138 research outputs found

    Освіта як суспільна технологія (Education as a social technology)

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    У статті освіта розглядається як суспільна технологія. Головна увага зосереджена на освіті як необхідній умові прогресивного розвитку суспільства. Розкрито і проаналізовано соціальну сутність поняття «освіта» та її вплив на суспільний розвиток. Акцентується увага на сучасних вимогах суспільства до освіти, зумовлених глобалізаційними та інтеграційними процесами. Аналізується розвиток сучасної освіти в різноманітних напрямах (Education as a social technology is considered in the proposed material. It refers to the social problems and is associated with the process of socialization. The main focus is on education as a necessary condition for the progressive development of society. Education, as a social technology, is seen in modern conditions – when almost a single global information space is formed and the processes of globalization and integration gain momentum. The author traces the mechanisms of education as a social technology for the opportunity to make this process adequate and one that meets the needs of the society and the education system. The social nature of the concept «education» and its impact on social development are revealed and analyzed. Attention is focused on the modern requirements of society to education due to globalization and integration processes. The development of modern education in different ways is analyzed. This problem is discussed in academic circles of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, as education is a priority in the development of human society and deserves special attention in the context of a scientific approach to solving the problems of today

    Destruction of the family of steady states in the planar problem of Darcy convection

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    The natural convection of incompressible fluid in a porous medium causes for some boundary conditions a strong non-uniqueness in the form of a continuous family of steady states. We are interested in the situation when these boundary conditions are violated. The resulting destruction of the family of steady states is studied via computer experiments based on a mimetic finite-difference approach. Convection in a rectangular enclosure is considered under different perturbations of boundary conditions (heat sources, infiltration). Two scenario of the family of equilibria are found: the transformation to a limit cycle and the formation of isolated convective patterns.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    On the application of information and communications technologies in distance learning labs

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    The problem of development and testing of the experimental setup for the automatic control of thermal fluid convection allowing to be performed remotely within distance laboratory works on the level of secondary and high schools has been considered. The novelty of the approach is the development of remote sensing technology for research on laboratory equipment in real time. The actuality of the problem is due to the demand for professionals with expertise in remote sensing data collection and processing, as well as access of students in secondary and high schools to the equipment and achievements of leading scientific schools.Брацун Дмитрий Анатольевич; Зюзгин Алексей Викторович; Колесниченко Любовь Ивановна; Курдина Наталья Анатольевна; Путин Геннадий Федорович: Рассмотрены вопросы создания и апробации экспериментальной установки по автоматическому управлению тепловой конвекцией жидкости, которая позволяет дистанционно выполнять лабораторные работы школьного и вузовского уровня. Новизна подхода заключается в разработке технологии ди-станционного проведения исследования на лабораторном оборудовании в режиме реального времени. Актуальность обуславливается востребованностью у рабо-тодателей специалистов, компетентных в дистанционных методах контроля и сбора данных, а также организацией доступа учащихся средних и студентов высших учебных заведений к оборудованию и наработкам ведущих научных шко

    Stochastic Simulation of Process Calculi for Biology

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    Biological systems typically involve large numbers of components with complex, highly parallel interactions and intrinsic stochasticity. To model this complexity, numerous programming languages based on process calculi have been developed, many of which are expressive enough to generate unbounded numbers of molecular species and reactions. As a result of this expressiveness, such calculi cannot rely on standard reaction-based simulation methods, which require fixed numbers of species and reactions. Rather than implementing custom stochastic simulation algorithms for each process calculus, we propose to use a generic abstract machine that can be instantiated to a range of process calculi and a range of reaction-based simulation algorithms. The abstract machine functions as a just-in-time compiler, which dynamically updates the set of possible reactions and chooses the next reaction in an iterative cycle. In this short paper we give a brief summary of the generic abstract machine, and show how it can be instantiated with the stochastic simulation algorithm known as Gillespie's Direct Method. We also discuss the wider implications of such an abstract machine, and outline how it can be used to simulate multiple calculi simultaneously within a common framework.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    A self-organized model for cell-differentiation based on variations of molecular decay rates

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    Systemic properties of living cells are the result of molecular dynamics governed by so-called genetic regulatory networks (GRN). These networks capture all possible features of cells and are responsible for the immense levels of adaptation characteristic to living systems. At any point in time only small subsets of these networks are active. Any active subset of the GRN leads to the expression of particular sets of molecules (expression modes). The subsets of active networks change over time, leading to the observed complex dynamics of expression patterns. Understanding of this dynamics becomes increasingly important in systems biology and medicine. While the importance of transcription rates and catalytic interactions has been widely recognized in modeling genetic regulatory systems, the understanding of the role of degradation of biochemical agents (mRNA, protein) in regulatory dynamics remains limited. Recent experimental data suggests that there exists a functional relation between mRNA and protein decay rates and expression modes. In this paper we propose a model for the dynamics of successions of sequences of active subnetworks of the GRN. The model is able to reproduce key characteristics of molecular dynamics, including homeostasis, multi-stability, periodic dynamics, alternating activity, differentiability, and self-organized critical dynamics. Moreover the model allows to naturally understand the mechanism behind the relation between decay rates and expression modes. The model explains recent experimental observations that decay-rates (or turnovers) vary between differentiated tissue-classes at a general systemic level and highlights the role of intracellular decay rate control mechanisms in cell differentiation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    The emergence of waves in random discrete systems

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    Essential criteria for the emergence of wave-like manifestations occurring in an entirely discrete system are identified using a simple model for the movement of particles through a network. The dynamics are entirely stochastic and memoryless involving a birth-death-migration process. The requirements are that the network should have at least three nodes, that migration should have a directional bias, and that the particle dynamics have a non-local dependence. Well defined bifurcations mark transitions between amorphous, wave-like and collapsed states with an intermittent regime between the latter two