562 research outputs found

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 26-Peyami-İlhami Saf

    Using the Analysis of Logistic Regression Model in Auditing and Detection of Frauds

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    Fraud is defined as intentional actions in which one or more people, including from the management, employees, or the third parties, venture to obtain an unjust or illegal benefit. According to the researches, the average cost of fraud was determined as 5% of total incomes. The fraud, which has the results like a financial iceberg besides the direct losses, causes damages like loss of reputation, and adverse effects of customer relations. Auditing and detection of fraud, which has such vast effects, is of great importance. In this study, we have developed a model that is designed for detecting mistreatments with logistic regression and the abuses in the performance-based salary system in the health sector. For this, some imaginary surgery data were added into the actual data of laparoscopic cholecystectomy operations performed in a public hospital in 2015, and to distinguish this fictitious data, the success of the generated logistic regression model was tested. Consequently, it shows that the model had 83.30% of the success rate for detecting the false data added to real data

    Mikroarray veritabanlarının doku spesifik genlerin belirlenmesindeki potansiyeli]

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    Tissue specific genes play important roles in development and metabolism. Currently, GenBank has 3363628 GEO Profiles and 397988 microarray data related to various tissues. To evaluate the huge amounts of data and identify tissue specific genes, it is necessary to develop and use new strategies. To that end, this study discusses if microarray and microarray related GEO Profiles are a useful tool to identify new tissue specific genes. In the current study, adipose tissue sellected as a target tissue in order to find new tissue specific genes. Therefore, the human and mouse microarray data were analyzed comparatively. To support the microarray data, adipose tissue related GEO Profiles were selected from PubMed. Subsequently, adipose tissue related microarray and GEO Profiles were analysed simultaneously. According to analysis of microarray and GEO Profiles, Chrdl1 (Chordin-like 1) gene was hypothesized as a novel adipose specific gene. In order to test the hypothesis, RT-PCR analysis were performed for the bovine tissue distribution. As a result, the hypothesis was successfully tested and Chrdl1 gene was found highly specific in bovine adipose tissue than in various other tissues. Thus, it is concluded that microarray and microarray related GEO Profiles are a useful tool to identify new tissue specific genes

    Posttraumatski rast kod majki novorođenčadi primljene u neonatalnu jedinicu intenzivnog liječenja

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    This descriptive and cross-sectional study investigated social support and posttraumatic growth in 210 mothers whose newborns were hospitalized at neonatal intensive care unit. The study population consisted of all mothers living in the Niğde provincial center whose babies were admitted to the Level 1 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit between December 2007 and November 2008. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, the Impact of Event Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support were administered in the mothers’ homes. Posttraumatic growth was reported in 75.70% (n=210) mothers. The impact of event and perceived social support were highly (97.40%) predictive of posttraumatic growth. Traumatic events are frequently experienced within the healthcare system. Current research fi ndings are therefore extremely valuable for preventing the negative impact of traumatic events on individuals and for transforming the experience into an opportunity for growth.Ova deskriptivna poprečna studija ispitivala je društvenu potporu i posttraumatski rast u 210 majki čija je novorođenčad hospitalizirana u neonatalnoj jedinici intenzivnog liječenja. Ispitivana populacija obuhvatila je sve majke koje žive u pokrajini Niğde, a čija je novorođenčad primljena na 1. razinu neonatalne jedinice intenzivnog liječenja u razdoblju od prosinca 2007. do studenoga 2008. godine. Majkama su kući dostavljeni upitnici Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Impact of Event Scale i Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Posttraumatski rast je opisalo 75,70% od 210 majki. Utjecaj događaja i doživljena društvena potpora u visokoj su mjeri (97,40%) pretkazivali posttraumatski rast. Kako se traumatski događaji često doživljavaju unutar zdravstvenog sustava, nalazi dobiveni ovim istraživanjem veoma su vrijedni za sprječavanje negativnog utjecaja traumatskih događaja na pojedinca te za pretvaranje takvog iskustva u priliku za rast

    The Understanding of A New Public Administration And Its Effects on Traditional Public Personnel Regime

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    The issues of transferring the public servants into the status of contracted, associating success criteria of the personnel to the performance results, assigning high level senior public officials externally and limiting the terms of office are on the agenda within the scope of reshaping the regimen of public personnel after the Constitutional Amendment in 2017 in our country. It is necessary to see these demands as a reflection of the changes occurred in the administration of public sector due to the understanding of “New Public Administration” applied in the developed countries as of the middle of the 1980s. The traditional bureaucracy theory of Weber dominating the entire regime of public personnel for 20 centuries has been seriously criticized since 1980s due to his strictness and incompatibility to the change. As a result, the public personnel regime being shaped by the understanding of “New Public Administration” has been applied based on the argument that the public administration should comply with flexible and performance-oriented forms and perform resultoriented activities in the entire world and especially in OECD countries. In this respect, analyzing the effects of the understanding of “New Public Administration” on the traditional public personnel regime in a healthy manner has an utmost importance in terms of understanding the demand of change in our country.Ülkemizde 2017 yılı Anayasa değişikliği sonrası kamu personel rejiminin yeniden şekillendirilmesi kapsamında kamu personelinin sözleşmeli statüye geçirilmesi, kamu personelinin başarı kriterinin performans sonuçları ile ilişkilendirilmesi, üst düzey kamu görevlilerinin dışarıdan atanması ve görev sürelerinin sınırlandırılması konuları gündeme gelmektedir. Bu talepleri 1980’li yılların ortalarından itibaren gelişmiş ülkelerde uygulamaya konulan “Yeni Kamu Yönetimi” anlayışının kamu sektörünün yönetim tarzında meydana getirdiği değişimlerin bir yansıması olarak görmek gerekmektedir. Öyle ki 20. yy boyunca tüm kamu personel rejimine hakim olan Weber’in geleneksel bürokrasi teorisi, katılığı ve değişime karşı uyumsuzluğu nedeniyle 1980’li yıllardan itibaren ciddi şekilde eleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Bunun sonucu olarak başta OECD Ülkeleri olmak üzere tüm dünyada kamu yönetiminin esnek ve performans odaklı formlara uyması ve sonuç odaklı faaliyette bulunması gerektiği tezinden hareketle “Yeni Kamu Yönetimi” anlayışının şekillendirdiği kamu personel rejimi uygulamaya sokulmuştur. Bu açıdan “Yeni Kamu Yönetimi” anlayışının geleneksel kamu personel rejimine yönelik etkilerinin sağlıklı analiz edilmesi ülkemizdeki değişim talebinin anlaşılması açısından önem arz etmektedir

    Desarrollo de nanosistemas lipídicos para la liberación controlada de metalofármacos de platino(II) para el tratamiento de tumores colorrectales

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    Los complejos a base de platino son agentes quimioterapéuticos eficientes que han demostrado su actividad anticancerígena contra varios tipos de cáncer. Sin em-bargo, se deben considerar muchos desafíos para producir formulaciones derivadas de fármacos de platino novedosas y eficientes. La resistencia intrínseca o adquirida, la toxicidad limitante de la dosis, la degradación del fármaco, la baja solubilidad y, en consecuencia, la baja biodisponibilidad, se presentan como algunas de los aspectos que limitan las aplicaciones clínicas de los nuevos fármacos de platino. Estudios recientes muestran que ha habido un gran interés en desarrollar nuevas formulaciones de estos fármacos, para asegurar una mejor administración y ampliar el aspecto terapéutico. En este sentido, los nuevos avances en el desarrollo de vehículos para la administración de fármacos de platino ayudarán a aumentar su estabilidad y biodisponibilidad, junto con la reducción de su degradación y los efectos tóxicos secundarios indeseables que limitan su uso. En el presente trabajo de Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado dos sistemas de libe-ración (pasivo y activo) para el 8-QO-Pt, que aparece como un prometedor complejo de platino con actividad antitumoral, a la vez que un interesante modelo de estudio para fármacos poco solubles en agua. El primer sistema fue diseñado en base al lípido de ésteres cetílicos (SS) con la presencia de dos aceites líquidos diferentes: triglicérido cáprico o aceite de oliva, para la liberación controlada y lenta en el colon que garantiza la biodistribución de las na-nopartículas como tales, al mismo tiempo que liberan su cargamento. Aunque este sis-tema no pudo mostrar una actividad antitumoral superior sobre el fármaco libre, sí mostró efectos anticancerígenos comparables a él, pero sin los efectos deletéreos que se le relacionan y con una actividad biocida mejorada sobre las células cancerosas. En el segundo sistema, la formulación con triglicéridos cápricos que demostró mejores efectos en el primer sistema, se funcionalizó con riboflavina para generar un sistema de sitio-dirección activo. En este estudio se han desarrollado e investigado por primera vez sistemas NLC con riboflavina dirigida a la liberación controlada de fár-macos. Los resultados son superiores a los sistemas anticancerígenos dirigidos a RFV publicados en literatura y a la acción del fármaco libre tanto en monocapa como en modelos 3D de cáncer colorrectal. Además, la formulación inhibió la migración celular de los esferoides multicelulares de colon, lo que demuestra que el sistema NLC con riboflavina dirigida evidenció también propiedades antimetastásicas.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Identification of the temperature dependent relation between thermo-optical properties and morphology of semi-crystalline thermoplastics for thermoforming process

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    International audienceHeating stage of the thermoforming of thermoplastics are critical as it has great effect on their formability under forming and therefore product quality. As radiation heat transfer is widely used for the heating of thermoplastic preforms, physical background of the radiation heating of bulk thermoplastic polymers has to be understood well for an accurate prediction on their temperature profile. In the past, many numerical approaches were developed based on thermo-optical characteristics of thermoplastics whereas little attention was given to the relation between their microstructure and thermo-optical parameters. Considering semi-crystalline thermoplastics the effect of microcrystalline structure is key to identify the thermo-optical properties and develop an accurate numerical radiative heat transfer model for optimization of thermoforming process. Previous studies in literature showed that there is a strong coupling between microstructure of semi-crystalline thermoplastics and their thermo-optical properties in the near-infrared spectral region. In the present work, the relation between thermo-optical characteristics and microstructure of polyolefin-based (PO) polymer was studied considering the change in its morphology at various temperatures. The optical characteristics of the PO were experimentally analyzed under heating conditions using an in-house developed device that is built using a Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, integrating sphere and heating plate. Thanks to the analyses, the changes in the thermo-optical properties of the PO were correlated to its varying morphology under increasing temperature. As semi-crystalline thermoplastics are heated up to melting temperature to soften enough for successful forming process, their microcrystalline structure may show variation above glass transition temperature and this temperature-dependent relation cannot be neglected for building an accurate numerical model for infrared heating assisted thermoforming

    Supporting Worth Mapping with Sentence Completion

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    Expectations for design and evaluation approaches are set by the development practices within which they are used. Worth Centred Development (WCD) seeks to both shape and fit such practices. We report a study that combined two WCD approaches. Sentence completion gathered credible quantitative data on user values, which were used to identify relevant values and aversions of two player groups for an online gambling site. These values provided human value elements for a complementary WCD approach of worth mapping. Initial worth maps were extended in three workshops, which focused on outcomes and user experiences that could be better addressed in the current product and associated marketing materials. We describe how worth maps were prepared for, and presented in, workshops, and how product owners and associated business roles evaluated the combination of WCD approaches. Based on our experiences, we offer practical advice on this combinination