80 research outputs found

    Value of distributed water level and soil moisture data in the evaluation of a distributed hydrological model: Application to the PUMMA model in the Mercier catchment (6.6 km2) in France

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    This paper emphasizes the importance of integrating outlet discharge and observed internal variables in the evaluation of distributed hydrological models outputs. It proposes a general methodology for a diagnostic evaluation of a complex distributed hydrological model, based on discharge data at the outlet and additional distributed information such as water level and surface soil moisture data. The proposed methodology is illustrated using the PUMMA model in the Mercier sub-catchment (6.6 km2). Model parameters are specified according to field data and a previous study performed in a neighbouring catchment (Jankowfsky et al., 2014), without calibration. The distributed water level and soil moisture network of sensors were useful in the model evaluation process. Thus, model parameters are specified either using in situ information or results from previous studies. A stepwise approach is used for model evaluation. It includes standard water balance assessment as well as comparison of observed and simulated outlet discharge, whether on annual or event timescales. Soil moisture sensors are used to assess the ability of the model to simulate seasonal water storage dynamics based on a normalized index. The water level sensors network is used on two timescales: on a seasonal timescale, sensors network is used to assess the model’s ability to simulate intermittency; whereas on event timescales, sensors network is used in determining the model’s ability to reproduce observed reaction as well as response times. Event timescales do also focus on the correlation between hydrological response and either rainfall event or antecedent soil moisture variables. Results show that the non-calibrated model is quite effective at capturing water flow and soil water-storage dynamics, but it fails to reproduce observed runoff volume during events. There is strong indication of a deficiency in the characterization of catchment storage and upstream flowpath description. The soil water content and a network of water level sensors provide interesting information about soil moisture and river flow dynamics. They however fail to provide quantitative information about catchment storage. This study opens interesting perspectives for the evaluation of distributed hydrological models using hydrological signatures. Furthermore, it highlights the requirement of quantitative as well as qualitative signatures for improving such models


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    National audienceLe projet Rosenhy vise à étudier l’impact de l’occupation du sol sur la modélisation météorologique et hydrologique en termes de flux énergétiques et hydriques, en milieu urbain et périurbain. Trois sites appartenant aux observatoires français OTHU et ONEVU sont au centre de ce projet. Le quartier urbain hétérogène du Pin sec (Nantes), imperméabilisé à environ 45%, a fait l’objet d’une campagne expérimentale durant le mois de juin 2012, visant à estimer les flux de chaleur sensible et latente avec une haute résolution spatiale et temporelle par rapport aux mesures réalisées en continu sur ce site depuis 5 ans. Deux bassins versant périurbains (La Chézine à Nantes et l’Yzeron à Lyon), avec un taux d’imperméabilisation moins important (environ 10%) mais grandissant depuis plusieurs décennies, sont aussi étudiés. Ces deux derniers sites bénéficient d’un suivi hydrométéorologique depuis 10 ans pour la Chézine et 15 ans pour l’Yzeron. Sur ces trois sites, différentes sources de données d’occupation du sol à différentes résolutions sont disponibles :différentes bases de données géographiques communément utilisées par la communauté scientifique et les collectivités et des données télédétectées (multispectrales et hyperspectrales). L’utilisation de ces données en entrée de différents modèles météorologiques et hydrologiques implique un travail d’analyse et de classification pour adapter les informations aux besoins des modèles. Dans ce projet, les différents modèles adaptés au milieu urbain ou périrubain sont évalués et améliorés. Ainsi, les modèles hydrologiques périrubains sont en développement pour prendre en compte les différentes pratiques de gestion des eaux pluviales existantes (noues, toitures végétalisées, ...). L’utilisation conjointe des données simulées par les différents modèles aidera à déterminer le rôle de la part des surfaces naturelles et artificielles sur les bilans énergétique et hydrique en milieu plus ou moins urbanisé. Le milieu périurbain étant en évolution, le projet s’intéressera aussi à des scénarios d’urbanisation prospectifs en regardant d’une part l’impact de la densification sur les scénarios construits pour l’Yzeron lors du projet AVuPUR (ANR-VMCS, 2008-2011) et d’autre part, en réfléchissant conjointement avec Nantes Métropole, aux possibles voies d’évolution sur le bassin de la Chézine

    Expanding the clinical spectrum of hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis due to <i>FAM111B </i>mutations

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    BACKGROUND: Hereditary Fibrosing Poikiloderma (HFP) with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis (POIKTMP [MIM 615704]) is a very recently described entity of syndromic inherited poikiloderma. Previously by using whole exome sequencing in five families, we identified the causative gene, FAM111B (NM_198947.3), the function of which is still unknown. Our objective in this study was to better define the specific features of POIKTMP through a larger series of patients. METHODS: Clinical and molecular data of two families and eight independent sporadic cases, including six new cases, were collected. RESULTS: Key features consist of: (i) early-onset poikiloderma, hypotrichosis and hypohidrosis; (ii) multiple contractures, in particular triceps surae muscle contractures; (iii) diffuse progressive muscular weakness; (iv) pulmonary fibrosis in adulthood and (v) other features including exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, liver impairment and growth retardation. Muscle magnetic resonance imaging was informative and showed muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration. Histological examination of skeletal muscle revealed extensive fibroadipose tissue infiltration. Microscopy of the skin showed a scleroderma-like aspect with fibrosis and alterations of the elastic network. FAM111B gene analysis identified five different missense variants (two recurrent mutations were found respectively in three and four independent families). All the mutations were predicted to localize in the trypsin-like cysteine/serine peptidase domain of the protein. We suggest gain-of-function or dominant-negative mutations resulting in FAM111B enzymatic activity changes. CONCLUSIONS: HFP with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis, is a multisystemic disorder due to autosomal dominant FAM111B mutations. Future functional studies will help in understanding the specific pathological process of this fibrosing disorder

    Leptospira species and serovars identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry after database implementation

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    Background: Leptospirosis, a spirochaetal zoonotic disease of worldwide distribution, endemic in Europe, has been recognized as an important emerging infectious disease, though yet it is mostly a neglected disease which imparts its greatest burden on impoverished populations from developing countries. Leptospirosis is caused by the infection with any of the more than 230 serovars of pathogenic Leptospira sp. In this study we aimed to implement the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) database currently available in our laboratory with Leptospira reference pathogenic (L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, L. kirschneri, L. noguchii), intermediate (L. fainei) and saprophytic (L. biflexa) strains of our collection in order to evaluate its possible application to the diagnosis of leptospirosis and to the typing of strains. This was done with the goal of understanding whether this methodology could be used as a tool for the identification of Leptospira strains, not only at species level for diagnostic purposes, but also at serovar level for epidemiological purposes, overcoming the limits of serological and molecular conventional methods. Twenty Leptospira reference strains were analysed by MALDI-TOF MS. Statistical analysis of the protein spectra was performed by ClinProTools software. Results: The spectra obtained by the analysis of the reference strains tested were grouped into 6 main classes corresponding to the species analysed, highlighting species-specific protein profiles. Moreover, the statistical analysis of the spectra identified discriminatory peaks to recognize Leptospira strains also at serovar level extending previously published data. Conclusions: In conclusion, we confirmed that MALDI-TOF MS could be a powerful tool for research and diagnostic in the field of leptospirosis with broad applications ranging from the detection and identification of pathogenic leptospires for diagnostic purposes to the typing of pathogenic and non-pathogenic leptospires for epidemiological purposes in order to enrich our knowledge about the epidemiology of the infection in different areas and generate control strategies

    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;2.05, 95%CI&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.39–3.02, p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.42, 95%CI&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.18–0.99, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon
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