1,994 research outputs found

    Algoritmo de optimización para la fragmentación de ligandos

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    Tesis (Ingenieria Civil Informática)En esta memoria se mostrar a el procedimiento necesario para poder mejorar un proceso que ya fue creado con anterioridad como fue el proceso de fragmentación. Este proceso viene de un proyecto el cual tiene como meta final obtener ligandos de buena calidad para su continuo estudio con la proteína HSP90 para la inhibición de células cancerígenas. También se mostrarán los distintos procesos del proyecto (Deconstruction, Reconstruction y Final Validation-Molecular Docking) al cual se les agrego pequeñas extensiones para lograr un mejor funcionamiento y una reducción de tiempo. Finalmente se mostrarán los resultados correspondientes a la muestra principal que se utilizó en el proceso de creación de estos algoritmos, los resultados de los nuevos ligandos y una comparación fi nal entre estos dos tipos de ligandos

    The Wage Geography of Brazil after the Reforms

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    What has been the impact of the trade liberalization on the regional and industrial wage structure in Brazil? This paper attempts to shed light on the determinants of the evolution of wages during the period 1986-1999. We approach this question relying on the main insights of the new economic geography of trade and traditional trade theory. The main findings of the paper suggest that there has been significant convergence of wages across regions and industries. Furthermore, we find that wage premia have increased in those regions with higher share of skilled workers or higher average years of schooling. Regarding the role of factor endowments, we find that regions with a higher share of the mining production have increased their wage premia. The impact of the endowment of agricultural land is ambiguous. Finally, we find strong evidence of a decrease in the expected wage-geographical-gradient that should exist towards the economic poles of Mercosur, either Sao Paulo or Buenos Aires. The paper discusses the econometric identification problems faced by the estimation of regression models with fixed effects (by region/industry) with time-invariant regressors, such as the geographic distance of states to Sao Paulo or Buenos AireLederman's Session


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    Gerontological research has shown that there is a marked decline in health with age and an associated demand for expensive medical services (Shepard, 1993). Some previous studies underline sedentary lifestyle as main responsible factor for hypokinetic diseases and reduction in quality of life (Rejeski et al, 1996). By contrast, among the elderly evidences show a positive relationship between regular physical activity and a high physical fitness on reduction of anxiety and depression levels, improving older peopleʼs quality of life (ACSM, 1998, 2000; Blair et al, 1995). Otherwise, the acquisition and maintenance of motor skills are critical to the preservation of an independent lifestyle and quality of life in the elderly (Rikli and Edwards, 1991). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between physical activity levels, physical fitness and quality of life among institutionalized and non-institutionalized older people. • Older people with institutional community dwelling had lower physical activity levels than non-institutionalized similar individuals. • Physical activity influences older people's functional capacity especially aerobic capacity, and quality of life in several domains. • The above results suggest that caring elderly in their own homes seems to provide higher activity patterns, functional capacities and quality of life

    Towards precedents in Chile: Civil procedure reform and sources of law.

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    Según las reglas del código civil la jurisprudencia no es fuente del Derecho en Chile. Sin embargo, diversas reformas procesales –en materia penal, laboral y a futuro civil– restringen el recurso ante la Corte Suprema a resolver solo aquellos casos de jurisprudencia contradictoria. ¿Este tipo de cambios procesales significan que Chile pasará a tener un sistema de precedentes vinculantes similar al common law? Este artículo estudia cómo los precedentes afectan, en mayor o menor grado, las prácticas interpretativas en distintos países. Y, a partir de esa perspectiva comparada, analiza en qué situación se encuentra Chile actualmente y en cuál terminaría de seguir con este tipo de reformas procesales. Se concluye que es necesario el reemplazo de la teoría binaria tradicional sobre fuentes del Derecho por otra que admita en grados y escalas, como la propuesta de MacCormick y Summers.According to the rules of the civil code, case-law is not a source of Law in Chile. However, different procedural reforms –in criminal, labor and civil matters in the future– restricts the recourse before the Supreme Court to solve only those cases of contradictory case-law. Does this kind of procedural changes mean that Chile would pass through a system of binding precedents like the common law? This article studies how precedents affects, in a great or less degree, the interpretative practice in different countries. On that comparative perspective, analyzes in which situation is Chile nowadays and in witch will be if it follows this kind of procedural reforms. It concludes that is necessary the replacement of the traditional binary theory about sources of Law, for another that allows degrees and scales, like the MacCormick & Summers's proposal

    Los promotores de la desamortización eclesiástica en la ciudad de México, 1856-1858

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    ResumenLa labor emprendida por funcionarios y promotores de la desamortización eclesiástica se tradujo en el beneficio de algunos políticos liberales y, al mismo tiempo, en la división de la propiedad entre otros sectores sociales. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los mecanismos que permitieron a tres funcionarios del gobierno liberal beneficiarse del proceso de desamortización eclesiástica en la capital mexicana entre 1856 y 1858. La hipótesis fundamental de este trabajo es que el proceso de desamortización eclesiástica tuvo dos consecuencias: el acaparamiento de propiedades por representantes y funcionarios, pero también la búsqueda de adjudicaciones en beneficio de la sociedad mexicana de entonces.AbstractThe work undertaken by officials and promoters of the Alienation of Church Wealth, resulted in the benefit of some liberal politicians and, at the same time, in the division of property among other social sectors. The objective of this research is to analyze the mechanisms that allowed three Liberal government officials benefit from the process of ecclesiastical confiscation in the Mexican capital, between 1856 and 1858. The basic hypothesis of this paper is that the process of ecclesiastical confiscation had two consequences: property grabbing by representatives and officials, but also the pursuit of awards for the benefit of Mexican society then

    Rol de los medios de comunicación públicos en el proceso de integración latinoamericana entre el 2014 y el 2015. Casos de estudio: Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina y Agencia Andes de Ecuador

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    El presente proyecto de investigación busca hacer un análisis sobre el papel que desempeña la comunicación y los medios de comunicación públicos en el proceso de integración. Con la presente investigación se busca responder a la interrogante sobre ¿cuáles son las tareas pendientes de los medios de comunicación en materia de integración? Para ello se realizará un análisis comparativo sobre contenidos noticiosos de medios públicos de la región, como son Ecuador y Perú, a fin de profundizar sobre el rol de los medios en materia de integración. Los casos de estudio son la Agencia Andina de Perú y Agencia Andes de Ecuado

    Toma de decisiones mediante metodología multicriterio (carbón nacional y seguridad energética)

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    Este artículo investiga la viabilidad de alternativas a largo plazo del carbón español a través de un proceso MCDM (Toma de decisiones multicriterio). La principal contribución de esta investigación es doble. En primer lugar, evaluar el comportamiento a largo plazo de los yacimientos de carbón existentes en España utilizando la metodología MAUT dentro de tres ámbitos de competencia diferenciados: ubicación geográfica, tecnología minera del carbón y tipo de carbón. En segundo lugar, evalúa las oportunidades de recursos de carbón que pueden considerarse un medio para garantizar la seguridad del abastecimiento energético en el futuro

    Transcriptional cellular responses in midgut tissue of Aedes aegypti larvae following intoxication with Cry11Aa toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis.

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    BackgroundAlthough much is known about the mechanism of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins, the target tissue cellular responses to toxin activity is less understood. Previous transcriptomic studies indicated that significant changes in gene expression occurred during intoxication. However, most of these studies were done in organisms without a sequenced and annotated reference genome. A reference genome and transcriptome is available for the mosquito Aedes aegypti, and its importance as a disease vector has positioned its biological control as a primary health concern. Through RNA sequencing we sought to determine the transcriptional changes observed during intoxication by Cry11Aa in A. aegypti and to analyze possible defense and recovery mechanisms engaged after toxin ingestion.ResultsIn this work the changes in the transcriptome of 4(th) instar A. aegypti larvae exposed to Cry11Aa toxin for 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 h were analyzed. A total of 1060 differentially expressed genes after toxin ingestion were identified with two bioconductoR packages: DESeq2 and EdgeR. The most important transcriptional changes were observed after 9 or 12 h of toxin exposure. GO enrichment analysis of molecular function and biological process were performed as well as Interpro protein functional domains and pBLAST analyses. Up regulated processes include vesicular trafficking, small GTPase signaling, MAPK pathways, and lipid metabolism. In contrast, down regulated functions are related to transmembrane transport, detoxification mechanisms, cell proliferation and metabolism enzymes. Validation with RT-qPCR showed large agreement with Cry11Aa intoxication since these changes were not observed with untreated larvae or larvae treated with non-toxic Cry11Aa mutants, indicating that a fully functional pore forming Cry toxin is required for the observed transcriptional responses.ConclusionsThis study presents the first transcriptome of Cry intoxication response in a fully sequenced insect, and reveals possible conserved cellular processes that enable larvae to contend with Cry intoxication in the disease vector A. aegypti. We found some similarities of the mosquito responses to Cry11Aa toxin with previously observed responses to other Cry toxins in different insect orders and in nematodes suggesting a conserved response to pore forming toxins. Surprisingly some of these responses also correlate with transcriptional changes observed in Bti-resistant and Cry11Aa-resistant mosquito larvae