48 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Gear Condition Indicator Performance on Rotorcraft Fleet

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    The U.S. Army is currently expanding its fleet of Health Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) equipped aircraft at significant rates, to now include over 1,000 rotorcraft. Two different on-board HUMS, the Honeywell Modern Signal Processing Unit (MSPU) and the Goodrich Integrated Vehicle Health Management System (IVHMS), are collecting vibration health data on aircraft that include the Apache, Blackhawk, Chinook, and Kiowa Warrior. The objective of this paper is to recommend the most effective gear condition indicators for fleet use based on both a theoretical foundation and field data. Gear diagnostics with better performance will be recommended based on both a theoretical foundation and results of in-fleet use. In order to evaluate the gear condition indicator performance on rotorcraft fleets, results of more than five years of health monitoring for gear faults in the entire HUMS equipped Army helicopter fleet will be presented. More than ten examples of gear faults indicated by the gear CI have been compiled and each reviewed for accuracy. False alarms indications will also be discussed. Performance data from test rigs and seeded fault tests will also be presented. The results of the fleet analysis will be discussed, and a performance metric assigned to each of the competing algorithms. Gear fault diagnostic algorithms that are compliant with ADS-79A will be recommended for future use and development. The performance of gear algorithms used in the commercial units and the effectiveness of the gear CI as a fault identifier will be assessed using the criteria outlined in the standards in ADS-79A-HDBK, an Army handbook that outlines the conversion from Reliability Centered Maintenance to the On-Condition status of Condition Based Maintenance

    Data Fusion Tool for Spiral Bevel Gear Condition Indicator Data

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    Tests were performed on two spiral bevel gear sets in the NASA Glenn Spiral Bevel Gear Fatigue Test Rig to simulate the fielded failures of spiral bevel gears installed in a helicopter. Gear sets were tested until damage initiated and progressed on two or more gear or pinion teeth. During testing, gear health monitoring data was collected with two different health monitoring systems. Operational parameters were measured with a third data acquisition system. Tooth damage progression was documented with photographs taken at inspection intervals throughout the test. A software tool was developed for fusing the operational data and the vibration based gear condition indicator (CI) data collected from the two health monitoring systems. Results of this study illustrate the benefits of combining the data from all three systems to indicate progression of damage for spiral bevel gears. The tool also enabled evaluation of the effectiveness of each CI with respect to operational conditions and fault mode

    Ancilla-assisted quantum process tomography

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    Complete and precise characterization of a quantum dynamical process can be achieved via the method of quantum process tomography. Using a source of correlated photons, we have implemented several methods investigating a wide range of processes, e.g., unitary, decohering, and polarizing. One of these methods, ancilla-assisted process tomography (AAPT), makes use of an additional ``ancilla system,'' and we have theoretically determined the conditions when AAPT is possible. All prior schemes for AAPT make use of entangled states. Our results show that, surprisingly, entanglement is not required for AAPT, and we present process tomography data obtained using an input state that has no entanglement. However, the use of entanglement yields superior results.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Novel Cascaded Ultra Bright Pulsed Source of Polarization Entangled Photons

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    A new ultra bright pulsed source of polarization entangled photons has been realized using type-II phase matching in spontaneous parametric down conversion process in two cascaded crystals. The optical axes of the crystals are aligned in such a way that the extraordinarily (ordinarily) polarized cone from one crystal overlaps with the ordinarily (extraordinarily) polarized cone from the second crystal. This spatial overlapping removes the association between the polarization and the output angle of the photons that exist in a single type-II down conversion process. Hence, entanglement of photons originating from any point on the output cones is possible if a suitable optical delay line is used. This delay line is particularly simple and easy to implement.Comment: 8 pages 8 figure

    Maximally entangled mixed states: Creation and concentration

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    Using correlated photons from parametric downconversion, we extend the boundaries of experimentally accessible two-qubit Hilbert space. Specifically, we have created and characterized maximally entangled mixed states (MEMS) that lie above the Werner boundary in the linear entropy-tangle plane. In addition, we demonstrate that such states can be efficiently concentrated, simultaneously increasing both the purity and the degree of entanglement. We investigate a previously unsuspected sensitivity imbalance in common state measures, i.e., the tangle, linear entropy, and fidelity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted versio

    Time-dependent distinguishability: Choosing to be a wave or a particle

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    Interference experiments with connected parametric down-converters have demonstrated that the possibility, in principle, of identifying the photon path through the interferometer is sufficient to wipe out all interference, irrespective of whether the identification is actually made. The distinguishability of the photon path can be controlled by a time-dependent shutter, which leaves the choice whether the photon behaves as a wave or as a particle in the experimenter's hands. By contrast, in some more recent experiments involving the addition of a low-Q cavity, each idler photon makes the choice whether the associated signal photon behaves like a wave and exhibits interference, or like a particle

    Generating Entangled Two-Photon States with Coincident Frequencies

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    It is shown that parametric downconversion, with a short-duration pump pulse and a long nonlinear crystal that is appropriately phase matched, can produce a frequency-entangled biphoton state whose individual photons are coincident in frequency. Quantum interference experiments which distinguish this state from the familiar time-coincident biphoton state are described.Comment: Revised version (a typo was corrected) as published on PR

    Tailoring Single and Multiphoton Probabilities of a Single Photon On-Demand Source

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    As typically implemented, single photon sources cannot be made to produce single photons with high probability, while simultaneously suppressing the probability of yielding two or more photons. Because of this, single photon sources cannot really produce single photons on demand. We describe a multiplexed system that allows the probabilities of producing one and more photons to be adjusted independently, enabling a much better approximation of a source of single photons on demand.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, 2 figures, twocolumn and RevTex Style for PR

    An entangled two photon source using biexciton emission of an asymmetric quantum dot in a cavity

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    A semiconductor based scheme has been proposed for generating entangled photon pairs from the radiative decay of an electrically-pumped biexciton in a quantum dot. Symmetric dots produce polarisation entanglement, but experimentally-realised asymmetric dots produce photons entangled in both polarisation and frequency. In this work, we investigate the possibility of erasing the `which-path' information contained in the frequencies of the photons produced by asymmetric quantum dots to recover polarisation-entangled photons. We consider a biexciton with non-degenerate intermediate excitonic states in a leaky optical cavity with pairs of degenerate cavity modes close to the non-degenerate exciton transition frequencies. An open quantum system approach is used to compute the polarisation entanglement of the two-photon state after it escapes from the cavity, measured by the visibility of two-photon interference fringes. We explicitly relate the two-photon visibility to the degree of Bell-inequality violation, deriving a threshold at which Bell-inequality violations will be observed. Our results show that an ideal cavity will produce maximally polarisation-entangled photon pairs, and even a non-ideal cavity will produce partially entangled photon pairs capable of violating a Bell-inequality.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR