58 research outputs found

    Effect of abnormal liver function test on maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnancy: observational study

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    Background: The present study was conducted with the objective to assess the spectrum of liver disease in pregnancy, and its course and effect on maternal and fetal outcomes.Methods: The present study was conducted as a prospective follow up study in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, J. K. Hospital for a period of 1 year. The pregnant women between the ages of 18-35 years presenting with symptoms suggestive of underlying liver disease were selected. Socio demographic details and clinical history was obtained from all the participants and they were subjected to liver function test (LFT). All patients were followed till 2 weeks post-partum period. The maternal and fetal outcomes were noted.Results: The following results were obtained: pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) was the most common cause of abnormal LFT (46.66%), about 57.5% patients delivered at term, 63.3% patients delivered vaginally, mostly cases delivered a term healthy neonate between 2.5-3.0 kg weight with Apgar score >7 at 5 minutes after birth and maternal complications were seen in 10.82% cases.Conclusions: Our study shows that though liver disease is uncommon in Indian pregnant women, but it is associated with high maternal and perinatal morbidity. A high index of suspicion of liver disease, early diagnosis, prompt referral to a higher centre when required, appropriate supportive management, and a proactive policy of early delivery when indicated may improve the maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women with liver disease. Thus LFT should be conducted as a routine investigation in all pregnant females during first and second trimester

    Low genetic diversity and absence of population differentiation of hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) revealed by mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b region in Ganga and Hooghly rivers

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    We investigated the mtDNA cytochrome b based genetic structure of anadromous clupeid hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha, from the rivers Ganga and Hooghly. Six different haplotypes were observed, in sample size of 240, with a single dominant haplotype present in both rivers. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of Ganga and Hooghly populations does not suggest existence of population structuring in hilsa. AMOVA conducted on the whole population from Ganga and Hooghly suggested existence of a single population, migrating to Ganga and Hooghly rivers through the estuaries for spawning and breeding.Keywords: Hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha, Ganga, Hooghly, Bay of Bengal, West Bengal, India, mtDNA cytochrome bAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(22), pp. 3383-338

    The status and prospectus of fisheries and aquaculture in Maharashtra, India

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    567-575Fisheries and aquaculture sector has witnessed rapid development across the states of India and has paved way for income generation and livelihood for associated rural and urban communities. Maharashtra state ranks 7th with around 5 % share in country’s fish production, is yet to explore its untapped potential completely. Marine fisheries had always a major share (currently 82 %) compared to inland fisheries (currently 18 %) for Maharashtra. The cyclic vulnerability of marine catch and growing demand of ever increasing human population provides scope for increasing share of inland fisheries in food basket. The systematic structuring of policies and rigid implementation of the regulations for sustainable utilization of the available fisheries resources needs attention for further growth in fisheries sector of the state

    Correlation of phytoplankton density with certain hydrological parameters along the coastal waters of Veraval, Gujarat

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    The present study was conducted to study the biological diversity of phytoplankton and the impact of abiotic factors on them along coastal waters at two locations viz., Location-1 (Jaleshwar) and Location-2 (Sagareshwar Mandir), Veraval from May 2012 to April 2013. Six classes of marine phytoplankton were identified from these locations. Out of the total 162 species of marine phytoplankton collected, nine could not be identified. Diatoms were the dominant group (133 spp.) followed by dianoflagellates (12 spp.), blue-green algae, brown or orange chromatophores and green algae. The correlation between the density of phytoplankton with the environmental variables viz., Dissolved Oxygen and pH were significantly positive, whereas it was inversely correlated with temperature and salinity. The density of phytoplankton, ranged from 4,90,495 to 8,57,160 cells L-1 and 3,87,495 to 8,65,665 cells L-1 at Location-1 and Location-2 respectively. Phytoplankton cell count was the highest and lowest in January and March respectively and the diversity was higher in winter than other seasons. The diversity of marine phytoplankton was very high along the coastal waters of Veraval (at both the locations of study) which confirms that the Veraval coastline is very productive and supportive for fish production and also for other marine biodiversity

    High levels of genetic variability and differentiation in hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha (Clupeidae, Clupeiformes) populations revealed by PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region

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    The hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha (Clupeidae, Clupeiformes) is an important anadromous clupeid species from the Western division of the Indo-Pacific region. It constitutes the largest single fishable species in Bangladesh. Information on genetic variability and population structure is very important for both management and conservation purposes. Past reports on the population structure of T. ilisha involving morphometric, allozyme and RAPD analyses are contradictory. We examined genetic variability and divergence in two riverine (the Jamuna and the Meghna), two estuarine (Kuakata and Sundarbans) and one marine (Cox's Bazar) populations of T. ilisha by applying PCR-RFLP analysis of the mtDNA D-loop region. The amplified PCR products were restricted with four restriction enzymes namely, XbaI, EcoRI, EcoRV, and HaeIII. High levels of haplotype and gene diversity within and significant differentiations among, populations of T. ilisha were observed in this study. Significant FST values indicated differentiation among the river, estuary and marine populations. The UPGMA dendrogram based on genetic distance resulted in two major clusters, although, these were subsequently divided into three, corresponding to the riverine, estuarine and marine populations. The study underlines the usefulness of RFLP of mtDNA D-loop region as molecular markers, and detected at least two differentiated populations of T. ilisha in Bangladesh waters

    Relationship between body awareness dimensions and pain catastrophizing among chronic pain patients

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    PsiholoģijaPsiholoģijaPsychologyPsychologyBakalaura darba tēma ir ”Ķermeņa apzinātības dimensiju saistība ar sāpju katastrofizēšanu hronisku sāpju pacientiem”. Darba mērķis ir veikt teorētisko un praktisko analīzi par to vai pastāv sakarības starp sāpju katastrofizēšanas rādītājiem un ķermeņa apzinātības dimensijām hronisku sāpju pacientiem. Bakalaura darbā tika izvirzīts pētījuma jautājums: Vai un kāda saistība pastāv starp sāpju katastrofizēšanas rādītājiem un ķermeņa apzinātības dimensijām hronisku sāpju pacientiem? Tika izvirzīts pētnieciskais uzdevums - noskaidrot, vai pastāv saistība starp sāpju katastrofizēšanas rādītājiem un ķermeņa apzinātības dimensijām hronisku sāpju pacientiem. Bakalaura darbs ietver teorētisko un praktisko daļu ar šķērsgriezuma pētījumu. Teorētiskās daļas pirmajā nodaļā tika apkopota informācija par hronisku sāpju pacientiem, otrajā nodaļā ir aprakstīta sāpju katastrofizēšana hronisku sāpju pacientiem, trešajā nodaļā ir apkopota informācija par ķermeņa apzinātības dimensijām un ceturtajā nodaļā ir literatūras apskats par ķermeņa apzinātības dimensiju un sāpju katastrofizēšanas rādītājiem hronisku sāpju pacientiem. Pētījuma dati tika iegūti no Indras Majores-Dūšeles (Mg.Psych., Mg.Sc.Sal.) promocijas darba: ”Apzinātībā balstītas deju un kustību terapijas efektivitāte hronisku sāpju pacientu psihoemocionālajā rehabilitācijā”. Tika veikts kvantitatīvs pētījums, kurā piedalījās 58 dalībnieki (N=58) – 50 (71%) sievietes un 8 vīrieši (21%) vecumā no 25 līdz 68 gadiem. Visi dalībnieki ieguva apstiprinājumu atbilstībai iekļaušanas kritērijiem no ārstējošā ārsta. Visi dalībnieki elektroniski aizpildīja multidimensionālo interoceptīvās apzinātības aptauju (Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (Version 2), MAIA-2) (Mehling et al., 2018) un sāpju katastrofizēšanas skalu (Pain Catastrophizing Scale, PCS) (Sullivan et al., 1995). Darba ietvaros tika noskaidrots, ka ķermeņa apzinātības dimensijai ”neraizēšanās” ir statistiski nozīmīga vidēji cieša negatīva korelācija ar sāpju katastrofizēšanas apakšskalām ”ruminācija” (r=-0,34, p < 0,01), ”pārspīlēšana” (r=-0,45, p < 0,01) un ”bezpalīdzība” (r=-0,38, p < 0,01). Ķermeņa apzinātības dimensijai ”pamanīšana” ir statistiski nozīmīga ne pārāk cieša pozitīva korelācija ar sāpju katastrofizēšanas apakšskalu ”pārspīlēšana” (r=0,32, p < 0,05). Citām ķermeņa apzinātības dimensiju skalām neuzrādījās statistiski nozīmīgas korelācijas ar sāpju katastrofizēšanas apakšskalām.The topic of the thesis is ”Relationship between body awareness dimensions and pain catastrophizing among chronic pain patients”. The aim of this study is to perform a theoretical and practical analysis of whether there are correlations between pain catastrophizing and the dimensions of body awareness among patients with chronic pain. A research question was raised in the thesis: Is there and what is the relationship between pain catastrophizing indicators and the dimensions of body awareness among patients with chronic pain? The research task was set to find out whether there is a relationship between pain catastrophizing indicators and the dimensions of body awareness among patients with chronic pain. The thesis includes a theoretical and practical part with a cross-sectional study. The first chapter of the theoretical part summarises information about chronic pain patients, the second chapter summarises information about chronic pain patient pain catastrophizing, the third chapter summarises information about body awareness dimensions, and fourth chapter reviews literature about body awareness dimensions and pain catastrophizing indicators among patients with chronic pain. The research data was obtained from Indra’s Majore’s-Dūšele’s (Mg.Psych., Mg.Sc.Sal.) doctoral thesis: ”Effectiveness of consciousness-based dance and movement therapy in psycho-emotional rehabilitation of chronic pain patients”. A quantitative study was conducted in which 58 participants (N=58) – 50 (71%) were women and 8 (29%) were men, in age from 25 to 68. All participants received confirmation of eligibility for inclusion from the treating physician. All participants electronically completed the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA-2) (Mehling et al., 2018) and the Pain Catastrophzing Scale (PCS) (Sullivan et al., 1995). The study found that body awareness dimension ”not-worrying” has a statistically significant moderate close negative correlation with pain catastrophizing subscale ”rumination” (r=-0,34, p < 0,01), ”magnification” (r=-0,45, p < 0,01) and ”helplesness” (r=-0,38, p < 0,01). Body awareness dimension ”noticing” has a statistically significant not that close positive correlation with pain catastrophizing subscale ”magnification” (r=0,32, p < 0,05). Other body awareness dimension subscales did not show a statistically significant correlation with pain catastrophizing subscales

    Motivation in connection with perceived support and coaches’ leadership style in team sports among 16 to 24 year old athletes

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    Nosaukums: Motivācija saistībā ar uztverto atbalstu un trenera vadības stilu komandu sporta veidos 16 līdz 24 gadus vecu sportistu vidū. Aktualitāte: Latvijas sporta politikas pamatnostādņu prioritārais virziens ir bērnu un jauniešu sports. Nozīmīga ietekme jaunieša motivācijā ir trenerim, kurš var bērnu un jaunieti gan attīstīt un virzīt pretī profesionālajam sportam, gan ietekmēt negatīvi un izraisīt vēlmi pārstāt nodarboties ar sportu. Darba mērķis: noskaidrot, kā trenera vadības stils un uztvertais atbalsts ietekmē 16 līdz 24 gadus vecu sportistu motivāciju komandu sporta veidos Pētījuma metode: Kvantitatīvs pētījums, kurā piedalījās 16 līdz 24 gadus veci komandu sporta veidu pārstāvji. Dalībnieki aizpildīja aptauju, kurā izvērtēja apgalvojumus par motivāciju sportot, trenera atbalstu un autonomu trenēšanu. Rezultāti: Iekšējās motivācijas veidi pozitīvi korelēja savā starpā. Tāda pati situācija bija sastopama arī korelācijās starp ārējās motivācijas veidiem. Visvairāk statistiski nozīmīgi dati bija sastopami saistībā ar amotivāciju, kur tā negatīvi korelēja ar iekšējo motivāciju (r=-0,52) un pozitīvi ar ārējo motivāciju (r=0,50). Autonoma trenēšana pozitīvi korelēja ar uztverto atbalstu (r=0,40). Secinājumi: Saikne starp sportista motivāciju, uztverto atbalstu un trenera vadības stilu netika atklāta, taču starp autonomu trenēšanu un uztverto atbalstu saikne ir pozitīva.Title: Motivation in connection with perceived support and coaches’ leadership style in team sports among 16 to 24 year old athletes Topicality: The priority direction of Latvia’s sports policy guidelines is children’s and youth sport. A coach has a significant influence on the motivation of a young athlete, who can both develop and direct the child towards professional sports, as well as have a negative impact and cause a desire to stop playing sports. Aim of the study: To find out how coaches’ leadership style and perceived support affect the motivation of 16 to 24 year old athletes in team sports Methods: A quantitative study of 16 to 24 year old team sports participants. Participants completed a questionnaire that assessed statements about motivation to play sports, perceived support and autonomous training. Results: Types of intrinsic motivation positively correlated with each other. The same situation was found in the correlations between the types of external motivation. The most statistically significant data were found in relation with amotivation where it negatively correlated with intrinsic motivation (r=-0,52) and positively with external motivation (r=0,50). Autonomous coaching positively correlated with perceived support (r=0,40). Conclusion: The link between athlete’s motivation, perceived support and coaches’ leadership style was not found, but the link between autonomous coaching and perceived support is positive

    Correction of phonetic disorders in 4-year-old children in games

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    Darba nosaukums: Fonētisko traucējumu korekcija 4gadus veciem bērniem rotaļās Darba autors: Tatjana Brahmane Darba mērķis: Teorētiski izzināt un praktiski pārbaudīt fonētisko traucējumu novēršanas iespējas vingrinājumos un rotaļās 4 gadus veciem bērniem. Pirmajā nodaļā autore ir analizējusi un pētijusi dažādu autoru teorētiskās atziņas par runas un valodas kopsakarībām un 4 gadus vecu bērnu attīstību. Otrajā nodaļā tiek dažādu autoru atziņas par rotaļu izmantošanas iespējām fonētisko traucējumu mazināšanā. Trešajā nodaļā tiek atspoguļots eksperimentāli praktiskais pētijums fonētisko traucējumu novēršanai,koriģējoši attīstošā darbā izmantojot rotaļas. Diplomdarba apjoms 74 lpp., ievietoti 11 attēli, 12 tabulas, 9 pielikumi. Diplomdarba izstrādē izmantoti 49 literatūras avoti.Title: Correction of phonetical disorders in 4-year-olds using games. Author: Tatjana Brahmane Aim: Find out theoretically and carry out practical research in order to learn possibilities of correction of phonetical disorders using exercises and games in 4-year-olds. In part I the author of the research paper has studied and analyzed theoretical knowledge expressed by different authors, about interconnections of language and speech as well as the development of 4-year-olds. In part II the author has compiled quotes and knowledge from different sources about the possibilities to use games in minimizing phonetical disorders. In part III experimental practical research in order to correct phonetical disorders by using corrective developing games has been described. The research paper contains 74 pages, 11 pictures, 12 tables, 9 supplements. 49 sources of bibliography are used

    The Relationship between Burnout Phenotypes and Aspects of Mindfulness and Trait Depression

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    Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kā katrs izdegšanas apakštips ir saistīts ar apzinātību un depresiju kā iezīmi; kāda ir apzinātības aspektu saistība ar depresijas iezīmēm; kuri izdegšanas fenotipi prognozē depresijas iezīmes, lai gūtu padziļinātu ieskatu, kā šie psiholoģiskās veselības konstrukti savstarpēji mijiedarbojas Latvijas iedzīvotāju populācijā. Pētījumā piedalījās 100 dalībnieki (vid. vec. 37,02; 82% sievietes). Tika iekļauti dalībnieki, kuri nav praktizējuši apzinātības praksi. Pētījumā tika izmantota Izdegšanas klīnisko apakštipu aptaujas īsā versijā (Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire, BCSQ-12, Montero Marin et al., 2011), Apzinātības piecu aspektu aptauja (The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, FFMQ, Baer et al., 2006) un Beka depresijas aptauja (The Beck Depression Inventory-II, BDI-II, Beck et al., 1996). Rezultāti norāda, ka “fanātiskajam” un “izsīkušajam” izdegšanas apakštipiem ir vairākas statistiski nozīmīgas korelācijas ar apzinātības apakšskalām. Depresijas iezīmēm ir statistiski nozīmīgas korelācija ar visiem izdegšanas fenotipiem. Depresijas iezīmēm ir statistiski nozīmīgas korelācijas ar dažām apzinātības apakšskalām. Uz depresijas iezīmju rādītāju lielākā ietekme ir izdegšanas apakštipam “izsīkušais”.The aim of this study is to investigate and find out how each of the burnout phenotypes are associated with facets of mindfulness and trait depression; which facets of mindfulness are more closely related to trait depression; which burnout phenothypes can predict trait depression in order to gain an in-depth insight how these psychological health constructs are associated with each other in the population of Latvia. The study involved 100 participants (avg. 37.02; 82% women). Only participants who hadn’t participated in mindfulness practice were included in the study. The Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BSCQ-12) (Montero Marin et al., 2011), the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer et al., 2006) and the Beck Depression Inventory-II, (BDI-II) (Beck et al., 1996) were used to collect research data. The study found that burnout phenotypes “frenetic” and “worn-out” have a statistically significant correlation with several mindfulness scales. Trait depression has statistically significant correlations with all burnout phenotypes. Trait depression has statistically significant correlations with several mindfulness scales. Burnout phenotype “worn-out” has the biggest impact on trait depression