562 research outputs found

    A different perspective on exogamy: Are non-migrant partners in mixed unions more liberal in their attitudes toward gender, family, and religion than other natives?

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    Classic assimilation theory perceives migrant-native intermarriage as both a means to and a result of immigrants' integration processes into host societies. The literature is increasingly focusing on marital exogamy of immigrants, yet almost nothing is known about their native partners. This explorative study contributes to the literature on migrant integration and social cohesion in Europe by asking whether the native partners in exogamous unions have different attitudes toward gender equality, sexual liberalization, family solidarity, and religiosity/secularization than natives in endogamous unions. Our theoretical considerations are based on preference, social exchange, and modernization theories. We use data of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) of seven countries. The sample size is 38,447 natives aged 18 to 85, of whom about 4% are in a mixed union. The regression results of the study are mixed. Persons in exogamous unions show greater agreement with family solidarity, are thus less individualistic than those in endogamous couples. Yet, mixing is associated with greater openness to sexual liberalization and gender equality as well as more secular attitudes. These findings can only partially be explained by socio-demographic control variables. Hence, immigrants in exogamous unions with natives may integrate into the more liberal milieu of their host societies, in which natives continue to place a high value on providing support to family members.Partnerschaften zwischen Zuwanderern und Angehörigen der Mehrheitsgesellschaft werden in der Assimilationstheorie als Ergebnis und Ausgangspunkt von Integrationsprozessen betrachtet. Während diese aber vorrangig auf Migranten und weniger auf Nicht-Migranten fokussiert, betrachtet unsere explorative Studie das Thema Integration in Europa mit Blick auf Nichtmigranten. Die Forschungsfrage ist, ob für diese die Unterstützung für Diversität und Exogamie in der Partnerwahl einhergeht mit Unterschieden in Einstellungen zu sexueller Liberalisierung, Geschlechtergleichstellung, familiärer Solidarität und Säkularisierung. Die theoretischen Überlegungen beziehen sich auf Präferenz-, Austausch- und Modernisierungstheorien. Genutzt werden Daten des Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) aus sieben Ländern mit 38,447 Nicht-Migranten im Alter von 18 bis 85, von denen etwa 4% in einer Partnerschaft mit einem Migranten sind. Die Ergebnisse der linearen Regressionen zeigen einerseits eine Verbindung zwischen Partnerschaften mit Migranten und einer stärkeren Betonung familiärer Solidarität, andererseits eine höhere Zustimmung zu Fragen der sexuellen Liberalisierung, Gleichstellung und Säkularisierung. Dies bedeutet, dass sich Migranten in exogamen Partnerschaften in liberalere Milieus der Aufnahmegesellschaft integrieren können, in denen gleichzeitig jedoch die Familie einen größeren Stellenwert hat

    Duality Based A Posteriori Error Estimation for Quasi-Periodic Solutions Using Time Averages

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    We propose an a posteriori error estimation technique for the computation of average functionals of solutions for nonlinear time dependent problems based on duality techniques. The exact solution is assumed to have a periodic or quasi-periodic behavior favoring a fixed mesh strategy in time. We show how to circumvent the need of solving time dependent dual problems. The estimator consists of an averaged residual weighted by sensitivity factors coming from a stationary dual problem and an additional averaging error term coming from nonlinearities of the operator considered. In order to illustrate this technique the resulting adaptive algorithm is applied to several model problems: a linear scalar parabolic problem with known exact solution, the nonsteady Navier–Stokes equations with known exact solution, and finally to the well-known benchmark problem for Navier–Stokes (flow behind a cylinder) in order to verify the modeling assumptions

    A finite element method for the resolution of the Reduced Navier-Stokes/Prandtl equations

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    A finite element method to solve the bidimensional Reduced Navier-Stokes Prandtl (RNS/P) equations is described. These equations are an asymptotical simplification of the full Navier-Stokes equations, obtained when one dimension of the domain is of one order smaller than the others. These aretherefore of particular interest to describe flows in channels or pipes of small diameter. A low order finite element discretization, based on a piecewise constant approximation of the pressure, is proposed and analyzed. Numerical experiments which consist in fluid flow simulations within a constricted pipe are provided. Comparisons with Navier-Stokes simulations allow to evaluate the performance of prediction of the finite element method, and of the model itself

    Active Learning and ICT in TEM

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    The University of Twente is a young and dynamic research university in the Netherlands where the development of new and relevant technological knowledge is at the forefront in research and education. The UT radically redesigned all the bachelor’s programmes in the academic year 2013-2014. All new bachelor’s programmes are designed according to our own Twente Educational Model (TEM). The TEM principles are (1) modular education, (2) active learning - project based work, (3) personal responsibility, (4) learning together and (5) quick and correct fit to get students in the most suitable degree programme. In the last two years several pilots focusing on active learning and ICT have been carried out within the TEM curriculum. These pilots include a peer feedback project, a peer instruction project and a digital portfolio system. All pilots are done in collaboration with faculty staff. They supply useful information for other Faculties. In this paper we focus in particular on peer feedback

    Local pressure‐correction for the Navier‐Stokes equations

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    This article presents a novel local pressure correction method for incompressible fluid flows and documents a numerical study of this method. Pressure correction methods decouple the velocity and pressure components of the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations and lead to a sequence of elliptic partial differential equations for both components instead of a saddle point problem. In some sit- uations, the equations for the velocity components are solved explicitly (with time step restrictions) and thus the elliptic pressure problem remains to be the most expensive step. Here, we employ a multiscale procedure for the solution of the Poisson problem related to pressure. The procedure replaces the global Poisson problem by local Poisson problems on subregions. We propose a new Robin-type boundary condition design for the local Poisson problems, which contains a coarse approximation of the global Poisson problem. Accordingly, no further communication between subregions is necessary and the method is perfectly adapted for parallel computations. Numerical experiments regarding a known analytical solution and flow around cylinder benchmarks show the effectivity of this new local pressure correction method

    Modelling of natural convection flows with large temperature differences : a benchmark problem for low Mach number solvers. Part 1, Reference solutions

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    There are very few reference solutions in the literature on non-Boussinesq natural convection flows. We propose here a test case problem which extends the well-known De Vahl Davis differentially heated square cavity problem to the case of large temperature differences for which the Boussinesq approximation is no longer valid. The paper is split in two parts: in this first part, we propose as yet unpublished reference solutions for cases characterized by a non-dimensional temperature difference of 0.6, (constant property and variable property cases) and (variable property case). These reference solutions were produced after a first international workshop organized by CEA and LIMSI in January 2000, in which the above authors volunteered to produce accurate numerical solutions from which the present reference solutions could be established

    Social Media Marketing in German Soccer : an Analysis of the Social Media Activities of the Bundesliga Clubs

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    Diese Arbeit definiert den Begriff Social Media im Allgemeinen und Social Media Marketing im Speziellen. Es wird beschrieben, in welchem Ausmaß Social Media Marketing von den professionellen Fußballvereinen der 1. und 2. Bundesliga in Deutschland betrieben wird. Darüber hinaus werden etwaige, daraus resultierende Chancen und Risiken des Social Media Marketings beschrieben. Abschließend werden die beschriebenen Grundlagen am Beispiel der beiden Fußballbundesligisten Hamburger SV und FC St. Pauli erläutert und dargestellt.This thesis defines the subject of Social Media in general and Social Media Marketing in particular. It describes the scope of Social Media Marketing activities of the professional soccer clubs of the German 1st and 2nd Bundesliga. In addition it explains potential opportunities and risks resulting from Social Media Marketing. In closing the thesis explains aforementioned theoretical fundamentals by the example of the Hamburger SV and FC St. Pauli

    Modelling and Analysis of Financial Network Dynamics

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    The dissertation pertains to the research activities with focus on the analysis and modelling of financial network dynamics and complex relationships between financial institutions, central banks and other participants of the financial markets. We develop a simulation-based network model, reproducing a stylized financial system, which is affected by strong idiosyncratic or systematic external shocks. We use this model to analyze the interaction between banks, different sectors of the real economy, and the central bank. The distinctive character of the presented model is that banks are affected by the initial distress depending on their individual asset structure, due to the fact that banks, real economy segments and the central bank are connected by various credit and investment links building a multi-layer network structure. The simulation experiments and results presented in this thesis show how diverse characteristics of the network itself and its environment as well as the properties of the systemic event exert influences on the dynamics within the network and thus on systemic risk. The tangible results often depend on a broad spectrum of factors. The results of this work underline that an effective monitoring and regulating of banking systems have to be based on a deep understanding of financial products and current developments in the financial markets, transparency of bank books to the greatest possible extent and a continuous development of sophisticated models using this knowledge and data

    Large contractors in Africa : conundrums with malaria chemoprophylaxis

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    BACKGROUND : Despite high levels of naturally-acquired immunity (NAI) within local communities in malaria high transmission settings in Africa, such people often experience clinical disease during peak transmission months due to high parasite challenge. Major recruiters of unskilled labour in high-transmission malaria settings in Africa generally withhold chemoprophylactic medication from this large component of their labour force, which if administered during peak “malaria season” could reduce incidence of clinical malaria without unduly affecting NAI. COMMENTARY : Naturally acquired immunity confers protection against severe clinical disease and death, but does not prevent mild clinical disease and, therefore, still results in worker absence and worker debilitation. Evidence exists that NAI persists despite periodic parasite clearance and therefore provides opportunity for drug prophylaxis during peak transmission months, which contributes to broader malaria elimination objectives, community well-being, and reduced absence from work. Such chemoprophylaxis could be by way of standard daily or weekly supervised administration of prophylactics during peak transmission months, or occasional intermittent preventive treatment (IPT), all aimed at reducing parasite burden and clinical disease. However, challenges exist regarding compliance with drug regimens over extended periods and high parasite resistance to recommended IPT drugs over much of Africa. Despite withholding chemoprophylactics, most large companies nevertheless pursue social responsibility programmes for malaria reduction by way of vigorous indoor residual spraying and bed net provision. CONCLUSIONS : The lack of clear understanding regarding functioning of NAI and its role in malaria elimination campaigns, concerns about drug resistance and appropriate drug choice, lack of studies in the use of IPT in people other than pregnant women and small children, plus lack of guidance regarding drug options for IPT in the face of widespread resistance to sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine, means that large contractors in malaria endemic settings will likely continue to withhold malaria prophylactic drugs from locally-recruited workers, with adverse consequences on workforce well-being. Nevertheless, if the point of chemoprophylaxis is to reduce clinical malaria by way of reducing parasite challenge without significantly impacting NAI, then a comparable result can be achieved by implementation of effective vector reduction programmes which minimize parasite transmission but maintain NAI.http://www.malariajournal.comam2017UP Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP CSMC

    Spread in South Africa of the Oriental latrine fly Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), an introduced species closely resembling Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve

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    Chrysomya megacephala, also known as the Oriental latrine fly, is indigenous to south-east Asia. During the 1970's it successfully invaded Africa and South America, and more recently during the 1980's also established itself in the United States of America. Although the first specimens from South Arica were collected from the south-western Cape Province in 1978, no published data appears to exist on its subsequent spread or status in southern Africa. During May 1991 a specimen of C. megacephala was incidentally captured near Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa, which prompted re-examination of blow-flies captured in the Kruger National Park during 1984. In this way it was found that C. megacephala was already well established in the south-eastern Transvaal by mid-1984. Adult C. megacephala can easily be confused with C. bezziana and medical/veterinary entomologists and veterinarians should take note of the existence of this species and the fact that it is probably widespread throughout southern Africa at this state.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201