9 research outputs found

    Multiscale study of mononuclear Co-II SMMs based on curcuminoid ligands

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    This work introduces a novel family of Co-II species having a curcuminoid (CCMoid) ligand, 9Accm, attached, namely [Co(9Accm)(2)(py)(2)] (1) and [Co(9Accm)(2)(2,2'-bpy)] (2), achieved in high yields by the use of a microwave reactor, and exhibiting two different arrangements for the 9Accm ligands, described as 'cis'(2) and 'trans'(1). The study of the similarities/differences of the magnetic, luminescent and surface behaviors of the two new species, 1 and 2, is the main objective of the present work. The determined single-crystal structures of both compounds are the only Co-II-CCMoid structures described in the literature so far. Both compounds exhibit large positive D values, that of 1 (D = +74 cm(-1)) being three times larger than that of 2 (D = +24 cm(-1)), and behave as mononuclear Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs) in the presence of an external magnetic field. Their similar structures but different anisotropy and SMM characteristics provide, for the first time, deep insight on the spin-orbital effects thanks to the use of CASSCF/NEVPT2 calculations implementing such contributions. Further magnetic studies were performed in solution by means of paramagnetic H-1 NMR, where both compounds (1 and 2) are stable in CDCl3 and display high symmetry. Paramagnetic NMR appears to be a useful diagnostic tool for the identification of such molecules in solution, where the resonance values found for the methine group (-CH-) of 9Accm vary significantly depending on the cis or trans disposition of the ligands. Fluorescence studies show that both systems display chelation enhancement of quenching (CHEQ) with regard to the free ligand, while 1 and 2 display similar quantum yields. Deposition of 1-2 on HOPG and Si(100) surfaces using spin-coating was studied using AFM; UV photoemission experiments under the same conditions display 2 as the most robust system. The measured occupied density of states of 2 with UV photoemission is in excellent agreement with theoretical DFT calculations

    Mortality Attributable to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Spain in 2020

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    Introduction and objectives: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of ETS exposure in Spain on mortality in 2020 in the population aged 35 years and over. Methods: A method of estimating attributable mortality (AM) based on the prevalence of ETS exposure was applied. Prevalence data were obtained from a representative study conducted in Spain and the relative risks were derived from a meta-analysis. AM point estimates are presented along with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), calculated using a bootstrap naive procedure. AM, both overall and by smoking habit, was estimated for each combination of sex, age group, and cause of death (lung cancer and ischemic heart disease). A sensitivity analysis was performed. Results: A total of 747 (95% CI 676–825) deaths were attributable to ETS exposure, of which 279 (95% CI 256–306) were caused by lung cancer, and 468 (95% CI 417–523) by ischemic heart disease. Three quarters (75.1%) of AM occurred in men and 60.9% in non-smokers. When chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cerebrovascular disease are included, the burden of AM is estimated at 2242 deaths. Conclusions: ETS exposure is associated with 1.5% of all deaths from lung cancer and ischemic heart disease in the population aged 35 and over. These data underline the need for health authorities to focus on reducing exposure to ETS in all settings and environmentsInstituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), reference: PI22/00727, co-funded by the European UnionS

    Comisión de cuidados, propuestas para una agenda

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    Los cuidados, actividades altamente feminizadas, requieren ser reconocidos, remunerados y redistribuidos entre el Estado, el mercado, la comunidad y las mujeres y los varones. Es necesario arribar a un "Pacto Social por los Cuidados" e implementar una agenda de políticas públicas que entrelacen la generación de empleo con las necesidades de cuidado. Entre los impactos esperados con la inclusión de esta agenda se cuentan: el desarrollo de los derechos humanos básicos de las niñas y los niños, la reducción de la pobreza, la reactivación de la economía y la reducción de las desigualdades sociales y de género.Fil: Franganillo, Virginia. No especifíca;Fil: Cirmi Obon, Lucia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas Públicas; ArgentinaFil: Roig, Alexandre. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Brandariz, Carolina. Unión de Trabajadores de la Educación; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Maria Jose. Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social; ArgentinaFil: Cangenova, Cristian. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Barba, Estela. No especifíca;Fil: Panigo, Demian Tupac. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Raimundo, Nancy. No especifíca

    Multiscale study of mononuclear Co" SMMs based on curcuminoid ligands

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    This work introduces a novel family of Co" species having a curcuminoid (CCMoid) ligand, 9Accm, attached, namely [Co(9Accm)₂(py)₂] (1) and [Co(9Accm)₂(2,20-bpy)] (2), achieved in high yields by the use of a microwave reactor, and exhibiting two different arrangements for the 9Accm ligands, described as "cis"(2) and "trans"(1). The study of the similarities/differences of the magnetic, luminescent and surface behaviors of the two new species, 1 and 2, is the main objective of the present work. The determined single-crystal structures of both compounds are the only Co"-CCMoid structures described in the literature so far. Both compounds exhibit large positive D values, that of 1 (D = +74 cm⁻¹) being three times larger than that of 2 (D = +24 cm⁻¹), and behave as mononuclear Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs) in the presence of an external magnetic field. Their similar structures but different anisotropy and SMM characteristics provide, for the first time, deep insight on the spin-orbital effects thanks to the use of CASSCF/NEVPT2 calculations implementing such contributions. Further magnetic studies were performed in solution by means of paramagnetic ¹H NMR, where both compounds (1 and 2) are stable in CDCl₃ and display high symmetry. Paramagnetic NMR appears to be a useful diagnostic tool for the identification of such molecules in solution, where the resonance values found for the methine group (-CH-) of 9Accm vary significantly depending on the cis or trans disposition of the ligands. Fluorescence studies show that both systems display chelation enhancement of quenching (CHEQ) with regard to the free ligand, while 1 and 2 display similar quantum yields. Deposition of 1-2 on HOPG and Si(100) surfaces using spin-coating was studied using AFM; UV photoemission experiments under the same conditions display 2 as the most robust system. The measured occupied density of states of 2 with UV photoemission is in excellent agreement with theoretical DFT calculations

    Multiscale study of mononuclear Co" SMMs based on curcuminoid ligands

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    This work introduces a novel family of Co" species having a curcuminoid (CCMoid) ligand, 9Accm, attached, namely [Co(9Accm)₂(py)₂] (1) and [Co(9Accm)₂(2,20-bpy)] (2), achieved in high yields by the use of a microwave reactor, and exhibiting two different arrangements for the 9Accm ligands, described as "cis"(2) and "trans"(1). The study of the similarities/differences of the magnetic, luminescent and surface behaviors of the two new species, 1 and 2, is the main objective of the present work. The determined single-crystal structures of both compounds are the only Co"-CCMoid structures described in the literature so far. Both compounds exhibit large positive D values, that of 1 (D = +74 cm⁻¹) being three times larger than that of 2 (D = +24 cm⁻¹), and behave as mononuclear Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs) in the presence of an external magnetic field. Their similar structures but different anisotropy and SMM characteristics provide, for the first time, deep insight on the spin-orbital effects thanks to the use of CASSCF/NEVPT2 calculations implementing such contributions. Further magnetic studies were performed in solution by means of paramagnetic ¹H NMR, where both compounds (1 and 2) are stable in CDCl₃ and display high symmetry. Paramagnetic NMR appears to be a useful diagnostic tool for the identification of such molecules in solution, where the resonance values found for the methine group (-CH-) of 9Accm vary significantly depending on the cis or trans disposition of the ligands. Fluorescence studies show that both systems display chelation enhancement of quenching (CHEQ) with regard to the free ligand, while 1 and 2 display similar quantum yields. Deposition of 1-2 on HOPG and Si(100) surfaces using spin-coating was studied using AFM; UV photoemission experiments under the same conditions display 2 as the most robust system. The measured occupied density of states of 2 with UV photoemission is in excellent agreement with theoretical DFT calculations

    Artificial Intelligence Tools for Teaching and Learning in Communication: Challenges, Possibilities, Netiquette

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    El proyecto de innovación docente titulado Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial para la docencia y el aprendizaje en Comunicación: retos, posibilidades, netetiquetas, aborda las herramientas de IA para conocer y explotar sus posibilidades en estudios de Comunicación, desde una perspectiva ética, deontológica, creativa y de empoderamiento para la docencia y el aprendizaje en las aulas. ChatGPT ha actualizado y avivado los retos y problemas que la Inteligencia Artificial puede llevar a las aulas. Como modelo de lenguaje avanzado, basado en inteligencia artificial, el chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer es una herramienta muy útil para la generación de textos. Sin embargo, los docentes advierten sus contradicciones y peligros: al ser un modelo generativo, puede generar textos aleatorios o irrelevantes; los estudiantes pueden utilizarlo para hacer trabajos sin apenas esfuerzo, mermando sus capacidades de lectura, redacción y autoaprendizaje; y el fraude, no detectable por los tradicionales programas de antiplagio, hace que sea casi indetectable. No obstante, este proyecto quiere analizar esos problemas para educar a profesorado y alumnado en la búsqueda de las herramientas positivas que la IA y ChatGPT, entre otras inteligencias artificiales, pueden brindarnos. Para ello, se analizará la famosa herramienta (en su recién estrenada versión 4.0 al cierre de esta solicitud) y otras herramientas de IA que son útiles para la docencia, aprendizaje y preparación profesional de estudiantes de Comunicación (Lumen5, Hugging Face, Canva, CopyAI, Prismas, Jasper, Artssy, Runway, Fliki, Resemble, Capcut, Gradescope, Scribble Diffusion, Midjourney, Wombo, Crayon, Grammarly, Deepl entre otras). Todas ellas conforman el proceso creativo completo de creación de textos y contenidos de comunicación, con todos los posibles ingredientes: texto, imagen, vídeo, voz, avatares, ilustraciones, dibujos, interacciones. No se pretende que la máquina trabaje por el comunicador, sino que la máquina inspire, guíe y corrija un contenido humano y humanizado.The teaching innovation project entitled Artificial Intelligence Tools for teaching and learning in Communication: challenges, possibilities, netiquette, addresses AI tools in order to learn about and exploit their possibilities in Communication studies, from an ethical, deontological, creative and empowering perspective for teaching and learning in the classroom. ChatGPT has updated and enlivened the challenges and problems that Artificial Intelligence can bring to the classroom. As an advanced, AI-based language model, the chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer is a very useful tool for text generation. However, teachers warn of its contradictions and dangers: being a generative model, it can generate random or irrelevant texts; students can use it to do work with little effort, undermining their reading, writing and self-learning skills; and fraud, undetectable by traditional anti-plagiarism programmes, makes it almost undetectable. However, this project aims to analyse these problems in order to educate teachers and students in the search for the positive tools that AI and ChatGPT, among other artificial intelligences, can provide us with. To do so, we will analyse the famous tool (in its recently released version 4.0 at the closing of this application) and other AI tools that are useful for teaching, learning and professional preparation of Communication students (Lumen5, Hugging Face, Canva, CopyAI, Prismas, Jasper, Artssy, Runway, Fliki, Resemble, Capcut, Gradescope, Scribble Diffusion, Midjourney, Wombo, Crayon, Grammarly, Deepl among others). All of them make up the complete creative process of creating texts and communication content, with all the possible ingredients: text, image, video, voice, avatars, illustrations, drawings, interactions. The aim is not for the machine to work for the communicator, but for the machine to inspire, guide and correct human and humanised content.Oficina para la Calidad UCMDepto. de Periodismo y Nuevos MediosFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónFALSEsubmitte

    Sound Pills: Voice as a classroom innovation for equality and inclusion (podcasting, Discord, Twitter, Clubhouse)

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    El proyecto de innovación docente 2022-2023, titulado Píldoras sonoras: la voz como innovación en el aula para la igualdad y la inclusión (podcasting, Discord, Twitter, Clubhouse), aúna un equipo interdisciplinar de profesorado UCM y profesorado externo (de España y del extranjero), PAS, alumnado de Grado, Máster y Doctorado, una becaria de colaboración, dos becarios FPI UCM-Banco Santander y un becario FPU (doctorado). Todos sus integrantes son expertos docentes y/o investigadores en nuevas tecnologías, innovación docente y auto-aprendizaje, redes sociales, voz y podcasting. Durante la crisis de la COVID-19, se adaptaron perfectamente a la docencia virtual online y gran parte de ellos cuenta con experiencia en docencia online completa, en programas oficiales a distancia, previos al confinamiento. En este nuevo entorno, que se erige como el futuro inmediato, se ha detectado el crecimiento del uso de las redes sociales y repositorios de voz y de podcasting, frente a las redes sociales de fotografía y vídeo, que requieren de mejores dispositivos, mejor acceso Internet y en ocasiones, conocimientos avanzados de edición de vídeo y sonido. Sin embargo, la voz humana es una herramienta primordial, gratuita y accesible para todos y todas. No requiere de infraestructura, ni de logística previa y gracias a ello, elimina la brecha tecnológica por motivos de desigualdad económica, de edad, de formación y de género.Oficina para la Calidad, Vicerrectorado de Calidad, Universidad Complutense de MadridDepto. de Periodismo y Nuevos MediosFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónFALSEsubmitte