250 research outputs found

    Identifikation von „QualitĂ€ts“-Chromosomen in Vitis zur FrĂŒhdiagnose von WeinqualitĂ€t

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    Im 19. Jh. wurden die heute im Weinbau wichtigsten Pathogene von Nordamerika nach Europa eingeschleppt. Zu ihrer BekĂ€mpfung werden in der RebenzĂŒchtung amerikanische und asiatische Wildarten als Donoren fĂŒr Resistenzen genutzt. Sie werden mit der europĂ€ischen Kulturrebe Vitis vinifera gekreuzt, um Resistenzen und hohe QualitĂ€t zu kombinieren. Die RebenzĂŒchtung wird erheblich durch die lange Generationsdauer, mehrere Kreuzungen mit wechselnden QualitĂ€tssorten, sowie einer arbeitsaufwĂ€ndigen Evaluierung limitiert. Neben zahlreichen unerwĂŒnschten Eigenschaften besitzen Wildarten hĂ€ufig dominante „Fehlaromen“. Das bekannteste Beispiel ist der „Foxton”, der vor allem in der Art Vitis labrusca zu finden ist. Der „Foxton” geht auf die Leitaromastoffe Furaneol und Methylanthranilat zurĂŒck und ist sensorisch als eine Mischung zwischen „Erdbeer-“ und „Mottenkugelton“ wahrnehmbar. AusgewĂ€hlte Hybriden und zwei Kreuzungsnachkommenschaften mit einer Abstammung von den nordamerikanischen Wildarten Vitis riparia, Vitis cinerea und Vitis labrusca wurden hinsichtlich ihrer „Fehlaromen“ untersucht. Dazu wurden die Trauben und Moste organoleptisch und analytisch untersucht. Mit den gewonnenen phĂ€no- und genotypischen Daten wurden anschließend QTL-Analysen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass der „Foxton“ in den untersuchten Genotypen mit Vitis riparia und Vitis cinerea im Stammbaum nicht typisch war. Zur Identifizierung weiterer „Fehlaromen“ auslösender Inhaltsstoffe wurden gaschromatographische Analysen in Kombination mit einer olfaktorischen Detektionsschnittstelle durchgefĂŒhrt. Dabei wurden intensive vegetative Aromen identifiziert, die hauptsĂ€chlich Substanzen aus der Stoffgruppe der Methoxypyrazine zugeordnet werden konnten. Um die vermutete ReifeabhĂ€ngigkeit der Furaneolbildung experimentell zu bestĂ€tigen, wurde eine Methode zur Reifebeschleunigung im Feld etabliert. Die auf die Kreuzung BlaufrĂ€nkischÂŽ (Vitis vinifera) x CatawbaÂŽ zurĂŒckgehende Population segregierte hinsichtlich des Furaneol- und Methylanthranilatgehalts. Die QTL-Analyse in dieser Population basierte auf einer genetischen Karte mit 337 SSR-Markern und den Aromastoffgehalten. FĂŒr die Furaneol- und Methylanthranilatbildung wurde jeweils ein Haupt-QTL auf den Kopplungsgruppen 11 (KG 11) bzw. KG 4 identifiziert. KG 4 kann nach derzeitigem Stand als ein „QualitĂ€tschromosom“ angesehen werden, das möglichst frĂŒhzeitig vollstĂ€ndig oder teilweise aus dem Zuchtmaterial eliminiert werden sollte. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden in der Population BlaufrĂ€nkischÂŽ x CatawbaÂŽ QTLs fĂŒr das Vitis labrusca-typische Beerenmerkmal „slip skin“ identifiziert, das ebenfalls von zĂŒchterischer Relevanz ist (Kopplungsgruppen 1 und 13). Bei weiterfĂŒhrenden Untersuchungen zur Sorte CatawbaÂŽ, die auch von besonderem historischen Interesse ist, konnte ĂŒber den genetischen Fingerabdruck die Vitis vinifera-Sorte SĂ©millonÂŽ als ein Elternteil verifiziert werden.The most severe pathogens in viticulture were introduced to Europe from North America in the 19th century. For their control, American and Asian wild species are used in grapevine breeding as donors of resistances. The wild species are crossed with the European wine grape Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera aiming at the combination of resistances and high quality. Grapevine breeding is hampered by a long generation time, repeated crosses with quality parents, as well as a timely and costly evaluation. Besides numerous undesired traits, wild species often feature dominant “off-flavors”. The most pronounced “foxy flavor” is mainly found in the wild species Vitis labrusca. “Foxiness” is caused by the key aroma compounds furaneol and methyl anthranilate that are perceivable as a mix of the “strawberry” and the “mothball” odor, respectively. Selected hybrids and two cross progenies of the North American species Vitis riparia, Vitis cinerea and Vitis labrusca were investigated with the focus on “off-flavors”. Their grapes and musts were investigated by organoleptics and analytics. The attained phenotypic and genotypic data were used for a subsequent QTL analysis. “Foxiness” was not typical for the investigated descendants of Vitis riparia and Vitis cinerea. For the identification of further “off-flavors”, gas chromatography combined with an olfactory detection was performed. These investigations elucidated intense vegetative flavors that were mainly assigned to substances of the methoxypyrazine class. The furaneol concentration was assumed to be dependent on the degree of berry ripeness. This could be confirmed by implementation of a method for target acceleration of berry ripening. A population originating from the cross BlaufraenkischÂŽ (Vitis vinifera) x CatawbaÂŽ segregates in the contents of furaneol and methyl anthranilate. In this population, the QTL analysis was based on a linkage map built from 337 simple sequence repeat markers and the amounts of the “foxy” aroma compounds. For furaneol and methyl anthranilate main QTLs were localized on the linkage group 11 and 4, respectively. In this population, additional QTLs for “slip skin” were identified on linkage groups 1 and 13. This Vitis labrusca typical berry trait could become relevant for grapevine breeding as well. The interspecific hybrid CatawbaÂŽ is not only a parent of one investigated population, but also of particular historical interest. Moreover, the genetic investigations of CatawbaÂŽ verified SĂ©millonÂŽ to be its Vitis vinifera parent. The results of this thesis contribute to improve the evaluation of genetic resources and their utilisation in grapevine breeding

    Pferde als Akteure in PĂ€dagogik und Therapie: Mensch-Pferd-Interaktionen im Praxisfeld der tiergestĂŒtzten Interventionen (qualitative Pilotstudie)

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    Die bisherige Forschung im Kontext des Praxisfeldes der tiergestĂŒtzten Interventionen widmet sich vor allem den positiven Effekten von Tieren, in diesem Fall Pferden, auf den Menschen in diesen Settings. Diese Ausrichtung stellt jedoch nur eine Teilebene des feldrelevanten Interaktionsdreiecks „pferdegestĂŒtzt arbeitende Fachkraft-Pferd-Zielperson“ dar. ZusĂ€tzlich relevant und essenziell fĂŒr das Setting sind die Tiere selbst, die bisher aber noch weniger in den Fokus der Forschung gerĂŒckt werden. Vor allem die Frage danach, wie sie die Situationen mit dem ihnen zugewiesenen Status als „Therapiepferd“ u. a. aus soziologischer Perspektive mitgestalten, wurde noch nicht beantwortet. Dieser ForschungslĂŒcke widmet sich das hier vorzustellende Forschungsprojekt, in dem die in diesen Settings eingesetzten Pferde in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung gestellt werden. Als theoretische und multiperspektivische AnnĂ€herungen an die Mensch-Pferd-Interaktionen dienen im vorliegenden Projekt einerseits aktuelle ethologische Studien zu den Pferden selbst sowie andererseits der Symbolische Interaktionismus als soziologische Bezugstheorie im Kontext des Forschungsfeldes der Human-Animal Studies. Dieser theoretische Ausgangspunkt fĂŒhrte zur DurchfĂŒhrung einer qualitativ ausgerichteten Pilotstudie, in der die Mensch-Pferd-Interaktionen in den tiergestĂŒtzten Interventionen nĂ€her untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die pferdegestĂŒtzten Interventionen durch eine speziesĂŒbergreifende Aushandlung, Interpretation und Bedeutungsgebung der Situation in AbhĂ€ngigkeit aller Individuen auszeichnet. Die eingesetzten Pferde werden von den tiergestĂŒtzt arbeitenden FachkrĂ€ften als gleichwertige Arbeitspartner wahrgenommen, die die Settings aktiv mitgestalten. Eine entscheidende Rolle nimmt hier die nonverbale speziesĂŒbergreifende Kommunikation ein

    Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of INSC94Y transgenic pigs

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    Multi-class Detection of Pathological Speech with Latent Features: How does it perform on unseen data?

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    The detection of pathologies from speech features is usually defined as a binary classification task with one class representing a specific pathology and the other class representing healthy speech. In this work, we train neural networks, large margin classifiers, and tree boosting machines to distinguish between four different pathologies: Parkinson's disease, laryngeal cancer, cleft lip and palate, and oral squamous cell carcinoma. We demonstrate that latent representations extracted at different layers of a pre-trained wav2vec 2.0 system can be effectively used to classify these types of pathological voices. We evaluate the robustness of our classifiers by adding room impulse responses to the test data and by applying them to unseen speech corpora. Our approach achieves unweighted average F1-Scores between 74.1% and 96.4%, depending on the model and the noise conditions used. The systems generalize and perform well on unseen data of healthy speakers sampled from a variety of different sources.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    The influence of the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptives on cardiorespiratory fitness in physically active women: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    OBJECTIVE To systematically review and summarize the existing evidence related to the influence of the menstrual cycle (MC) and hormonal contraceptive (HC) use on O2max in physically active women. METHODS This systematic review and meta-analysis conforms to the PRISMA statement guidelines. Four (sub-)meta-analyses were performed. Two focused on longitudinal studies examining the same women several times to compare the O2max during the different menstrual phases or oral contraceptive (OC) use and withdrawal. Two meta-analyses examined if there is a difference in O2max between OC users and normally menstruating women by analyzing cross-sectional studies assigning physically active women to one of these two groups as well as intervention-based studies (cross-over studies, randomized controlled trials considering only the data of the intervention group) comparing women intra-individually with and without OCs. RESULTS Nine of the included studies (107 women) evaluated the influence of the MC, five studies (69 women) the impact of OCs on O2max, and six studies investigated both topics (88 women). A mean difference of O2max -0.03 ml/kg/min (95%CI -1.06 to 1.01) between the early follicular and luteal menstrual phase was observed. Between the active and inactive phases of OCs, a mean difference of -0.11 ml/kg/min (95%CI -2.32 to 2.10) was found. The inter-individual comparison of naturally menstruating women and OC users showed a mean difference in O2max of 0.23 ml/kg/min (95% CI -2.33 to 2.79) in favor of OC use. The intra-individual comparison of the same women showed a mean decrease in O2max of -0.84 ml/kg/min (95% CI -2.38 to 0.70) after a new start with OCs. CONCLUSIONS Our meta-analyses showed no effects of the MC or the OCs on O2max. More high-quality studies are needed determining the MC phases more precisely, including OCs with the current standard formulations and comparing the influence of different progestins

    An Amorphous Teflate Doped Aluminium Chlorofluoride: A Solid Lewis‐Superacid for the Dehydrofluorination of Fluoroalkanes

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    An anion-doped aluminium chlorofluoride AlCl0.1F2.8(OTeF5)0.1 (ACF-teflate) was synthesized. The material contains pentafluoroorthotellurate (teflate) groups, which mimic fluoride ions electronically, but are sterically more demanding. They are embedded into the amorphous structure. The latter was studied by PDF analysis, EXAFS data and MAS NMR spectroscopy. The mesoporous powder is a Lewis superacid, and ATR-IR spectra of adsorbed CD3CN reveal a blue-shift of the adsorption band by 73 cm−1, which is larger than the shift for SbF5. Remarkably, ACF-teflate catalyzes dehydrofluorination reactions of monofluoroalkanes to yield olefins in C6D6. In these cases, no Friedel-Crafts products were formed.German Research Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Diamond Light Source http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100011889German Research Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Peer Reviewe

    An Amorphous Teflate Doped Aluminium Chlorofluoride: A Solid Lewis‐Superacid for the Dehydrofluorination of Fluoroalkanes

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    An anion‐doped aluminium chlorofluoride AlCl0.1F2.8(OTeF5)0.1 (ACF‐teflate) was synthesized. The material contains pentafluoroorthotellurate (teflate) groups, which mimic fluoride ions electronically, but are sterically more demanding. They are embedded into the amorphous structure. The latter was studied by PDF analysis, EXAFS data and MAS NMR spectroscopy. The mesoporous powder is a Lewis superacid, and ATR‐IR spectra of adsorbed CD3CN reveal a blue‐shift of the adsorption band by 73 cm−1, which is larger than the shift for SbF5. Remarkably, ACF‐teflate catalyzes dehydrofluorination reactions of monofluoroalkanes to yield olefins in C6D6. In these cases, no Friedel‐Crafts products were formed

    Relation between the Fatigue and Fracture Ductile-Brittle Transition in S500 Welded Steel Joints

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    The formation and propagation of cracks occur through irreversible dislocation movements at notches, material defects, and grain boundaries. Since this process is partly thermally controlled, the resistance to dislocation movements at low temperatures increases. This slows both fatigue initiation and fatigue crack propagation. From recent experimental data, it can be seen that fatigue crack growth is accelerated below the fatigue transition temperature (FTT) that correlates with the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) found by well-known fracture mechanics tests, i.e., Charpy impact, fracture toughness, and CTOD. Hence, this study investigates the relation between FTT and DBTT in S500 high-strength steel base material and welded joints at low temperatures using fatigue crack growth, fracture toughness tests as well as scanning electron microscopy. From the tests, an almost constant decrease in fatigue crack propagation rate is determined with decreasing test temperature even below the DBTT. At -100 °C, the fatigue crack propagation rate is about half of the rate observed at room temperature for both base material and weld metal

    Classifying Dementia in the Presence of Depression: A Cross-Corpus Study

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    Automated dementia screening enables early detection and intervention, reducing costs to healthcare systems and increasing quality of life for those affected. Depression has shared symptoms with dementia, adding complexity to diagnoses. The research focus so far has been on binary classification of dementia (DEM) and healthy controls (HC) using speech from picture description tests from a single dataset. In this work, we apply established baseline systems to discriminate cognitive impairment in speech from the semantic Verbal Fluency Test and the Boston Naming Test using text, audio and emotion embeddings in a 3-class classification problem (HC vs. MCI vs. DEM). We perform cross-corpus and mixed-corpus experiments on two independently recorded German datasets to investigate generalization to larger populations and different recording conditions. In a detailed error analysis, we look at depression as a secondary diagnosis to understand what our classifiers actually learn.Comment: Accepted at INTERSPEECH 202

    Studies on the local structure of the F ∕ OH site in topaz by magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman spectroscopy

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    The mutual influence of F and OH groups in neighboring sites in topaz (Al2SiO4(F,OH)2) was investigated using magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) and Raman spectroscopy. The splitting of 19F and 1H NMR signals, as well as the OH Raman band, provides evidence for hydrogen bond formation within the crystal structure. Depending on whether a given OH group has another OH group or fluoride as its neighbor, two different hydrogen bond constellations may form: either OH⋯O⋯HO or F⋯H⋯O. The proton accepting oxygen was determined to be part of the SiO4 tetrahedron using 29Si MAS NMR. Comparison of the MAS NMR data between an OH-bearing and an OH-free topaz sample confirms that the 19F signal at −130 ppm stems from F− ions that take part in H⋯F bonds with a distance of ∌ 2.4 Å, whereas the main signal at −135 ppm belongs to fluoride ions with no immediate OH group neighbors. The Raman OH sub-band at 3644 cm−1 stems from OH groups neighboring other OH groups, whereas the sub-band at 3650 cm−1 stems from OH groups with fluoride neighbors, which are affected by H⋯F bridging. The integrated intensities of these two sub-bands do not conform to the expected ratios based on probabilistic calculations from the total OH concentration. This can be explained by (1) a difference in the polarizability of the OH bond between the different hydrogen bond constellations or (2) partial order or unmixing of F and OH, or a combination of both. This has implications for the quantitative interpretation of Raman data on OH bonds in general and their potential use as a probe for structural (dis-)order. No indication of tetrahedrally coordinated Al was found with 27Al MAS NMR, suggesting that the investigated samples likely have nearly ideal Al/Si ratios, making them potentially useful as high-density electron microprobe reference materials for Al and Si, as well as for F
