318 research outputs found

    Becoming an entrepreneurial university: characteristics, models and impact on external environment

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    Theliterature review describes howtwo academic revolutions changed the characteristics of universities towards the external environment,leading them to act as enterprises. The purpose is to analyse the models that universities have been developing, the factors that influence their activities and the consequences of universities’ entrepreneurial behaviour. To do so, the literature review evaluated academic papers and relevant publications. The analysis shows that entrepreneurial universities developed new missions to allow them to have a stronger impact on the external environment. To conclude, future research could describe a third academic revolution that is leading to the advancement of sustainable universities

    Local anesthetic infiltration vs. nervous blocks in face’s skin lesions: what’s new

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    Skin tumors are the most common type of cancer. They are localized throughout the body, more frequently in those regions chronically exposed to sun, like face, scalp and neck, compromising aesthetic appearance. The optimization of day hospital surgical procedures is mandatory, to avoid erroneous indications, insufficient intra operative comfort and prolonged recovery. New guidelines should be discussed and shared. Patients were divided in two groups: i. Group A of 50 patients, 21 male and 29 female, age 65 ±9, ASA I – III (10/19/21), weight 68±11 kg, height 160±8, with anesthetic Local Infiltration (LI); ii. Group B of 50 patients, 16 male, 34 female, age 68 ±10, ASA I – III (9/22/19), weight 64 ± 9 kg, height 158 ±11, with nerve block (NB). The purpose of our study is to evaluate the analgesia level, compliance and complication rate after LI or selective NB with alkalinised mepivacaine cloridrate 2%, Guardant®. Demographic data, ASA physical stauts, size of lesions, surgery, anesthesia durations and volume of LA injected were analyzed. Fisher’s exact test and Student’s t test were used; P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. No differences in age (65 ± 9 vs 68 ± 10 years), weight (68 ± 11 vs 64 ± 9), height (160 ± 8 vs 158 ± 11 cm), size of lesion (23 ± 11 vs 25 ± 14 mm), duration of surgery (47 ± 18 vs 51 ± 23 minutes) were detected in two groups (p > 0.05). Both anesthetic techniques ensured good analgesia, but only nerve’s blocks were be able to determine satisfactory intra operative patient’s comfort, a bloodless wound and weak risk for nervous lesions and toxic reaction to local anesthetic

    A double nellix and chimney covered stents: challenging treatment of pararenal aortic aneurysm

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    A 77-year-old male patient presented with a symptomatic, 66-mm pararenal aortic aneurysm. The patient was classified as unsuitable for open surgery due to significant comorbidities. Fenestrated or branched endografts were contraindicated due to the poor iliac access (6 mm diameter). A double Nellix with chimney endovascular aneurysm sealing (ChEVAS) technique was selected to exclude the pararenal aortic aneurysm and to preserve renal arteries and the superior mesenteric artery. Technical preplanning considered the ideal proximal landing zone to be close to the origin of the almost occluded celiac trunk and the distal common iliac arteries as the ideal distal landing zone. The total length of the aorta to cover was estimated as >180 mm, requiring 2 aortic EVAS systems, bilaterally overlapped. Technical success was achieved, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 8 in good general condition. Successful aneurysm exclusion and target vessel patency without endoleak or stent-graft kinking or migration were confirmed at angio-computed tomography at 6 months

    GPR applications in mapping the subsurface root system of street trees with road safety-critical implications

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    Street trees are an essential element of urban life. They contribute to the social, economic and environmental development of the community and they form an integral landscaping, cultural and functional element of the infrastructure asset. However, the increasing urbanisation and the lack of resources and methodologies for the sustainable management of road infrastructures are leading to an uncontrolled growth of roots. This occurrence can cause substantial and progressive pavement damage such as cracking and uplifting of pavement surfaces and kerbing, thereby creating potential hazards for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. In addition, neglecting the decay of the principal roots may cause a tree to fall down with dramatic consequences. Within this context, the use of the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) non-destructive testing (NDT) method ensures a non-intrusive and cost-effective (low acquisition time and use of operators) assessment and monitoring of the subsurface anomalies and decays with minimum disturbance to traffic. This allows to plan strategic maintenance or repairing actions in order to prevent further worsening and, hence, road safety issues. This study reports a demonstration of the GPR potential in mapping the subsurface roots of street trees. To this purpose, the soil around a 70-year-old fir tree was investigated. A ground-coupled GPR system with central frequency antennas of 600 MHz and 1600 MHz was used for testing purposes. A pilot data processing methodology based on the conversion of the collected GPR data (600 MHz central frequency) from Cartesian to polar coordinates and the cross-match of information from several data visualisation modes have proven to identify effectively the three-dimensional path of tree roots


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    Scopo del presente lavoro di tesi è stata l'analisi, la realizzazione e la validazione di un dispositivo miniaturizzato per la retrazione di organi e/o tessuti addominali, quali intestino, appendici e colecisti, da utilizzare durante interventi di chirurgia minimamente invasiva (MIS). Una delle problematiche tecniche che nel tempo ha limitato l'affermarsi della chirurgia moderna nell'attuale panorama clinico riguarda proprio la mancanza di strumenti dedicati per task semplici quali la retrazione tissutale. Il dispositivo proposto sfrutta la forza di attrazione magnetica che si sviluppa tra due magneti permanenti posti uno all'esterno e uno all'interno dell'addome del paziente per retrarre organi o tessuti in maniera stabile, sicura e non invasiva. Per la validazione dell’efficacia e dell’applicabilità del sistema sono stati portati a termine diversi test sperimentali, che hanno coinvolto prove in-vitro, ex-vivo e si sono conclusi con test in-vivo su modello animale

    A stoichiometric solvent-free protocol for acetylation reactions

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    Considering the remarkable relevance of acetylated derivatives of phenols, alcohols, and aryl and alkyl thiols in different areas of biology, as well as in synthetic organic chemistry, a sustainable solvent-free approach to perform acetylation reactions is proposed here. Acetylation reactions are classically performed using excess of acetic anhydride (Ac2O) in solvent-free conditions or by eventually working with stoichiometric amounts of Ac2O in organic solvents; both methods require the addition of basic or acid catalysts to promote the esterification. Therefore, they usually lead to the generation of high amounts of wastes, which sensibly raise the E-factor of the process. With the aim to develop a more sustainable system, a solvent-free, stoichiometric acetylation protocol is, thus, proposed. The naturally occurring phenol, thymol, can be converted to the corresponding-biologically active-ester with good yields, in the presence of 1% of VOSO4. Interestingly, the process can be efficiently adopted to synthesize other thymyl esters, as well as to perform acetylation of alcohols and aryl and alkyl thiols. Remarkably, a further improvement has been achieved replacing Ac2O with its greener alternative, isopropenyl acetate (IPA)

    Evidence for a Sympatric Origin of Ribolla gialla, Gouais Blanc and Schiava cultivars (V. vinifera L.)

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    Ribolla gialla is an autochthonous grape variety cultivated in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) and in Slovenia, and probably originated in Eastern Central Europe. Just like Ribolla gialla, the Gouais blanc and Schiava cultivars also appear to have originated in the same geographical area. To verify this hypothesis, a pool of varieties probably sharing the same historical and geographical origin were taken into account. The fingerprinting, by 35 SSR loci, of Gouais blanc, Ribolla gialla, Schiava grossa and Schiava lombarda (synonyms of Schiava bresciana), is presented and the correlation among historical, geographical and genetic information of these cultivars was investigated. Gouais blanc and Traminer, already suggested as key varieties in the development of European grape diversity and as parents for some French varieties, interestingly enough seems to be linked to Ribolla gialla. The putative parentage was verified using 58 microsatellite markers. The genetic results suggest a common geographical origin for Gouais blanc, Ribolla gialla and the Schiava group: these cultivars appear to be related through sympatric origin. The hypothesis of Ribolla gialla as a progeny of Gouais blanc and Traminer was ruled out. The data proved a second-degree relationship between Gouais blanc and Ribolla gialla and a third or more distant degree of relationships between Ribolla gialla and Traminer

    Evidence for a Sympatric Origin of Ribolla gialla, Gouais Blanc and Schiava cultivars (V. vinifera L.)

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    Ribolla gialla is an autochthonous grape variety cultivated in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) and in Slovenia,and probably originated in Eastern Central Europe. Just like Ribolla gialla, the Gouais blanc and Schiavacultivars also appear to have originated in the same geographical area. To verify this hypothesis, a poolof varieties probably sharing the same historical and geographical origin were taken into account. Thefingerprinting, by 35 SSR loci, of Gouais blanc, Ribolla gialla, Schiava grossa and Schiava lombarda(synonyms of Schiava bresciana), is presented and the correlation among historical, geographical andgenetic information of these cultivars was investigated. Gouais blanc and Traminer, already suggested askey varieties in the development of European grape diversity and as parents for some French varieties,interestingly enough seems to be linked to Ribolla gialla. The putative parentage was verified using 58microsatellite markers. The genetic results suggest a common geographical origin for Gouais blanc,Ribolla gialla and the Schiava group: these cultivars appear to be related through sympatric origin. Thehypothesis of Ribolla gialla as a progeny of Gouais blanc and Traminer was ruled out. The data proved asecond-degree relationship between Gouais blanc and Ribolla gialla and a third or more distant degree ofrelationships between Ribolla gialla and Traminer

    Evaluation of the impact of pavement degradation on driving comfort and safety using a dynamic simulation model

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    The dynamic effects induced by vehicles on road pavement have been thoroughly analysed over years [1]. The main reason of such focus is the major influence exerted on the propagation and worsening of pavement damages by the dynamic loads rather than the static ones [2]. To date, the modelling theories of systems have evolved, along with the computational capability of modern calculators. To this effect, three-dimensional simulations of the tire-surface interaction [3, 4] are commonly used. The simulations take into account both the dynamics of the load and the consequent deformation of the pavement. However, previous studies aimed at analyzing the above interaction for the optimisation strategies of the maintenance activities within the context of effective road asset management. On the contrary, this work focuses on the safety-related issues by the dynamic effects suffered by the vehicle, when passing on different road defects. The goal of this study is to numerically analyse the kinematic and dynamic impacts of the pavement degradations (and in particular rutting) on the driving safety. The simulation of the main characteristics and evolution of the pavement damages over the time, such as the simulation of the tire-pavement contacts and the dynamic response on the vehicles, is a useful tool for developing safe and comprehensive rehabilitation programs. These are of paramount importance to limit the accident rates. The impact on driving safety was analysed using a simulation model for the simulation of the vehicles behaviour in the case of damaged pavements. Specifically, different road geometries and vehicle’s typologies were considered to evaluate the rutting effects on safety, as a function of the evolution stage of this pavement damage. In more detail, the performance characteristics of the vehicles, the dynamic and cinematic parameters (e.g. the vehicle trajectory and the vertical acceleration), were collected for increasingly rutted pavement conditions. The study proposes qualitative relationships between differing stages and location of rutting, and the consequent impacts on driving safety for different types of vehicles (passenger cars and powered two wheelers). It is important to emphasize how this analysis could be helpful to the road agencies in prioritizing maintenance actions on large-scale road assets. Prioritization will be mainly focused on the level of risk associated with pavement degradations
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