67 research outputs found

    Positive Freiheit und politische Bildung im Anschluss an Hegel

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    Der vorliegende Aufsatz fragt aus politiktheoretischer Perspektive nach dem Zusammenhang von politischer Freiheit und Bildung und geht dabei in vier argumentativen Schritten vor. Auf die Gegenüberstellung der unterschiedlichen epistemologischen und anthropologischen Prämissen des negativen und positiven Freiheitsbegriffs folgt eine Verortung beider Daseinsformen der Freiheit in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie. Die zentrale These lautet dabei, dass beide Formen in Hegels politischer Theorie berücksichtigt werden. Im Anschluss daran werden politik- und bildungstheoretische Konsequenzen aus dieser Einsicht gezogen. Zunächst zeigt sich, dass beiden Freiheitsbegriffen unterschiedliche Vorstellungen von Staatlichkeit entsprechen, wobei erst die positive Auffassung von Freiheit einen politischen Begriff des Staates zur Folge hat. Schließlich kann gezeigt werden, dass ein umfassender, autonomieorientierter Bildungsbegriff diese Differenzierungen berücksichtigen muss. Eine einseitige Fokussierung auf die Bedingungen und Bestimmungen des negativen Freiheitsbegriffs wird diesen Erfordernissen nicht gerecht, weil ein solches Bildungsverständnis nicht zuletzt die politische Bildung des citoyen vernachlässigt.In my paper I try to show the following: Based on Isaiah Berlin’s distinction of negative and positive liberty, I argue that there exists an epistemological disagreement at the core of the discussion. This disagreement has important consequences for political theory and theory of education (Bildung). My first major argument is as follows: Whereas epistemological individualism leads to concepts of negative freedom, which leads to concepts of a minimal state, which leads to a rather instrumental understanding of education, epistemological holism leads to positive concepts of liberty, which leads to concepts of a political state, which leads to concepts of civic education. While the second step from a specific understanding of freedom to corresponding theories of the state is well known, connecting this discussion with differing epistemologies and concepts of education offers new insights on the continuing relevance of the debate. My second major argument refers to Hegel’s practical philosophy as laid out in the Philosophy of Right, which offers an astonishing modern view on this debate. It can be shown that Hegel resolves the conflicts between both lines of argument by integrating both of them into his philosophy of freedom. Both positive and negative freedom as well as the idea of both a minimal and a political state are integrated into Hegel’s political theory. The concluding major argument states that a one-sided emphasis on one conception of freedom (the negative one) overestimates instrumental and professional education and fails to acknowledge the importance of forms of civic and moral education

    Multivalent grafting of hyperbranched oligo- and polyglycerols shielding rough membranes to mediate hemocompatibility

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    Hemocompatible materials are needed for internal and extracorporeal biomedical applications, which should be realizable by reducing protein and thrombocyte adhesion to such materials. Polyethers have been demonstrated to be highly efficient in this respect on smooth surfaces. Here, we investigate the grafting of oligo- and polyglycerols to rough poly(ether imide) membranes as a polymer relevant to biomedical applications and show the reduction of protein and thrombocyte adhesion as well as thrombocyte activation. It could be demonstrated that, by performing surface grafting with oligo- and polyglycerols of relatively high polydispersity (>1.5) and several reactive groups for surface anchoring, full surface shielding can be reached, which leads to reduced protein adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen. In addition, adherent thrombocytes were not activated. This could be clearly shown by immunostaining adherent proteins and analyzing the thrombocyte covered area. The presented work provides an important strategy for the development of application relevant hemocompatible 3D structured materials

    Electronic Quantum Coherence in Glycine Molecules Probed with Ultrashort X-ray Pulses in Real Time

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    Structural changes in nature and technology are driven by charge carrier motion. A process such as charge-directed reactivity that can be operational in radiobiology is more efficient, if energy transfer and charge motion proceeds along well-defined quantum mechanical pathways keeping the coherence and minimizing dissipation. The open question is: do long-lived electronic quantum coherences exist in complex molecules? Here, we use x-rays to create and monitor electronic wave packets in the amino acid glycine. The outgoing photoelectron wave leaves behind a positive charge formed by a superposition of quantum mechanical eigenstates. Delayed x-ray pulses track the induced electronic coherence through the photoelectron emission from the sequential double photoionization processes. The observed sinusoidal modulation of the detected electron yield as a function of time clearly demonstrates that electronic quantum coherence is preserved for at least 25 femtoseconds in this molecule of biological relevance. The surviving coherence is detected via the dominant sequential double ionization channel, which is found to exhibit a phase shift as a function of the photoelectron energy. The experimental results agree with advanced ab-initio simulations.Comment: 54 pages, 11 figure

    Advanced electron cyclotron heating and current drive experiments on the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X

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    During the first operational phase (OP 1.1) of Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) was the exclusive heating method and provided plasma start-up, wall conditioning, heating and current drive. Six gyrotrons were commissioned for OP1.1 and used in parallel for plasma operation with a power of up to 4.3 MW. During standard X2-heating the spatially localized power deposition with high power density allowed controlling the radial profiles of the electron temperature and the rotational transform. Even though W7-X was not fully equipped with first wall tiles and operated with a graphite limiter instead of a divertor, electron densities of n e > 3·1019 m-3 could be achieved at electron temperatures of several keV and ion temperatures above 2 keV. These plasma parameters allowed the first demonstration of a multipath O2-heating scenario, which is envisaged for safe operation near the X-cutoff-density of 1.2·1020 m-3 after full commissioning of the ECRH system in the next operation phase OP1.2

    Confinement degradation and plasma loss induced by strong sawtooth crashes at W7-X

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    Sawtooth-like crashes were observed during electron cyclotron current drive experiments for strikeline controls at the optimised superconducting stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). The majority of the crashes did not have a relevant impact on plasma performance. However, a limited number of events, characterised by a large plasma volume affected by the instability, have been related to a strong deterioration performance and even to the premature termination of the plasma. The hot plasma core expelled during these sawtooth crashes can reach the plasma edge, where plasma surface interaction can occur and impurities can be released. The x-ray tomography shows a strong radiation increase starting from the edge and moving towards the inner plasma regions. This results in the cooling down and shrinking of the plasma, which eventually leads to a poor coupling of the ECRH to the electrons, that can in turn result in a plasma loss. A relation between the size and amplitude of the sawtooth crashes and the impurity increase is reported.EC/H2020/633053/EU/Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium/Eurato

    Composing extended top-down tree transducers

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    A composition procedure for linear and nondeleting extended top-down tree transducers is presented. It is demonstrated that the new procedure is more widely applicable than the existing methods. In general, the result of the composition is an extended top-down tree transducer that is no longer linear or nondeleting, but in a number of cases these properties can easily be recovered by a post-processing step
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