74 research outputs found

    Detecting polyploidy and its role in diversification across Hydnum (Cantharellales)

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    Abstracts from the April 12-14, 2019 MASC Conferenc

    The relative ages of ectomycorrhizal mushrooms and their plant hosts estimated using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analyses

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    Background Ectomycorrhizae (ECM) are symbioses formed by polyphyletic assemblages of fungi (mostly Agaricomycetes) and plants (mostly Pinaceae and angiosperms in the rosid clade). Efforts to reconstruct the evolution of the ECM habit in Agaricomycetes have yielded vastly different results, ranging from scenarios with many relatively recent origins of the symbiosis and no reversals to the free-living condition; a single ancient origin of ECM and many subsequent transitions to the free-living condition; or multiple gains and losses of the association. To test the plausibility of these scenarios, we performed Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analyses including fungi, plants, and other eukaryotes, based on the principle that a symbiosis cannot evolve prior to the origin of both partners. As we were primarily interested in the relative ages of the plants and fungi, we did not attempt to calibrate the molecular clock using the very limited fossil record of Agaricomycetes. Results Topologically constrained and unconstrained analyses suggest that the root node of the Agaricomycetes is much older than either the rosids or Pinaceae. The Agaricomycetidae, a large clade containing the Agaricales and Boletales (collectively representing 70% of Agaricomycetes), is also significantly older than the rosids. The relative age of Agaricomycetidae and Pinaceae, however, is sensitive to tree topology, and the inclusion or exclusion of the gnetophyte Welwitschia mirabilis. Conclusion The ancestor of the Agaricomycetes could not have been an ECM species because it existed long before any of its potential hosts. Within more derived clades of Agaricomycetes, there have been at least eight independent origins of ECM associations involving angiosperms, and at least six to eight origins of associations with gymnosperms. The first ECM symbioses may have involved Pinaceae, which are older than rosids, but several major clades of Agaricomycetes, such as the Boletales and Russulales, are young enough to have been plesiomorphically associated with either rosids or Pinaceae, suggesting that some contemporary ECM partnerships could be of very ancient origin

    A Phylogenetic Classification of the Inocybaceae

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    Abstract Matheny recently recognized seven major lineages composed of Inocybe and allies. Clade names were proposed for each lineage with a suggestion to recognize each informally at the generic rank within the family Inocybaceae. Here, additional taxonomic ramifications are discussed in contrast to other alternative classifications. Generic status for the seven major lineages of Inocybaceae is discussed, taking into consideration a global sample of taxa. A key to major clades and genera is provided

    1,303 generic names of agarics and Agaricales: Where are they now?

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    Abstracts from the April 12-14, 2019 MASC Conferenc

    Six new species and reports of Hydnum (Cantharellales) from eastern North America

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    Five species of Hydnum have been generally recognized from eastern North America based on morphological recognition: H. albidum, H. albomagnum, H. repandum and varieties, H. rufescens, and H.umbilicatum. Other unique North American species, such as H. caespitosum and H. washingtonianum, are either illegitimately named or considered synonymous with European taxa. Here, seventeen phylogenetic species of Hydnum are detected from eastern North America based on a molecular phylogenetic survey of ITS sequences from herbarium collections and GenBank data, including environmental sequences. Based on current distribution results, sixteen of these species appear endemic to North America. Of these, six species are described as new: H. alboaurantiacum, H. cuspidatum, H. ferruginescens, H. subconnatum, H. subtilior, and H. vagabundum. Geographic range extensions and taxonomic notes are provided for five additional species recently described as new from eastern North America. A new name, H. geminum, is proposed for H.caespitosum Banning ex Peck, non Valenti. Overall, species of Hydnum are best recognized by a combination of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Taxonomic descriptions are provided for seventeen species, including epitype designations for H. albidum, H. albomagnum, and H. umbilicatum, taxa described more than 100 years ago, and molecular annotation of the isotype of H. washingtonianum. Photographs and a key to eastern North American Hydnum species are presented

    Evolution of the Toxins Muscarine and Psilocybin in a Family of Mushroom-Forming Fungi

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    Mushroom-forming fungi produce a wide array of toxic alkaloids. However, evolutionary analyses aimed at exploring the evolution of muscarine, a toxin that stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, and psilocybin, a hallucinogen, have never been performed. The known taxonomic distribution of muscarine within the Inocybaceae is limited, based only on assays of species from temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Here, we present a review of muscarine and psilocybin assays performed on species of Inocybaceae during the last fifty years. To supplement these results, we used liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) to determine whether muscarine was present in 30 new samples of Inocybaceae, the majority of which have not been previously assayed or that originated from either the tropics or temperate regions of the southern hemisphere. Our main objective is to test the hypothesis that the presence of muscarine is a shared ancestral feature of the Inocybaceae. In addition, we also test whether species of Inocyabceae that produce psilocybin are monophyletic. Our findings suggest otherwise. Muscarine has evolved independently on several occasions, together with several losses. We also detect at least two independent transitions of muscarine-free lineages to psilocybin-producing states. Although not ancestral for the family as a whole, muscarine is a shared derived trait for an inclusive clade containing three of the seven major lineages of Inocybaceae (the Inocybe, Nothocybe, and Pseudosperma clades), the common ancestor of which may have evolved ca. 60 million years ago. Thus, muscarine represents a conserved trait followed by several recent losses. Transitions to psilocybin from muscarine-producing ancestors occurred more recently between 10–20 million years ago after muscarine loss in two separate lineages. Statistical analyses firmly reject a single origin of muscarine-producing taxa. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.006464

    Evolution of the Toxins Muscarine and Psilocybin in a Family of Mushroom-Forming Fungi

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    Mushroom-forming fungi produce a wide array of toxic alkaloids. However, evolutionary analyses aimed at exploring the evolution of muscarine, a toxin that stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, and psilocybin, a hallucinogen, have never been performed. The known taxonomic distribution of muscarine within the Inocybaceae is limited, based only on assays of species from temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Here, we present a review of muscarine and psilocybin assays performed on species of Inocybaceae during the last fifty years. To supplement these results, we used liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) to determine whether muscarine was present in 30 new samples of Inocybaceae, the majority of which have not been previously assayed or that originated from either the tropics or temperate regions of the southern hemisphere. Our main objective is to test the hypothesis that the presence of muscarine is a shared ancestral feature of the Inocybaceae. In addition, we also test whether species of Inocyabceae that produce psilocybin are monophyletic. Our findings suggest otherwise. Muscarine has evolved independently on several occasions, together with several losses. We also detect at least two independent transitions of muscarine-free lineages to psilocybin-producing states. Although not ancestral for the family as a whole, muscarine is a shared derived trait for an inclusive clade containing three of the seven major lineages of Inocybaceae (the Inocybe, Nothocybe, and Pseudosperma clades), the common ancestor of which may have evolved ca. 60 million years ago. Thus, muscarine represents a conserved trait followed by several recent losses. Transitions to psilocybin from muscarine-producing ancestors occurred more recently between 10–20 million years ago after muscarine loss in two separate lineages. Statistical analyses firmly reject a single origin of muscarine-producing taxa. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.006464

    Six simple guidelines for introducing new genera of fungi

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    We formulate five guidelines for introducing new genera, plus one recommendation how to publish the results of scientific research. We recommend that reviewers and editors adhere to these guidelines. We propose that the underlying research is solid, and that the results and the final solutions are properly discussed. The six criteria are: (1) all genera that are recognized should be monophyletic; (2) the coverage of the phylogenetic tree should be wide in number of species, geographic coverage, and type species of the genera under study; (3) the branching of the phylogenetic trees has to have sufficient statistical support; (4) different options for the translation of the phylogenetic tree into a formal classification should be discussed and the final decision justified; (5) the phylogenetic evidence should be based on more than one gene; and (6) all supporting evidence and background information should be included in the publication in which the new taxa are proposed, and this publication should be peer-reviewed

    An overview of the higher level classification of Pucciniomycotina based on combined analyses of nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequences

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    Mycologia, Vol. 98, nº6In this study we provide a phylogenetically based introduction to the classes and orders of Pucciniomycotina (5Urediniomycetes), one of three subphyla of Basidiomycota. More than 8000 species of Pucciniomycotina have been described including putative saprotrophs and parasites of plants, animals and fungi. The overwhelming majority of these(,90%) belong to a single order of obligate plant pathogens, the Pucciniales (5Uredinales), or rust fungi. We have assembled a dataset of previously published and newly generated sequence data from two nuclear rDNA genes (large subunit and small subunit) including exemplars from all known major groups in order to test hypotheses about evolutionary relationships among the Pucciniomycotina. The utility of combining nuc-lsu sequences spanning the entire D1-D3 region with complete nuc-ssu sequences for resolution and support of nodes is discussed. Our study confirms Pucciniomycotina as a monophyletic group of Basidiomycota. In total our results support eight major clades ranked as classes (Agaricostilbomycetes, Atractiellomycetes, Classiculomycetes,Cryptomycocolacomycetes,Cystobasidiomycetes, Microbotryomycetes,Mixiomycetes and Pucciniomycetes) and 18 orders

    A phylogenetic evaluation of the tribe Leucopaxilleae: polyphyly, the LPD grade, and novel taxa from the Southern Appalachians

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    The tribe Leucopaxilleae Singer comprises eight genera that have been placed at various taxonomic ranks. Phylogenetic analysis of a four-gene region supermatrix (nuclear rRNA regions, rpb2) shows the tribe to be highly polyphyletic, with genera distributed in the Tricholomatoid, Marasmioid, Hygrophoroid and Pluteoid clades. Leucopaxillus, Porpoloma and Dennisiomyces, occur in the Tricholomatoid clade. Dennisiomyces, primarily a neotropical genus, has not been previously considered part of the Leucopaxilleae. We present preliminary data that suggest Dennisiomyces is closely related to Leucopaxillus and Porpoloma forming the \u27LPD\u27 grade (or clade) from which the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) genus Tricholoma appears to be derived. These results also suggest that Leucopaxillus and Porpoloma are polyphyletic. Additionally, three unknown species that form a clade nested in the \u27LPD\u27 grade have been collected recently from the Southern Appalachians of the southeast United States. They are distinguished from other species in the grade by possession of distinct cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia, presence of clamp connections, and inamyloid smooth spores. At present, we are unable to ascribe any known genus to this apparent endemic group
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