1,127 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of cross-ventilation in generic isolated building configurations

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    Tese de mestrado integrado,Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015This thesis presents a numerical analysis of cross-ventilation in generic isolated building configurations. This study focuses on understanding how cross-ventilation is affected by changing the length of the building, the number of partitions and the position of the partition opening for a generic building configuration. Firstly the depth of the building was changed (2.5, 5 and 10 times the building height) and it was found that the volume flow rate through the inlet opening was constant, the air exchange rate decreased proportionally with the building depth, the CO2 concentration and the mean age of air increased with the building depth. The air exchange efficiency was higher in the deepest building and, for this particular case, cross-ventilation was efficient for a building depth ten times the building height. Secondly three different buildings with a partition wall and a door opening were tested for two different building depths. It was concluded that the geometries where the door opening was located close to the side wall (not in front of the inlet/outlet openings) outperformed the other different geometries (including the cases without partition) in terms of mean age of air, CO2 concentration, volume flow rate, air exchange rate and air exchange efficiency.Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise numérica de ventilação cruzada em diferentes configurações de um edifício genérico e isolado. Este estudo foca-se em perceber como é que a ventilação cruzada é afectada pela alteração do comprimento do edifício, pelo número de partições e pela posição da abertura entre diferentes partições. Primeiramente, a profundidade do edifício foi alterada (para 2.5, 5 e 10 vezes a altura do edifício) e descobriu-se que o caudal de entrada na abertura a montante do edifício é constante, a renovação de ar decresceu proporcionalmente com o aumento do comprimento do edifício, enquanto a concentração de CO2 e a idade média do ar aumentaram com o aumento do comprimento do edifício. A eficiência de renovação do ar foi mais elevada nos edifícios mais compridos e, para este caso em particular, a ventilação cruzada foi eficaz num edifício com o comprimento igual a dez vezes a sua altura. Em segundo lugar acrescentou-se à geometria anterior uma parede com uma abertura equiavalente a uma porta, em que ambas mudam de posição, e que divide o espaço interior em dois. Três geometrias foram testadas para dois comprimentos do edifício (padrão e 2.5 vezes a altura do edifício). Foi possível concluir que nos edifícios em que a abertura entre as duas divisões está colocada perto da parede lateral do edifício (não estando na direcção da abertura de entrada/saída do ar exterior) melhores resultados foram obtidos quando comparados com as outras geometrias (incluindo os casos sem partição) em relação à idade média do ar, concentração de CO2, caudal de entrada de ar, renovação de ar e eficiência de renovação de ar

    The shape of days to come : effects of climate change on building energy consumption

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    Climate change effects vary with region, season, and time of the day. Existing annual and diurnal temperature cycles will shift and be reshaped, leading to increased air temperatures earlier and later in the year. Buildings will be affected by these changes, especially the ones using passive design strategies, whose performance is highly weather dependent. Building energy simulation (BES) is key for building energy design and optimization. Since most buildings last 50+ years, BES must use future weather data accounting for climate change. Presently, photovoltaic (PV) energy self-consumption must be maximized through building demand flexibility and energy storage, because of grid and economic interests. However, clouds can shade PV systems, reducing production and increasing grid demand, particularly in the cooling season. This thesis addresses three complementary research topics that build on the use of high-resolution state-of-the-art historical and future climate data. First, two methods to produce future climate data for BES are compared. Secondly, upcoming changes in temperature, their interaction with solar radiation, and the consequent impacts on passive building strategies are analysed in the EU 43 most populated cities. Finally, cloud shading periods capable of triggering demand flexibility events are analysed and simulated. The results show that current methods used to produce future climate data for BES, produce reliable results when correctly applied. Upcoming climate change will impact diurnal temperature cycle by increasing or decreasing the daily temperature range depending on season and region. Further, natural ventilation and shading seasons will be affected, with a higher impact on energy consumption in Southern Europe. Finally, cloud shading periods vary with climate but, on average, clouds last 20 minutes and occur predominately in the afternoon. The simulation results show that grid energy demand can be reduced by 60 % while maintaining comfortable indoor conditions

    Shoulder rotator water training program effects on strength and muscular balance

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    INTRODUCTION: Some studies (Wanivenhaus et al., 2012) have documented that the swimming propulsive forces responsible for total body displacement are mainly produced by the upper limbs, through arm adduction and shoulder internal rotation, which may lead to an agonist–antagonist muscular imbalance, resulting in an injury process. Regarding this issue, some researchers (Swanik et al. 2002) looked for ways to prevent injuries with dry-land strength training programs. However, from our knowledge, there are no studies with water specific strength training programs. This pilot study aims to compare the effects of two training programs on shoulder rotator cuff muscles strength and balance in young swimmers. METHODS: A total of 21 male swimmers were assessed and randomly divided in two groups: the land group (n=11; 13.18 ± 0.98 years old; 49.85 ± 5.77 Kg; 163.18 ± 9.46 cm of height; 5.70 ± 0.67 sessions per week) that performed only a dry-land training program, and the water group (n=10; 13.00 ± 1.05 years old; 49.82 ± 8.03 Kg; 160.11 ± 5.88 cm of height; 6.09 0.30 sessions per week) which performed a training program with exercises exclusively in the water. Both groups were evaluated in the beginning of the season and after 10 weeks. The peak torque of the shoulder internal rotator (IR), external rotator (ER) and unilateral ratios (ER/IR) were evaluated in concentric actions at 60º/s and at 180º/s, performing 3 and 20 repetitions respectively, on an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex System 3 - Biodex Corp., Shirley, NY, USA). RESULTS: Intra-group analysis showed significant increases in strength only for the shoulder IR of the land group. For the protocol at 60º/s, there was a trend to increase strength on the shoulder ER of the land group. Regarding the IR values, differences arose between groups, with higher strength gains with the dry-land training. The land group increased the unilateral ratios significantly when compared to the water group. CONCLUSIONS: The dry-land training program proved to be more effective than the one conducted in the water, reducing the shoulder rotator muscle imbalances and increasing the IR strength in young swimmers

    Curriculum Effects On University Students’ English Language Achievement

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    The objective of this research is to identify, analyze and determine the curricular effects in the linguistic achievement to implement a curricular redesign and improve the English language teaching-learning to students and teachers of the Escuela Superior Politécnica of Chimborazo Language Center. The research used the communicative method, using several comprehensive techniques based on language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It was considered the critical-proactive paradigm to look for solutions in an environment of description and understanding of the educational, social and cultural process. Surveys were applied to measure the learning achievement of the language, as an independent variable, applied to one hundred and fifty students and the curricular effect as a dependent variable directed to fifty five teachers of the Language Center, as well as, interviews to four directors of the Language Center. At the level of the students, it was concluded that the level of English is still basic, therefore, a new instrument is needed that proposes: methodology, techniques and updated contents to reach a competitive level. Most teachers indicate that the curriculum established by the Center must be updated in order to make better teaching possible

    Educação e liberdade religiosa

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    A neutralidade do Estado prossegue três grandes objectivos: assegura a paz religiosa, garante o livre exercício do direito individual e colectivo à liberdade religiosa, permite, enfim, o desenvolvimento do direito de cidadania, por forma que o cidadão não se sinta estrangeiro no seu próprio Estado, sendo este o lugar de todos os cidadãos. Deste modo, a neutralidade do Estado não é perspectivada de forma passiva, com o Estado como espectador, mas de forma activa ou cooperativa

    Regulação emocional em crianças com comportamentos escolares disruptivos

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    Este trabalho explora a relação entre a disrupção escolar e a desregulação emocional, nomeadamente perceber em que medida os comportamentos escolares disruptivos se coadunam com dificuldades\problemas de regulação emocional. Numa revisão da literatura, define conceitos de Disrupção Escolar e Regulação Emocional e aborda noções gerais sobre os mesmos, elenca os estudos acerca da evolução histórica e investigação realizada até à data e, revê os principais dados publicados que relacionam as variáveis principais com o sexo, idade, sucesso escolar, escolaridade dos alunos e escolaridade dos pais. Numa amostra de 544 alunos, utilizaram-se dois instrumentos de avaliação: a Escala de Disrupção Escolar Professada pelos Alunos (EDEP) e a Escala de Dificuldades na Regulação Emocional (EDRE). A recolha de dados decorreu num estabelecimento de ensino público que engloba o 2 e 3 ciclo. Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma relação positiva entre as variáveis principais do nosso estudo. Foram ainda comprovadas as relações com as variáveis sexo, idade, escolaridade, sucesso académico. Não foram encontradas relações com a variável escolaridade dos pais. Os resultaram foram apresentados e discutidos.This work focuses on the study of the relationship between school disruption and emotional regulation, including realizing the extent to which disruptive school behaviors are consistent with difficulties \ emotion regulation problems. In a literature review, defines concepts of School Disruption and Emotion Regulation and covers general notions about them, lists the studies of the historical development and research undertaken to date, and revises the main published data that relate the main variables with sex, age, academic success, schooling of students and parental education. In a sample of 544 students, we used two assessment instruments: the Scale School Disruption professed by Students (EDEP) and Scale Difficulties in Emotion Regulation (DERS). Data collection took place in a public establishment which encompasses 2:03 cycle. The results indicate the existence of a positive relationship between the main variables of our study. Yet been proven relationships with gender, age, education, academic success. There was no relationship with the variable parental education

    Iological and behavioral aspects of two laboratory strains of ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae): the influence of periodic introduction of wild flies in the colony

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    The healthy maintenance of insects reared under laboratory conditions requires strategies to retain the natural characteristics of their life-histories traits. Rearing strategies include artificial selection to laboratory conditions, hybridization with compatible strains, and supplying the colony with wild individuals. We compared behavioral as well as life-history aspects of two laboratory strains of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera, Tephritidae) that had either been reared for 15-20 years under laboratory conditions with or without introducing wild specimens (Lab-Pop and Hybrid-pop, respectively). The parameters evaluated were: performance and food ingestion of immatures, adult size and longevity, female oviposition preference and fecundity, egg viability, and mating choice. Analyses of these parameters were conducted under laboratory rearing conditions. The largest differences observed between the two strains were related to behavioral components: food ingestion rate at the larval stage and oviposition behavior. In general, Lab-Pop individuals were less selective and more adapted to the artificial diet than Hybrid-Pop individuals (diet consumption), but there were no significant differences between the two strains in terms of percentage of emergence, egg viability, adult size, fecundity, and mating choice. It is suggested that the use of hybrid strains is more appropriate than the use of strains without the incorporation of wild individuals, especially in studies that involve behavioral parameters, as hybrid strains behave very similarly to wild populations, according our previous studies

    The Effect of Extensive Reading on Vocabulary Knowledge of First Level University Students

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    The objective of the research was to analyze how extensive reading or reading for pleasure can improve the development of vocabulary in a sample of 48 first-level university students of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica in the city of Ambato. It was an experimental, bibliographic, descriptive, field and correlational research. To determine the correlation between the two study variables, a deep and thorough investigative analysis of books, journals and research was carried out. An intervention plan was applied through the use of a handbook of 19 vocabulary activities and to measure the knowledge of the vocabulary in the students, an observation card was used in order to measure attitudes and behavior towards extensive reading. A questionnaire of twelve questions related to word knowledge and the word form with its meaning was used as well. The research contains the sociodemographic statistical analysis of the participants and an analysis of the results of the evaluation of reading knowledge and vocabulary to know the descriptive aspects. Furthermore, the descriptive analysis of the vocabulary knowledge assessment from a global point of view and the aspects of word knowledge was carried out; to finally perform the analysis of the presence and degree of correlation between extensive reading and vocabulary knowledge, using the Pearson coefficient. Thus, it allowed to determine that, the existence of the correlation between the two variables investigated. That is to say, the results indicated that the use of extensive reading influences the development of students' vocabulary by raising interest and improving vocabulary

    Número eficiente de cotas de fundo de seções transversais calibráveis em um modelo hidrodinâmico usando o algoritmo SCE-UA : estudo de caso : Rio Madeira

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    Hydrodynamic models are important tools for simulating river water level and flow. A considerable fraction of the hydrodynamic model errors are related to parameters uncertainties. As cross sections bottom levels considerably affect water level simulation, this parameter has to be well estimated for flood studies. Automatic calibration performance and processing time depend on the search space dimension, which is related to the number of calibrated parameters. This paper shows the application of the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) optimization algorithm to assess the number of cross sections bottom levels used in calibration. Also was evaluated the extent of algorithm exploration regarding computational processing time and accuracy. It was tested the calibration of 2, 4, 7 and 10 cross sections bottom levels (2PAR, 4PAR, 7PAR and 10PAR calibration configurations) of a 1,100 km reach of the Madeira River. 7PAR and 10PAR representation had better fitness (lower objective function value) on cross sections used for calibration; however, the error on other cross sections (2 validation gauging stations) was higher than 2PAR and 4PAR calibration. The short number (5) of gauging stations used in calibration has limited the number of calibrated parameters to represent adequately the river level profile. Finally, this paper shows a contribution for the parsimonious selection of parameters regarding the spatial distribution of observation sites used in calibration.Modelos hidrodinâmicos são ferramentas importantes para simular nível e vazão de rio. Uma fração considerável dos erros do modelo hidrodinâmico está relacionada com as incertezas dos parâmetros. Como a cota do fundo nas seções transversais afetam significativamente a simulação do nível d’água, esse parâmetro deve ser bem estimado para estudos de inundação. O desempenho da calibração automática e seu tempo de processamento dependem da dimensão do espaço de busca, que está relacionada com o número de parâmetros calibráveis. Este artigo utiliza o algoritmo de otimização Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) para avaliar o número de cotas de fundo de rio calibráveis e o nível de exploração do algoritmo observando o tempo de processamento computacional e a precisão do método. Foram testadas calibrações de 2, 4, 7 e 10 cotas de fundo de seções transversais (configurações de calibração 2PAR, 4PAR, 7PAR e 10PAR) em um trecho de 1.100 km do Rio Madeira. 7PAR e 10PAR apresentaram melhor aptidão (menor valor de função-objetivo) em seções usadas na calibração; no entanto, o erro em diferentes seções (2 estações fluviométricas de validação) foi maior do que as configurações 2PAR e 4PAR. O pequeno número (5) de estações fluviométricas utilizadas na calibração limitou o número de parâmetros calibráveis para representar adequadamente o perfil longitudinal de nível do rio. Por fim, este trabalho contribuiu para a seleção parcimoniosa de parâmetros calibráveis observando à distribuição espacial das observações utilizadas na calibração