292 research outputs found

    Rocky intertidal community structure along an upwelling gradient between Playa Venao and Nueva Gorgona on Panama’s Pacific coast

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    Ecological research on rocky intertidal ecosystems has increasingly focused on the regional oceanographic processes that shape community structure over functional group interactions. Intertidal communities’ dependence on onshore and offshore transport of intertidal species larvae, dissolved inorganic nutrients, and phytoplankton signal that upwelling and nearshore currents can have an influential role in determining the growth and composition of intertidal systems. The community structure of rocky intertidal areas was compared between two locations along an upwelling gradient in the Gulf of Panama: Nueva Gorgona, with intermittent seasonal upwelling, and Playa Venao, with fringe seasonal upwelling. The surface cover of algae, barnacles, and mussels, along with species richness, abundance, diversity, and evenness were determined using threaded quadrats along transect lines set parallel to the shoreline in low, medium, and high tide zones. Sites in Nueva Gorgona, the central upwelling location, were dominated by mat-forming barnacles and mussels as well as aggregating anemones. Barnacles were also the largest surface occupiers in Playa Venao, the location on the edge of upwelling, whose sites had a comparatively high abundance of gastropods. Statistically significant differences were detected in species richness and abundance as well as algae and mussel cover between the two locations, potentially indicating an influence of nutrient and planktonic transport on Nueva Gorgona’s community structure from upwelling and shelf currents. Across most variables, tidal zones were distinct from each other in both locations. Additional significant differences were detected between sites in each location, most notably in barnacle coverage and species abundance, which indicates that neighboring sites had a high potential for variation. Tidal elevation and hyperlocal differences—including sedimentation, rocky surface complexity, and surf activity—likely played a greater role in sculpting the two rocky intertidal systems than regional dynamics

    Unexpected Outcome of Unethical Experimentation

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    An Investigation of State College to University Transfer Students\u27 Sense of Belonging

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    The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine the sense of belonging of state college transfer students who enroll at a large research-intensive university through structured and unstructured transfer pathways using the Sense of Belonging Instrument (SBI; Hoffman, Richmond, Morrow, & Solomon, 2002). The SBI includes five subscales (Peer Support, Faculty Support, Classroom Comfort, Isolation, and Empathetic Faculty Understanding). To date, no systematic investigation has considered the construct of belonging with this population or transfer pathway. The findings from this study (n = 54) found a positive statistically significant correlation between Peer Support and Isolation (r(52) =.801, p = .000) and a statistically significant difference between the mean values of Empathetic Faculty Understanding between the structured and unstructured pathways (p = 0.027). This study showed that structured transfer pathway student sense of belonging was grounded in the classroom experience, empathetic faculty, and faculty support. Unstructured transfer pathway student sense of belonging was grounded in peer relationships, the classroom experience, and empathetic faculty. First generation participants were more likely to perceive isolation than non-first generation participants and structured pathway participants were more likely to perceive faculty empathetic understanding than unstructured pathway participants. There were also differences in the qualitative data between the pathway groups, including differing perceptions of faculty care and empathy, peer engagement, and the role of Advisors and online support systems in the transfer experience. The data and findings presented in this study show that the academic experience in the classroom and the perception of empathetic faculty are central to state college transfer student experience and contributes to transfer student sense of belonging

    The Cross and the Coat Hanger: Catholics for a Free Choice and the Rise of a Religious Movement

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    Despite the hardline anti-abortion position of the Catholic Church, the majority of American Catholics have shown support for abortion and other reproductive freedoms since the 1970s. The organization Catholics for a Free Choice, now known as Catholics for Choice, is a prime example of such support in the face of Church opposition. I posit that the prominence, position, and impact of Catholics for a Free Choice in the 1970s and 1980s displays the existence of a distinctly Catholic pro-choice movement. This movement is set apart by its direct confrontation of Church hierarchy and its primary existence within the Catholic sphere; although the movement also organized with and against secular forces, it was primarily carried out by Catholics, and in later years, its primary opposition became Catholic institutions. The oral history addendum to this project displays an individual woman’s experiences with bodily autonomy before and after Roe v. Wade. It shows how she navigated both religious and legal barriers to reproductive care. This provides insight into women’s lives at multiple pivotal historical moments, as well as their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings on reproductive issues

    Speech and language therapy versus placebo or no intervention for speech problems in Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease patients commonly suffer from speech and vocal problems including dysarthric speech, reduced loudness and loss of articulation. These symptoms increase in frequency and intensity with progression of the disease). Speech and language therapy (SLT) aims to improve the intelligibility of speech with behavioural treatment techniques or instrumental aids

    Conversion Therapy: An evidence assessment and qualitative study

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    A rapid evidence assessment and qualitative study that aims to improve understanding of the practice, experience and effect of conversion therapy


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    The purpose of this study was to compare peak force produced during the isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) and isometric squat (IsoSquat), performed at the same knee and hip angles (135 – 140°) and determine the reliability of both tests. Following a specific warmup, 22 international athletes from different sports performed 2 maximal effort tests of both the IMTP and IsoSquat. Peak force achieved during the IsoSquat was significantly greater (p = 0.01) than peak force achieved during the IMTP. Both tests were highly reliable for peak force (�������� ���� ���������� ������ ���� ��%). Therefore, strength and conditioning coaches can select either test when examining lower extremity maximum strength. However, the IsoSquat produces higher peak force values and this may be a more accurate reflection of the athlete’s maximum strength

    An analytically and diagnostically sensitive RNA extraction and RT-qPCR protocol for peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    Reliable extraction and sensitive detection of RNA from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) is critical for a broad spectrum of immunology research and clinical diagnostics. RNA analysis platforms are dependent upon high-quality and high-quantity RNA; however, sensitive detection of specific responses associated with high-quality RNA extractions from human samples with limited PBMCs can be challenging. Furthermore, the comparative sensitivity between RNA quantification and best-practice protein quantification is poorly defined. Therefore, we provide herein a critical evaluation of the wide variety of current generation of RNA-based kits for PBMCs, representative of several strategies designed to maximize sensitivity. We assess these kits with a reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) assay optimized for both analytically and diagnostically sensitive cell-based RNA-based applications. Specifically, three RNA extraction kits, one post-extraction RNA purification/concentration kit, four SYBR master-mix kits, and four reverse transcription kits were tested. RNA extraction and RT-qPCR reaction efficiency were evaluated with commonly used reference and cytokine genes. Significant variation in RNA expression of reference genes was apparent, and absolute quantification based on cell number was established as an effective RT-qPCR normalization strategy. We defined an optimized RNA extraction and RT-qPCR protocol with an analytical sensitivity capable of single cell RNA detection. The diagnostic sensitivity of this assay was sufficient to show a CD8+ T cell peptide epitope hierarchy with as few as 1 × 104 cells. Finally, we compared our optimized RNA extraction and RT-qPCR protocol with current best-practice immune assays and demonstrated that our assay is a sensitive alternative to protein-based assays for peptide-specific responses, especially with limited PBMCs number. This protocol with high analytical and diagnostic sensitivity has broad applicability for both primary research and clinical practice

    The Effect of Altering Body Posture and Barbell Position on the Between-Session Reliability of Force-Time Curve Characteristics in the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull

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    Seventeen strength and power athletes (n = 11 males, 6 females; height: 177.5 ± 7.0 cm, 165.8 ± 11.4 cm; body mass: 90.0 ± 14.1 kg, 66.4 ± 13.9 kg; age: 30.6 ± 10.4 years, 30.8 ± 8.7 years), who regularly performed weightlifting movements during their resistance training programs, were recruited to examine the effect of altering body posture and barbell position on the between-session reliability of force-time characteristics generated in the isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). After participants were familiarised with the testing protocol, they undertook two testing sessions which were separated by seven days. In each session, the participants performed three maximal IMTP trials in each of the four testing positions examined, with the order of testing randomized. In each position, no significant differences were found between sessions for all force-time characteristics (p = \u3e0.05). Peak force (PF), time-specific force (F50, F90, F150, F200, F250) and IMP time-bands (0–50, 0–90, 0–150, 0–200, 0–250 ms) were reliable across each of the four testing positions (ICC ≥ 0.7, CV ≤ 15%). Time to peak force, peak RFD, RFD time-bands (0–50, 0–90, 0–150, 0–200, 0–250 ms) and peak IMP were unreliable regardless of the testing position used (ICC =15%). Overall, the use of body postures and barbell positions during the IMTP that do not correspond to the second pull of the clean have no adverse effect on the reliability of the force-time characteristics generated
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