32 research outputs found

    A Novel Ultrasound-based Measure of the Liver among Diabetes Mellitus Type II Patients

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    Diabetes mellitus type II (DM II) or adult onset diabetes is due to the inefficient use of insulin, which affects various organs and tissues. Patients with DM II are at risk of suffering non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that can later develop into more life threating forms such as hepatomegaly, cirrhosis or liver cancer. Following the logic of the non-inferiority trial test, we aim to establish a more accurate anatomical measure of the right liver lobe (RLL) to facilitate close monitoring of liver size with ultrasound (US). We hypothesize that US is not unacceptably worse than computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to accurately and reliably measure the size of the RLL when the measure is taken in the midaxillary line and craniocaudal plane (MAL-CC). Therefore, the objective of this study is to conduct a non-inferiority trial to test our novel MAL-CC measure. To meet this aim, US measure of the RLL was taken from DM II (n=7) and non-DM II (n=5) patients, whom were recruited from 2 endocrinology clinics at SoM-UPR. Preliminary data shows that MAL-CC measure of the RLL from non-DM II patients is 13.99 + 2.53 cm whereas the same measurement among DM II patients is 15.25 + 3.25 cm (Mann-Whitney U test, p= 0.42). It is concluded that there is a non-significant trend for large RLL sizes among DM II patients. Future work aims to increase sample size and to validate our novel measurement with MRI

    Optimal inflation weights in the Euro Area

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    This study investigates the appropriate measure for stabilizing inflation in the Euro Area. We use a model that accounts for both the heterogeneity observed in the degree of price rigidities across regions and sectors, and asymmetry of real disturbances in relative prices. Our work shows that the optimal weights to assign to each region or sector result from complex interactions between the degree of price stickiness, economic size and the distribution of shocks within regions

    Recipes for sparse LDA of horizontal data

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    Many important modern applications require analyzing data with more variables than observations, called for short horizontal. In such situation the classical Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (LDA) does not possess solution because the within-group scatter matrix is singular. Moreover, the number of the variables is usually huge and the classical type of solutions (discriminant functions) are difficult to interpret as they involve all available variables. Nowadays, the aim is to develop fast and reliable algorithms for sparse LDA of horizontal data. The resulting discriminant functions depend on very few original variables, which facilitates their interpretation. The main theoretical and numerical challenge is how to cope with the singularity of the within-group scatter matrix. This work aims at classifying the existing approaches according to the way they tackle this singularity issue, and suggest new ones

    The effect of risky debt on R&D investment

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    This paper investigates the interaction between investment decisions, company bankruptcy, and capital structure. We model young and innovative enterprises which face the possibility of making irreversible investments in R&D with uncertain returns, financed through risky debt. Uncertainty comes from two different sources: the technological success of the project and the return from investment. In an optimal investment setting, where uncertainty creates an incentive to delay investment decisions, we find the optimal threshold of entry (invest) and exit (bankruptcy), investigating both the case of infinite and finite debt maturity We show that the potential loss of the investment option in the event of default, reduces the value of waiting and provides equity holders with an incentive to accelerate the investment. Thus the results of the model here presented seem to imply an active role for financial institutions but traditional loans may not be the most suitable solution to finance risky investment. In line with recent recommendations of the European Investment Bank (EIB, 2013), traditional bank lending might need to be reinforced through further instruments, such as loan guarantees and securitisation

    Transvariation analysis: an application on financial crises in developing countries

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    The damage and the recurrence of financial crises have increased the concern of investors and policymakers on one hand and the interest of macroeconomists on the other. This paper presents an original non parametric methodology, whose aim is to give a very intuitive and rigorous method for variable selection in order to analyse financial crises. Transvariation analysis compares the distributions of two different groups of countries (sound and distressed) with respect to a single macroeconomic variable and selects the indicators on the basis of a low transvariation probability index. The current account deficit to GDP ratio, differently from other studies on financial crises, seems to be a suitable variable in discriminating distressed countries from sound ones, and the case of Argentina and Turkey confirms this finding

    Banking proximity and firm performance. The role of small businesses, community banks and the credit cycle

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    This article analyses the link between banking geography and firm performance, i.e. whether the proximity within banks and between banks and borrowers has a positive impact on firms’ Returns on Assets (ROA).Using a unique dataset of Italian manufacturing firms and banks from 2006 to 2011 and an instrumental variable approach to account for endogeneity, we investigate whether this effect increases with the presence of community banks and small businesses and whether the relationship changes over the credit boom and bust, which preceded and followed the Lehman Brothers collapse.We show that geographical proximity matters for firm performance especially when the presence of community banks is high and when considering small (micro) firms. During the credit boom, both functional distance and operational proximity seem to matter, whereas, during the credit crunch, operational proximity has a more relevant role compared to functional distance in becoming an important driver to increase firm’s performance

    The Effect of Financial Constraints on R&D Investments

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    This paper investigates the interaction between investment decisions, company foreclosure, and capital structure in the case of a constrained firm. We consider irreversible investments in R\&D projects with uncertain returns, financed through debt. Uncertainty comes from two different sources: the technological success of the project is probabilistic, and the return from investment evolves stochastically over time. These two elements, together with the lack of historical performance represent a substantial risk to the lenders, which will limit substantially the availability of loans. In our analysis, we first assume that the firm finances the R&D project through debt, and then, we further assume that the firm's debt capacity is limited to a certain amount. We show that leverage distorts the investment threshold and the shareholders of a levered firm accelerate investment with respect to an all equity financed firm. Moreover, when a firm is "financially constrained", it tends to overinvest compared to a non constrained levered firm. Thus, the financial constraint induces firms to play a "bird in the hand" investment strategy

    Machine-learning models for bankruptcy prediction: do industrial variables matter?

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    We provide a predictive model specifically designed for the Italian economy that classifies solvent and insolvent firms one year in advance using the AIDA Bureau van Dijk data set for the period 2007–15. We apply a full battery of bankruptcy forecasting models, including both traditional and more sophisticated machine-learning techniques, and add to the financial ratios used in the literature a set of industrial/regional variables. We find that XGBoost is the best performer, and that industrial/regional variables are important. Moreover, belonging to a district, having a high mark-up and a greater market share diminish bankruptcy probability

    COVID-19 and firms\u2019 financial health in Brescia: a simulation with Logistic regression and neural networks

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    COVID-19 has generated an unprecedented shock to the global economy causing both the decrease in demand and supply. The purpose of this paper is to simulate the effect of COVID-19 on firms\u2019 financial statements in Brescia. The shocked information is then fed into two bankruptcy models with the aim of providing an up-to-date picture of firms\u2019 economic health in one of the most prosperous industrial areas in Italy and Europe