10 research outputs found

    Hydrogeological characterization of karst springs of the white (Proteus anguinus anguinus) and black olm (Proteus anguinus parkelj) habitat in Bela krajina (SE Slovenia)

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    The springs west of Črnomelj, in SE Slovenia, are the habitat of the black (Proteus anguinus parkelj) and the white olm (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Some of these springs are also the only known habitat in the world of endemic species of black olm. A steady decline in olm populations has been observed in this area over the past decades. Owing to the rapid runoff and groundwater flow high-resolution monitoring is essential in providing better insight into the hydrogeological characterization of the catchment area of springs. Specific factors and critical parameters of water behind said olm degradation have not yet been defined. Because the olm’s environment is largely aquatic, one potential critical parameter could be the higher water temperatures (>12 °C) or higher nitrate concentration (>9.2 mg/l). The six-month observation of the springs (July – December 2021) point to water temperature as a potential critical parameter since the water temperature of the springs exceeded 12 °C in months July and August. Nitrate concentrations could also be a second critical parameter in the degradation of the olm’s habitat. Maximum nitrate concentrations above 9.2 mg/l throughout much of the observation period (except for Dobličica spring). Due to less agricultural activity in December in the spring catchment area and a higher dilution rate due to reduced evapotranspiration and increased effective precipitation during this time of the year, the nitrate concentrations are decreased. The results of the measured parameters of groundwater could show the hydrogeological connection between the Otovski and Pački breg springs and between Šotor, Jamnice and Dobličica. The Obršec spring has an independent catchment area. A detailed estimation of the springs catchment area is possible due to a detailed geologic map. It is necessary to determine the origin of the nitrate (nitrate isotope analysis), to quantify the threshold values of the critical parameters, to define precisely all the causes of the olm deterioration, and to make proposals for appropriate measures to limit or even stop the decline of the olm population

    Hidrogeološka karakterizacija kraških izvirov na območju habitata belega (Proteus anguinus anguinus) in črnega močerila (Proteus anguinus parkelj) v Beli krajini (JV Slovenija)

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    The springs west of Črnomelj, in SE Slovenia, are the habitat of the black (Proteus anguinus parkelj) and the white olm (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Some of these springs are also the only known habitat in the world of endemic species of black olm. A steady decline in olm populations has been observed in this area over the past decades. Owing to the rapid runoff and groundwater flow high-resolution monitoring is essential in providing better insight into the hydrogeological characterization of the catchment area of springs. Specific factors and critical parameters of water behind said olm degradation have not yet been defined. Because the olm’s environment is largely aquatic, one potential critical parameter could be the higher water temperatures (>12 °C) or higher nitrate concentration (>9.2mg/l). The six-month observation of the springs (July – December 2021) point to water temperature as a potential critical parameter since the water temperature of the springs exceeded 12 °C in months July and August. Nitrate concentrations could also be a second critical parameter in the degradation of the olm’s habitat. Maximum nitrate concentrations above 9.2mg/l throughout much of the observation period (except for Dobličica spring). Due to less agricultural activity in December in the spring catchment area and a higher dilution rate due to reduced evapotranspiration and increased effective precipitation during this time of the year, the nitrate concentrations are decreased. The results of the measured parameters of groundwater could show the hydrogeological connection between the Otovski and Pački breg springs and between Šotor, Jamnice and Dobličica. The Obršec spring has an independent catchment area. A detailed estimation of the springs catchment area is possible due to a detailed geologic map. It is necessary to determine the origin of the nitrate (nitrate isotope analysis), to quantify the threshold values of the critical parameters, to define precisely all the causes of the olm deterioration, and to make proposals for appropriate measures to limit or even stop the decline of the olm population.Izviri zahodno od Črnomlja, v JV Sloveniji so habitat črnega (Proteus anguinus parkelj) in belega močerila (Proteus anguinus anguinus). Nekateri od teh izvirov so tudi edini znan habitat te endemične vrste črnega močerila. V zadnjih desetletjih je opazen upad populacije močerilov. Za boljši vpogled in ocenitev hidrogeoloških značilnosti prispevnega območja izvirov, je zaradi hitrega odtoka in toka podzemne vode pomembno pogosto spremljanje stanja. Potencialni vplivni dejavniki in parametri podzemne vode, ki bi lahko vplivali na slabšanje stanja ohranjenosti močerila še niso opredeljeni. Ker močeril večino časa živi v vodi, bi lahko potencialni kritični dejavnik bila višja temperatura vode (>12 °C) ali višja vsebnost nitrata v vodi (>9.2mg/l). Izsledki šestmesečnega spremljanja kažejo, da bi potencialni kritični parameter za slabšanje stanja ohranjenosti močerila bila temperature vode nad 12 °C v mesecih julij in avgust v opazovanem obdobju. Vsebnost nitrata bi prav tako lahko bil kritični parameter oz. razlog za upad števila močerilov in slabšanje stanja tega habitata. Najvišje vsebnosti nitrata so mejno vrednost za močerila presegale skoraj čez celotno opazovalno obdobje (z izjemo izvira Dobličice), razen v mesecu decembru. Vzrok za to je zelo verjetno zmanjšana kmetijska dejavnost oz. višja stopnja razredčenja v tem delu leta zaradi zmanjšane evapotranspiracije in višjih količin efektivnih padavin. Rezultati izmerjenih parametrov podzemne vode kažejo, na verjetno hidrogeološko povezavo med izviri Otovski in Pački breg ter med izviri Šotor, Jamnice in Dobličica. Izvir Obršec ima samostojno prispevno območje. V prihodnje bo podrobnejša opredelitev prispevnega območja izvirov mogoča z detajlnim geološkim kartiranjem. Potrebno je ugotoviti izvor nitrata (izotopske analize nitrata), kvantificirati mejne vrednosti kritičnih parametrov, določiti vse možne vzroke za slabšanje stanja ohranjenosti populacije močerila in opredeliti predloge ukrepov za preprečevanje oz. ustavitev upada populacije močerilov

    Geochemical and mineralogical approaches in unraveling paleoweathering, provenance, and tectonic setting of the clastic sedimentary succession (Western Central Paratethys)

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    Pronounced tectonic and paleogeographic changes were detected in the Alpine–Pannonian region during the Miocene at the interface between the Alps, the Dinarides, and the Pannonian Basin. To understand the major tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic changes during this period, geochemical and mineralogical investigations were carried out on the fine-grained clastic sedimentary rocks in the Tunjice Hills. The paleoweathering indicates a cold and/or arid to a warm and humid period. The paleoclimate and the regional climatic conditions correspond well with the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. The mineral composition shows an abundance of quartz and calcite. Quartz is associated with detrital origin from volcanic and metamorphic rocks of the Eastern and Southern Alps and with authigenic processes in sediments. Calcite is related to authigenic origin formed in shallow marine environments and to detrital provenance from the Southern Alps. Not all discriminant functions based on major oxides provided adequate results in determining the tectonic setting. The source rocks were subjected to oceanic island arc and collision. Moreover, sedimentation was influenced by both active and passive margin settings. The former is related to the Alpine collision, which continued from the Cenozoic onward, and the latter is connected to the processes associated with the formation of the Pannonian Basin System, which began in the late Early Miocene

    Večmetodne raziskave sedimentarnega zaporedja in kamnitih izdelkov rimskodobnega kamnoloma v Podpeči

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    The paper presents a multi-method characterisation of the Roman quarry of the middle Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) limestone situated in the village of Podpeč, south of Ljubljana, and examples of the placement of stone products made from micritic, fine-grained, and oolithic facies into the known extent of the quarry. 23 m of the rock succession from the ancient quarry was exposed at the northern tip of the St. Ana Hill by archaeological trenching. Petrological, micropaleontological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic analyses of carbon, oxygen, and strontium were performed in order to characterise the rocks exploited in the quarry. Additionally, a new detailed geological map of the wider Podpeč area was prepared, which defines in detail the lithostratigraphic units in the area.Članek predstavlja večmetodno karakterizacijo rimskega kamnoloma v vasi Podpeč južno od Ljubljane in primere umeščanja apnenca kamnitih izdelkov iz spodnjejurskih (pliensbachijskih) mikritnih, drobnozrnatih in oolitnih faciesov v znan obseg kamnoloma. Na severnem robu hriba sv. Ane je bilo z arheološkimi izkopi razkrito 23 m debelo kamninsko zaporedje antičnega kamnoloma. Za karakterizacijo kamnin, ki so jih izkoriščali v kamnolomu, so bile opravljene petrološke, mineraloške, mikropaleontološke in geokemične analize ter izotopske analize ogljika, kisika in stroncija. Poleg tega je bila izdelana nova podrobna geološka karta širšega območja Podpeči, na kateri so natančno opredeljene litostratigrafske enote na tem območju

    Limestone quarry at Podpeč near Ljubljana (Slovenia) and its products

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    Kamnolom v naselju Podpeč pri Ljubljani velja za glavni kamnolom rimske kolonije Emone (Ljubljana). Obstoj antič-nega kamnoloma v Podpeči je bil do sedaj utemeljen le na podlagi makroskopske podobnosti med Členom litiotidnega apnenca, ki izdanja v Podpeči, in z njim povezanimi rimskimi spomeniki, odkritimi v Ljubljani. V okviru pričujočega dela smo skušali poiskati oprijemljive arheološke in geoarheološke dokaze za njegov obstoj. V skrajno severnem delu kamnoloma smo izvedli arheološko sondiranje, hkrati pa natančno določili sestavo apnenca na tem območju in v 288 izdelkih iz antične Emone. Sondiranje severno od modernega kamnoloma je odkrilo dobro ohranjene sledove rimsko-dobne kamnoseške dejavnosti. Hkrati je litološka analiza spomenikov iz Emone razkrila, da je kar 182 (ali 64 odstotkov) analiziranih spomenikov izdelanih iz apnenca, litološko identičnega različkom, ki izdanjajo v Podpeči. Ti različki se prostorsko grupirajo severno od modernega kamnoloma. Pri tem sicer ostaja odprto vprašanje pripadnosti nekaterih različkov apnenca v izdelkih, ki so brez diagnostičnih komponent in bi lahko pripadali tudi nekoliko starejšemu Členu krkinega apnenca. Rekonstrukcijo obsega starega kamnoloma omogoča primerjava faciesov izvornih litostratigrafskih enot in izdelkov, pa tudi historična analiza zgodnjih kartografskih in katastrskih dokumentov. Analiza najzgodnejših izdelkov je omogočila hipotezo o prihodu kamnosekov iz kamnoloma v Nabrežini.The quarry in Podpeč near Ljubljana is considered the main quarry of the Roman colony Iulia Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia). The existence of an ancient quarry in Podpeč has been substantiated based solely on the macroscopic similarity between the Lithiotid Limestone Member outcropping in Podpeč and the associated Roman monuments discovered in Ljubljana. In the present work, we have attempted to find tangible archaeological and geoarchaeological evidence for its existence. Archaeological excavations in the form of three trenches were carried out in the northernmost part of the quarry. We determined the lithological composition of limestone discovered in the trenches and the limestone used for the 288 objects found in Ljubljana. The lithological analysis of the monuments from Emona revealed that as many as 182 (or 64%) of the analysed monuments were made of limestone, which is lithologically identical to the types of limestone outcropping in Podpeč. Lithologies represented in monuments also spatially group north of the modern quarry. However, the question of the affiliation of some of the varieties of limestone represented remains open. These limestone types lack diagnostic components and could also belong to the slightly older Krka Limestone Member. Reconstruction of the extent of the ancient quarry was enabled using microfacies comparison of lithostratigraphic source units and objects/products, as well as with the historical analysis of early cartographic and cadastral documents. Studying the forms of the earliest objects (stelae) also suggests that the earliest monuments were produced by stonemasons who came to the area from the quarry in Aurisina (Italy)

    Mid-Cretaceous calcarenite in stone products from the Roman colony of Emona, Regio X (modern Ljubljana, Slovenia)

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    Over the course of studying stone products from theRoman colony of Emona (Regio X), stratigraphicallyundefined calcarenite that was used to make simplesepulchral and architectural stone products wasdetected. The calcarenite used is late Aptian to earlyCenomanian in age. The corresponding facies werefound in the Lower Flyschoid Formation outcroppingnear the town of Medvode, within the local radius ofEmona. The Roman quarry was likely located in thisarea near the Sava River. According to the collecteddata, the quarry was in operation mainly in the 1stcentury

    Kamnolom apnenca v Podpeči pri Ljubljani in njegovi izdelki

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    The quarry in Podpeč near Ljubljana is considered the main quarry of the Roman colony Iulia Emona (Ljubljana, Slovenia). The existence of an ancient quarry in Podpeč has been substantiated based solely on the macroscopic similarity between the Lithiotid Limestone Member outcropping in Podpeč and the associated Roman monuments discovered in Ljubljana. In the present work, we have attempted to find tangible archaeological and geoarchaeological evidence for its existence. Archaeological excavations in the form of three trenches were carried out in the northernmost part of the quarry. We determined the lithological composition of limestone discovered in the trenches and the limestone used for the 288 objects found in Ljubljana. The lithological analysis of the monuments from Emona revealed that as many as 182 (or 64%) of the analysed monuments were made of limestone, which is lithologically identical to the types of limestone outcropping in Podpeč. Lithologies represented in monuments also spatially group north of the modern quarry. However, the question of the affiliation of some of the varieties of limestone represented remains open. These limestone types lack diagnostic components and could also belong to the slightly older Krka Limestone Member. Reconstruction of the extent of the ancient quarry was enabled using microfacies comparison of lithostratigraphic source units and objects/ products, as well as with the historical analysis of early cartographic and cadastral documents. Studying the forms of the earliest objects (stelae) also suggests that the earliest monuments were produced by stonemasons who came to the area from the quarry in Aurisina (Italy).Kamnolom v naselju Podpeč pri Ljubljani velja za glavni kamnolom rimske kolonije Emone (Ljubljana). Obstoj antičnega kamnoloma v Podpeči je bil do sedaj utemeljen le na podlagi makroskopske podobnosti med Členom litiotidnega apnenca, ki izdanja v Podpeči, in z njim povezanimi rimskimi spomeniki, odkritimi v Ljubljani. V okviru pričujočega dela smo skušali poiskati oprijemljive arheološke in geoarheološke dokaze za njegov obstoj. V skrajno severnem delu kamnoloma smo izvedli arheološko sondiranje, hkrati pa natančno določili sestavo apnenca na tem območju in v 288 izdelkih iz antične Emone. Sondiranje severno od modernega kamnoloma je odkrilo dobro ohranjene sledove rimskodobne kamnoseške dejavnosti. Hkrati je litološka analiza spomenikov iz Emone razkrila, da je kar 182 (ali 64 odstotkov) analiziranih spomenikov izdelanih iz apnenca, litološko identičnega različkom, ki izdanjajo v Podpeči. Ti različki se prostorsko grupirajo severno od modernega kamnoloma. Pri tem sicer ostaja odprto vprašanje pripadnosti nekaterih različkov apnenca v izdelkih, ki so brez diagnostičnih komponent in bi lahko pripadali tudi nekoliko starejšemu Členu krkinega apnenca. Rekonstrukcijo obsega starega kamnoloma omogoča primerjava faciesov izvornih litostratigrafskih enot in izdelkov, pa tudi historična analiza zgodnjih kartografskih in katastrskih dokumentov. Analiza najzgodnejših izdelkov je omogočila hipotezo o prihodu kamnosekov iz kamnoloma v Nabrežini

    Surface faulting during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia)

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    International audienceThe 29 December 2020, Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake nucleated at a depth of ~10 km in the Sisak-Moslavina County in northern Croatia, ~6 km WSW of the Petrinja town. Focal mechanisms, aftershocks distribution, and preliminary Sentinel-1 InSAR interferogram suggest that the NW-SE right-lateral strike-slip Pokupsko-Petrinja fault was the source of this event.The Croatian Geological Survey, joined by a European team of earthquake geologists from France, Slovenia and Italy, performed a prompt systematic survey of the area to map the surface effects of the earthquake. The field survey was guided by geological maps, preliminary morphotectonic mapping based on 1:5,000 topographical maps and InSAR interferogram. Locally, field mapping was aided by drone survey.<br>We mapped unambiguous evidence of surface faulting at several sites between Župić to the NW and Hrastovica to the SE, in the central part of the Pokupsko-Petrinja fault, for a total length of ~6.5 km. This is probably a minimum length since several portions of the fault have not been explored yet, and in part crossing forbidden uncleared minefields. Surface faulting was observed on anthropic features (roads, walls) and on Quaternary sediments (soft colluvium and alluvium) and Miocene bedrock (calcarenites). The observed ruptures strike mostly NW-SE, with evidences of strike-slip right-lateral displacement and zones of extension (opening) or contraction (small pressure ridges, moletracks) at<br>local bends of the rupture trace. Those ruptures are interpreted as evidences of coseismic surface faulting (primary effects) as they affect the morphology independently from the slope direction. Ground failures due to gravitational sliding and liquefaction occurrences were also observed, mapped and interpreted as secondary effects (see Amoroso et al., and Vukovski et al., this session). SE of Križ, the rupture broke a water pipeline with a right-lateral offset of several centimetres. Measured right-lateral net displacement varies from a few centimetres up to ~35 cm. A portion of the maximum measured displacement could be due to afterlisp, as it was mapped several days after the main shock. Hybrid surface ruptures (shear plus opening and liquefaction), striking SW-NE, with cm-size left-lateral strike-slip offsets were mapped on the northern side of the Petrinja town, ~3 km NE of the main fault. Overall, the rupture zone appears discontinuous. Several factors might be inferred to explain this pattern such as incomplete mapping of the rupture, inherited structural discontinuities within the Pokupsko-Petrinja fault system, or specific mechanical properties of the Neogene-Quaternary strata

    A database of the environmental effects associated to the December 29th, 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia)

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    International audience<p>On December 29th, 2020, a strong Mw 6.4 earthquake hit central Croatia. The epicenter was located approximately 3 km southwest of Petrinja, and the intensity was estimated to VIII-IX EMS. The earthquake led to significant environmental effects related to earthquake magnitude, focal depth, and geological and geotechnical properties of the affected area.<br>The Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) conducted extensive geological and geodetic surveys starting a few hours following the main shock to measure the earthquake’s effects,<br>including those on infrastructures. Ten geologists from the Department of Geology carried out surveys from Decmber 31st, 2020 to January 7th, 2021 along the potential seismogenic source (inferred from geological maps and InSAR data) and in the wider epicentral area that suffered significant damage (e.g., Glina and Sisak).<br>During a second phase, researchers from the University of Zagreb (PMF UniZG), Slovenia (GeoZS), Italy (INGV, ISPRA, U. Chieti) and France (CEREGE, IRSN) were mobilized to complete the observations. The collaboration with these geologists allowed to deepen the investigations and to bring further detail to quantify the effects. The surveys were then compiled based on data formats used by the European Community, namely those of the INGV EMERGEO team (Villani et al., 2017; for environmental effects including surface ruptures and liquefaction) and those of the SURE group (Baize et al., 2019 for surface ruptures).<br>These observations revealed that the earthquake triggered a discontinuous, few km-long surface rupture with a maximum displacement of about 20 cm, which is consistent with the lower average of observations made on similar events (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994). Liquefaction spread over several tens of square kilometers mostly in river plains, the most distant being about 20 km from the epicenter (to be confirmed!). Other observed effects include lateral spreading, landslides, groundwater regime changes, rockfalls, and various infrastructure damage.<br>The compilation of the acquired dataset into a unified database, consistent with database of other historical and recent events, is essential for establishing reliable empirical relations between geological effects and physical characteristics of earthquakes (magnitude, depth). This forms the basis for seismic hazard assessments, whether for “surface rupture”, “liquefaction”, or “ground-shaking” potential.</p&gt