513 research outputs found

    Polymorphisms in the bradykinin B2 receptor gene and childhood asthma

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    Bradykinin has been suggested as one of the key mediators of bronchial asthma. Polymorphisms with a potential functional relevance have been described in the B2 bradykinin receptor gene. Study of these polymorphisms in 77 children with asthma and 73 controls revealed no association. However, when comparing the asthmatics according to their age at onset (before and after age 4), the exon 1 allele BE1-2G was significantly associated with late-onset asthma (p <0.05). Since BE1-2G has previously been shown to lead to a higher transcription rate of the B2 receptor, this result warrants further investigation of the role of bradykinin in conferring susceptibility to pediatric asthma

    Co-Designing with Communities

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    Co-design refers to the collective creativity of designers and people not trained in design working together in the design development process (Sanders & Stappers, 2008). The co-design process recognizes that when it comes to issues of health, wellness, and community, the people involved as patients, family, caregivers and health care providers are the experts of their own experiences. Their expertise can provide invaluable firsthand insights about and ideas regarding wicked problems.The co-design approach has proven to help identify and shape innovative solutions as well as empower stakeholders to participate in the solutions that would directly impact them (Sanders & Stappers, 2012). We will present three case studies wherein the co-design approach has been used to tackle complex problems in health care connected to aging, autism and diabetes. Aging: This Co-Design Studio, led by Professor Sanders, provided an interdisciplinary mix of graduate students the opportunity to co-design with the residents at the Westminster-Thurber retirement community. The co-design teams explored a wide range of issues such as decisions about retirement living, clothing and finding the right footwear, and how to start the conversation about giving up driving. Autism: In her Design MFA thesis, Erika Braun investigated a co-design approach for tackling the wicked problem of transitions for adolescents with autism through an exploratory autism case study. She convened a diverse group of stakeholders, including adults with autism, as co-designers in an iterative process to frame the transition problem and explore new resolutions for the Center for Autism Services and Transition (C.A.S.T.), a clinic for adults with autism connected to OSUWMC. This exploration has led to an ongoing funded project focused on developing a better transitional care experience for patients with autism and their caregivers. Diabetes: This Co-Design Studio led by Professor Sanders facilitated the collaboration between multidisciplinary graduate student teams, patients and health care professionals to identify problems and challenges facing those living with Type 1 diabetes. The graduate students invited patients, their families, doctors, nurses, diabetes educators, and medical device company representatives to co-design solutions for issues at multiple levels of the current health care system. Intended audience: This presentation is beneficial to anyone who is interested in bettering health care experiences. Expertise of presenter(s): Elizabeth (Liz) Sanders is an associate professor in the Department of Design. Her academic research focuses on co-design for innovation and transdisciplinary collaboration. Erika Braun is a design researcher and product designer. She is collaborating on two autism projects and a solar light project for third world countries. Sapna Singh is a design researcher, strategist and educator. She teaches courses in design thinking, human factors and design history.AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, [email protected] (Corresponding Author); Sapna Singh, Lecturer, Design Researcher Strategist, The Ohio State University; Erika Braun, Design Researcher, Product Designer, Collective Design Initiative.The presenters will share how the practice of co-design has empowered community members to become involved in the creation and development of innovative concepts and solutions for complex challenges that their communities face. The presentation will include case studies in which the co-design approach has been used to tackle complex problems in health care connected to aging, autism and diabetes

    Health-related quality of life in rural children living in four European countries: the GABRIEL study

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    Objective: Measuring children's health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is of growing importance given increasing chronic diseases. By integrating HRQOL questions into the European GABRIEL study, we assessed differences in HRQOL between rural farm and non-farm children from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland to relate it to common childhood health problems and to compare it to a representative, mostly urban German population sample (KIGGS). Methods: The parents of 10,400 school-aged children answered comprehensive questionnaires including health-related questions and the KINDL-R questions assessing HRQOL. Results: Austrian children reported highest KINDL-R scores (mean: 80.9; 95% CI [80.4, 81.4]) and Polish children the lowest (74.5; [73.9, 75.0]). Farm children reported higher KINDL-R scores than non-farm children (p=0.002). Significantly lower scores were observed in children with allergic diseases (p<0.001), with sleeping difficulties (p<0.001) and in overweight children (p=0.04). The German GABRIEL sample reported higher mean scores (age 7-10years: 80.1, [79.9, 80.4]; age 11-13years: 77.1, [74.9, 79.2]) compared to the urban KIGGS study (age 7-10years: 79.0, [78.7-79.3]; age 11-13years: 75.1 [74.6-75.6]). Socio-demographic or health-related factors could not explain differences in HRQOL between countries. Conclusions: Future increases in chronic diseases may negatively impact children's HRQO

    Airborne cultivable microflora and microbial transfer in farm buildings and rural dwellings

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    Exposure to environments rich in microorganisms such as farms has been shown to protect against the development of childhood asthma and allergies. However, it remains unclear where, and how, farm and other rural children are exposed to microbes. Furthermore, the composition of the microbial flora is poorly characterised. We tested the hypothesis that farm children are exposed indoors to substantial levels of viable microbes originating from animal sheds and barns. We also expected that environmental microbial flora on farms and in farm homes would be more complex than in the homes of rural control children

    Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de tentativa de suicídio: revisão integrativa

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    Objective: to analyze the profile of individuals who attempt suicide, through the analysis of studies published in scientific databases. Methodology: this is an integrative review. A total of 31 articles were selected in the English, Portuguese and Spanish languages. Studies published in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online and PubMed databases were analyzed. Results: predominance of females was evidenced. The data presented dispersion according to the age group, which varied from 12 to 64 years old, and the older adults and the adolescents were vulnerable populations. Women used fewer lethal means, such as exogenous intoxication, while men preferred lethal means such as hanging and firearms. The act took place predominantly in the individuals’ home. Depression and other psychiatric disorders are predictors, as well as unemployment and marital, financial or personal problems, variables that were also factors related to recurrence; whereas having a stable relationship can be a protective factor. Conclusion: recognition of the epidemiological profile of people who attempt suicide can contribute for health managers to work with the specificities found, through preventive strategies in health and psychosocial care institutions.Objetivo: analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos de tentativa de suicídio, por meio de estudos publicados nas bases de dados científicas. Metodologia: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa. Foram selecionados 31 artigos em inglês, português e espanhol. Realizou-se análise de estudos publicados nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online e Public Medical. Resultados: observou-se predomínio do sexo feminino. Os dados se apresentaram dispersos quanto à faixa etária, que variou entre 12 e 64 anos, os idosos e adolescentes foram populações vulneráveis. Mulheres utilizaram meios menos letais, como intoxicação exógena, enquanto homens preferiram meios letais, como enforcamento e armas de fogo. O ato foi cometido no domicílio predominantemente. A depressão e outros transtornos psiquiátricos foram preditores, assim como o desemprego, problemas conjugais, financeiros ou pessoais, variáveis essas que são também fatores relacionados à reincidência. Ao passo que ter relacionamento estável pode ser um fator protetor. Conclusão: o reconhecimento do perfil epidemiológico das pessoas que tentam suicídio pode contribuir para os gestores da área da saúde atuarem nas especificidades encontradas por meio de estratégias preventivas nas redes de atenção à saúde e psicossocial

    omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the asthma-protective effect of unprocessed cow's milk

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    Background: Living on a farm has repeatedly been shown to protect children from asthma and allergies. A major factor involved in this effect is consumption of unprocessed cow's milk obtained directly from a farm. However, this phenomenon has never been shown in a longitudinal design, and the responsible milk components are still unknown. Objectives: We sought to assess the asthma-protective effect of unprocessed cow's milk consumption in a birth cohort and to determine whether the differences in the fatty acid (FA) composition of unprocessed farm milk and industrially processed milk contributed to this effect. Methods: The Protection Against Allergy-Study in Rural Environments (PASTURE) study followed 1133 children living in rural areas in 5 European countries from birth to age 6 years. In 934 children milk consumption was assessed by using yearly questionnaires, and samples of the ``usually'' consumed milk and serum samples of the children were collected at age 4 years. Doctor-diagnosed asthma was parent reported at age 6 years. In a nested case-control study of 35 asthmatic and 49 nonasthmatic children, 42 FAs were quantified in milk samples. Results: The risk of asthma at 6 years of age was reduced by previous consumption of unprocessed farm milk compared with shop milk (adjusted odds ratio for consumption at 4 years, 0.26; 95% CI,0.10-0.67). Part of the effect was explained by the higher fat content of farm milk, particularly the higher levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated FAs (adjusted odds ratio, 0.29; 95% CI,0.11-0.81). Conclusion: Continuous farm milk consumption in childhood protects against asthma at school age partially by means of higher intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated FAs, which are precursors of anti-inflammatory mediators.Peer reviewe

    CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data

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    Complexome profiling is an emerging ‘omics’ approach that systematically interrogates the composition of protein complexes (the complexome) of a sample, by combining biochemical separation of native protein complexes with mass-spectrometry based quantitation proteomics. The resulting fractionation profiles hold comprehensive information on the abundance and composition of the complexome, and have a high potential for reuse by experimental and computational researchers. However, the lack of a central resource that provides access to these data, reported with adequate descriptions and an analysis tool, has limited their reuse. Therefore, we established the ComplexomE profiling DAta Resource (CEDAR, www3.cmbi.umcn.nl/cedar/), an openly accessible database for depositing and exploring mass spectrometry data from complexome profiling studies. Compatibility and reusability of the data is ensured by a standardized data and reporting format containing the “minimum information required for a complexome profiling experiment” (MIACE). The data can be accessed through a user-friendly web interface, as well as programmatically using the REST API portal. Additionally, all complexome profiles available on CEDAR can be inspected directly on the website with the profile viewer tool that allows the detection of correlated profiles and inference of potential complexes. In conclusion, CEDAR is a unique, growing and invaluable resource for the study of protein complex composition and dynamics across biological systems

    Osteoblast-derived vesicles induce a switch from bone-formation to bone-resorption in vivo

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    Bone metabolism is regulated by the cooperative activity between bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. However, the mechanisms mediating the switch between the osteoblastic and osteoclastic phases have not been fully elucidated. Here, we identify a specific subset of mature osteoblast-derived extracellular vesicles that inhibit bone formation and enhance osteoclastogenesis. Intravital imaging reveals that mature osteoblasts secrete and capture extracellular vesicles, referred to as small osteoblast vesicles (SOVs). Co-culture experiments demonstrate that SOVs suppress osteoblast differentiation and enhance the expression of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand, thereby inducing osteoclast differentiation. We also elucidate that the SOV-enriched microRNA miR-143 inhibits Runt-related transcription factor 2, a master regulator of osteoblastogenesis, by targeting the mRNA expression of its dimerization partner, core-binding factor β. In summary, we identify SOVs as a mode of cell-to-cell communication, controlling the dynamic transition from bone-forming to bone-resorbing phases in vivo.Uenaka M., Yamashita E., Kikuta J., et al. Osteoblast-derived vesicles induce a switch from bone-formation to bone-resorption in vivo. Nature Communications 13, 1066 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28673-2