659 research outputs found

    Informationsbedarf und Informationsverhalten von Melanom-Patienten zertifizierter deutscher Hauttumorzentren

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    Hintergrund: Das Informationsbedürfnis zählt zu den wichtigsten Bedürfnissen von Melanom-Patienten (MP). Diesem zu entsprechen und Patienten adäquat über ihren gesundheitlichen Zustand zu informieren, ist daher auch eine der wichtigsten supportiven Maßnahmen der Krebstherapie. Über die eigene Situation konkret Bescheid zu wissen, trägt dazu bei, Angst zu reduzieren, das persönliche Krankheitskontrollgefühl zu erhöhen sowie die Erkrankung besser bewältigen zu können. In Konsequenz ist die Zufriedenheit und Lebensqualität bei Krebspatienten höher, die sich gut aufgeklärt fühlen. Dennoch bleibt das Informationsbedürfnis häufig auch unerfüllt. Primäre Informationsquelle für Krebspatienten in Deutschland ist das persönliche Gespräch mit dem Arzt oder der Ärztin. Ist die Zeit für Arzt-Patienten- Gespräche jedoch knapp und/oder werden viele (medizinische) Informationen auf einmal vermittelt, ist es möglich, dass sich die Patienten überfordert und anschließend nicht angemessen informiert fühlen. Krebs- und so auch MP, nutzen verschiedene weitere Informationsquellen um Informationsdefizite auszugleichen. Trotz der steigenden Bedeutung des Internets, variieren Nutzung und Präferenzen der Informationsquellen mit Patientensubgruppen – so u.a. mit dem Alter, dem Bildungsstatus, dem sozio-ökonomischen Status, der Nationalität und dem generellen Bedarf nach umfassender Aufklärung über den eigenen Gesundheits- und Behandlungsstand. Analog variieren Inhalte und Umfang der Informationsbedürfnisse von MP u.a. mit dem Geschlecht, dem Alter, dem Stadium im Verlauf der Tumorerkrankung und der Erkrankungsschwere. An Primärdaten aus Deutschland fehlt es jedoch bislang. Zudem werden auch die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von MP mit Metastasen in der Literatur nur unzureichend abgedeckt. Um die Informationsbereitstellung und -versorgung von MP in Deutschland optimieren sowie bedarfsgerechter gestalten zu können, ist es grundlegend deren Informationsbedarf und Informationsverhalten zu kennen. Fragestellung: Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, a) die Informationsbedürfnisse von MP in Deutschland (und deren Subgruppen) sowie b) die durch sie bevorzugten Informationsquellen explorativ zu ermitteln. Es sollten Ansatzpunkte für Optimierungen bei der Informationsversorgung, insbesondere im Hinblick auf mediale Neu- oder Weiterentwicklungen aufgezeigt werden. Methodik: Zwischen Juli und Oktober 2016 wurde an insgesamt 27 zertifizierten deutschen Hauttumorzentren eine multizentrische (Querschnitts-)Befragung unter MP durchgeführt. MP konnten daran teilnehmen, wenn sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt und der deutschen Sprache mächtig waren. Patienten, die während des Befragungszeitraums eines der Hauttumorzentren besuchten, wurden konsekutiv zur Teilnahme eingeladen. Für die Befragung wurde ein eigens entwickelter, standardisierter Papierfragebogen genutzt, der kollektiv mit Patienten deutscher Hautkrebsselbsthilfegruppen, medizinischem sowie Sozialwissenschaftlichem Personal entwickelt wurde. Ein Pretest der präfinalen Version erfolgte mit zwanzig MP am Hauttumorzentrum Dresden. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mittels SPSS (Version 23). Um Subgruppenunterschiede bei den Informationsbedürfnissen sowie dem Informationsverhalten zu ermitteln, wurde für kategoriale Variablen der Chi² Unabhängigkeitstest und für metrische Variablen der nichtparametrische U-Test nach Mann-Whitney bzw. der Kruskal-Wallis-Test angewandt. Die binär logistische Regression wurde angewandt, um Prädiktoren für a) die Präsenz unerfüllter Informationsbedürfnisse, b) die Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Informationsstand sowie c) die Präferenzen verschiedener medialer Informationsquellen (Internet, Broschüren, TV/Videos, Journale/Magazine) zu ermitteln. Die statistische Signifikanz für alle Tests wurde für p < 0.05 festgelegt. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt 542 Melanom-Patienten nahmen an der Befragung teil. Die Daten von 529 Patienten (Response-Rate: 54%) konnten ausgewertet werden. Von den Teilnehmern waren 56% männlich, 61% älter als 55 Jahre, 67% waren von Metastasen betroffen (klinisches Stadium III oder IV), 49% erhielten zum Befragungszeitpunkt eine medizinische Behandlung und 47% befanden sich in der Nachsorge. 14% der MP wurden stationär und 83% ambulant betreut. Informationsbedarf: 69% der Befragten gaben an, sich generell so viele Informationen wie möglich über ihre Erkrankung und deren Behandlung zu wünschen und 78% gaben an sehr oder eher zufrieden mit dem eigenen Informationsstand zu sein. Gleichzeitig äußerten 55% der Befragten jedoch auch, weiteren Informationsbedarf zu haben. Am wenigsten fühlten sich die MP über psychosoziale Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten (24-31% kaum oder gar nicht) informiert. Am häufigsten (von jeweils 35%) wurden sich mehr Informationen zum voraussichtlichen Krankheitsverlauf, Behandlungsoptionen und Heilungschancen gewünscht. Den höchsten Informationsbedarf gaben MP mit Tumorprogression an. Außerdem berichteten MP < 55 Jahren signifikant häufiger als ältere MP (63% vs. 50%; p = .003) weiteren Informationsbedarf zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Erkrankung, ebenso wie MP die sich aktuell in Behandlung befanden im Vergleich zu Nachsorgepatienten (63% vs. 47%; p < .001). Die binäre Regressionsanalyse ergab u.a., dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit unerfüllte Informationsbedürfnisse zu haben bei MP, die sich generell viele Informationen wünschten, um 2.4 Mal höher war als bei denen, die sich durch viele Informationen eher überfordert fühlten. Subguppenunterschiede zeigten sich zudem bei den inhaltlichen Präferenzen, so z.B. wünschten sich Frauen und MP < 55 Jahren häufiger Informationen zu psychologischer Unterstützung als Männer (28% vs. 15%; p < .001) und MP ≥ 55 Jahre (25% vs. 17%; p = .038). Informationsverhalten: 81% der Befragten nutzten am häufigsten das persönliche Gespräch mit dem Arzt/der Ärztin um sich über ihre Erkrankung zu informieren. 58% wünschten sich von diesem jedoch auch Empfehlungen zu Informationsquellen, die sie außerhalb der Klinik nutzen können. Das Internet (63%) und Patientenbroschüren (58%) wurden am häufigsten als erst- oder zweitwichtigstes Medium für die indikationsbezogene Informationsbeschaffung angegeben. Die Angebote von Selbsthilfegruppen und Krebsberatungsstellen wurden nur durch 8 bzw. 12% jemals oder überhaupt genutzt. Als Prädiktoren für die präferierte Internetnutzung erwiesen sich das Alter < 55 Jahre, ein höherer Bildungsabschluss, ein generell hoher Informationsbedarf sowie Unwissenheit über den eigenen, aktuellen Stand der Erkrankung. Audiovisuelle Medien wurden hingegen von MP mit geringeren Bildungsabschlüssen präferiert. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse sensibilisieren dafür, welche Inhalte MP deutscher Hauttumorzentren primär interessieren, welche Defizite bei der Informationsversorgung aktuell bestehen und welche Inhalte für bestimmte Subgruppen wichtig sind. Diese Kenntnisse sind für die Führung von Arzt-Patienten-Gesprächen wichtig. Zum anderen liefern sie wichtige Anhaltspunkte für die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung bedarfsgerechter Informationsangebote. Die Ermittlung der wichtigsten medialen Informationsquellen ist richtungsweisend für künftige Entwicklungen im Bereich der Medien zur Informationsversorgung von MP. Den Gründen für die geringe Inanspruchnahme der Angebote von Selbsthilfegruppen und Krebsberatungsstellen durch MP sollte weiter nachgegangen werden, da beide Institutionsformen wichtige, unterstützende, supplementäre Angebote zur klinischen Versorgung darstellen.:Abkürzungen 4 1. Einführung in die Thematik 5 1.1 Wissenschaftliche Ausgangssituation 6 1.1.1 Verbreitung des Melanoms in Deutschland 6 1.1.2 Forschungsstand zu Informationsbedürfnissen von Melanom-Patienten 7 1.1.3 Forschungsstand zum Informationsverhalten von Melanom-Patienten 8 1.2 Theoretischer und wissenschaftlicher Ansatz der eigenen Arbeiten 9 1.2.1 Fragebogenentwicklung 9 1.2.2 Studiendurchführung 10 1.2.3 Datenauswertung 10 1.3 Erarbeitete wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 11 1.3.1 Charakteristika der teilnehmenden Melanom-Patienten 11 1.3.2 Informationsstand der Patienten zu verschiedenen Aspekten ihrer Erkrankung 11 1.3.3 Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Informationsstand 11 1.3.4 Präsenz unerfüllter Informationsbedürfnisse 12 1.3.5 Inhaltliche Informationsbedürfnisse und -präferenzen 12 1.3.6 Nutzung verschiedener Informationsquellen 12 1.3.7 Präferenzen medialer Informationsquellen 13 1.3.8 Rolle des Arztes bzw. der Ärztin 13 1.3.9 Zufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen aus verschiedenen Informationsquellen 13 2. Publikation 1: Unmet information needs of patients with melanoma in Germany 15 3. Publikation 2: Information-seeking and use of information resources among melanoma patients of German skin cancer centers 25 4. Diskussion und Ausblick 35 4.1 Limitationen 40 4.2 Ausblick 41 5. Zusammenfassung 43 6. Summary 46 7. Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 49 AnlagenBackground: The need for information is one of the greatest needs reported by melanoma patients (MP). Satisfying unmet information needs (UIN) is an important measure of supportive cancer care since it can reduce anxiety, improve compliance with therapy and, increase the feeling of personal control, thereby improving coping with the disease itself. Cancer patients in Germany prefer consultations with the physician to acquire information about their condition. However, the physician’s time is usually limited and sometimes many detailed medical facts are provided at once. In such cases patients may have difficulty in understanding or be unable to absorb all the information and recall them correctly. This can lead to their feeling inadequately informed. Another problem is that patients may fail to address all their concerns during medical consultations and thus some questions may remain unanswered. To compensate for information deficits, many cancer patients search and use other information resources (IR). Recent research suggests that the information-seeking behavior of cancer patients, including those with melanoma, has been changing alongside the application of modern media. However, not all cancer patients use and prefer the internet or smartphone apps to seek for information, for instance. Rather, usage and preferences of IR vary with the patient’s age, education, socioeconomic status, nationality and the general need in receiving comprehensive information about their own condition. Previous research further has shown that information and supportive care for melanoma patients has to be adapted to the stage of disease, the patients’ gender age and educational level. So far, the UIN of melanoma patients in Germany and of MP with metastases are not covered well in the literature. In order to optimize and adapt information provision to the needs of MPs in Germany, it is essential to know about their specific UIN and informationseeking behavior. Objective: The aim of the present study was therefore, to exploratively investigate a) the UIN of MP in Germany (and their subgroups), and b) to determine the IR they prefer. Starting points for the optimization of information provision in MP should be determined, in particular in terms of developments in the media. Methods: From July to October 2016, a multicenter cross-sectional survey of MP was conducted at 27 accredited German skin cancer centers. MPs were eligible for participation if they had a minimum age of 18 years and were able to understand and speak the German language. Patients attending a skin cancer center during the survey period were consecutively invited to participate. For the survey, a standardized paper questionnaire was specially devised, and was developed collectively with patients of German skin cancer self-help groups as well as medical and scientific staff. A pretest was done by twenty MP at the Dresden skin cancer center. For data analysis SPSS (version 23) was used. The Chi² test was used for categorical variables and the non-parametric U-test (Mann-Whitney) or the Kruskal-Wallis test were used for metric variables to identify subgroup differences in UIN and the information-seeking behavior. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of a) the presence of UIN, b) satisfaction with the MPs’ own information level, and c) the preferences of various media (internet, booklets, TV/videos, journals/magazines). Statistical significance was set at p 55 years, 67% were affected by metastatic melanoma, and 49% received medical treatment at the time of the survey. 14% of participants were inpatients and 83% received outpatient care. Unmet information needs: In general, 69% of the MP preferred to be informed on their condition as much as possible, and 78% described themselves as rather or even very satisfied with their knowledge about their condition. However, more than half of the participants (55%) reported UIN. They most often felt poorly or not at all informed about social (31%) and psychological support (24%), and about the consequences of the disease for their private life (23%). Most MP wished more information on treatments, the course of disease and chances of cure (each for 35%). The significantly highest number of UIN was reported by MP with tumor progression. Furthermore, MP aging < 55 years as well as MPs currently receiving medical treatment reported UIN significantly more often than older MPs (63% vs. 50%, p = .003) and post-treatment MP (63% vs. 47%, p <.001). Binary regression analysis indicated that the probability of having UIN was 2.4 times higher for MPs who generally preferred as much information as possible, than for those who felt overwhelmed by too much information. Subgroup differences were also found in the content preferences, e.g. women and MP aging < 55 years more often wished information on psychological support than men (28% vs. 15%, p <.001) and MP ≥ 55 years (25% vs. 17%, p = .038). Information-seeking: 81% of the MP reported consultations with the physician as the source of information they most frequently used to acquire information about their own condition. However, 58% also wanted recommendations on sources of information that they could use outside the clinic. When asked about how important particular media were, 63% of MP awarded the internet and 58% awarded booklets as first or second most important for information-seeking. Services from self-help groups and cancer counseling centers were used by only 8% - 12% of the surveyed MP at all. Aging < 55 years, a higher education, a generally high need for information as well as unawareness about the own current condition proved to be predictors of the preferred internet use. Audiovisual media, however, were preferred by MP with lower education. Conclusions: The results raise awareness of topics that are primarily of interest for MP of German skin cancer centers, which deficits in information provision currently exist and what topics are more important to several subgroups. The findings are important to be considered during medical consultations. On the other hand, they indicate what content MPs expect to be educated about, even by media. The identification of media preferences points out what information resources will be important to MPs for information acquisition in the future, and in which area developments should be forced. Current underuse of peer support from self-help groups and cancer counseling centers by MP should be further explored and ideally remedied because both types of facility provide help in various respects and can supplement clinical care.:Abkürzungen 4 1. Einführung in die Thematik 5 1.1 Wissenschaftliche Ausgangssituation 6 1.1.1 Verbreitung des Melanoms in Deutschland 6 1.1.2 Forschungsstand zu Informationsbedürfnissen von Melanom-Patienten 7 1.1.3 Forschungsstand zum Informationsverhalten von Melanom-Patienten 8 1.2 Theoretischer und wissenschaftlicher Ansatz der eigenen Arbeiten 9 1.2.1 Fragebogenentwicklung 9 1.2.2 Studiendurchführung 10 1.2.3 Datenauswertung 10 1.3 Erarbeitete wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 11 1.3.1 Charakteristika der teilnehmenden Melanom-Patienten 11 1.3.2 Informationsstand der Patienten zu verschiedenen Aspekten ihrer Erkrankung 11 1.3.3 Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Informationsstand 11 1.3.4 Präsenz unerfüllter Informationsbedürfnisse 12 1.3.5 Inhaltliche Informationsbedürfnisse und -präferenzen 12 1.3.6 Nutzung verschiedener Informationsquellen 12 1.3.7 Präferenzen medialer Informationsquellen 13 1.3.8 Rolle des Arztes bzw. der Ärztin 13 1.3.9 Zufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen aus verschiedenen Informationsquellen 13 2. Publikation 1: Unmet information needs of patients with melanoma in Germany 15 3. Publikation 2: Information-seeking and use of information resources among melanoma patients of German skin cancer centers 25 4. Diskussion und Ausblick 35 4.1 Limitationen 40 4.2 Ausblick 41 5. Zusammenfassung 43 6. Summary 46 7. Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 49 Anlage

    Reuse in Architecture & Structural Design

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    Introduction The construction industry has an extensive impact on the global environment and will be facing three big challenges in the next decades: reducing its resource consumption, decreasing its energy use, and limiting its waste production. This is even more crucial, considering global population growth and increasing urbanization. Consequently, a shift of paradigm from a linear economy of make-use-dispose, towards a circular economy that advocates closed loops within the service life of materials and components is required. Recycling currently is the common strategy to make use of obsolete materials; however, it involves energy for reprocessing (e.g. melting steel scrap). Instead, direct reuse of components close to their original form has the potential to reduce environmental impacts further because sourcing additional raw material is avoided and only few energy is spent for transformation [1]. In the case of buildings and infrastructures, load-bearing systems contribute the most to the embodied environmental impacts. This is because of their big mass and energy intensive construction process. These observations suggest that reusing structural elements has large potential to reduce the environmental footprint of building structures. Reused components may consequently have a longer service life than the systems to which they initially belonged and disassembled buildings become a mine for new constructions. This idea is of course not a today’s invention, but has found application already far in the past as well as in recent building projects. Before industrialization, most building materials were sourced locally and reuse of building materials and components was the rule because it was more cost and time efficient than new production [1]. The scarcity of building materials had to be considered in design and construction. A classic example is the reuse of bricks throughout the Roman and Greek eras or in post-war times. Remarkable are also the stone columns of the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain, which were reused from nearby Roman and Visigoth ruins to support Moorish double arches (Fig. 1a). More recently, the steel structure of the BedZED project in London (Fig. 1b) was constructed from 90 % locally reclaimed elements [2]. Many other contemporary case studies in which bricks, timber, or steel elements have been reused are reported in [1] and [2]. An outstanding structure is the London Olympic Stadium (Fig. 1c), whose roof truss incorporates 2000 tons of steel pipeline tubes reused from a nearby development project [3]. At smaller scale, a strained grid-shell pavilion made of reclaimed skis has been built by the researchers at EPFL’s Structural Xploration Lab (Fig 1d). Recently this environmental-aware architectural and structural design is evolving. In addition, governments have understood the potential of circular economy and circular design. For instance, the European Commission has issued an EU action plan for the circular economy in order to reduce waste and landfill. Research While historic and contemporary projects, especially in Europe, highlight the environmental, time or cost benefits of building with reclaimed (structural) elements, many technological challenges remain. Buildings have to be carefully disassembled, which is often only possible for steel or wooden structures that are joined with reversible connections, or when elements can be cut and member ends are reshaped to fit new settings. Further, the quality and structural capacity of reclaimed elements has to be ensured. Under these assumptions, this research focuses on the standpoint of composing building structures from a stock of reclaimed elements. This entails reversing the conventional design process. The constrained availability of elements dictates the layout (topology and geometry) of the designed structure due to the a-priori set geometric and mechanical properties. The design shifts towards a “form follows availability” paradigm [1]. Structural optimization methods, which traditionally seek best performing structural systems under given boundary conditions, can be extended to integrate and facilitate element reuse in structural design. This research uses the combination of combinatorial optimization and form-finding methods to design reticulated structures from a given stock of reclaimed elements [4], where: 1) available elements are grouped by material, structural capacity and dimensions, 2) an optimal assignment of a subset of stock elements into a structural system is performed, and 3) the structure geometry is optimized. Generally, the assignment step 2) minimizes the structural weight to optimally utilize the available element capacities, whereas the geometry optimization step 3) is carried out to match truss geometry and available element lengths. This method is applied to optimize truss systems subject to differently composed stocks. In each case, varying cross section sizes or element lengths result in a different outcome of the designs. Figure 2 (a) shows a typical roof truss design, which is loaded at the top chord and is used as the initial topology for the introduced optimization method. The obtained layout for the case of using Stock A is reported in Fig. 1b. This stock consist of elements with 3.00m length which are n = 4 times available for each of the six cross-section groups. The use of the stock is indicated by the superimposed magenta colored bars on top of the grey ones. Due to limitations of the stock to 3.00 m elements only, the truss layout contains two arrays of three almost equilateral triangles. For the truss made from Stock B, which is composed of equivalent cross section groups but with variable element lengths, the found geometry is shallower and vaulted. In both cases, the geometry optimization allows to use most of the stock members with their full length. The exploration of these case studies concludes that the availability of elements has a significant influence on the final structural design as well as its structural performance. For example, if an insufficient amount of elements with small cross-sections is available, the structure will be oversized (i.e. the capacity of available members is not utilized) and environmental savings are diminished. Conclusion The proposed optimization and form finding method renders a first step towards facilitating the design with reused elements where the outcome is not as predictable as in the well-established conventional structural design process. Future research will extend this method towards different structural typologies such as bending and frame systems. Further, the question of customized connection details enabling the joining of stock elements has to be addressed

    Controlling Spontaneous Orientation Polarization in Organic Semiconductors -- The Case of Phosphine Oxides

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    Upon film growth by physical vapor deposition, the preferential orientation of polar organic molecules can result in a non-zero permanent dipole moment (PDM) alignment, causing a macroscopic film polarization. This effect, known as spontaneous orientation polarization (SOP), was studied in the case of different phosphine oxides. We investigate the control of SOP by molecular design and film-growth conditions. Our results show that using less polar phosphine oxides with just one phosphor-oxygen bond yields an exceptionally high degree of SOP with the so-called giant surface potential (slope) reaching more than 150mV/nm in a neat BCPO film grown at room temperature. Additionally, by altering the evaporation rate and the substrate temperature, we are able to control the SOP magnitude over a broad range from 0 to almost 300mV/nm. Diluting BCPO in a non-polar host enhances the PDM alignment only marginally, but combining temperature control together with dipolar doping can result in almost perfectly aligned molecules with more than 80% of their PDMs standing upright on the substrate on average

    Cytokinins shape plant-herbivore interactions in Nicotiana attenuata

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    Cytokinins (CK), a group of plant hormones, are well known for their functions in growth and development as well as in environmental interactions. Except for some prominent examples like green islands and leafgalls caused by endophytic insects via CK, only little is known about the function of CK in plantinsect interaction. In my thesis I have studied the role of CK in the ecological model plant Nicotiana attenuata and two of its most abundant specialized free living herbivores, the larvae of the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta as well as the mirid bug Tupiocoris notatus. I studied the effect of herbivory on CK levels and CK pathway and used transgenic plants with altered CK biosynthesis or perception to demonstrate the effect of CK on expression of herbivore induced defenses (HID). HID follow a developmentally dependent concentrationgradient predicted by the Optimal Defense Theory: High concentrations of HID in young leaves with a higher value for the plants reproductive success, and low levels in old leaves. We observed that CK follow the same gradient and that increasing CK levels in old leaves was sufficient to increase HID levels in old leaves to levels comparable to young leaves. However, this increase in HID did not improve the plants resistance against herbivory. This is possibly due to CK simultaneously inhibiting senesce processes which might be an important part of a plants defense against specialized herbivores. T. notatus seems capable to actively manipulate these senescence processes via CK and stabilize nutrient levels in attacked leaves. With 15N labeled plants we could prove that T. notatus transfers the CK N6isopentenyladenine to its hostplant via its oral secretions. A phenomenon so far not described for free living insects. Based on my results I suggest that the role of CK goes far beyond the known cases of endophytes and that CK have rather a key role in the interaction of plants and insects

    Eine deutsche ‚Schicksalsgemeinschaft‘ im Spiegel ihrer Namen: Studie zu Bernhard Schlinks Roman Der Vorleser

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    School student Michael Berg (15) becomes involved in an erotic relationship with Hanna Schmitz (36), to whom he reads from works of literature during their lovers’ trysts. Hanna constantly calls Michael mein Jungchen (‚my young laddie‘), while the latter addresses her not just as Hanna but also using pet names such as Boukeffelchen (Alexander the Great’s tempestuous war horse was called Boukephalos). Years later Michael recognizes Hanna among the accused in a concentration camp trial. When she falsely assumes responsibility for the authorship of a report on the death of a group of concentration camp prisoners, Michael realizes that Hanna would rather accept a long prison sentence than admit to her illiteracy. The name Michael Berg reminds us of locations around Heidelberg (e.g. Michelsberg); Berg also alludes to the hill as a location of insights and to Michael’s complicated Schicksalsgemeinschaft with a concentration camp guard. While the simplified name Hanna evokes childishness and motherliness, Schmitz recalls the hissing of the horsewhip used by many concentration camp supervisors. Hanna also readily evokes the name Hannah Arendt, while Schmitz is a common, everyday surname whose occurrence is reminiscent of A Report on the Banality of Evil, the subtitle of Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem

    Anthroponymes et toponymes dans Le testament français d’Andreï Makine: la centralité des noms littéraires

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    Having emigrated from France to Russia, Charlotte Lemonnier has survived the cruelties of the Stalinist regime and the Second World War. Maintaining great serenity of soul, she lives freely among the inhabitants of a small village in Siberia, conveying to her grandson Alyosha a vivid image of the freedom available in France as well as a feel for the French language. The adolescent tries to reconcile Charlotte’s tales with the Russian mentality and the hardships of life in Russia, but fails in his aspirations, particularly in the domain of eroticism. He eventually emigrates to France, where he seeks to overcome Anthroponymes et toponymes dans Le testament français d’Andreï Makine 125 his disappointment by writing novels in French. Through Charlotte’s posthumous letter, Alyosha realizes that he was born in a gulag as the fruit of a coercive sexual relationship imposed on an imprisoned female kulak. The present study is based on the hypothesis that poetonyms contribute significantly to the constitution of the meaning of literary texts. Despite the centrality of literary names in Makine’s novel, however, its poetonyms have not yet been studied in any detail. I will therefore analyse symbolic, etymological, historic, geographic, anagrammatic aspects, etc. of the most important anthroponyms and toponyms that occur in this novel (Alyosha, Charlotte, Pashka, Félix Faure / Atlantide, Boyarsk, Saranza, Stalinka …). By combining the different names and placing them in their French and Russian linguistic contexts, I will show that there is a movement from one cultural background to the other. Thus, through name configuration in particular, Dreams of My Russian Summers portrays a multicultural migration between France and Russia – between East and West. Dreams of my Russian Summers is a Bildungsroman that encompasses several issues: identity formation (what shall I be: Russian, French, cosmopolitan?); sentimental education (love, what is it?); disappointment; and, finally, awareness of reality.