120 research outputs found

    Saúde e envelhecimento no Algarve

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    Apresentam-se projetos desenvolvidos e em curso, na UAlg, com o objectivo de contribuir para o envelhecimento saudável e ativo da população algarviainfo:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Narrativas Periféricas

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    The text presents reflections from territorial reports. It brings relevant information from the historical process about access to education, the profile of the student at the university, and the challenges faced to maintain these students in the school trajectory. Thus, it invites the reader to make contact with the book that originalized the text / review, in order to get to know the work that explains the problematization about the profile of university students.El texto presenta reflexiones de informes territoriales. Aporta información relevante del proceso histórico sobre el acceso a la educación, el perfil del estudiante en la universidad y los desafíos que enfrenta para mantener a estos estudiantes en la trayectoria escolar. Así, invita al lector a tomar contacto con el libro que originalizó el texto / reseña, con el fin de conocer el trabajo que explica la problematización sobre el perfil de los estudiantes universitarios.O texto apresenta reflexões a partir de relatos territoriais. Traz informações relevantes do processo histórico sobre o acesso à educação, o perfil do alunado na universidade, e os desafios enfrentados para a manutenção desses alunos na trajetória escolar. Assim, convida o leitor a tomar contato com o livro que originalizou o texto/resenha, de modo a conhecer a obra que explicita a problematização sobre o perfil dos estudantes universitários.Le texte présente des réflexions fondées sur des comptes territoriaux. Il fournit des informations pertinentes sur le processus historique d'accès à l'éducation, le profil des étudiants de l'université et les défis à relever pour maintenir ces étudiants dans leur parcours scolaire. Ainsi, il invite le lecteur à prendre contact avec le livre qui est à l'origine du texte / de la critique, afin de connaître l'ouvrage qui explicite la problématisation du profil des étudiants universitaires

    Os profissionais de saúde e a fragilidade no idoso

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    A população com mais de 60 anos está a crescer a um ritmo maior do que a população total em praticamente todas as regiões do mundo. Em 1950 , existiam 205 milhões de pessoas com 60 ou mais anos no mundo. Em 2012 chegava quase aos 810 milhões. Em 2050 prevê-se que seja 2 bilhões

    Poliadenilação alternativa das Rho GTPases : um processo específico de cada gene e de cada tipo celular

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    Mestrado em Biologia Molecular e CelularAlternative polyadenylation (APA) is an important mechanism of gene regulation that occurs in 70% of eukaryotic organisms. This process comprises the formation of alternative 3’ ends of an mRNA by cleavage of the pre-mRNA and polyadenylation at different sites according to the polyadenylation signals (pAs). The choice of pAs in APA is a co-transcriptional mechanism that depends on auxiliary cis- and trans-acting factors. The usage of the proximal or the distal pAs has been related to global physiologic events. It is consensually assumed that in proliferative conditions there is preferential usage of proximal pAs, while during development and in differentiated cellular states occurs lengthening of the 3’UTRs by selection of the distal pAs. This pattern is also confirmed in brain tissues, where most of the cells are differentiated, and where it was observed a lengthening of the 3’ UTRs. However, there is not a complete switch for the distal pA, since the shortest mRNA is still expressed. Rho GTPases are key molecular switchers essential for several cellular processes, including differentiation, however nothing is known about transcriptional regulation in these genes. Therefore, we started to explore if Rho GTPases genes undergo APA. We found by 3’RACE analyses, that classical Rho GTPAses express two alternative mRNA isoforms. However during oligodendrocytes differentiation, they preferentially express the shortest mRNA isoform, and we did not observe a switch towards the distal pA usage, in contrast with the published genome-wide data obtained from brain tissues. Since Rho GTPases are tightly regulated at the protein level by GEFs and GAPs, they may not require this mode of co-transcriptional regulation. The atypical RhoBTB2, which is constitutively active, present a global induction of distal pA sites, distinct from the classical Rho GTPases. Interestingly, this pattern suggests that APA is a gene specific mechanism. As longer 3'UTRs contain more binding sites for miRNAs and RNA binding proteins (RBPs) this suggests that atypical Rho GTPases require a fine-tune regulation at the co-transcriptional level, by APA. Additionally, we showed that APA is also cell-specific, by analyzing the expression of the different mRNA isoforms of Rho GTPases in other glial cells (microglia, astrocytes) and different types of neurons (cortical, striatal and hippocampal). We observed the same APA profile for the selected Rho GTPases in all glial cells types. However, in cortical and striatal neurons we observed a lengthening in the 3’UTR Rac1 mRNA during axonal growth, which results in the increase of the total protein levels. Taken together, our results indicate for the first time that APA is a gene- and cell- specific mechanism. In addition, we have found a differential expression of both Cdc42 isoforms during OL and sciatic nerve differentiation. During in vitro OL and in vivo sciatic nerve differentiation we observed an increase in the expression ratio between Cdc42 Iso1/Cdc42 Iso2. Further, constitutive expression of Cdc42 Iso2 in OLs induces a delay in differentiation, whereas constitutive expression of Cdc42 Iso1 induces an increase in OL branching, suggesting an exacerbation of the differentiated phenotype. Thus, these observations suggest a distinct role for the different Cdc42 isoforms during OL differentiation. Overall, this thesis opens new avenues to explore in the future that can impact our understanding on the regulation of the myelination/remyelination processes.A poliadenilação alternativa (APA) é um mecanismo importante de regulação genética que ocorre em 70% dos organismos eucariotas. Este mecanismo compreende a formação de extremidades 3’ alternativas por poliadenilação em diferentes locais do mRNA, de acordo com os sinais de poliadenilação (pAs). Na APA, a escolha dos pAs é um mecanismo co-transcripcional que depende de factores auxiliares cis e trans necessários para os processos de clivagem e poliadenilação de todos os pré-mRNAs. Além disso, o uso dos pAs proximais ou distais está relacionado com eventos fisiológicos gerais. Consensualmente assume-se que em estados de proliferação ocorre o encurtamento, enquanto em estados de desenvolvimento e diferenciação ocorre o alongamento das extremidades 3’ não traduzidas (3’UTRs). Este padrão de APA é confirmado em tecidos cerebrais, onde a maior parte das células são diferenciadas, no entanto não existe uma alteração completa para a isoforma de mRNA longa uma vez que a isoforma curta continua a ser expressa. As Rho GTPases são ‘interruptores’ moleculares essenciais a vários processos celulares, incluindo a diferenciação, no entanto nada é conhecido sobre a sua regulação transcripcional. Assim, começamos a explorar se estes genes são regulados por APA. Descobrimos por análise de 3´RACE que, as Rho GTPases clássicas, expressam duas formas alternativas de mRNA. Contudo durante a diferenciação dos oligodendrócitos (OLs), eles expressam preferencialmente a isoforma mRNA mais curta, e não se observou uma alteração para a escolha da isoforma mais longa, em contraste com os dados de estudos globais do genoma em tecido cerebral. Uma vez que estas proteínas são altamente reguladas por GEFs e por GAPs, provavelmente não necessitam de regulação a nível transcripcional. As Rho GTPases atípicas, que estão constitutivamente activas, apresentam um indução global dos pAs distais, distintas das Rho GTPases clássicas. Curiosamente, este padrão sugere que APA é um mecanismo específico do gene. Como 3’UTRs mais longas providenciam mais locais de ligação para microRNA ou proteínas de ligação ao RNA (RBPs), isto sugere que as Rho GTPases atípicas requerem uma regulação mais fina ao nível co-transcriptional, por APA. Adicionalmente, mostramos que a APA é também específica de cada tipo celular, pela análise da expressão do mRNA em outras células da glia (microglia, astrócitos), e em diferentes tipos de neurónios (corticais, estriatais e hipocampais). Nós observamos o mesmo padrão de APA para as Rho GTPases selecionadas em todas as células da glia. No entanto, em neurónios corticais e do estriado, observámos a existência do alongamento do 3’UTR no mRNA da Rac1 durante o crescimento axonal, o que resulta num aumento da quantidade total de proteína. Em resumo, estes resultados indicam, pela primeira vez, que a APA é um mecanismo específico de cada gene e de cada tipo celular. Para além disso, descobrimos uma expressão diferencial de ambas as isoformas da Cdc42 durante a diferenciação dos OLs e do nervo ciático. Durante a diferenciação in vitro de OLs e in vivo do nervo ciático, observámos um aumento do rácio da expressão entre Cdc42 Iso1/Cdc42 Iso2. Mais ainda, a expressão constitutiva de Cdc42 Iso2 em OLs induz um atraso na diferenciação, enquanto a expressão constitutiva da Cdc42 Iso1 induz um aumento das ramificações, sugerindo uma exacerbação do fenótipo de diferenciação. Assim, estas observações sugerem um papel distinto para as diferentes isoformas de Cdc42 durante a diferenciação de OLs. Globalmente, esta tese abre novos caminhos para explorar no futuro, que podem ter um impacto no nosso conhecimento, na regulação do processo de mielinização/remielinização

    Global geriatric evaluation of the Algarve population

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    The ageing of population challenges communities to adapt and evolve to accommodate the needs of people that live longer (mostly out of work, either healthy, fragile or with chronic disease). Population ageing in the Algarve is higher than in overall Portugal. Studies on health conditions, frailty risk factors and elderly specific needs are undeveloped in Portugal and unknown in the Algarve. Objective To prepare a tool for Global Geriatric Evaluation, to be used in the “Survey of Health and Ageing in the Region of Algarve - SHARA”, a commitment to “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing”. Methods A preliminary version of the screening tool, which includes well-known instruments to measure health condition (EASY-care), risk of fall (Tinetty), physical activity (Baecke’s modified questionnaire), nutritional condition (MNA), cognitive and depressive status (MMSE, Yesavage geriatric depression scale), together with socio-demographic characteristics, was applied to an independent sample of subjects from an elderly community centre - ARPI (“Associação de Reformados, Pensionistas e Idosos do Concelho de Faro”), with ages between 55 and 89. Results ARPI is mostly frequented by women, who either have risk of malnutrition or malnutrition incidence, a relevant risk of fall or are physically active. Those who live alone, show a higher risk of fall. Conclusions ARPI members are active, but with risk of malnutrition and fall, suggesting the relevance and importance of future interventions in these areas. The proposed screening tool showed to be adequate for the SHARA study, suitable to provide wider information on frailty

    O papel do empreendedorismo feminino no desenvolvimento dos produtos endógenos da península de Setúbal

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    Este trabalho de investigação estuda o empreendedorismo feminino na Península de Setúbal, enquanto fator promotor do desenvolvimento regional. Como objetivo geral, é pretendido identificar qual o contributo das mulheres empreendedoras da Península de Setúbal, para o desenvolvimento regional através da produção e oferta de produtos endógenos. Estudar o perfil, as motivações e características das mulheres empreendedoras; perceber as barreiras enfrentadas pelas mulheres na criação e desenvolvimento do seu negócio; e perceber qual o seu contributo a nível económico, social e cultural para a região, são os objetivos específicos deste estudo. Trata-se de um tema atual, sendo raros os estudos aplicados a este território. A metodologia adotada nesta investigação exploratória caracteriza-se por ser de natureza qualitativa. O trabalho empírico baseou-se na realização de um estudo multicasos, sendo o instrumento de recolha de dados a entrevista semiestruturada. Os conteúdos das entrevistas realizadas foram analisados, comparando-os com as proposições derivadas do quadro teórico. Os casos selecionados para este estudo envolveram cinco participantes, mulheres empreendedoras, que desenvolvem a sua atividade profissional na Península de Setúbal, e que se dedicam à produção/comercialização de produtos endógenos. Relativamente aos principais resultados obtidos, foi possível constatar que as principais motivações para o empreendedorismo feminino são: a possibilidade de conciliar a vida pessoal e familiar com a profissional, bem como a melhoria da condição financeira. A maioria das empreendedoras criou o seu negócio por oportunidade, evidenciando neste estudo o empreendedorismo por oportunidade. As principais barreiras na criação de negócios no feminino estão relacionadas com a burocracia associada aos licenciamentos das atividades e à falta de apoios financeiros. No entanto, a desigualdade de género não foi apontada como uma barreira ao empreendedorismo feminino. O contributo das mulheres empreendedoras para o desenvolvimento da Península de Setúbal constata-se como positivo. Evidencia-se o contributo ao nível económico e cultural. No âmbito social denota-se ainda alguma resistência das empreendedoras na participação em redes de conhecimento.This research work studies female entrepreneurship in the Setúbal Peninsula, as a factor for regional development. The general objective is to identify the contribution of female entrepreneurs in the Setúbal Peninsula to regional development through the supply of endogenous products. The specific objectives of this study are to study the profile, motivations and characteristics of women entrepreneurs; to understand the barriers faced by women in the creation and development of their businesses; and to understand their economic, social and cultural contribution to the region. This is a current theme, and there are few studies applied to this territory. The methodology adopted in this research is qualitative. The empirical work was based on the realization of a multicases study, and the instrument for data collection was the semi-structured interview. The contents of the interviews were analyzed and comparing them with the propositions derived from the theoretical framework. The cases selected for this study involved five participants, women entrepreneurs, who develop their professional activity in the Setúbal Peninsula, and are dedicated to the production/marketing of endogenous products. Regarding the main results obtained, it was possible to verify that the main motivations for female entrepreneurship are: the possibility to reconcile personal and family life with professional life, as well as to improve the financial condition. Most of the female entrepreneurs created their business because of an opportunity, highlighting in this study the entrepreneurship by opportunity. The main barriers to female business creation are related to the bureaucracy associated with the licensing of activities and the lack of financial support. However, gender inequality is not a barrier to female entrepreneurship. The contribution of women entrepreneurs to the development of the Setúbal Peninsula is positive. The contribution at the economic and cultural levels is evident. In the social sphere there is still some resistance of female entrepreneurs to participate in knowledge networks


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    © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Organizing pneumonia (OP) is a sub-acute process of pulmonary tissue repair secondary to lung injury, defined histopathologically by intra-alveolar buds of granulation tissue within the lumen of distal pulmonary airspaces. It can be either cryptogenic or secondary (SOP) to different clinical conditions, namely infections. Despite being nonspecific, its diagnosis can be made by the association of clinical and imaging criteria. We report two cases of OP associated to SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, admitted at a Portuguese tertiary hospital unit dedicated to COVID-19. Both patients presented with severe respiratory failure with need of invasive mechanical ventilation. After initial recovery, there was worsening of dyspnea and hypoxemic respiratory failure with increase in inflammatory markers. Chest CT revealed an OP pattern. Other conditions such as superinfection, auto-immune disease and iatrogenic etiology, were excluded and corticotherapy at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day was administered. Chest CT follow up of both our patients showed complete resolution of OP pattern, with mild to moderate residual pulmonary fibrosis without honeycombing. There is no OP to SARS-CoV-2 case series yet published describing the progress of patients after corticotherapy, although the association between systemic corticosteroids and lower all-cause mortality in patients with COVID-19 has been recently established. It is possible that, as has been described with other viruses, OP secondary to SARS-CoV-2 represents an immunological process after initial infection, presenting with elevation of inflammatory markers and cytokines storm in the bloodstream and lung tissue, which may explain the favorable response to corticosteroids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Odontogeriatria: Conhecer para ajudar

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    Um dos critérios para a identificação de um idoso bem sucedido é a manutenção, durante toda a vida, de uma dentição natural, saudável e funcional, incluindo todos os aspectos sociais e benefícios biológicos, tais como a estética, conforto, capacidade para mastigar, sentir sabor e falar. A fraca Saúde Oral dos idosos tem sido particularmente evidente através de elevados níveis de perdas dentárias, doença periodontal, cáries, xerostomia, lesões da mucosa associadas ao uso de próteses dentárias mal adaptadas e cancro oral. A prevenção é uma aposta neste grupo etário e alguns aspectos, como o controlo da placa bacteriana, uso de agentes antimicrobianos, uso de flúor nas mais diversas formas de apresentação e uma dieta adequada, são os métodos a preconizar. O impacto negativo das fracas condições orais na qualidade de vida dos idosos é um importante problema de Saúde Pública, que deve ser tratado a vários níveis e valorizado pelos responsáveis nacionais pelos programas de saúde

    Gastric adenocarcinoma presenting as a rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated protein antibody-positive polyarthritis: a case report and review of literature

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    Copyright © 2021 Silvério-António, Parlato, Martins, Khmelinskii, Braz, Fonseca and Polido-Pereira. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.A 64-year-old male presented with a 6-month history of symmetric polyarthritis involving proximal interphalangeal joints and metacarpophalangeal joints of the hands, wrists, and ankles. Associated symptoms included vomiting, progressive fatigue, and weight loss. Laboratory results showed microcytic anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, elevated C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated protein (ACPA) antibody positivity. Joints radiographs were normal, without erosions. Upper endoscopy and gastric endoscopic ultrasonography showed a gastric adenocarcinoma with lymphatic involvement. Intraoperatively, peritoneal carcinomatosis was documented, and the patient started palliative chemotherapy. A paraneoplastic seropositive arthritis was assumed, and treatment with low-dose prednisolone and hydroxychloroquine was started. Arthritis remission was achieved and sustained up to 18 months of follow-up, although gastric cancer progression was documented. We describe a unique phenotype of paraneoplastic arthritis (PA) presenting as a seropositive (RF and ACPA positivity) rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with a good response to both low dose corticosteroids and hydroxychloroquine therapy. We also review the literature of PA, mostly the RA-like pattern, and the association between PA and ACPA positivity. This case highlights the importance of considering underlying cancer in elderly male patients, presenting with polyarthritis and systemic symptoms, even in those with ACPA-positive RA-like arthritis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetically responsive PA6 microparticles with immobilized laccase show high catalytic efficiency in the enzymatic treatment of catechol

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    Herewith we report the first attempt towards non-covalent immobilization of Trametes versicolor laccase on neat and magnetically responsive highly porous polyamide 6 (PA6) microparticles and their application for catechol oxidation. Four polyamide supports, namely neat PA6 and such carrying Fe, phosphate-coated Fe and Fe3O4 cores were synthesized in suspension by activated anionic ring-opening polymerization (AAROP) of ε-caprolactam (ECL). Enzyme adsorption efficiency up to 92% was achieved in the immobilization process. All empty supports and PA6 laccase complexes were characterized by spectral and synchrotron WAXS/SAXS analyses. The activity of the immobilized laccase was evaluated using 2,2’-Azino-bis-(3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and compared to the native enzyme. The PA6 laccase conjugates displayed up to 105% relative activity at room temperature, pH 4, 40 °C and 20 mM ionic strength (citrate buffer). The kinetic parameters of the ABTS oxidation were also determined. The reusability of the immobilized laccase-conjugates was proven for five consecutive oxidation cycles of catechol.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the project TSSiPRO NORTE01-0145-FEDER-000015, supported by the regional operation program NORTE2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, as well as the support by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), project UID/CTM/50025/2019. D.G. and I.G. wish to thank the Research Foundation of the State of New York—Networks of Excellence and the McIntyre-Stennis program of the US Department of Agriculture for partial funding. N.D. is also grateful for the personal program-contract CTTI-51/18-IPC