department of a large teaching hospital in the North of England. The sample consisted of 35 people aged 18 years and above with at least one leg ulcer of venous or mixed (venous and arterial) aetiology. RESULTS: Approximately 25% of participants would not consider the use of larval therapy as an acceptable treatment option for leg ulcers, regardless of the method of containment. For the patients that would consider the use of larval therapy, different preferences in healing times required to use the therapy were observed depending upon the method of containment. The median response of those participants questioned about bagged larvae found that they would be willing to use this therapy even if they were equally able to achieve healing with the use of hydrogel by 20 weeks. For those participants questioned about the use of loose larvae complete healing would have to have taken place over 17 weeks for them to choose larvae as their preferred option rather than hydrogel. This difference was not significant (p = 0.075). CONCLUSION: We found no evidence of widespread resistance to the utilisation of larval therapy from patients regardless of the method of larval therapy containment. These methods have the potential to inform sample size calculations where there are concerns of patient acceptability

    Gamma Ray Pulsars: Multiwavelength Observations

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    High-energy gamma rays are a valuable tool for studying particle acceleration and radiation in the magnetospheres of energetic pulsars. The seven or more pulsars seen by instruments on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) show that: the light curves usually have double-peak structures (suggesting a broad cone of emission); gamma rays are frequently the dominant component of the radiated power; and all the spectra show evidence of a high-energy turnover. For all the known gamma-ray pulsars, multiwavelength observations and theoretical models based on such observations offer the prospect of gaining a broad understanding of these rotating neutron stars. The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), now in planning for a launch in 2007, will provide a major advance in sensitivity, energy range, and sky coverage.Comment: To appear in Cosmic Gamma Ray Sources, Kluwer ASSL Series, Edited by K.S. Cheng and G.E. Romer

    Multifrequency Strategies for the Identification of Gamma-Ray Sources

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    More than half the sources in the Third EGRET (3EG) catalog have no firmly established counterparts at other wavelengths and are unidentified. Some of these unidentified sources have remained a mystery since the first surveys of the gamma-ray sky with the COS-B satellite. The unidentified sources generally have large error circles, and finding counterparts has often been a challenging job. A multiwavelength approach, using X-ray, optical, and radio data, is often needed to understand the nature of these sources. This chapter reviews the technique of identification of EGRET sources using multiwavelength studies of the gamma-ray fields.Comment: 35 pages, 22 figures. Chapter prepared for the book "Cosmic Gamma-ray Sources", edited by K.S. Cheng and G.E. Romero, to be published by Kluwer Academic Press, 2004. For complete article and higher resolution figures, go to: http://www.astro.columbia.edu/~muk/mukherjee_multiwave.pd

    The Use of Health State Utility Values In Decision Models

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    Methodological issues of how to use health state utility values (HSUVs) in decision models arise frequently, including the most appropriate evidence to use as the baseline (e.g. the baseline HSUVs associated with avoiding a particular health condition or event), how to capture changes due to adverse events and how to appropriately capture uncertainty in progressive conditions where the expected change in quality of life is likely to be monotonically decreasing over time. As preference-based measures provide different values when collected from the same patient, it is important to ensure that all HSUVs used within a single model are obtained from the same instrument where ever possible. When people enter the model without the condition of interest (e.g. primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, screening or vaccination programmes), appropriate age- and gender-adjusted HSUVs from people without the particular condition should be used as the baseline. General population norms may be used as a proxy if the exact condition-specific evidence is not available. Individual discrete health states should be used for serious adverse reactions to treatment and the corresponding HSUVs sourced as normal. Care should be taken to avoid double counting when capturing the effects for both less severe adverse reactions (e.g. itchy skin rash or dry cough) and more severe adverse events (e.g. fatigue in oncology). Transparency in reporting standards for both the justification of the evidence used and any ‘adjustments’ is important to increase readers’ confidence that the evidence used is the most appropriate available

    The feasibility of using pedometers and brief advice to increase activity in sedentary older women:a pilot study

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    Background: People over the age of 70 carry the greatest burden of chronic disease, disability and health care use. Participation in physical activity is crucial for health, and walking accounts for much of the physical activity undertaken by sedentary individuals. Pedometers are a useful motivational tool to encourage increased walking and they are cheap and easy to use. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of the use of pedometers plus a theory-based intervention to assist sedentary older women to accumulate increasing amounts of physical activity, mainly through walking. Methods: Female participants over the age of 70 were recruited from primary care and randomised to receive either pedometer plus a theory-based intervention or a theory-based intervention alone. The theory-based intervention consisted of motivational techniques, goal-setting, barrier identification and self-monitoring with pedometers and daily diaries. The pedometer group were further randomised to one of three target groups: a 10%, 15% or 20% monthly increase in step count to assess the achievability and acceptability of a range of targets. The primary outcome was change in daily activity levels measured by accelerometry. Secondary outcome measures were lower limb function, health related quality of life, anxiety and depression. Results: 54 participants were recruited into the study, with an average age of 76. There were 9 drop outs, 45 completing the study. All participants in the pedometer group found the pedometers easy to use and there was good compliance with diary keeping (96% in the pedometer group and 83% in the theory-based intervention alone group). There was a strong correlation (0.78) between accelerometry and pedometer step counts i.e. indicating that walking was the main physical activity amongst participants. There was a greater increase in activity (accelerometry) amongst those in the 20% target pedometer group compared to the other groups, although not reaching statistical significance (p = 0.192). Conclusion: We have demonstrated that it is feasible to use pedometers and provide theory-based advice to community dwelling sedentary older women to increase physical activity levels and a larger study is planned to investigate this further.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing: combined meta-analysis of 12 UK population health surveys

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    Background Previous studies have indicated increased risk of mental disorder symptoms, suicide and substance misuse in lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults, compared to heterosexual adults. Our aims were to determine an estimate of the association between sexual orientation identity and poor mental health and wellbeing among adults from 12 population surveys in the UK, and to consider whether effects differed for specific subgroups of the population. Methods Individual data were pooled from the British Cohort Study 2012, Health Survey for England 2011, 2012 and 2013, Scottish Health Survey 2008 to 2013, Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2009/10 and Understanding Society 2011/12. Individual participant meta-analysis was used to pool estimates from each study, allowing for between-study variation. Results Of 94,818 participants, 1.1 % identified as lesbian/gay, 0.9 % as bisexual, 0.8 % as ‘other’ and 97.2 % as heterosexual. Adjusting for a range of covariates, adults who identified as lesbian/gay had higher prevalence of common mental disorder when compared to heterosexuals, but the association was different in different age groups: apparent for those under 35 (OR = 1.78, 95 % CI 1.40, 2.26), weaker at age 35–54.9 (OR = 1.42, 95 % CI 1.10, 1.84), but strongest at age 55+ (OR = 2.06, 95 % CI 1.29, 3.31). These effects were stronger for bisexual adults, similar for those identifying as ‘other’, and similar for 'low wellbeing'. Conclusions In the UK, LGB adults have higher prevalence of poor mental health and low wellbeing when compared to heterosexuals, particularly younger and older LGB adults. Sexual orientation identity should be measured routinely in all health studies and in administrative data in the UK in order to influence national and local policy development and service delivery. These results reiterate the need for local government, NHS providers and public health policy makers to consider how to address inequalities in mental health among these minority groups

    Gamma-Ray Pulsars

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    Gamma-ray photons from young pulsars allow the deepest insight into the properties and interactions of high-energy particles with magnetic and photon fields in a pulsar magnetosphere. Measurements with the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory have led to the detection of nearly ten gamma-ray pulsars. Although quite a variety of individual signatures is found for these pulsars, some general characteristics can be summarized: (1) the gamma-ray lightcurves of most high-energy pulsars show two major peaks with the pulsed emission covering more than 50% of the rotation, i.e. a wide beam of emission; (2) the gamma-ray spectra of pulsars are hard (power law index less than 2), often with a luminosity maximum around 1 GeV. A spectral cutoff above several GeV is found; (3) the spectra vary with rotational phase indicating different sites of emission; and (4) the gamma-luminosity scales with the particle flux from the open regions of the magnetosphere (Goldreich-Julian current).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. To appear in the Proceedings of the 270. WE-Heraeus Seminar on Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Supernova Remnants, Jan. 21-25, 2002, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, eds W. Becker, H. Lesch & J. Truemper. Proceedings are available as MPE-Report 27